Deutsch Intern
    Physical Geography and Soil Science

    Silvan SCHMIEG, M.Sc.

    Tel.: +49 931 31-84125

    Institute of Geography and Geology
    Working group Physical Geography and Soil Science
    Am Hubland
    97074 Wuerzburg

    Campus Hubland South
    Geography Building
    Room 113

    • Geomorphology
    • Natural hazards
    • Geoinformationsystems

    MainPro - Das Maintalprojekt: Ökosystembasierte Lösungen für Gefährdungs-Szenarios im fränkischen Maintal

    since 2024
    Research assistant at the Chair of Physical Geography, University of Würzburg in the project: “MainPro: Ecosystem-Based Solutions for Hazard Scenarios in the Franconian Main Valley”

    2019 – 2023
    Studies in Geographical Environmental Research at the Free University of Berlin, Master's thesis: “A Location Analysis of Churches in Tigray, Ethiopia, and Assessment of Their Potential for Reconstructing Ancient Waypoints”

    2019 – 2023
    Student Assistant in the project: “Routes of Interaction: Regional Contacts between the Northern Horn of Africa and the Nile Valley”

    Semester Abroad (ERASMUS) at Ulster University, Northern Ireland

    2015 – 2019
    Studies in Geographical Sciences at the Free University of Berlin, Bachelor's thesis: “Investigation of Anthropogenic Influences on Geomorphological Processes at Harzhorn, Lower Saxony”