Tel.: +49 931 31-88745
Fax: +49 931 31-85544
E-Mail: felix.pollinger@uni-wuerzburg.de
Institute of Geography and Geology
Working group Climatology - Team Climate
Am Hubland
97074 Wuerzburg
Campus Hubland South
Geography Building
Room 233, entry via room 209
- climatology
- large-scale atmospheric dynamics
- applied statistics
- scientific computing in the geosciences
BigData@Geo 2.0 - From Data to Action mittels KI und Web-Lösungen im Nexus Klimawandel - nordbayerischer Agrarsektor
- funding
Europäische Union - Fonds für regionale Entwicklung - duration
05/2023 - 04/2028 - project leaders
Univ.-Prof. Dr. Heiko Paeth, (Climatology)
Univ.-Prof. Dr. Andreas Hotho, (Data Science)
Univ.-Prof. Dr. Stefan Dech, (Remote Sensing) - project management
Katharina Pröstler (Climatology) - project administration
Dipl.-Math Lena Hettinger (Data Science)
Sabine Oppmann (Climatology) - project staff
Dr. Mirjana Bevana (Remote Sensing)
Florian Gallusser, M.Sc. (Data Science)
Dr. Luzia Keupp (Climatology)
apl. Prof. Dr. Christof Kneisel (Climatology)
Dr. Anna Krause (Data Science)
Dr. Felix Pollinger (Climatology)
Dr. Martin Wegmann (Remote Sensing)
Dr. Katrin Ziegler (Climatology) - former project staff
Pascal Janetzky, M.Sc. (Data Science)
Dr. Praveen Rai (Climatology)
Dr. Sarah Schönbrodt-Stitt (Remote Sensing) - project website
Big Data@Geo - Big Data in the field of Geography – Advanced environmental technologies using AI in the Web
- funding
Europäische Union - Fonds für regionale Entwicklung - duration
10/2017 - 09/2022 - project bundle
EFRE "Investitionen in Wachstum und Beschäftigung" Bayern 2014 – 2020 - project leaders
Univ.-Prof. Dr. Roland Baumhauer
Prof. Dr. Andreas Hotho, Chair of Data Science (Informatik X)
Univ.-Prof. Dr. Heiko Paeth - project administration
Sophie-Luise Wollrab - project staff
Baumann, Miriam, M.Sc.
Dr. Christian Büdel
Christian Hartmann, M.Sc.
Luzia Keupp, M.Sc.
Julian Krause, M.Sc.
Dr. Martin Krech
Dr. Felix Pollinger
Christian Schäfer, M.Sc.
PD Dr. Tobias Ullmann - former project staff
Daniel Abel, M.Sc.
Freddy Bangelesa, M.Sc.
Christoph Ring, Dr.
Daniel Schönbein, M.Sc.
Martina Wilde, M.Sc.
Katrin Ziegler, M.Sc.
apl. Prof. Dr. Bernd Zimanowski - further information
Projektbeschreibung - project cooperations
Biolandhof Ernst Rauh, Giebelstadt
Bio-Weingut Schloss Saaleck, Hammelburg
Forstbetrieb Fürst zu Löwenstein-Wertheim-Rosenberg, Hafenlohr
Forstbetrieb Paul Freiherr von und zu Franckenstein, Ullstadt
Fürstlich Castell’sches Domänenamt, Castell
Gartenbau Alfred Hartmann, Mainsondheim
Main-Streuobst-Bienen e.G., Margetshöchheim
Obsthof Zörner, Dettelbach
Ökonomie der Abtei Münsterschwarzach, Schwarzach am Main
Schloss Gut Obbach, Euerbach-Obbach
Weingut Artur Steinmann, Sommerhausen
Weingut Roth, Wiesenbronn
Weingut Rudolf Fürst, Burgstadt am Main
Weingut Thomas Schwab und Martin Schwab GBR, Thüngersheim
Weingut Wirsching, Iphofen - former project cooperations
Mustea Quittenanbau - Biolandhof, Untereisenheim - contact
Univ.-Prof. Dr. Heiko Paeth
POLLINGER, Felix (2014):
Bewertung und Auswirkungen der Simulationsgüte führender Klimamoden in einem Multi-Modell Ensemble
(URN: urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-97982)
Supervisors: Univ.-Prof. Dr. Heiko Paeth, Prof. Dr. Dieter Scherer
Examiners: Univ.-Prof. Dr. Heiko Paeth, Univ.-Prof. Dr. Hartwig Frimmel
since 10/2009
current position as scientific staff at the Institute of Geography and Geology, Chair of Physical Geography
10/2015 - 07/2016
participation in COMEPRO (project funded by the German Research Foundation DFG)
PhD (Dr. reg. nat.) Thesis: Evaluation and Consequences of the simulation quality of prominent climate modes in a multi-model ensemble
Diploma in Geography (Thesis: Signal analysis of extratropical circulation modes)
2004 - 2009
study of geography at the University of Wuerzburg
03/2009 - 08/2009
research assistant at the Instute of Ecology (Chair of Climatology) at TU Berlin
01/2008 - 02/2008
research assistant at the German Environment Agency (Umweltbundesamt)
Gafurov, A. and Pollinger, F. (2024):
Impacts of climate change in Central Asia.
