The Mexican Commission CONABIO (Comisión Nacional para el Conocimiento y Uso de la Biodiversidad) has the primary purposes of acquisition of information about the Central American flora and fauna and of the development and adaption of the National Information System on Biodiversity (SNIB - Systema Nacional de Información sobre Biodiversidad de México). I
The Mexican Commission CONABIO (Comisión Nacional para el Conocimiento y Uso de la Biodiversidad) has the primary purposes of acquisition of information about the Central American flora and fauna and of the development and adaption of the National Information System on Biodiversity (SNIB - Systema Nacional de Información sobre Biodiversidad de México). Its aim is to promote, coordinate, support and implement activities for the conservation of biological diversity and the sustainable use for the benefit of society. CONABIO was conceived as an applied research organization, sponsoring basic research on biological diversity, and to act as a publicly accessible source of information and knowledge.
Funded by the Mexican Natural Disaster Preventive Fund (FOPREDEN - Fondo para la Prevención de Desastres Naturales) the project "Monitoreo de incendios en México – Áreas quemadas" was initiated by CONABIO in Cooperation with the German Remote Sensing Data Center and this Remote Sensing Unit. Goal is an automated processing chain, which detects active fires and burnt areas derived by satellite data. Results of this generic processing chain are monthly maps of the Central American region, representing the extent of burnt areas. Its accuracy and geometric resolution depend on the satellite data, which are used as input parameter for this processing chain. Using such maps in further steps for example analyses for the regeneration of biodiversity after fire events can be performed.
Further links:
CONABIO - Mexican National Commission for Knowledge and Use of Biodiversity
SNIB - Mexican National Information System on Biodiversity