Education and international development
Contact: Michael Thiel

Course on "Agricultural land use mapping" as part of the WASCAL Graduate Research Program on "Climate Change and Agriculture" (WASCAL)
- Date and Place: 02.05.-06.05.2022, Institut Polytchnique Rural de Formation et de Recherche Appliquee (IPR/IFRA), Katibougou (Mali)
- Audience: PhD students of the WASCAL Programm
- Software: QGIS, R
- Kurssprache: English
- Topics: Collection of field data; creation of maps; Remote sensing based applications for in the context of agricultural mapping (time series, …)
- Contact: Michael Thiel

Course on "Advanced Remote Sensing", as part of the WASCAL Graduate Research Program on “Climate Change and Human Habitats” (WASCAL)
- Date and Place: 09.05.-20.05.2022, Federal University of Science and Technology (FUT), Institute of Geography, Minna (Nigeria)
- Audience: Master candidates of the WASCAL program
- Software: R, QGIS
- Language: English
- Topics: LULC mapping; change detection; preprocessing of RS data; data availability; classification methods
- Contact: Michael Thiel

Course on "Advanced Remote Sensing", as part of the WASCAL Graduate Research Program on Climate Change and Land Use (WASCAL)
- Date and Place: 21.03.-01.04.2022, Kwame Nkrumah University of Science and Technology (KNUST), Kumasi (Ghana)
- Audience: PhD candidates of the WASCAL program
- Software: QGIS, R
- Language: English
- Topics: Satellite based land use/land cover change mapping; classification principles; classification algorithms; ground truthing; accuracy assessment, Priciples of programming, Remote Sensing with R
- Contact: Michael Thiel

"Spatial Data Analysis as part of the WASCAL Graduate Research Program on "Informatics for Climate Change" (2021)
- Subject: Spatial data and their analysis, Introduction into Remote Sensing, Programming in Python, Mehods in spatial data analysis
- Time and place: 26.04.-07.05.2020, Université Joseph Ki-Zerbo, Ouagadougou (Burkina Faso)
- Audience: MSc students of the WASCAL Programm
- Software: R, Python
- Language: English
- Trainer: Sarah Schönbrodt-Stitt, Steven Hill

"Spatial Data Analysis as part of the WASCAL Graduate Research Program on "Informatics for Climate Change" (2020)
- Subject: Spatial data and their analysis, Introduction into Remote Sensing, Programming in Python, Mehods in spatial data analysis
- Time and place: 10.08.-21.08.2020, Université Joseph Ki-Zerbo, Ouagadougou (Burkina Faso)
- Audience: MSc students of the WASCAL Programm
- Software: R, Python
- Language: English
- Trainer: Michael Thiel

"Agricultural land use mapping" as part of the WASCAL Graduate Research Program on "Climate Change and Agriculture" (2020)
- Subject: Collection of field data; creation of maps; Remote sensing based applications for in the context of agricultural mapping (time series, …)
- Time and place: 13.07.-17.07.2020, Institut Polytchnique Rural de Formation et de Recherche Appliquee (IPR/IFRA), Katibougou (Mali)
- Audience: PhD students of the WASCAL Programm
- Software: QGIS, R
- Language: English
- Trainer: Michael Thiel

"Advanced Remote Sensing", as part of the WASCAL Graduate Research Program on “Climate Change and Human Habitats" (2020)
- Subject: LULC mapping; change detection; preprocessing of RS data; data availability; classification methods
- Time and place: 08.06.-12.06. and 20.07.-24.07.2020, Federal University of Science and Technology (FUT), Institute of Geography, Minna (Nigeria)
- Audience: Master candidates of the WASCAL program
- Software: R, QGIS
- Language: English
- Trainer: Michael Thiel

"Advanced Remote Sensing", as part of the WASCAL Graduate Research Program on "Climate Change and Land Use" (2020)
- Subject: Satellite based land use/land cover change mapping; classification principles; classification algorithms; ground truthing; accuracy assessment, Priciples of programming, Remote Sensing with R
- Time and place: 04.05.-22.04.2020, Kwame Nkrumah University of Science and Technology (KNUST), Kumasi (Ghana)
- Audience: PhD candidates of the WASCAL program
- Software: QGIS, R
- Language: English
- Trainer: Michael Thiel

"Agricultural land use mapping" as part of the WASCAL Graduate Research Program on "Climate Change and Agriculture" (2017)
- Subject: Collection of field data; creation of maps; Remote sensing based applications for in the context of agricultural mapping (time series, …)
- Time and place: 27.03.-07.04.2017, Institut Polytchnique Rural de Formation et de Recherche Appliquee (IPR/IFRA), Katibougou (Mali)
- Audience: PhD students of the WASCAL Program
- Software: QGIS, R
- Language: English
- Trainer: Michael Thiel

"Geo-spatial technologies in support of disaster management", as part of the WASCAL Graduate Research Program on "Climate Change and Human Security" (2017)
- Subject: Field data relevant for disaster management; Creation of maps; International Organizations in disaster management
- Time and place: 29.01.-03.02.2017, Université de Lomé, Faculté des Sciences, Lomé (Togo)
- Audience: Master candidates of the WASCAL program
- Software: ArcGIS
- Language: English
- Trainer: Michael Thiel

