Deutsch Intern
Chair of Economic Geography

Univ.-Prof. Dr. Marit ROSOL

Chair in Economic Geography

Tel.: +49 931 31-80254

Department of Geography and Geology
Am Hubland · 97074 Würzburg

Office Location: Campus Southern Hubland
Geography Building, Office 133

Administrative Staff: Daniela Wolf
Tel.: +49 931 31- 89169
Geography Building, Office 132

concurrent: Adjunct Professor, Department of Geography, University of Calgary, Canada

  • Winter term: By appointment only. Usually Tuesdays 15 to 16 h.
  • Summer term: By appointment only. Usually Wednesdays 11 to 12 h.

  • Fields: Geographies of Alternative Food, Critical Food Studies, Housing, Urban Gardening, Participation, Governance
  • Theory: Political Economy, Alternative Economies, Post-Growth, (Urban) Political Ecology, Governmentality, Hegemony

Senior Fellow, Freiburg Institute for Advanced Studies, COFUND FRIAS and EU Horizon 2020 Marie Skłodowska-Curie Action, Freiburg, Germany (Sept. to Dec.)

Chair in Economic Geography, Department of Geography and Geology, Julius-Maximilians-Universität Würzburg (since July 1st)

Adjunct Professor, University of Calgary, Department of Geography (since July 1st)

Canada Research Chair (renewed) and Professor (promoted), University of Calgary, Department of Geography, Canada

Visiting Scholar, Humboldt-Universitaet zu Berlin, Department of Geography, Germany (Oct.)

Visiting Scholar, Humboldt-Universitaet zu Berlin, Department of Geography, Germany (July)

Visiting Scholar, Concordia University Montreal, Department of Geography, Planning & Environment, Canada (May)

Visiting Scholar, Humboldt-Universitaet zu Berlin, Department of Geography, Germany (Oct.)

Visiting Scholar, Goethe Universitaet Frankfurt, Department of Human Geography, Germany (Sept.)

Visiting Scholar, University of Toronto, Geography & Planning Department, Canada (May)

Canada Research Chair and Associate Professor, University of Calgary, Department of Geography, Canada

Visiting Scholar, University of California Berkeley, Department of Geography, USA

Visiting Scholar, University of California Santa Cruz, Community Studies Program, USA

Visiting Professor (Lehrstuhlvertretung) Economic and Social Geography, Department of Geography, TU Dresden, Germany

Habilitation (advanced post-doctoral degree) Goethe-Universität Frankfurt; Venia Legendi for Geography

Vistiting Professor (Vertretungsprofessorin) for Human Geography, Department of Geography Universität Bremen, Germany

Postdoctoral Fellow, Department of Geography, Simon-Fraser University, Canada (funded by DAAD)

Lecturer and Senior Lecturer at the Department of Human Geography at the Goethe-Universität Frankfurt am Main, Germany

Research in Toronto (Canada) and Seattle (USA) for Doctoral Thesis

Ph.D in Geography, Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin, Germany, Dr. rer. nat. (funded by DFG - German Research Foundation), Fellow of Research Training Group „Urban Ecology” Berlin

Internship and Research in Montevideo, Uruguay for Master Thesis

Graduate Study at  Universidad Politécnica de Madrid, Escuela Técnica Superior de Arquitectura- ETSAM, in Madrid, Spain (funded by German Exchange Service DAAD)

Graduate and Undergraduate Degree at Department of Urban and Regional Planning (ISR), Technical University Berlin (TU Berlin), Germany, Dipl-Ing. (equiv. to Master of Planning)

Most publications are also available here: or

  • ROSOL, Marit / HOLT-GIMÉNEZ, Eric / KEPKIEWICZ, Lauren / VIBERT, Elizabeth (2022): Towards Just Food Futures: Divergent approaches and possibilities for collaboration across difference. In: Canadian Food Studies / La Revue canadienne des études sur l’alimentation 9(2). With 10 contributions. Open Access.
  • ROSOL, Marit/ STRÜVER, Anke (2018): (Economic) Geographies of Food: Transformative economies and alternative eating practices [original title: (Wirtschafts-)Geographien des Essens: Transformatives Wirtschaften und alternative Ernährungspraktiken]. In: Zeitschrift für Wirtschaftsgeographie 62(3–4). Double Issue with 7 contributions.
  • ROSOL, Marit/ BÉAL, Vincent / MOESSNER, Samuel (2017): Greenest cities? The (post-)politics of new environmental regimes. In: Environment and Planning A 49(8). With 7 contributions.

