Third CAWa Summer School (2016)

GIS und Fernerkundung – Trainer und Co-Trainer helfen bei allen Fragen.

Sampling von Referenzdaten mit GPS-Geräte.
The summer school presented scientific concepts, methods and tools for dealing with land and water resources in Central Asia. These methods are of great value for an integrated water and land resource management. The first week focused on the management of spatial data and the processing and analysis of geospatial data using GIS and remote sensing. The participants learned how to create and publish meaningful maps from satellite imagery.
The summer school was organized as part of the German Water Initiative for Central Asia ("Berlin Process"), which was initiated by the German Foreign Office and was run by the DKU (German-Kazakh University), the GIZ (German Association for International Cooperation), implemented by the Program for Transboundary Water Management in Central Asia and the CAWa project (represented by the Department of Remote Sensing of the University of Würzburg and the Hydrology Department of the German Geo Research Center in Potsdam (GFZ)).
The summer school was attended by 23 specialists from Central Asian countries (i.e. Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan, Uzbekistan and Afghanistan) originating from hydrological and meteorological services and universities. Apart from the reviewed applicants, the three winners of Kazakhstan's Integrated Water Management Olympiad were awarded access. All the travel and acomodation expenses were supported by the CAWa project.