Aufforstung - Potenziale von Aufforstung und Wiederherstellung von Wäldern aus Naturschutzsicht

Subjects: Forests, reforestation potential
Study area: Germany
Funding: Federal Agency for Nature Conservation (BfN)
Duration: 01.10.2022 – 31.03.2025
Contact: Michael Thiel
The aim of the project funded by the Federal Agency for Nature Conservation (FKZ: 352284220B) is a forest increase strategy from a nature conservation perspective, which summarizes in which sub-areas of the Federal Republic which target corridor of forest proportion should be aimed for from a nature conservation perspective, whether certain types of forest should be particularly supported and where From a national nature conservation perspective, there may be priority areas for forest increase or restoration measures or priorities for action.
At the Earth Observation Research Cluster, we focus on spatial analyzes across Germany, based on remote sensing data and existing forest products.