Constantin Meyer, M.Sc.

Chair of Geography and Regional Science
Phone.: +49 931 31-89360
Institute of Geography and Geology
Am Hubland
97074 Würzburg
Campus Southern Hubland
Geography building
Room 313
- Sustainable spatial development
- Safeguarding of open spaces and reduction of land consumption
- Spatial and environmental planning instruments
- Geographic Information Systems and spatial (land) monitoring
- Urban development planning
- Climate protection and adaptation to climate change
PlanToConnect – Mainstreaming ecological connectivity in spatial planning systems of the Alpine Space
- Funding body: Interreg Alpine Space Programm (Europäischer Fonds für regionale Entwicklung)
- Duration: 11/2022 – 10/2025
- Subbudget JMU: 301.000 EUR
- Co-financing of the European Union: 226.000 EUR
- Project website:
- Leadership: Univ.-Prof. Dr. Hubert Job
- Contact person: Kerstin Ströbel, M. Sc., Constantin Meyer, M.Sc.
Promoting ecological connectivity is an important option to enable dynamic adaptation processes in ecosystems, and thus to combat the decline in biodiversity and preserve ecosystem functions, especially in view of the changing climatic conditions. While protected areas are well established, their connection through green and blue infrastructure/ecological corridors suffers from significant planning gaps, missing implementation and emerging threats, such as renewable energy production. An overarching connectivity planning concept guiding corridor implementation across alpine regions is currently missing. Therefore, regional networks, including design of corridors, need to be harmonized and planning systems upgraded to move from conventional land-use planning to more ecosystem function approaches. Know-how and experience developed by PlanToConnect and from previous Alpine Space projects (e.g. ALPBIONET2030, OpenSpaceAlps) will be applied to, and tested in, ecological network planning in the partner regions, a step towards the development of a coherent network of green and blue infrastructures throughout the Alpine Space. The PlanToConnect project comprises ten partner organisations from five Alpine countries.
ARL European Working Group "AlpPlan - alpine spatial planning network"
- Partner institution: Akademie für Raumentwicklung in der Leibniz-Gemeinschaft (ARL)
- Duration: Ongoing, since 10/2020
- Budget: Ongoing from budget for research and teaching
- Project website::
- Leadership: Univ.-Prof. Dr. Hubert Job
- Contact person: Constantin Meyer, M.Sc.
AlpPlan is a European Working Group (EWG) in the Alpine region, resulting from a cooperation of the Interreg Alpine Space project OpenSpaceAlps and the Academy for Territorial Development in the Leibniz Association (ARL). The realisation of the objectives set by the Alpine Convention and their coordination by means of spatial planning form an important framework for the activities of the network. The overall objective of AlpPlan is to promote cooperation and coordination in the field of spatial planning in the Alpine region, especially from a cross-border perspective. Through mutual exchange and cooperation, the network is committed to contributing to sustainable territorial development from an ecological, economic and social perspective. The benefit of the network is seen particularly in the fact that AlpPlan brings together both scientific expertise and practice-oriented application perspectives.
OpenSpaceAlps – Sustainable development of alpine open spaces by enhancing spatial planning governance
- Funding body: Interreg Alpine Space Programm (Europäischer Fonds für regionale Entwicklung)
- Duration: 10/2019 – 06/2022
- Budget: 128.000 EUR
- Leadership: Univ.-Prof. Dr. Hubert Job
- Contact person: Constantin Meyer, M.Sc.
since 04/2023
Research associate at University of Würzburg, Chair of Geography and Regional Science, Interreg Alpine Space project "PlanToConnect"
since 07/2022
Research associate (PdD candidate), Academy for Territorial Development in the Leibniz Association (ARL)
since 10/2020
PhD candidate at University of Würzburg (Faculty of Philosophy, Chair of Geography and Regional Science)
06/2020 – 06/2022
Research associate at University of Würzburg, Chair of Geography and Regional Science, Interreg Alpine Space project "OpenSpaceAlps"
Master of Science in Applied Human Geography, University of Wuerzburg, Germany
Bachelor of Science in Geography, University of Bayreuth, Germany
Member of the Bavarian working group, Academy for Territorial Development in the Leibniz Association (ARL LAG Bayern)
Professional Experience
since 10/2020
Secretary of the European Working Group "Safeguarding open spaces in the Alpine Region" (AlpPlan Alpine Spatial Planning network), Academy for Territorial Development in the Leibniz Association (ARL)
03/2021 – 05/2022
Participation in the "Young Planners" format for the revision of the Bavarian State Development Programme (LEP)
01/2019 – 02/2020
Secretary of the Bavarian Working Group, Academy for Territorial Development in the Leibniz Association (ARL)
01/2019 – 05/2020
Scientific Assistant, University of Wuerzburg, Chair of Geography and Regional Science
02/2019 – 04/2019
Internship, Leibniz Institute of Ecological Urban and Regional Development (IÖR) in Dresden, Research Area Environmental Risks in Urban and Regional Development
02/2018 – 12/2018
Student Employee, Chamber of Industry and Commerce Würzburg-Schweinfurt, Regional Economic Policy
06/2016 – 09/2017
Student Assistant, Chair of Political Geography, University of Bayreuth
03/2017 – 04/2017
Internship, City of Ansbach, Urban Planning and Climate Protection Division
07/2016 – 08/2016
Internship, Landkreis Fürth, Regional Management and LEADER coordination
Peer-reviewed publications:
Meyer, C.; Job, H. (2024): Developing a data-driven approach to climate-proof a regional spatial planning instrument: the Bavarian Alpenplan. In: eco.mont – Journal on Protected Mountain Areas Research and Management 16(2): 16-29.