  • LANDON, Abby, ROSOL, Marit (2025): Overcoming the local trap through inclusive and multi-scalar food systems. Local Environment. DOI:
  • AUGUSTIN, Hanna / ROSOL, Marit (2024). Contributions of urban planning for more food security in German cities. [original title: Beiträge kommunaler Planung für mehr Ernährungssicherheit in deutschen Städten.] Standort 48, 147-155. Open access.
  • ROSOL, Marit  / HOLT-GIMÉNEZ, Eric / KEPKIEWICZ, Lauren / VIBERT, Elizabeth (2022). Towards Just Food Futures:  Divergent approaches and possibilities for collaboration across difference. In: Canadian Food Studies / La Revue canadienne des études sur l'alimentation, 9(2), 1–30. Open access.
  • ROSOL, Marit / BLUE, Gwendolyn (2022): From the smart city to urban justice in a digital age. In: City. Analysis of Urban Change, Theory, Action 26(4). 684-705. Open access.
  • ROSOL, Marit / ROSOL, Christoph (2022): Food, Pandemics, and the Anthropocene – On the necessity of food and agriculture change. Canadian Food Studies / La Revue Canadienne Des études Sur l’alimentation, 9(1), 281-293. Open access.
  • ROSOL, Marit / BARBOSA, JR., Ricardo (2021): Moving beyond direct marketing with new mediated models: evolution of or departure from alternative food networks? In: Agriculture and Human Values 38(4): 1021-1039 (full-text view-only version here)
  • ROSOL, Marit (2020): On the Significance of Alternative Economic Practices – Reconceptualizing Alterity in Alternative Food Networks. In: Economic Geography 96(1): 52–76.
  • ROSOL, Marit (2020): On crisis, protest, and hope. Commentary. Part of: Penny, Joe/ Barnett, Clive/ Legacy, Crystal/ Dikec, Mustafa/ Rosol, Marit/ Featherstone, David and Swyngedouw, Erik. Urban Geography Review Symposium on: Promises of the political. Insurgent cities in a post-political environment. In: Urban Geography 41(2): 312–329.
  • BLUE, Gwendolyn / ROSOL, Marit / FAST, Victoria (2019): Justice as Parity of Participation. Enhancing Arnstein's Ladder through Fraser's Justice Framework. In: Journal of the American Planning Association. 85(3):363–376. Special Issue: 50 years since Arnstein's ladder.
  • MÖSGEN Andrea/ ROSOL, Marit/ SCHIPPER, Sebastian (2019): State-led gentrification in previously ‘un-gentrifiable’ areas: Examples from Vancouver/Canada and Frankfurt/Germany. European Urban and Regional Studies. 26(4): 419–433.
  • ROSOL, Marit/ STRÜVER, Anke (2018): (Economic) Geographies of Food: Transformative economies and alternative eating practices [original title: (Wirtschafts-)Geographien des Essens: Transformatives Wirtschaften und alternative Ernährungspraktiken]. In: Zeitschrift für Wirtschaftsgeographie 62(3–4): 169–173. Open access.
  • ROSOL, Marit (2018): Alternative Food Networks as Alternative Economies [original title: Alternative Ernährungsnetzwerke als Alternative Ökonomien]. In: Zeitschrift für Wirtschaftsgeographie 62(3–4): 174–186. Open access.
  • ROSOL, Marit/ BÉAL, Vincent / MOESSNER, Samuel (2017): Greenest cities? The (post-)politics of new environmental regimes. In: Environment and Planning A 49(8): 1710–1718.
  • Tim - adical Writing Collective (2017): Vulnerabilities, complicities and injustices: ‘Tim-adical’ actions for change in the neoliberal academy. In: ephemera. theory & politics in organization, 17(3): 691-704. (authors: Kean Birch, Sophie Bond, Tina Harris, Dawn Hoogeveen, Nicole Laliberte, Marit Rosol) Open access.
  • ESPINOSA SEGUí, Ana, / MAćKIEWICZ, Barbara / ROSOL, Marit (2017): From Leisure to Necessity: Urban Allotments in Alicante Province, Spain, in Times of Crisis. In: ACME: An International Journal for Critical Geographies, 16(2): 276-304. Open access.
  • DÖRRY, Sabine/ ROSOL, Marit/ THISSEN, Fee (2016): The significance of creative industry policy narratives for Zurich's transformation toward a post-industrial city. In: Cities 58: 137-142.
  • ROSOL, Marit (2015): Social mixing through densification? The struggle over the Little Mountain public housing complex in Vancouver. In: Die Erde 146 (2-3): 151-164. Open access.
  • ROSOL, Marit (2015): Governing Cities through Participation: A Foucauldian analysis of CityPlan Vancouver. In: Urban Geography 36(2): 256-276.
  • ROSOL, Marit (2014): Food security through urban gardening? – Experiences from Toronto [original title: Ernährungssicherung durch urban gardening? – Erfahrungen aus Toronto]. In: Standort. Zeitschrift für Angewandte Geographie 38(4): 220-224, Special Issue: ‚Eating and Drinking’.
  • ROSOL, Marit (2014): On resistance in the post-political city – Conduct and counter-conduct in Vancouver. In: Space and Polity 18 (1): 70-84.
  • ROSOL, Marit (2014): Participación pública en la gobernanza posfordista de espacios verdes urbanos: El caso de los huertos comunitarios en Berlín. In: Hábitat y Sociedad N° 7: 15-30. Special Issue: “La agricultura en la planificación urbana: entre la participación y el mercado” (reprint of IJURR 2010).
  • ROSOL, Marit (2013): Governing (in) the neoliberal city. The Foucauldian analysis of neoliberalism as a contribution to urban research. [original title: Regieren (in) der neoliberalen Stadt. Foucaults Analyse des Neoliberalismus als Beitrag zur Stadtforschung]. In: Geographische Zeitschrift 101 (3-4): 132–147.
  • ROSOL, Marit (2013): Vancouver's "EcoDensity" Planning Initiative: A Struggle over Hegemony? In: Urban Studies 50 (11): 2239-2255.
  • SIGJ2 WrIting Collective (2012): What Can We Do? The Challenge of being New Academics in Neoliberal Universities (Intervention). In: Antipode  44 (4): 1055-1058. pdf on academia (authors: Kean Birch, Sophie Bond, Tina Harris, Dawn Hoogeveen, Nicole Laliberte, Marit Rosol)
  • ROSOL, Marit / SCHWEIZER, Paul (2012): Ortoloco Zurich – Urban Agriculture as an Economy of Solidarity. In: City – Analysis of urban trends, culture, theory, policy, action 16 (6): 713 - 724.
  • ROSOL, Marit (2012): Community volunteering as a neo-liberal strategy? The case of green space production in Berlin. In: Antipode  44 (1): 239-257.
  • ROSOL, Marit (2010): Public participation in post-Fordist urban green space governance: The case of community gardens in Berlin. In: International Journal of Urban and Regional Research 34 (3): 548–563.
  • ROSOL, Marit (2008): Participatory after and temporary use of inner city vacant land – Examples from Berlin [original title: Partizipative Nach- und Zwischennutzungen innerstädtischer Brachflächen - Praxisbeispiele aus Berlin.] In: Berichte zur Deutschen Landeskunde. 82 (3), Leipzig: 251-66
  • HEEG, Susanne / ROSOL, Marit (2007): Neoliberal urban policy in a global context – An overview [original title: Neoliberale Stadtpolitik im globalen Kontext – Ein Überblick.] In: Prokla – Zeitschrift für kritische Sozialwissenschaft. Heft 149, Vol. 37 (4), Münster: 491-509.
  • ROSOL, Marit (2005): Community GardensA potential for stagnating and shrinking cities? Examples from Berlin. In: Die Erde, Vol. 136. 2. Zeitschrift der Gesellschaft für Erdkunde zu Berlin. Berlin: 23-36.

