Wasitschek, Lisa
Lisa Wasitschek, MSc
Research assistant at the Department of Geodynamics and Geomaterials Research
E-Mail: lisa.wasitschek@stud-mail.uni-wuerzburg.de
Institute of Geography and Geology
Am Hubland
97074 Würzburg
Campus Hubland Süd
Geography building
Room 334
upon request
- Reconstruction of the Archean climate
- Global climate modeling
Climate Change in the Archean
Doctoral student at the Department of Geodynamics and Geomaterial Research, University of Würzburg
08/2022 – 08/2023
Scientific Researcher at the Department of Geodynamics and Geomaterial Research, University of Würzburg
10/2019 – 07/2022
Master's degree (M. Sc.) at the University of Würzburg in Applied Physical Geography. Thesis: "Neoproterozoische Vulkanite im Richtersveld, Südafrika, und ihre wirtschaftsgeologische Bedeutung"
04/2020 – 09/2021
Student assistent (tutor): „Mineral- und Gesteinsbestimmung“ (Identification of minerals and rocks)
04/2020 – 07/2022
Student assistent (tutor): „Allgemeine physische Geographie: Endogene Dynamik – Einführung in die Geologie“ (Introduction to Geology)
03/2019 – 10/2020
Student assistent at the Mineralogical Museum, University of Würzburg
10/2016 – 01/2020
Bachelor's degree (B. Sc.) at the University of Würzburg in Geography. Thesis: "Klimasenibilität von Stadtbäumen an den Standorten Hof, Kempten und Würzburg"
Peer-reviewed publications
Wasitschek, L. and Frimmel, H.E., 2022. A hitherto unclassified volcanic unit in the Gariep Belt and its significance on exploration for Rosh Pinah-type SEDEX deposits. In: Christie, A.B. (ed.) Proceedings of the 16th SGA Biennial Meeting, 28-31 March 2022, Rotorua, New Zealand, volume 1, pp.412-415.
Wasitschek, L. (2022) Neoproterozoische Vulkanite im Richtersveld, Südafrika, und ihre wirtschaftsgeologische Bedeutung. Master's Thesis. Institut für Geographie und Geologie der Universität Würzburg.
IT-Manager of the Department of Geodynamics and Geomaterial Research
- Klimawandel im Laufe der Erdgeschichte
- Digitale geologische Karten: GIS für Geologen
- Advanced spatial analysis for geoscientists
- Archaische Umweltrekonstruktion
- Mineral- und Gesteinsbestimmung
- Große geologische Exkursion: Rumänien
- Fahrradexkursion: Geologie Würzburgs