X-ray Protection
Department of Geodynamics and Geomaterial Research: Regulations for X-ray protection
X-ray protection officers of the Department:
Dr. Stefan Höhn, Room 213, Tel. 31-81749, stefan.hoehn@uni-wuerzburg.de
Regulation for the use of X-ray units of the Department:
At the Department of Geodynamics and Geomaterial Research, the X-ray powder diffractometer (room 326), the electron microprobe (room 215-16) and the X-ray fluorescence spectrometer (Raum 125) are subject of X-ray protection.
In particular for the use of the X-ray diffractometer, the following, absolutely binding rules apply:
On the device may basically only be worked
- after consultation with one of the x-ray protection officers
- in the presence or accessibility of one of the x-ray protection officers
- after X-ray instruction with signature, valit for 12 months
- after device instruction with signature
- when carrying a measurement protocol in the device user book
Faults of any kind in the measurement instruments must be reported immediately to the responsible laboratory supervisor or X-ray protection officer.
Independent manipulations, “repairs”, etc. on the equippment, which go beyond the learned during the instruction are strictly prohibited.
Children and adolescents as well as pregnant women are not allowed to enter the laboratories.
Adjustment work may only be carried out by the responsible persons.
Repairs with a running X-ray tube by service companies or in-house technicians must first be registered with one of the X-ray protection officers.
Behavior in case of incidents:
An incident is any technical malfunction on the instrument.
- Switch off the device
- Attach note about the errror
- immediate notification to the responsible laboratory supervisor and the X-ray protection officer.
Behavior in case of accidents:
Every radiation exposure of a person is considered an accident.
- Switch off the device (emergency switch)
- Secure the device unchanged
- Immediate notification to the X-ray protection officer of the department,if necessary to the radiation protection representative of the university (see emergency schedule)
- Immediately whrite a protocol of the accident, taking into account in particular the position of the person concerned on the device and the duration of the radiation ecposure
- Immediate visit of the exposed person at the medical.
Further information:
Webseite of the Radiation Protection of the University