ROSOL, Marit (2006): Community Gardens in Berlin.  A qualitative analysis concerning potentials and risks of civic engagement in the green sector against the background of changing statehood and spatial planning. [original title: Gemeinschaftsgärten in Berlin. Eine qualitative Untersuchung zu Potenzialen und Risiken bürgerschaftlichen Engagements im Grünflächenbereich vor dem Hintergrund des Wandels von Staat und Planung]. Mensch & Buch Verlag, Berlin.

  • HIRTH, Steffen / ROSOL, Marit (2024): Nutrition. [original titel: Ernährung] In: BELINA, Bernd / NAUMANN, Matthias / STRÜVER, Anke (Eds.): Handbuch Kritische Stadtgeographie. Münster: Westf. Dampfboot, 403-409.
  • KUMNIG, Sarah / ROSOL, Marit / EXNER, Andrea*s (Eds.) (2017): Contested Green. Between neoliberal urban development and city making from below. [original title: Umkämpftes Grün. Zwischen neoliberaler Stadtentwicklung und Stadtgestaltung von unten.] Bielefeld: Transcript. (for a book review - in German - see here)
  • HEEG, Susanne / ROSOL, Marit (Eds.) (2014): Built Environment. Urban political conflicts in Frankfurt am Main and Offenbach. [original title: Gebaute Umwelt. Aktuelle stadtpolitische Konflikte in Frankfurt am Main und Offenbach]. Forum Humangeographie 12. Institut für Humangeographie, Frankfurt a.M.

