Deutsch Intern
Professorship of Climatology


Our new publication in Science of The Total Environment addresses the question of how climate change affects food security in large parts of tropical and subtropical Africa. Based on statistical and physical models, it was shown that in the past, using West Africa as an example, up to 51% of the variability of maize harvests was determined by climatic constraints. As a consequence, assuming the emission scenario RCP8.5, a decrease of maize production by 20 % until the end of the century has to be expected.


As part of the project "Climate Experience Würzburg", we have published a new paper (Hartmann et al. 2023) in collaboration with the TU Munich, which deals with the effect of the urban heat island during the years 2018-2020 in Würzburg. We were able to show that the urban heat island is most pronounced on days with more than 25 °C and in the afternoon and evening hours. The highest temperature difference compared to the surrounding areas was 8.2 °C. Resulting drought stress of urban trees significantly reduces their cooling effect.


As part of the CLIENT II-project Drought-ADAPT, Daniel Abel from our working group as well as representatives of the other German project participants traveled to Vietnam to exchange ideas with project partners there and to establish contacts with local authorities.