"Applied Remote Sensing", as part of the WASCAL Graduate Research Program on "Climate Change and Adapted Land Use" (2017)
- Subject: LULC mapping; change detection; preprocessing of RS data; data availability; classification methods
- Time and place: 08.01.-13.01.2017, Federal University of Science and Technology (FUT), Institute of Geography, Minna (Nigeria)
- Audience: Master candidates of the WASCAL program
- Software: IDRISI
- Language: English
- Trainer: Michael Thiel

"Advanced Remote Sensing", as part of the WASCAL Graduate Research Program on Climate Change and Land Use (2016)
- Subject: Satellite based land use/land cover change mapping; classification principles; classification algorithms; ground truthing; accuracy assessment, Principles of programming, Remote Sensing with R
- Time and place: 10.10.-21.10.2016, Kwame Nkrumah University of Science and Technology (KNUST), Department of Civil Engineering, Kumasi (Ghana)
- Audience: PhD candidates of the WASCAL program
- Software: ENVI, R
- Language: English
- Trainer: Michael Thiel

"Geo-spatial technologies in support of disaster management", as part of the WASCAL Graduate Research Program on "Climate Change and Human Security" (2014)
- Subject: Field data relevant for disaster management; Creation of maps; International Organizations in disaster management
- Time and place: 30.06.-04.07.2014, Université de Lomé, Faculté des Sciences, Lomé (Togo)
- Audience: Master candidates of the WASCAL program
- Software: ArcGIS
- Language: English
- Trainer: Michael Thiel

"Applied Remote Sensing", as part of the WASCAL Graduate Research Program on "Climate Change and Adapted Land Use" (2014)
- Subject: LULC mapping; change detection; preprocessing of RS data; data availability; classification methods
- Time and place: 01.04.-05.04.2014, Federal University of Science and Technology (FUT), Institute of Geography, Minna (Nigeria)
- Audience: Master candidates of the WASCAL program
- Software: IDRISI
- Language: English
- Trainer: Michael Thiel

"Geo-spatial technologies in support of disaster management", as part of the WASCAL Graduate Research Program on "Climate Change and Human Security" (2013)
- Subject: Field data relevant for disaster management; Creation of maps; International Organizations in disaster management
- Time and place: 17.06.-21.06.2013, Université de Lomé, Faculté des Sciences, Lomé (Togo)
- Audience: Master candidates of the WASCAL program
- Software: ArcGIS
- Language: English
- Trainer: Michael Thiel

"Advanced Remote Sensing", as part of the WASCAL Graduate Research Program on Climate Change and Land Use (2013)
- Subject: Satellite based land use/land cover change mapping; classification principles; classification algorithms; ground truthing; accuracy assessment, Priciples of programming, Remote Sensing with R
- Time and place: 25.03.-12.04.2013, Kwame Nkrumah University of Science and Technology (KNUST), Department of Civil Engineering, Kumasi (Ghana)
- Audience: PhD candidates of the WASCAL program
- Software: ENVI, R
- Language: English
- Trainer: Michael Thiel

Land Surface Remote Sensing (2012)
- Subject: Introduction to Remote Sensing, Introduction to R, Vegetation Indices, Vegetation Parameters, Classifications
- Time and place: 08.-12.10.2012, University of Würzburg, Germany
- Audience: Graduate students from MICMoR) and other interested students
- Software: R
- Language: English
- Trainer: Hooman Latifi

"Advanced Remote Sensing", as part of the WASCAL Graduate Research Program on Climate Change and Land Use (2012)
- Subject: Satellite based land use/land cover change mapping; classification-principles; classification algorithms; ground thruthing; accuracy assessment
- Time and place: 19.03.-06.04.2012, Kwame Nkrumah University of Science and Technology (KNUST), Department of Civil Engineering, Kumasi (Ghana)
- Audience: PhD candidates of the WASCAL program
- Software: ENVI, ERDAS Imagine
- Language: English
- Trainer: Michael Thiel

Advanced Remote Sensing (2011)
- Subject: Raster image analysis, land use classification and GIS
- Time and place: 3 weeks a year in spring, Kwame Nkrumah University of Science and Technology (KNUST), Institute of Civil Engineering, Kumasi (Ghana)
- Audience: Graduate students of the WASCAL project
- Software: ENVI, ERDAS Imagine, R
- Language: English
- Trainer: Michael Thiel

GIS & Remote Sensing for Effective Resource Management (2010)
- Subject: Introduction to GIS and Introduction Remote Sensing
- Time and Place: 10.08. - 15.08.2010 and 17.08. - 20.08.2010, University of Cape Coast, Accra, Ghana
- Audience: Scientists and resource managers
- Software: ArcGIS, ERDAS Imagine
- language: English and French
- Trainer: Michael Thiel

BIOTA West GIS training workshop (2008)
- Subject: Use of GPS and GIS data in remote sensing
- Time and Place: 25.02. - 28.02.2008, University of Abomey-Calavi, Cotonou, Benin
- Audience: Graduate students of the BIOTA project
- Software: ArcGIS, ERDAS Imagine
- Language: English und French
- Trainer. Michael Thiel