Deutsch Intern
Junior professorship of Geoarchaeology and Quaternary Research


GARBE, Philipp (ongoing):
Holocene landscape evolution in the environs of the ancient Egyptian city of Bubastis (’Tell Basta’), southeastern Nile Delta. (working title)
Mentors: Jun.-Prof. Dr. Julia Meister, Univ.-Prof. Dr. Tobias Ullmann, PD Dr. Eva Lange-Athinodorou

TRAPPE, Julian (2021):
Anthropogen beeinflusste Landformen und physisch-geographische Landschaftselemente im Spessart
First assessor: Univ.-Prof. Dr. Roland Baumhauer
Second assessor: Jun.-Prof. Dr. Julia Meister
Mentors: Univ.-Prof. Dr. Roland Baumhauerapl. Prof. Dr. Christof Kneisel, apl. Prof. Dr. Stefan Winkler