Department of Remote Sensing
+49 (0)931 31-81019
Institute for Geography and Geology
Department for Remote Sensing
John Skilton Str. 4a
97074 Würzburg
I approach cities as complex socio-ecological systems. My research integrates concepts and state-of-the-art methods from urban ecology, geoinformatics and digital humanities to generate evidence-based knowledge to contribute to making more livable cities. I focus on the spatiotemporal characterization of the physical and social urban dimensions, aiming to unveil complex interconnections and counterintuitive relationships between humans and their main habitat: Cities. My goal is to represent the inherent complexity of urban ecosystems to detect global regularities, as well as the fundamental differences between cities, aiming to find the underlying properties driving their evolution. Cities are as much of a challenge as an opportunity towards sustainability.
- Urbanization
- Urban heat islands
- Urban morphology
- Urban green infrastructure
- Social discourses
- Ecosystem services
- Land cover change
- Social inequality
- Multimodal data analysis
- Remote sensing
- Geoinformatics
- Digital humanities
- Natural Language Processing
- Social media analytics
- Artificial intelligence
Since 2022 Postdoctoral researcher of the Geolingual Studies[RL1] project.
2017-2022 PhD (Dr. rer. nat) at the Ruhr-Universität Bochum.Thesis: Urban form, urban warming and time. From global regularities to local heterogeneities.
2015-2017 Scientific staff member at the Environmental Geography Research Center (CIGA) of the National Autonomous University of Mexico (UNAM).
2013-2015 M.Sc. in Geography, Environmental Geography Research Center (CIGA) of the National Autonomous University of Mexico (UNAM). Thesis: Conurbations of the city of Morelia, Michoacán, in the period of 1970–2010 and its influence on the sense of belonging of its inhabitants.
2012-2013 Scientific staff member, Institute of Ecology (INECOL).
2008-2012 B.Sc. in Biology, Faculty of Biology, University of Veracruz (UV; Mexico). Thesis: Changes in the vegetation cover of the city of Xalapa-Enríquez, Veracruz and surrounding areas in the period of 1950–2010.
Connection beyond borders: exploring sense of belonging across urban satellites conurbed by a medium-sized Mexican city. In: Urban Ecosystems, 28 (1), 1-14.. (2025):
The voices of the displaced: Mobility and Twitter conversations of migrants of Ukraine in 2022. In: Information Processing & Management, 61 (3), 103670.. (2024):
¿Es detectable empíricamente la protección normativa del territorio? Análisis de las tendencias de temperatura y vegetación del área norte de Bogotá con sensores remotos. In: Investigaciones Geográficas, (113). (2024):
Unveiling urban ecological integrity: spatially explicit assessment in contrasting environments. In: Urban Ecosystems. (2024):
Same planet but different worlds! Diverging convergence pattern of urban form typologies across 413 cities with million+ inhabitants and their sustainability trade-offs ☆. In: Habitat International, 145, 103024.. (2024):
Cold spots or hot spots Thermal patterns and cold airflow on tailings piles in the Ruhr area. In: Berichte Geographie und Landeskunde, 96 (3), 189-214.. (2023):
Are Wildfires in the Wildland-Urban Interface Increasing Temperatures? A Land Surface Temperature Assessment in a Semi-Arid Mexican City. In: Land, 11 (12). (2022):
A Novel Approach for the Assessment of Cities through Ecosystem Integrity. In: Land, 11 (1), 3.. (2022):
Does urban climate follow urban form? Analyzing intraurban LST trajectories versus urban form trends in 3 cities with different background climates. In: Science of The Total Environment, 154570.. (2022):
Intraurban heterogeneity of space-time land surface temperature trends in six climate-diverse cities. In: Science of The Total Environment, 804, 150037.. (2022):
Too hot to handle? On the cooling capacity of urban green spaces in a Neotropical Mexican city. In: Urban Forestry & Urban Greening, 74 (October 2021), 127633.. (2022):
The global homogenization of urban form. An assessment of 194 cities across time. In: Landscape and Urban Planning, 204, 103949.. (2020):
Six decades of urban green change in a neotropical city: a case study of Xalapa, Veracruz, Mexico. In: Urban Ecosystems, 22 (3), 609-18.. (2019):
Land use/land cover change detection combining automatic processing and visual interpretation. In: European Journal of Remote Sensing, 50 (1), 626-35.. (2017):
Evaluación de las tasas de deforestación en Michoacán a escala detallada mediante un método híbrido de clasificación de imágenes SPOT. In: Madera Bosques, 23 (2). (2017):
Toward a near-real time forest monitoring system [Technical note]. In: Investigaciones Geograficas, 2016 (91). (2016):
Avances En El Estudio De Islas De Calor Urbano En América Latinahg. von Richard Lemoine-Rodríguez, Azucena Perez-Vega, und J-F Mas. (2024):
Desarrollo Urbano En Armonia Con Los Servicios Ecosistemicos. Plan De Ordenamiento Zonal Del Norte, Bogota D.C.. (2023):
Situación Ambiental De La Cuenca Del Río Santiago-Guadalajarahg. von M Bollo. (2017):