Riemann, Tobias:
Climate change-related vulnerabilities in settlement and infrastructure areas of the Lower Franconian Main Valley: Analysis, evaluation and recommendations for action with special consideration of planning instruments (working title)
Supervisor: J. Rauh
Karges, Nils:
The physiological restorative role of soundscape in urban public spaces: From physical measurement to perception of soundscapes (working title)
Supervisor: J. Rauh
Arndt, Jacqueline:
The role of social networks for cultural education. Social and population-geographical analyses of cultural participation in selected peripheral areas of northern Germany. (working title).
Supervisor: J. Rauh
Hoffmann, Oda Maria:
Actor-based analysis of the sustainability of retail property. (working title)
Supervisor: J. Rauh
Maximilian Graßl: Socio-spatial differentiation and accessibility. Statistical and GIS-supported analyses with small-scale data using the example of the city of Regensburg Supervisor: J. Rauh
Rauch, Sebastian:
Migration of highly qualified people using the example of professional football in Germany - A sport-geographical study using methodological approaches of social network and spatio-temporal path analysis
Supervisor: J. Rauh
Dolezal, Sascha:
Traditional shopping arcades in Japan's retail landscape: spatial structures, processes and consequences
Supervisor: J. Rauh
Seynstahl, Christian:
The labour mobility of highly qualified employees. A labour market geographic analysis and modelling using the example of Mainfranken
Supervisor: J. Rauh
Neff, Christian:
General practitioner care and demographic change. An individual-based multi-agent simulation of supply and demand development in the district of Schweinfurt
Supervisor: J. Rauh
Dichtl, Tobias:
Owners of retail properties as key actors for the attractiveness of city centres. Analysed using the example of Würzburg
Supervisor: J. Rauh
Baumann, Oliver:
Spatial structures, dynamics and interactions of innovative telecommunication technologies
Supervisor: J. Rauh
Harder, Florian:
Road pricing and sustainable urban transport. An agent-based microsimulation with SeSAm.
Supervisor: J. Rauh
Holste, Sibylle:
The networking of the Mainfranken region with the European metropolitan regions.
Supervisor: J. Rauh
Breidenbach, Petra:
E-commerce for multi-channel companies. Analytical consideration of the information and purchase flows of consumers and corporate strategy recommendations
Supervisor: J. Rauh
Beckmann, Carl-Christian:
Relationship-oriented location management and regional economic development and their location factors analysed using the example of location marketing in Bavaria. A spatial economic analysis with special consideration of the instruments of relationship marketing.
Supervisor: J. Rauh