First CAWa Summer School (2014)

The Summer School introduced scientific concepts, methods and tools for the analysis, modeling and monitoring of land and water resources in Central Asia. These methods are of great value in a framework of integrated water and land resources management (IWRM and IWLM, respectively).
The 2-week Summer School combined theoretical lectures and practical exercises with discussion sessions on the implementation of IWRM and IWLM in Central Asia. The programme included an introduction to geographical-informational systems (GIS), an overview on remote sensing applications for land and water resources monitoring, an introduction to hydrometeorological monitoring techniques, climate change impact assessment, and assessment of irrigation efficiencies.
The summer school was organized in the frame of the German Water Initiative for Central Asia (“Berlin Process”), which has been launched by the German Federal Foreign Office and is being implemented by DKU, the GIZ Transboundary Water Management in Central Asia Programme and the CAWa project.
The Summer School addressed dedicated master and PhD students as well as junior university teachers and researchers with interest in IWRM and its practical implementation. Eligible were participants from the following Central Asian countries: Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan, Uzbekistan, and Afghanistan. The participants were selected based on their application documents (Application Form, motivation letter, CV). The winners of the National Olympiads on Integrated Water Management conducted by DKU in spring 2014 were awarded with the Summer School participation. The CAWa project provided funding for travel and accommodation expenses for the accepted participants.
Contact: Christian Bauer