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Chair of Economic Geography

Seminar excursions in the Master's Program of Applied Human Geography: Exploring urban food systems in practice


Master's students explored aspects of Würzburg's urban food system as part of a project seminar led by Prof. Dr. Marit Rosol in the Winter Term 2024/25.

Photo: S. Hauck

In the project seminar 'Stadt und Ernährung' ['City and Food'], led by Prof. Dr. Marit Rosol, master's students spent nearly 5 months working on their research projects examining the role of cities in the food system, using Würzburg as an example. The seminar concluded with a particularly hands-on application: In January 2025, the students actively participated in the Würzburg 'Schnippelparty' ['Chopping party']. This inclusive cooking event, organized with Würzburg and Über den Tellerrand Würzburg, involves cooking vegan and vegetarian dishes with rescued food every month (click here for more information). During another on-site seminar session, the students presented their research findings on non-chain, owner-operated food retail businesses at various locations throughout Würzburg. The seminar was rounded off with a visit to the 'Bayerischen Landesanstalt für Weinbau und Gartenbau' ['Bavarian State Institute for Viticulture and Horticulture'] (click here  for more information) in Veitshöchheim. During a guided tour, the head of the 'Instituts für Weinbau und Oenologie' ['Institute for Viticulture and Oenology'] provided fascinating insights into their work and research projects.

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