Univ.-Prof. Dr. Jürgen Rauh

Head of the
Professorship for Social Geography
Phone: +49 931 31-85559
E-mail: juergen.rauh@uni-wuerzburg.de
Institute of Geography and Geology
Am Hubland
97074 Würzburg
Hubland South Campus
Geography Building
Room 110
Appointments for consultation hours during the lecture period are possible via Zoom as well as in presence: Wednesday 9-10 am. Please register in advance by e-mail!
Appointments for consultation hours during the lecture-free period by appointment.
- Social and population geography
- regional science methodology
- regional research
- Telecommunications and transport
- Geographical trade research
- Methods, geoinformatics and GIS
Wellbeing in Würzburg
Funding: City of Würzburg
Duration: 03/2025 - 10/2025
Contact persons: Prof. Jürgen Rauh, Nils Karges
The Main Valley Project: Ecosystem-based solutions for hazard scenarios in the Franconian Main Valley (MainPro)
Funded by: Free State of Bavaria, Bavarian State Ministry of Science and the Arts; ERFE
Duration: 05/2023 - 09/2027
Programme management: Prof. Dr. Birgit Terhorst, Institute of Geography and Geology
Sub-project leaders: Prof. Dr Jörg Müller, Biocentre; Prof. Dr Jürgen Rauh, Geography, Social Geography;
Prof. Dr Hannes Taubenböck, Geography, Remote Sensing; Prof. Dr Tobias Ullmann, Geography, Remote Sensing;
- Jun-Prof. Dr Julia Meister, Geography
Accessibility in local food supply. A multidimensional conceptualisation, modelling and analysis based on empirical consumer surveys
Funding: German Research Foundation (DFG)
Duration: 2021 - 2024
Collaborative project: Cultural education and its networks. Sub-project: Actors and their connections as success factors for (cultural) participation in peripheral areas in southern Germany
Introduction and operation of a self-driving shuttle service in public transport in Bad Birnbach - accompanying research in the sub-area of society
Areas of conflict in inner-city retail in medium-sized centres in Mainfranken
Agent-based microsimulation of mobility and consumer behaviour
Empirical studies on shared mobility in Mainfranken Funding: IHK Würzburg-Schweinfurt
Data analyses on mobility concept for the district of Deggendorf (funding: Regionalbus Ostbayern GmbH (DB))
Transport geography surveys for trial operation of Münchner Str. in Dachau (funding: City of Dachau) - Retail trade in European border regions
Structural data analysis Mainfranken and creation of a GIS for Lower Franconia (funding: IHK Würzburg-Schweinfurt)
Scientific advice on the development of a small-scale structure for the city of Würzburg (funding: City of Würzburg)
Knowledge-intensive key industries in the Mainfranken region - network analysis (Funding: Region Mainfranken GmbH)
Scientific advice on the preparation of broadband planning in the districts of Traunstein, Starnberg, Erding, Landsberg/Lech, Bad Tölz-Wolfratshausen, Neuburg-Schrobenhausen, Berchtesgadener Land, Rosenheim, Miesbach, Fürstenfeldbruck, Pfaffenhofen a.d. Ilm, Donau-Ries, Miltenberg (Funding: IK-T Innovative Kommunikations-Technologien)
Mobility of Würzburg students (funding: Studierendenwerk) Determination of public transport superseders in the city of Würzburg (funding: WVI Verkehrsforschung und Infrastrukturplanung GmbH)
"Old" and "new" media and their application in a spatial perspective
REFINA - Development and evaluation of an area barometer as a basis for sustainable area management (Funding: BMBF) (Project management: Prof. Stefan Dech, Prof. Jürgen Rauh, Prof. Ralf Klein)
Development and implementation of innovative concepts and methods for researching the interactions between information and communication technologies and transport (Funding: Helmholtz Association) (Virtual Institute together with DLR, HU Berlin, TU Hamburg-Harburg, University of Stuttgart)
Estimation of spatial shopping interdependencies in functional regions on the basis of agent-based microsimulation methods and GIS (Funding: DFG) (Project management: Prof. G. Löffler, Prof. J. Rauh)
Integrated rural development concept for the southern district of Hassberge (Funding: Office for Rural Development) (Project management: Prof. Jürgen Rauh, Prof. Ralf Klein)
