Deutsch Intern
Professorship for Social Geography

Wellbeing in Würzburg

Project presentation

How liveable is Würzburg and what makes a neighbourhood really attractive? This is exactly what the city of Würzburg would like to find out together with the Chair of Social Geography at the University of Würzburg. As part of the "Smart Region Würzburg" project, all Würzburg residents aged 16 and over are invited to take part in an online survey on quality of life and satisfaction. The survey analyses how well the infrastructure and accessibility of shops, schools and leisure facilities are rated. It also focusses on how public spaces are designed, whether there are enough green spaces and how clean the streets are perceived to be. In addition to these infrastructural factors, personal well-being is also surveyed: do people feel safe and relaxed in their neighbourhood? How do they perceive air quality, noise and climatic conditions, and how important is good social interaction in the neighbourhood to them? The results will then be made publicly accessible and will be incorporated into the sustainable development of the city of Würzburg and serve as an example for other cities. Further information and the opportunity to take part can be found at