[DOI] In Reference Module in Earth Systems and Environmental Sciences. Elsevier.
Rai, P., Bangelesa, F., Abel, D., Ziegler, K., Huang, J., Schaffhauser, T., Pollinger, F., Disse, M. and Paeth, H. (2024):
Extreme precipitation and temperature indices under future climate change in central Asia based on CORDEX-CORE
[DOI] Theoretical and Applied Climatology, 155, 6015–6039.
Bangelesa, F., Abel, D., Pollinger, F., Rai, P., Ziegler, K., Ebengo, D., Tshimanga, R. M., Mala Ali, M., Knight, J. and Paeth, H. (2023):
Projected changes in rainfall amount and distribution in the Democratic Republic of Congo – Evidence from an ensemble of high-resolution climate simulations.
[DOI] Weather and Climate Extremes, 42, 100620.
Bangelesa, F., Pollinger, F., Sponholz, B., Mapatano, M. A., Hatløy, A. and Paeth, H. (2023):
Statistical-dynamical modeling of the maize yield response to future climate change in West, East and Central Africa using the regional climate model REMO.
[DOI] The Science of the total environment, 905, 167265.
Paeth, H., Schönbein, D., Keupp, L., Abel, D., Bangelesa, F., Baumann, M., Büdel, C., Hartmann, C., Kneisel, C., Kobs, K., Krause, J., Krech, M., Pollinger, F., Schäfer, C., Steininger, M., Terhorst, B., Ullmann, T., Wilde, M., Ziegler, K., Zimanowski, B., Baumhauer, R. and Hotho, A. (2023):
Climate change information tailored to the agricultural sector in Central Europe, exemplified on the region of Lower Franconia.
[DOI] Climatic Change, 176(10).
Rai, P., Ziegler, K., Abel, D., Pollinger, F. and Paeth, H. (2022):
Performance of a regional climate model with interactive vegetation (REMO-iMOVE) over Central Asia.
[DOI] Theoretical and Applied Climatology, 150(3-4), 1385–1405.
Kirchner, A., Schmitt, M., Pollinger, F., Thiel, M. and Paeth, H. (2021):
Relationship between soil sealing and local to regional climate in Germany.
[DOI] Meteorologische Zeitschrift, 30(5), 381–390.
Li, J., Pollinger, F. and Paeth, H. (2020):
Comparing the Lasso Predictor-Selection and Regression Method with Classical Approaches of Precipitation Bias Adjustment in Decadal Climate Predictions.
[DOI] Monthly Weather Review, 148(10), 4339–4351.
Paeth, H. and Pollinger, F. (2020):
Revisiting the spatiotemporal characteristics of past and future global warming.
[DOI] Erdkunde, 74(4), 225–247.
Ziegler, K., Pollinger, F., Böll, S. and Paeth, H. (2020):
Statistical modeling of phenology in Bavaria based on past and future meteorological information.
[DOI] Theoretical and Applied Climatology, 140(3-4), 1467–1481.
Kaspar-Ott, I., Hertig, E., Kaspar, S., Pollinger, F., Ring, C., Paeth, H. and Jacobeit, J. (2019):
Weights for general circulation models from CMIP3/CMIP5 in a statistical downscaling framework and the impact on future Mediterranean precipitation.
[DOI] International Journal of Climatology, 39(8), 3639–3654.
Keupp, L., Hertig, E., Kaspar-Ott, I., Pollinger, F., Ring, C., Paeth, H. and Jacobeit, J. (2019):
Weighted multi-model ensemble projection of extreme precipitation in the Mediterranean region using statistical downscaling.
[DOI] Theoretical and Applied Climatology, 138(3-4), 1269–1295.