Regional Development Concept (REK) Hassberge District (Funding: Office for Rural Development, Hassberge District) (Project management: Prof. Jürgen Rauh, Prof. Ralf Klein)
Perception of safety and police work in the opinion of the citizens of selected towns in Eastern Bavaria (Funding: Police Headquarters Upper Palatinate)
Public transport in Bad Gögging - demand-orientated conception of a city and spa bus route
Territorial Research and Opportunities Research - Cities in Switzerland (Funding: IK-T Innovative Kommunikations-Technologien)
Investigation of the market analysis instruments of Deutsche Telekom (Funding: Deutsche Telekom)
Regional marketing in the district of Schwandorf: Image, mission statement and measures (Funding: District of Schwandorf)
Verkehr(t) in Freimann: Consultancy and marketing for sustainable mobility in a Munich district (Funding: MVV, City of Munich)
New scope for urban development through corporate mobility management (ExWoSt model project as part of the research field of urban development and urban transport)
Corporate mobility management at Bayerischer Rundfunk in Munich-Freimann (funding: Bayerischer Rundfunk)
Population forecasts with the help of multi-agent simulation
GIS-supported telecommunication network planning
Concept development for disco bus in the Kelheim district (together with Prof. Klein (University of Regensburg), Dr Schliephake)
Professional background
since 2002
University Professor of Social Geography specialising in Population Geography and Regional Science Methodology at the University of Würzburg
2001 - 2002
Deputy Chair of Applied Geography specialising in Geoinformatics at the Technical University of Munich
1999 - 2001
Deputy Chair of Applied Geography I at the TU Munich
1999 - 2002
Private lecturer at the University of Regensburg
1993 - 1999
Research assistant at the University of Regensburg
1989 - 1992
Research assistant at the City of Regensburg
1987 - 1989
Partner in a planning office
Habilitation, Dr phil. habil. Regensburg
Doctorate, Dr phil. Regensburg
Dipl.-Geograph Regensburg
1988 - 1991
Geography (doctorate) Regensburg
1982 - 1988
Geography, Statistics, Econometrics Regensburg
as editor
Koch, A., Rauh, J. (2017): Information Society between Networking and Exclusion, Münster, LIT-Verlag (= Geography of Communication, vol. 12)
Kulke, E., Rauh, J. (2014): The shopping centre phenomenon: current developments and effects (= Geographische Handelsforschung, H. 22), MetaGIS-Verlag, Mannheim
Rauh, J., Dichtl, T. (2012): Lower Franconia - a region in transition (=Reports of the Centre for Regional Research, vol. 3), MetaGIS-Verlag, Mannheim
Gräf, P., Rauh, J. (2012): Innovative Applications of ICT, Münster/Berlin, LIT-Verlag (= Geography of Communication, vol. 10)
Gräf, P., Rauh, J. (2010): Regional Components of the Information Society, Münster/Berlin, LIT-Verlag (= Geography of Communication, vol. 9)
Rauh, J. (2009): Facets and Perspectives of Regional Research in Lower Franconia (=Reports of the Centre for Regional Research, vol. 1), MetaGIS-Verlag, Mannheim
Lenz, B., Kulke, E., Nerlich, M.R., Rauh, J., Vogt, W. (2009): Production-Distribution-Consumption. Effects of information and communication technologies (ICT) on economic and supply traffic, Springer-Verlag, Heidelberg/Dordrecht/London/New York
Rauh, J., Schrödl, D. (2007): Geographies of the North. Norway and Sweden in social, economic and ecological change (= Würzburger Geographische Manuskripte, H. 72), Würzburg
Klein, R., Rauh, J. (2007): Analysis methodology and modelling in geographical trade research practice (= Geographische Handelsforschung, H. 13), L.I.S.-Verlag, Passau
Ducar, D., Rauh, J. (2003): E-Commerce: Perspectives for Research and Practice (= Geographische Handelsforschung, H. 8), L.I.S.-Verlag, Passau
Gräf, P., Rauh, J. (2002): Networks and Flows - Telekommunikation zwischen Raumstruktur, Verflechtung und Informationsgesellschaft, LIT-Verlag, Münster/Hamburg/London (=Geography of Communication, vol. 3)
Graßl, M., Rauh, J., Rauch, S. (2020): Accessibility analyses of local food supply in rural areas of Mainfranken (= publication series of the IHK Würzburg-Schweinfurt, No. 1/2020), Würzburg 2020.