  • *ROSOL, Marit (2023): Good food for all? Navigating tensions between environmental and social justice concerns in urban community food initiatives. In: MORROW, Oona / VEEN, Esther / WAHLEN, Stefan (Eds.): Community Food Initatives. A critical reparative approach. London: Routledge, 77–97.
  • *ROSOL, Marit / BÉAL, Vincent (2022): Urban sustainability and (post-)democracy: Policies, Practices and Movements. In: BORNEMANN, Basil / KNAPPE, Henrike / NANZ, Patrizia (Eds.): Handbook of Democracy and Sustainability. Routledge International Handbooks Series. London: Routledge, 267-282.
  • *ROSOL, Marit (2021): Democratizing Land Access: Land Purchasing Cooperatives and the New Agricultural Commons. In: MEES, Carolin (Ed.): Urban Open Space+. Strategies inbetween Architecture and Open Space Planning, Berlin: Jovis, 100–104.
  • *ROSOL, Marit (2021): Eating well together. Urban food initiatives for encounter, justice and otium. [original title: Gut essen in Gemeinschaft. Städtische Ernährungsinitiativen für Begegnung, Gerechtigkeit und Muße]. In: RIEDL, Peter Philipp / FREYTAG, Tim / HUBERT, Hans W. (Eds.): Urban Otium. Materialities, Practices, Representations. Series Otium. Studies on the theory and cultural history of leisure, Vol. 20 [ original title: Urbane Muße. Materialitäten, Praktiken, Repräsentationen. Reihe Otium. Studien zu Theorie und Kulturgeschichte der Muße. Bd. 20]. Tübingen: Mohr Siebeck, 335–352.
  • * KUMNIG, Sarah / ROSOL, Marit (2021): Commoning land access. Collective purchase and squatting of agricultural lands in Germany and Austria. In: EXNER, Andreas / KUMNIG, Sarah / HOCHLEITHNER, Stephan (Eds.): Capitalism and the Commons: Just Commons in the Era of Multiple Crisis. New York: Routledge, 35-49.
  • ROSOL, Marit (2021): Community gardens in our times. [original title: Gemeinschaftsgärten in der Gegenwart]. In: GORGUS, Nina / VOIGT, Lisa (Eds.): Frankfurt garden pleasure. [original title: Frankfurter Gartenlust]. Frankfurt: Societätsverlag, 339–347
  •  ROSOL, Marit / ROSOL, Christoph (2021): World in Fever. On the necessitiy of a global food and agriculture transformation in times of the Anthropocene [original title: Welt im Fieber. Zur Notwendigkeit einer globalen Agrar- und Ernährungswende in Zeiten des Anthropozäns]. In: AgrarBündnis e.V. (Ed.): Critical Agricultural Report 2021 - World in Fever. [original title: Der Kritische Agrarbericht]. Hamm: ABL-Verlag, 8–12.
  • * ROSOL, Marit / TEMENOS, Cristina (2019): The Greenest City Experience: Exploring social action and social sustainability in Vancouver, Canada. In: KRUEGER, Robert / FREYTAG, Tim / MÖSSNER, Samuel (Eds.): Adventures in Sustainable Urbanism. New York: SUNY Press, 115–136.
  • * ROSOL, Marit / VOGELPOHL, Anne (2019): The urban village [ original title: Das Dorf in der Stadt]. In: NELL, Werner / WEILAND, Marc (Eds.): Village. An interdisciplinary guide. [original title: Dorf. Ein interdisziplinäres Handbuch.] Berlin: Metzler, 368–377.
  • * ROSOL, Marit / BLUE, Gwendolyn / FAST, Victoria (2018): “Smart” but unjust? Re-thinking the smart city critique with Nancy Fraser [original title: „Smart“, aber ungerecht? Die Smart City-Kritik mit Nancy Fraser denken]. In: BAURIEDL, Sybille / STRÜVER, Anke (Eds.): Smart City - Kritische Perspektiven auf die Digitalisierung in Städten. Bielefeld: Transcript, 87–98.
  • * ROSOL, Marit / DZUDZEK, Iris (2018): Participative planning. [original title: Partizipative Planung]. In: BELINA, Bernd / NAUMANN, Matthias / STRÜVER, Anke (Hrsg.): Guide to critical urban geography [original title: Handbuch kritische Stadtgeographie]. Münster: Westfälisches Dampfboot, 329–334 (3rd revised, updated and expanded edition)
  • ROSOL, Marit (2018): Politics of Urban Gardening. In: WARD, Kevin / JONAS, Andrew E.G. / MILLER, Byron / WILSON, David: The Routledge Handbook on Spaces of Urban Politics. New York: Routledge, 134–145.
  • * ROSOL, Marit (2017): Community Gardening in the neoliberal city [original title: Gemeinschaftlich Gärtnern in der neoliberalen Stadt]. In: KUMNIG, Sarah / ROSOL, Marit / EXNER, Andrea*s: Contested Green. Between neoliberal urban development and city making from below [original title: Umkämpftes Grün. Zwischen neoliberaler Stadtentwicklung und Stadtgestaltung von unten]. Bielefeld: Transcript, 11-32.
  • ROSOL, Marit (2016): Community volunteering and the neoliberal production of urban green space. In: BEEBEEJAUN, Yasminah (Ed.): The Participatory City. Berlin: Jovis, 85–93.
  • ROSOL, Marit (2015): Feeding the just city [original title: Die ernährungsgerechte Stadt schaffen]. In: STRÜVER, Anke (Hrsg.): Food Geographies – Among sustainability, insecurity and responsbility [original title: Geographien der Ernährung – Zwischen Nachhaltigkeit, Unsicherheit und Verantwortung]. Hamburg: Institut für Geographie der Universität Hamburg (Hamburger Symposium Geographie, Band 7), 51-65