Li, J., Pollinger, F., Panitz, H.-J., Feldmann, H. and Paeth, H. (2019):
Bias adjustment for decadal predictions of precipitation in Europe from CCLM.
[DOI] Climate Dynamics, 53(3-4), 1323–1340.
Paeth, H., Li, J., Pollinger, F., Müller, W. A., Pohlmann, H., Feldmann, H. and Panitz, H.-J. (2019):
An effective drift correction for dynamical downscaling of decadal global climate predictions.
[DOI] Climate Dynamics, 52(3-4), 1343–1357.
Paeth, H. and Pollinger, F. (2019):
Changes in mean flow and atmospheric wave activity in the North Atlantic sector.
[DOI] Quarterly Journal of the Royal Meteorological Society, 145(725), 3801–3818.
Paeth, H., Steger, C., Li, J., Pollinger, F., Mutz, S. and Ehlers, T. A. (2019):
Comparison of climate change from Cenozoic surface uplift and glacial-interglacial episodes in the Himalaya-Tibet region: Insights from a regional climate model and proxy data.
[DOI] Global and Planetary Change, 177, 10–26.
Ring, C., Pollinger, F., Keupp, L., Kaspar-Ott, I., Hertig, E., Jacobeit, J. and Paeth, H. (2019):
Effect of diversified performance metrics and climate model weighting on global and regional trend patterns of precipitation and temperature.
[DOI] Erdkunde, 73(4), 303–322.
Mannig, B., Pollinger, F., Gafurov, A., Vorogushyn, S. and Unger-Shayesteh, K. (2018):
Impacts of climate change in Central Asia.
[DOI] Encyclopedia of the Anthropocene (S. 195–203). Elsevier.
Ring, C., Pollinger, F., Kaspar-Ott, I., Hertig, E., Jacobeit, J. and Paeth, H. (2018):
A comparison of metrics for assessing state-of-the-art climate models and implications for probabilistic projections of climate change.
[DOI] Climate Dynamics, 50(5-6), 2087–2106.
Awoye, H., Pollinger, F., Agbossou, E. K. and Paeth, H. (2017):
Dynamical-statistical projections of the climate change impact on agricultural production in Benin by means of a cross-validated linear model combined with Bayesian statistics.
[DOI] Agricultural and Forest Meteorology, 234-235, 80–94.
Keupp, L., Pollinger, F. and Paeth, H. (2017):
Assessment of future ENSO changes in a CMIP3 / CMIP5 multi‐model and multi‐index framework.
[DOI] International Journal of Climatology, 37(8), 3439–3451.
Paeth, H., Pollinger, F., Mächel, H., Figura, C., Wahl, S., Ohlwein, C. and Hense, A. (2017):
An efficient model approach for very high resolution orographic precipitation.
[DOI] Quarterly Journal of the Royal Meteorological Society, 143(706), 2221–2234.
Paeth, H., Pollinger, F. and Ring, C. (2017):
Detection and Attribution of Multivariate Climate Change Signals Using Discriminant Analysis and Bayesian Theorem.
[DOI] Journal of Climate, 30(19), 7757–7776.
Pollinger, F., Ziegler, K. and Paeth, H. (2017):
Comparison of the performance of three types of multiple regression for phenology in Bavaria in a dynamical-statistical model approach.
[DOI] Erdkunde, 71(4), 271–285.
Ring, C., Mannig, B., Pollinger, F. and Paeth, H. (2016):
Uncertainties in the simulation of precipitation in selected regions of humid and dry climate.
[DOI] International Journal of Climatology, 36(10), 3521–3538.
Paeth, H. and Pollinger, F. (2010):
Enhanced evidence in climate models for changes in extratropical atmospheric circulation.
[DOI] Tellus A, 62(5), 647-660.
Abel, D., Ziegler, K., Pollinger, F. and Paeth, H. (2024):
Effects of improved land surface processes in the regional climate model REMO on climate means and extremes in Mainland Southeast Asia.
[DOI] EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14-19 April 2024, EGU24-18422.
Rai, P., Abel, D., Ziegler, K., Bangelesa, F., Schaffhauser, T., Huang, J., Pollinger, F. and Paeth, H. (2023):
Future Projections of extreme events over Central Asia in CORDEX CORE Simulations.
[DOI] International Conference on Regional Climate (ICRC-CORDEX 2023), Triest, Italy, 25-29 September 2023
Rai, P., Abel, D., Ziegler, K., Pollinger, F. and Paeth, H. (2023):
Effect of an irrigation scheme implemented in a regional climate model over Central Asia.
