About us

The Main Valley Project: Ecosystem-based solutions for hazard scenarios in the Franconian Main Valley (MainPro)
With its overarching objective, MainPro contributes to the realisation of a greener, low-CO2 Europe through sustainable adaptation strategies such as the creation of ‘green infrastructures’ and the use of ‘ecosystem-based solutions’. The focus is on analysing current and future threats to geo-ecosystems and anthropogenic structures at selected Franconian locations in the form of multi-scale hazard scenarios. The MainPro team considers hazards and risks arising from climatic challenges such as periods of drought or extreme precipitation, from the expansion of settlement areas and infrastructure and from the increased occurrence of natural hazards. MainPro meets these social challenges with ecosystem-based concepts and solutions that are able to reduce georisks, protect natural environmental resources and utilise CO2 sink potentials. Concept proposals are developed with and for small and medium-sized enterprises in the spirit of sustainable corporate development.