  • ROSOL, Marit / SCHIPPER, Sebastian (2014): The foucauldian concept of governmentality. [original title: Das foucaultsche Konzept der Gouvernementalität]. In: OSSENBRÜGGE. Jürgen / VOGELPOHL, Anne (Hrsg.): Theories in spatial and urban research. [original title: Theorien in der Raum- und Stadtforschung – Einführungen]. Münster: Westfälisches Dampfboot, 271–289.
  • ROSOL, Marit (2014): Recording the unrecorded. Marit Rosol in an interview with Bohn & Viljoen. In: VILJOEN, André / BOHN, Katrin (Eds.): Second Nature Urban Agriculture: Designing productive cities. London and New York: Routledge, 178-183. (Winner of the 2015 RIBA - Royal Institute of British Architects - President's Award for Outstanding University Located Research)
  • ROSOL, Marit / DZUDZEK, Iris (2014): Participative planning. [original title: Partizipative Planung]. In: BELINA, Bernd / NAUMANN, Matthias / STRÜVER, Anke (Hrsg.): Guide to critical urban geography [original title: Handbuch kritische Stadtgeographie]. Münster: Westfälisches Dampfboot, 212–217. (second edition: 2016)
  • ROSOL, Marit (2013): Downtown and inner city development. [original title: City und Innenstadtentwicklung]. In: ROLFES, Manfred / UHLENWINKEL, Anke (Hrsg.): Metzler guide to geography 2.0 [original title: Metzler Handbuch 2.0 Geographieunterricht]. Braunschweig: Westermann, 240 – 246.
  • ROSOL, Marit (2012): The impact of shifting governing contexts on grassroots gardening initiatives – Community Gardens in Berlin, Germany. In: DAVIES, Anna (Ed.): Enterprising Communities: Grassroots Sustainability Innovations. Advances in Ecopolitics 8. Bingley, UK: Emerald Group Publishing, 123 – 142.
  • *  DÖRRY, Sabine / ROSOL, Marit (2011): Creative industries as engine of urban development? – The case of Zurich [original title: Kreativwirtschaft als Motor der Stadtentwicklung? – Das Beispiel Zürich.] In: MUSIL, Robert / MATZNETTER, Walther (Eds.): Europe – Metropolises in transition [original title: Europa: Metropolen im Wandel.] Wien: Mandelbaum-Verlag, pp. 123 – 136.
  • FRITSCHE, Miriam / KLAMT, Martin / ROSOL, Marit / SCHULZ, Marlies (2011): Social Dimensions of Urban Restructuring – Urban Gardening, Residents’ Participation, Gardening Exhibitions. In: Endlicher, Wilfried et al. (Hrgs.): Perspectives in Urban Ecology - Ecosystems and Interactions between Humans and Nature in the Metropolis of Berlin. Berlin und Heidelberg: Springer (Germany), pp. 261-295.
  • ROSOL, Marit (2011): Uneven provision with open green spaces – A / No topic for landscape planning? [original title: Ungleiche Versorgung mit Grün- und Freiflächen – (K)ein Thema für die Freiraumplanung?] (In: BELINA, Bernd / GESTRING, Norbert / MÜLLER, Wolfgang / STRÄTER, Detlev (Hrsg.): Urbane Differenzen. Disparitäten innerhalb und zwischen Städten (= Raumproduktionen: Theorie und gesellschaftliche Praxis 9), Münster: Westfälisches Dampfboot, 98 - 114.
  • ROSOL, Marit (2010): CityPlan Vancouver - Strategic planning through new forms of governance? [original title: CityPlan Vancouver - Strategische Planung durch neue Governanceformen?] In: HUTTER, Gérard; WIECHMANN, Thorsten (Hrsg.): Strategische Planung. Zur Rolle der Planung in der Strategieentwicklung für Städte und Regionen. Reihe Planungsrundschau Nr. 18, Kassel, Verlag Uwe Altrock, 121-141. Editorial.
  • ROSOL, Marit (2010): Community Gardens - Political struggles around the use of inner city space. [original title: Gemeinschaftsgärten - Politische Konflikte um die Nutzung innerstädtischen Raumes]. In: REIMERS, Brita (Hg.): Gärten und Politik. München, Oekom Verlag, 206-215.
  • ROSOL, Marit (2007): Community Gardening in Berlin – Creative production and use of urban green space. in: DEBEN, Léon / BONTJE, Marco: Creativity and diversity: Key challenges to the 21st century city. Amsterdam: Spinhuis, 196-209.
  • *  HAIDLE, Ella / ROSOL, Marit (2005): About the rural within the urban – Community gardens in Buenos Aires and Berlin [original title: Vom Lande in der Stadt – Gemeinschaftsgärten in Buenos Aires und Berlin.] In: LandLiebe –Landleben. Ländlicher Raum im Spiegel von Sozialwissenschaften und Planungstheorie, Planungsrundschau Ausgabe 12, Berlin, 141-153.
  • ROSOL, Marit (2004): Community gardens in Berlin and North American cities. „Green Oases“ through informal work?  [original title: Community Gardens in Berlin und nordamerikanischen Großstädten – „Grüne Oasen“ durch informelle Arbeit?]. In: MANNING, Stephan / MAYER, Margit (eds.): Praktiken informeller Ökonomie: Explorative Studien aus deutschen und nordamerikanischen Städten. Arbeitspapier Nr. 2 der Abteilung Politik des John-F.-Kennedy-Instituts der Freien Universität Berlin, Berlin: Selbstverlag Freie Universität Berlin, 35-53. (download pdf here)
  • BLANKENBURG, Tanja / ROSOL, Marit (1998): Rykestraße - Story of a neighbourhood [original title: Rykestraße – Geschichte eines Quartiers]. In: S.T.E.R.N. et al. (Hg.): Das SelbstBau-Modell. Eine Mietergenossenschaft in Prenzlauer Berg. Berlin: Christoph Links Verlag, 15-21.