Rauh, J., Rauch, S. (2017): Empirical studies on shared mobility in Mainfranken. (= Publication series of the IHK Würzburg-Schweinfurt, No. 39/2017), Würzburg 2017
Rauh, J., Eberle, J., Fließbach, M., Kröll, R., Link, F., Heigl, A. (2016): Areas of conflict in city centre retail. An investigation in the Main-Franconian medium-sized centres (=Reports of the Centre for Regional Research, vol. 7), MetaGIS-Verlag, Mannheim
Meier Kruker, V., Rauh, J. (2005): Arbeitsmethoden der Humangeographie, Wissenschaftliche Buchgesellschaft, Darmstadt (Geowissen Kompakt)
Rauh, J. (1999): Telecommunications and Space. Informationsströme im internationalen, regionalen und individuellen Beziehungsfügege, LIT-Verlag, Münster/Hamburg/London (= Geographie der Kommunikation, Bd. 1)
Rauh, J., Hartschen, J., Krause, P. (1996): Action and communication spatial orientations of daily newspaper readers in the district of Schwandorf, Regensburg (= Beiträge zur Geographie Ostbayerns, H. 32)
Rauh, J., Bauer, T., Leupold, U. (1996): Kleinräumige Aktions- und Kommunikationsräume als Planungsgrundlage für die regionale Umstrukturierung der Mittelbayerischen Zeitung in den Landkreisen Neumarkt und Regensburg, Regensburg (= Beiträge zur Geographie Ostbayerns, H. 31)
Rauh, J. (1991): Newspaper and region. The example of the distribution planning of the Mittelbayerische Zeitung, Regensburg (= Beiträge zur Geographie Ostbayerns, H. 14)
Rauh, J. (1989): Standort Bajuwarenstraße in Regensburg: Handelsbetriebe und deren Einzugsbereiche, Regensburg (= Beiträge zur Geographie Ostbayerns, H. 10)
Akbaba, P., Rauh, J., Rauch, S. (2025): The Role of Small Rural Grocery Stores in Northern Bavaria: Findings of a Quantitative Customer Survey. In: Sustainability 2025, 17, 388. https://doi.org/10.3390/su17020388
Abu, I.-O., Thiel, M., Nyamekye, C., Asare, Y.M., Agyapong, E., Agbemor, B., Boateng, E.N.K., Ibebuchi, C., Ullmann, T., Rauh, J., Taubenböck, H. (2025): How Do Rural Industrial Sites Impact Migrant Motives and the Socio-Economic Conditions of Local and Migrant Populations? In: Scientific African 2025, e02546. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.sciaf.2025.e02546
Rauh, J., Burk, J. (2024): Conflict areas of the inner-city retail trade of Lower Franconian medium-sized centres. In: Jürgens, U., Pez, P. (eds.): Krisen und Bewältigungsstrategien im Einzelhandel (=Kieler Geographische Schriften, vol. 135), Kiel, pp. 69-90.
Rauh, J & S. Rauch (2024): Everyday route linkages in grocery shopping: empirical findings and their relevance for applied retail research. In: Location, http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/s00548-023-00902-w
(2023): Are public green spaces distributed fairly? A nationwide analysis based on remote sensing, OpenStreetMap and census data. In: Geocarto International 38:1, DOI: 10.1080/10106049.2023.2286305
Rauh, J., Steier, M. (2023): Data management and data analysis. In: Dziomba, M., Krajewski, C., Wiegandt, C.-C. (eds.): Applied Geography. Arbeitsfelder, Tätigkeiten und Methoden in der geographischen Berufspraxis, Paderborn (utb), pp. 299-311.
