Deutsch Intern
Professorship of Climatology


The study addresses the challenge of identifying models that can predict credible rainfall patterns in the future, amidst exisitng uncertainties in climate modeling. By comparing the ocean-coupled ROM model with the uncoupled regional model REMO, the results show that ROM offers a better representation of atmospheric baroclinicity linked to rainfall changes. This leads to more reliable projections, as ROM is grounded in mechanisms that are identifiable in observational and reanalysis data.


On October 10, 2024, the annual meeting of geography department heads from Lower Franconia took place at the Armin-Knab-Gymnasium in Kitzingen. The event opened with a lecture by Dr. Daniel Abel on "Climate Change in Lower Franconia" in which he analyzed recent extreme events such as heatwaves, droughts, and heavy rainfall, while also examining possible future developments under various greenhouse gas scenarios.


On August 22, the final stakeholder workshop of the WASCAL WRAP2.0 LANDSURF project took place with the presentation of a freely accessible Decision Support System (DSS). The system contains a large number of (agro-)climatic variables from both the past (1981-2010) and the future up to the end of the 21st century, assuming various greenhouse gas scenarios. The underlying data is based on an ensemble of high-resolution regional climate models. In addition, a similar system from the WASCAL WRAP2.0 FURIFLOOD project was presented, which focuses on hydrological aspects.


As part of the course " - Climate change on your doorstep! What can I do?" at the adult education centre Volkshochschule Würzburg & Umgebung e.V. Dr Luzia Keupp from our working group gave an insight on 14 May 2024 on

the expected effects of climate change in the Würzburg region.


We have a new publication in Theoretical and Applied Climatology: Rai et al. (2024) are the first who investigated how different temperature- and precipitation-based climate indices will change under the influence of climate change by using data from CORDEX-CORE instead of the older CORDEX-CAS-44 data or solely a single simulation.


We were represented with three contributions at the General Assembly of the European Geosciences Union (EGU24) this year.