[DOI] EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 24–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-16125
Bangelesa, F., Abel, D., Ziegler, K., Pollinger, F. and Paeth, H. (2022):
Agriculture calendar and climate change in West Africa.
40. Jahrestagung des Arbeitskreis Klima, Ochsenfurt, Deutschland (28.-30.10.2022).
Rai, P., Ziegler, K., Abel, D., Pollinger, F. and Paeth, H. (2022):
Assessment of REgional MOdel REMO and its coupled version REMO-iMOVE over Central Asia.
[DOI] EGU General Assembly 2022, Vienna, Austria, 23-27 May 2022, EGU22-4191
Abel, D., Ziegler, K., Pollinger, F. and Paeth, H. (2021):
Comparison of different infiltration schemes in the regional climate model REMO.
[DOI] EGU General Assembly 2021, online, 19–30 Apr 2021, EGU21-9874.
Abel, D., Ziegler, K., Pollinger, F. and Paeth, H. (2021):
Weiterentwicklung der Bodenhydrologie im regionalen Klimamodell REMO und deren Einfluss auf die Simulation von Hitzewellen.
39. Jahrestagung des Arbeitskreis Klima, Passau, Deutschland (05.-07.11.2021).
Pollinger, F., Allertseder, P., Abel, D., Ziegler, K. and Paeth, H. (2021):
Effekte von Flächenversiegelung in einem regionalen Klimamodell (Posterbeitrag).
39. Jahrestagung des Arbeitskreis Klima, Passau, Deutschland (05.-07.11.2021).
Ziegler, K., Abel, D., Pollinger, F. and Paeth, H. (2021):
REMOLAND: Auswirkungen neuer konstanter Eingangsdaten auf Modellergebnisse des Regionalmodells REMO (Posterbeitrag).
39. Jahrestagung des Arbeitskreis Klima, Passau, Deutschland (05.-07.11.2021).
Ziegler, K., Pohl, F., Pollinger, F. and Paeth, H. (2021):
Different approaches of finding European climate analogue regions for the Steigerwald forest (Germany) in the future.
Abel, D., Pollinger, F., Ziegler, K. and Paeth, H. (2020):
Extension of the regional climate model REMO by a 5-layer soil scheme.
[DOI] EGU 2020.
Bangelesa, F., Pollinger, F. and Paeth, H. (2020):
Impact of climate change and variability on maize yield in Tropical Africa.
[DOI] EGU 2020.
Pollinger, F., Ziegler, K., Abel, D. and Paeth, H. (2020):
Effects of a new land surface parametrization scheme on thermal extremes in a Regional Climate Model.
[DOI] EGU 2020.
Schönbein, D., Keupp, L., Pollinger, F. and Paeth, H. (2020):
BigData@Geo: A Climate Atlas for Lower Franconia (Germany).
[DOI] EGU 2020.
Ziegler, K., Pollinger, F., Abel, D. and Paeth, H. (2020):
REMOLAND: New high-resolution surface boundary data for the regional climate model REMO and their impacts.
[DOI] EGU 2020.
Abel, D., Pollinger, F., Ziegler, K. and Paeth, H. (2019):
REMOLAND: Die Erweiterung von REMO um ein 5-Schichten-Bodenschema zur Verbesserung der Bodenhydrologie.
51. Jahrestagung des Arbeitskreis Hydrologie, Heidelberg, Deutschland (21.-23.11.2019).
Abel, D., Pollinger, F., Ziegler, K. and Paeth, H. (2019):
REMOLAND: Die Erweiterung von REMO um ein 5-Schichten-Bodenschema.
38. Jahrestagung des Arbeitskreis Klima, Jesteburg, Deutschland (25.-27.10.2019).
Ziegler, K., Pollinger, F., Abel, D. and Paeth, H. (2019):
REMOLAND: Verbesserung des Landoberflächenmoduls in REMO durch Einbindung von neuen höher aufgelösten Datensätzen für die statischen Landoberflächenparameter.
38. Jahrestagung des Arbeitskreis Klima, Jesteburg, Deutschland (25.-27.10.2019).
Keupp, L., Hertig, E., Kaspar-Ott, I., Pollinger, F., Ring, C., Paeth, H. and Jacobeit, J. (2018):
Extreme precipitation in the Mediterranean area – weighted multi-model ensemble projections using statistical downscaling.
EGU General Assembly 2018. EGU2018-19559.