  • Learning from Freiburg's Food Initiatives. Interview with Marit Rosol / Series "Faces of FRIAS". Freiburg Institute for Advanced Studies, Albert-Ludwigs-Universität Freiburg. March 2023.
  • ROSOL, Marit (2022). Book Review: Sébastien Rioux. The Social Cost of Cheap Food: Labour and the Political Economy of Food Distribution in Britain, 1830–1914. McGill-Queen’s University Press 2019 In: University of Toronto Quarterly, 91(3), 327–329.
  • einBLICK, JMU Würzburg (2022): Contribute to the agricultural and food transition. [original title: Zur Agrar- und Ernährungswende beitragen.]
  • SSHRC Research Story (2022): Creating a more sustainable and just food system.
  • SPRING, Charlotte / ROSOL, Marit (2022): “Pay the rent or feed the kids”: A scoping review of the ‘housing-food insecurity nexus’ in Canada. SocArXiv. doi:10.31235/
  • ROSOL, Marit / BLUE, Gwendolyn / FAST, Victoria (2019): Social Justice in the Digital Age: Re-thinking the Smart City with Nancy Fraser. Working Paper #1. UCCities – Global Urban Research at the University of Calgary. SocArXiv.
  • ROSOL, Marit (2012): Social mixing as state-led gentrification? Book Review Essay on: Gary Bridge, Tim Butler, and Loretta Lees (2012, Eds.): Mixed Communities. Gentrification by stealth?, Bristol: The Policy Press, Bristol. In: Social Geography, 7: 47-49.
  • SCHWEIZER, Paul / ROSOL, Marit (2012): Ortoloco Zurich - A community garden as a living example of an alternative, solidary economy. [original title: Ortoloco Zürich – Ein Gemeinschaftsgarten als gelebtes Beispiel für eine alternative, solidarische Ökonomie.] Hg. von der Stiftungsgemeinschaft ‚anstiftung & ertomis’, München.
  • Book Review (2012): Martinez, Miranda J. (2010): Power at the roots. Gentrification, Community Gardens, and the Puerto Ricans of the Lower East Side. In: Urban Studies, 49 (5): 1155-1157.
  • Author Interview (2012, January): Marit Rosol speaks about 'Community Volunteering as neo-liberal strategy'. Antipode Foundation.
  • ROSOL, Marit (2009): Stadtplanung im Umbau. In: Forum Wissenschaft. 26 (1): 10-13. (download pdf here)
  • Book Review (2009): Richardson, Liz (2008): DIY Community Action. Neighbourhood problems and community self-help. In: Urban Studies, 46 (9): 2008-2010.
  • Book Review (2008): BARTLETT, Peggy (ed.) (2005): Urban Place: Reconnecting with the Natural World. In: Urban Studies, 45 (2) (2008): 451-453.
  • Book Review (2007): BELINA, Bernd (2006): Raum, Überwachung, Kontrolle. Verlag Westfälisches Dampfboot, Münster. In Social & Cultural Geography, Vol. 8.5 (2007): 800-802.
  • ROSOL, Marit / WEIß, Julika (2005): Community Gardens in Toronto und Seattle – interkulturell, ökologisch, ernährungssichernd. In: Stiftung Interkultur (Hg.). Skripte zu Migration und Nachhaltigkeit Nr. 1, München. (download pdf here)
  • ARNDT, Christoph / HAIDLE, Ella / ROSOL, Marit (2004): Grass roots oases. Inner urban community gardens in Buenos Aires and Berlin [original title: Graswurzeloasen. Innerstädtische Gemeinschaftsgärten in Buenos Aires und Berlin]. In: Trialog – Zeitschrift für das Planen und Bauen in der Dritten Welt, Heft 81, Juni 2004, Darmstadt: 12-17.
  • ROSOL, Marit (2001): Housing cooperatives in Uruguay - An analysis of claims and reality of collective self-help (Diplomarbeit/ Master Thesis)