Meyer, C.; Job, H.; Knoll, L. (2022): Längsschnittanalyse Alpiner Siedlungsgeographie: Das Tegernseer Tal, Bayern. In: Mitteilungen der Österreichischen Geographischen Gesellschaft 164: 283–309.
Job, H.; Meyer, C.; Coronado, O.; Koblar, S.; Laner, P.; Omizzolo, A.; Plassmann, G.; Riedler, W.; Vesely, P.; Schindelegger, A. (2022): Open Spaces in the European Alps—GIS-Based Analysis and Implications for Spatial Planning from a Transnational Perspective. In: Land 11, 1605.
Job, H.; Meyer, C. (2022): 50 Jahre Bayerischer Alpenplan – Würdigung und Plädoyer für eine Weiterentwicklung. In: Natur und Landschaft. Zeitschrift für Naturschutz und Landschaftspflege 97 (3): 117-123.
Meyer, C.; Peters, J. C.; Thiel, M.; Rathmann, J.; Job, H. (2021): Monitoring von Freiflächeninanspruchnahme und -versiegelung für eine nachhaltige Raumentwicklung in Bayern. In: Raumforschung und Raumordnung I Spatial Research and Planning 79 (2), 172-189.
Burk, J.; Meyer, C.; Peters, J. C.; Rauch, S. (2020): GIS-gestützte Modellierung der Erreichbarkeiten ambulanter Pflegedienste nach SGB V und SGB XI in Unterfranken unter Berücksichtigung demographischer Entwicklungen. In: Raumforschung und Raumordnung I Spatial Research and Planning 78 (5), 487–507.
Other publications:
Job, H., Meyer, C., Klee, A. (2024): Zukunftsorientierte Alpine Raumordnung (II). In: Raumentwicklung – ARL-Journal für Wissenschaft und Praxis 54(1): 45-50.
Job, H.; Meyer, C. (2022): 50 Jahre Bayerischer Alpenplan – Startpunkt für eine zeitgemäße Weiterentwicklung. In: Jahrbuch des Vereins zum Schutz der Bergwelt (München) (Sonderdruck, 87. Jahrgang), 1-54.
Meyer, C.; Job, H. (2022): Rahmenbedingungen und Herausforderungen des Alpenraums. In: CIPRA Österreich/ Umweltdachverband (Hrsg.): Alpine Raumordnung. Ein Raumentwicklungskonzept für den Alpinen Raum. Wien, 16-22.
Meyer, C., Job, H., Laner, P. et. al. (2022): OpenSpaceAlps Planning Handbook: Perspectives for consistent safeguarding of open spaces in the Alpine region. Interreg Alpine Space project OpenSpaceAlps (übersetzt in DE, FR, IT und SLO).
Autor in: Academy for Territorial Development in the Leibniz Association (ARL) (Hrsg.) (2022): Safeguarding open spaces in the Alpine region. Position paper by a group of members of the ‘AlpPlan’ Alpine spatial planning network at the ARL (= Position Papers of the ARL, Nr. 133). Hanover. URN:
Feistl, C., Köstler, S., Meyer, C., Schindele, T., Weber, S. (2022): Multicodierung als raumplanerische Strategie zur flächeneffizienten Landnutzung im Freiraum. In: Bayerisches Staatsministerium für Wirtschaft, Landesentwicklung und Energie (Hrsg.): Young Planners. Ein neuer Beteiligungsansatz bei der Teilfortschreibung des Landesentwicklungsprogramms Bayern 2021/2022 (Kurzfassung als Broschüre). München, 15-19.
Feistl, C., Köstler, S., Meyer, C., Schindele, T., Weber, S. (2022): Themenfeld 2: Nachhaltige Anpassung an den Klimawandel und gesunde Umwelt. In: Bayerisches Staatsministerium für Wirtschaft, Landesentwicklung und Energie (Hrsg.): Young Planners. Ein neuer Beteiligungsansatz bei der Teilfortschreibung des Landesentwicklungsprogramms Bayern 2021/2022. White Paper der Projektergebnisse. München, 14-31.
Meyer, C., Vesely, P., Laner, P. (2021): Internationaler Austausch zur Freiraumplanung. Bericht vom "capacity building seminar for young professionals" des OpenSpaceAlps Projekts. In: Die Alpenkonvention - Nachhaltige Entwicklung für die Alpen, No. 96 (2021), 3.
Meyer, C. (2021): Startschuss für Raumplanungsnetzwerk im Alpenraum. Transnationales "AlpPlan network" soll Raumplanungsakteur*innen aus allen Alpenstaaten und -regionen vernetzen. In: Die Alpenkonvention - Nachhaltige Entwicklung für die Alpen, No. 94 (2021), 9.
Job, H., Weidlich, O., Meyer, C. (2019): Erfahrungen zum Flächensparen aus Österreich und der Schweiz sowie Schlussfolgerungen für Bayern. In: Bayerische Akademie Ländlicher Raum e.V. (Hrsg.): Flächenverbrauch wirksam begrenzen. Wie lässt sich der Richtwert 5ha/Tag in Bayern umsetzen? Fachtagung der Bayerischen Akademie Ländlicher Raum e.V. am 26. Juli 2019 in München (= Dokumentation, Heft Nr. 56). München, 40-44.