Keupp, L., Kaspar-Ott, I., Hertig, E., Pollinger, F., Ring, C., Paeth, H. and Jacobeit, J. (2017):
Gewichtete Multimodellensemble-Projektion von Niederschlagsextremen im Mittelmeerraum unter Anwendung von statistischem Downscaling.
36. Jahrestagung des Arbeitskreis Klima. Rauischholzhausen, Deutschland (27.–29.10.2017).
Pollinger F. and Paeth, H. (2012):
Climate change signals of extratropical circulation modes vs. model uncertainty. Modes of Variability in the Climate System (Posterbeitrag).
Past-Present-Future. Obergurgl, Österreich (27.5.-1.6.2012).
Pollinger, F. and Paeth, H. (2012):
Simulierte makroskalige Klimavariabilität als Ansatz zur Gewichtung von Multi-Modellensemblen.
31. Jahrestagung des Arbeitskreis Klima. Berlin, Deutschland (26-28.10.2012)
Pollinger, F. and Paeth, H. (2010):
Enhancing evidence in climate models for changes in extratropical circulation modes (Posterbeitrag).
11th International Meeting on Statistical Climatology. Edinburgh, Schottland (12.-16.07.2010).
Pollinger, F. and Paeth, H. (2010):
Klimaänderungssignale in außertropischen Zirkulationsmoden
29. Jahrestagung des Arbeitskreis Klima. Würzburg, Deutschland (29.-31.10.2010).
HEIL, Johanna (2024):
Analyse der saisonalen Veränderungen des nordatlantischen Jetstreams zwischen 1940 und 2022
First assessor: Univ.-Prof. Dr. Heiko Paeth
Second assessor: Dr. Felix Pollinger
GEBHARD, Jasmin (2023):
Impact of heat stress on health in European cities
First assessor: Univ.-Prof. Dr. Heiko Paeth
Second assessor: Dr. Felix Pollinger
TENGLER, Hannah (2021):
Zukünftige Analogklimate für deutsche Großstädte und mögliche städtebauliche Anpassungsmaßnahmen.
First assessor: Univ.-Prof. Dr. Heiko Paeth
Second assessor: Dr. Felix Pollinger
BAUMANN, Miriam (2019):
Veränderungen in beobachteten Wetterextremen in Deutschland.
First assessor: Univ.-Prof. Dr. Heiko Paeth
Second assessor: Dr. Felix Pollinger
POHL, Felix (2019):
Future climate analog regions of the Steigerwald.
First assessor: Dr. Felix Pollinger
WARMUTH, Mengjie (2019):
Niederschlagsmuster und atmosphärische Zirkulation in Ostasien.
First assessor: Dr. Felix Pollinger
ABEL, Daniel (2018):
Influence of snow water equivalent on droughts and their predictability in the USA and Central Asia.
First assessor: Dr. Felix Pollinger
STENZEL, Erik (2017):
Wetterlagenstatistik im Klimawandel und deren Bedeutung für das Erwärmungssignal im europäisch-atlantischen Raum.
First assessor: Univ.-Prof. Dr. Heiko Paeth
Second assessor: Dr. Felix Pollinger
ZIEGLER, Katrin (2017):
Statistische Modellierung der Phänologie anhand von verschiedenen meteorologischen Parametern in Bayern.
First assessor: Univ.-Prof. Dr. Heiko Paeth
Second assessor: Dr. Felix Pollinger
HEIDINGER, Timo (2023):
Environmental forcing of seasonal nutrient uptake and primary production in the Arctic Ocean
Supervisor: Dr. Felix Pollinger
MÜNCH, Bastian (2021):
Reconstruction of suborbital NADW ventilation variability in the mid-Pliocence Warm Period - Delta 13-C Analysis of ODP Core981
Supervisor: Dr. Felix Pollinger
KLAR-WINTER, Jasper (2020):
Indizes für die atlantische meridionale Umwälzbewegung mit Bezug auf das Konzept der "Tipping Points"
Supervisor: Dr. Felix Pollinger
REIM, Eva (2018):
Coffee-to-go Becher: eine Beispielstudie zu Umweltproblematik und Ressourcenverbrauch in Deutschland
Supervisor: Dr. Felix Pollinger
WOLF, Meike (2017):
Abschätzung der klimatischen Entwicklung in Mitteleuropa unter verschiedenen Treibhausgasszenarien anhand eines regionalen Klimamodels
Supervisor: Dr. Felix Pollinger