  • Elected Member, Board of Directors, Bavarian American Academy (2024–)
  • Elected Member, Board of Directors,  AK Agri-Food Geographies, Deutsche Gesellschaft für Geographie – DGfG (Working Group Agri-Food Geographies of the German Geographical Society) (2024–)
  • Member, interdisciplinary Kolleg Moderne und Gegenwart (KMG), Universität Würzburg (2024–)
  • Representative for University Library Affairs, Department of Geography and Geology, Universität Würzburg (2023–)
  • Member Advisory Board Canadian Food Studies / La Revue canadienne des études sur l’alimentation (2022 ongoing)
  • Co-Editor in Chief Canadian Food Studies / La Revue canadienne des études sur l’alimentation (2020-22)
  • Editorial Board sub\urban - Zeitschrift für kritische Stadtforschung (Journal for critical urban research, 2020 ongoing)
  • Convener Calgary Institute for the Humanities (CIH) Food Studies Interdisciplinary Research Group (Founder and Convener 2019-22, Member 2022 on-going)
  • Graduate Program Committee, Department of Geography, U of Calgary (2019-22)
  • Editorial Board Standort - Zeitschrift für Angewandte Geographie (German Journal of Applied Geography, 2019–23)
  • Board Member Canadian Association for Food Studies (CAFS, 2018–20)
  • Governance Board Canadian Food Studies / La Revue canadienne des études sur l’alimentation (2018–20)
  • Founding and Executive Board Member UCCities - Global Urban Research at the University of Calgary  (2017-22)
  • Convener interdiscipllnary Calgary Institute for the Humanities (CIH) working group Social Justice and the Smart City, University of Calgary (2018–19)
  • Member O' Brien Institute of Public Health, University of Calgary (OIPH, 2017 ongoing)
  • Reviews for academic journals (selection, > 50 journals in total): ACME. An International E-Journal for Critical Geographies / Agriculture and Human Values / Annals of the American Association of Geographers / Antipode. A Radical Journal of Geography / Area / Canadian Food Studies / La revue Canadienne des études sur l’alimentation /  City: Analysis of Urban Change, Theory, Action / City, Culture and Society / Die Erde. Journal of the Geographical Society of Berlin / Economic Geography / Environmental Innovation and Societal Transitions / Environmental Policy and Governance / Environment and Planning A: Economy and Space / Environment and Planning E: Nature and Space / Geografiska Annaler B: Human Geography / Geography Compass / Geographica Helvetica / Geographische Zeitschrift / Housing, Theory and Society / International Journal of Urban and Regional Research / Journal of Cleaner Production / Journal of Rural Studies / Landscape and Urban Planning / Local Environment / Progress in Human Geography / Raumforschung und Raumordnung / Standort – Zeitschrift für Angewandte Geographie / Sub/urban. Zeitschrift für kritische Stadtforschung / Sustainability: Science, Practice and Policy / The Canadian Geographer/ Le Géographe Canadien / Tijdschrift voor Economische en Sociale Geografie / Urban Forestry & Urban Greening / Urban Geography / Urban Studies / ZfW - Advances in Economic Geography

