Deutsch Intern
Professorship of Climatology

Dr. Praveen Kumar RAI

Tel.: +49 931 31-85798

Institute of Geography and Geology
Working group Climatology - Team Climate
Am Hubland
97074 Wuerzburg

Campus Hubland South
Geography Building
Room 209

  • Observational dynamics
  • Indian Summer Monsoon
  • Land-Atmosphere Interactions
  • Ocean dynamics
  • Intraseasonal variability
  • Tropical Climate Variability
  • Extremes of Weather and Climate

MOSAIC - Modeling South Asian climate in relation to irrigation and land use changes using a modified scheme for soil hydrology and an interactive vegetation scheme in a regional climate model

WE-ACT - Water efficient allocation in Central Asian transboundary river basin

BigData@Geo 2.0 - From Data to Action mittels KI und Web-Lösungen im Nexus Klimawandel - nordbayerischer Agrarsektor

HYDRASIA - The Hydrological Cycle of Central Asia under Climate and Land Use Changes assessed by a regional climate model with novel schemes for irrigation and inland lakes

since 12/2019
project staff in research project "The Hydrological Cycle of Central Asia under Climate and Land Use Changes assessed by a regional climate model with novel schemes for irrigation and inland lakes (HYDRASIA)"

2014 - current
PhD in Environmental Sciences, School of Environmental Sciences, Jawaharlal Nehru University (JNU)
"Variability of Indian Summer Monsoon at various time scales in relation with different atmospheric forcings"
Supervisor: Prof. A. P. Dimri, School of Environmental Sciences, JNU, New Delhi

MSc in Environmental Science, School of Environmental Sciences, Jawaharlal Nehru University (JNU)
"Extraction of multi-scale natural cycles and embedded trend timeline profile present in Narayani river discharge data time series (1977-2010) in relation with precipitation and temperature variations observed over the corresponding time span using EEMD based analysis".

2009 - 2012
BSc (Honours) Chemistry, Banaras Hindu University, Varanasi


Training und Workshops

  • 2019
    TERI-NORCE Research School on Global Climate Anomalies, Teleconnections and Regional Implications
  • 5-8 August 2019
    Magnolia Hall, IHC complex, New Delhi, India
  • 2018
    Google Earth Engine, School of Environmental Sciences, JNU, New Delhi, India
  • 2018
    Variability of Indian Summer Monsoon during solar activities. (TROPMET-2018) BHU, Varanasi, India
  • 2015
    Stakeholder WORKSHOP ON IDENTIFYING CLIMATE CHANGE INFORMATION NEEDS and Training on Climate modeling and Climate Change Research, innovation and Services, JNU, New Delhi, Italy
  • 2015
    Annual Conference of the International Association for Mathematical Geosciences New Delhi, India

Scientific articles

Rai, P., Bangelesa, F., Abel, D., Ziegler, K., Huang, J., Schaffhauser, T., Pollinger, F., Disse, M. and Paeth, H. (2024):
Extreme precipitation and temperature indices under future climate change in central Asia based on CORDEX-CORE
[DOI] Theoretical and Applied Climatology, 155, 6015–6039.

Bangelesa, F., Abel, D., Pollinger, F., Rai, P., Ziegler, K., Ebengo, D., Tshimanga, R. M., Mala Ali, M., Knight, J. and Paeth, H. (2023):
Projected changes in rainfall amount and distribution in the Democratic Republic of Congo – Evidence from an ensemble of high-resolution climate simulations.
[DOI] Weather and Climate Extremes, 42, 100620.

Rai, P., Ziegler, K., Abel, D., Pollinger, F. and Paeth, H. (2022):
Performance of a regional climate model with interactive vegetation (REMO-iMOVE) over Central Asia.
[DOI] Theoretical and Applied Climatology, 150(3-4), 1385–1405.

Kumar, D., Rai, P. and Dimri, A. P. (2020):
Investigating Indian summer monsoon in coupled regional land–atmosphere downscaling experiments using RegCM4.
[DOI] Climate Dynamics, 54(5-6), 2959–2980.

Rai, P. and Dimri, A. P. (2020):
Changes in rainfall seasonality pattern over India.
[DOI] Meteorological Applications, 27(1), Artikel e1823.

Conference reports

Rai, P., Bangelesa, F., Abel, D., Ziegler, K., Huang, J., Schaffhauser, T., Disse, M. and Paeth, H. (2024):
Future projection of extreme precipitation and temperature indices in Central Asia using CORDEX-CORE.
[DOI] EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14-19 April 2024, EGU24-15085.

Rai, P., Abel, D., Ziegler, K., Bangelesa, F., Schaffhauser, T., Huang, J., Pollinger, F. and Paeth, H. (2023):
Future Projections of extreme events over Central Asia in CORDEX CORE Simulations.
[DOI] International Conference on Regional Climate (ICRC-CORDEX 2023), Triest, Italy, 25-29 September 2023

Rai, P., Abel, D., Ziegler, K., Pollinger, F. and Paeth, H. (2023):
Effect of an irrigation scheme implemented in a regional climate model over Central Asia.
[DOI] EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 24–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-16125

Rai, P., Ziegler, K., Abel, D. and Paeth, H. (2022):
Effects of interactive vegetation on the performance of a regional climate model implemented over Central Asia.
40. Jahrestagung des Arbeitskreis Klima, Ochsenfurt, Deutschland (28.-30.10.2022).

Rai, P., Ziegler, K., Abel, D., Pollinger, F. and Paeth, H. (2022):
Assessment of REgional MOdel REMO and its coupled version REMO-iMOVE over Central Asia.
[DOI] EGU General Assembly 2022, Vienna, Austria, 23-27 May 2022, EGU22-4191

Rai, P., Maharana, P., Kumar, D., Dimri, A. P. and Paeth, H. (2020):
Study of Northeast Monsoon over India using a coupled land-atmosphere model RegCM4-CLM4.5.
[DOI] EGU 2020.