DSS4ES- Integrated DSS for delivery of ecosystem services based on EU forest policies

Subjects: Forests
Study area: Europe
Funding: European Cooperation in Science and Technology (COST)
Duration: 29.09.2023 – 28.09.2027
Contact: Michael Thiel
Homepage: https://www.dss4es.com/en/
Forests are significant part of surrounding landscape and every management decision in forest affects the landscape as well, and vice versa, management decision in surrounding landscape affects the forests. There is thus a need for an integrated Decision Support System (DSS) framework that addresses all objectives of sustainable forest management in the landscape appropriately by linking all mutual relations between forests and surrounding landscape. Such integrated DSS framework will require the consideration of information and approaches from different rural and land using activities and sectors. In this context, juxtaposition and integration of the knowledge from DSS (developed for farming, animal husbandry, forestry, ecosystem management, etc.) will be an excellent starting point for advancing toward an integrated system for sustainable assessing the provision of ecosystem service (ES) at landscape scale, including provision of resources for bio-based economic activities, protection and regulation, or cultural services. The main aim of this Action is to establish a research network for facilitating the conceptualisation and development of new methodological approaches in decision support systems including important relations between forest and landscape. The emphasis is on screening, evaluating and proposing existing and future tools to support holistic planning approaches to increase sustainable forest management, considering various ecosystem services and products addressing the associated risks and uncertainties.
This project is funded through the COST Action (European Cooperation in Science & Technology Action) CA22141.