Geographies of Alternative Food / Critical Food Studies

Geographies of Alternative Food / Critical Food Studies

  • Food, alternative economies, and urban-rural relations (SSHRC CRC Program, 2021–2022, PI)
  • Towards Just Food Futures: Divergent approaches and possibilities for collaboration across difference (SSHRC Connection Grant, 2020-22, PI)
  • Local ingredients, global recipes: Exploring strategies to avoid the local trap through a study of the EthniCity catering program in Calgary, Alberta (SSHRC Graduate Scholarship, CRC Program, Department of Geography, MA project Abby Landon, 2020–22, Co-PI)
  • Four Stories About Food Sovereignty: Transnational Crises and Local Action (SSHRC Partnership Development Grant, 2019–2022, Collaborator)
  • Good food is just the beginning. Scaling up and scaling out urban community food initiatives in Calgary (SSHRC Insight Grant, 2019–2022, PI)
  • Food Activism in Calgary as Struggle for Food Sovereignty in the Urban Global North (Mitacs, CRC Program, Department of Geography, MA project Ricardo Barbosa Jr., 2017–2021, Co-PI)
  • Working Across Difference: A Case Study of Food System Transformation in the Bow Valley (SSHRC CRC & Faculty of Arts, Postdoctoral research project Dr. Lauren Kepkiewicz, 2019–2021, Co-PI)
  • Generating Knowledge, Sharing Experiences and Building Collaborations for Ecologically Sustainable and Socially Just Urban Food Systems in Calgary (SSHRC Seed Grant, 2020, PI)
  • Urban Food Initiatives and Alternative Food Networks in a Canadian-German Perspective (SSHRC CRC Program, 2016–2021, PI)
  • Cities, Food, and Social Inequality. Barriers and Chances for the Access to Healthy Food in German Cities (Hans-Böckler Foundation, PhD project Hanna Augustin, 2015–2019, Co-PI)

Smart City

  • Social Justice and the Smart City  (CIH, 2018–2019 Co-PI, 2017–18 and 2019-20 participant)
  • The Social and Environmental Implication of Smart Cities: Towards a Global Comparative Research Agenda (SSHRC Connections Grant, UofC VPR, 2016–2019, Co-PI)