Hasselhorn, J., Meiertoberend, L., Arndt, J., Vonrhein, J., Rauh, J., Lehmann, A.C. (2023): What is culture? Understandings of culture in rural areas. In: Kolleck, N., Fischer, L. (eds.): Cultural education in rural areas. Transfer, co-construction and interaction between science and practice, Opladen/berlin/Torondo, pp. 31-38. https://doi.org/10.2307/jj.6505284.6
Rauch, S., Stangl, S., Haas, T., Rauh, J. & PU Heuschmann (2023): Spatial inequalities in preventive breast cancer care: A comparison
of different accessibility approaches for prevention facilities in Bavaria, Germany. In: Journal of Transport & Health https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jth.2023.101567
Karges, N., Staab, J., Rauh, J., Wegmann, M., & Taubenböck, H. (2022). Soundscapes on edge-The real-time machine learning approach for measuring soundscapes on resource-constrained devices. In: PROCEEDINGS of the 24th International Congress on Acoustics, pp. 128-139.
Rauch, S., Arnold, L.S., Stuerner, Z., Rauh, J., Rost, M. (2022): A true choice of place of birth? Swiss women's access to birth hospitals and birth centres. In: PLoS ONE 17(7) e0270834. https://doi.org/10.1371/journal.pone.0270834
Rauch, S., Taubenböck, H., Knopp, C., Rauh, J. (2021): Risk and space: modelling the accessibility of stroke centres using day- & nighttime population distribution and different transportation scenarios. In: International Journal of Health Geographics 20(1): 31. https://doi.org/10.1186 /s12942-021-00284-y
Stangl, S, Rauch, S., Rauh, J., Meyer, M., Müller-Nordhorn, J., Wildner, M., Wöckel, A., Heuschmann, P.U. (2021): Disparities in accessibility to evidence-based breast cancer care facilities by rural and urban areas in Bavaria, Germany. In: Cancer 127(13): 2319-2332. https://doi.org/10.1002/cncr.33493
Arndt, J., Graßl, M., Hasselhorn, J., Lehmann, A., Rauh, J. (2021): Cultural education and its social networks in rural areas in northern and southern Germany. In: Kolleck, N., Büdel, M., Nolting, J. (eds.): Research on cultural education in rural areas. Methods, theories and initial findings. Weinheim/Basel 2021. https://www.beltz.de/fachmedien/erziehungswissenschaft/produkte/details/45974-forschung-zu-kultureller-bildung-in-laendlichen-raeumen.html
Engelhardt, H., Rauh, J., Reeh, T., Keck, M. (2020): Unpackaged shops in Germany - niche concept or future model? Analysis of consumption practices and an attempt at customer typification. In: Reports. Geography and regional studies 93(1/2), pp. 97-121
Rauh, J. (2020): Methodology and Methods in Geographical Trade Research - An Introduction. In: Hahn, B., Neiberger, C. (eds.): Geographische Handelsforschung, Springer-Verlag 2020, pp. 263-272. https://link.springer.com/chapter/10.1007/978-3-662-59080-5_23
Rauh, J., Hoffmann, O.M. (2020): On the state of geographical trade research: methods and techniques. In: Journal of Economic Geography 64(4), pp. 181-196. https://doi.org/10.1515/zfw-2018-0034
Rauh, J., Rauch, S. (2019): Conceptual considerations on pedestrian GIS-supported accessibility analyses in local supply in rural areas. In: Neiberger, C., Pez, P. (eds.): Retail and urban transport. New development trends through digitalisation and urban design. Würzburg (= Geographical Trade Research Vol. 28), pp. 37-49. https://doi.org/10.25972/WUP-978-3-95826-113-6
Appel A., Rauh, J., Graßl, M., Rauch, S. (2019): The social embedding of autonomous vehicles using the example of Bad Birnbach. In: Riener, A. et al (eds.): Autonomous shuttle buses in public transport. Analyses and evaluations of the Bad Birnbach case study from a technical, social and planning perspective, Berlin, pp. 135-157. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-662-59406-3
Rauh, J., Appel, A., Graßl, M. (2019): Empirical observations on the acceptance of the pilot project "Autonomous minibus" among the citizens of Bad Birnbach. In: Riener, A. et al (eds.): Autonomous shuttle buses in public transport. Analyses and evaluations of the Bad Birnbach case study from a technical, social and planning perspective, Berlin, pp. 159-176. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-662-59406-3
Rauh, J., Eberle, J. (2017): Developments in inner-city retail in the medium-sized centres of Mainfranken - Methodology and initial results of a long-term study. In: Dannenberg, P., Willkomm, M., Zehner, K. (eds.): Retail in Germany. Aktuelle Dynamiken im Kontext neuer Rahmenbedingungen (=Geographische Handelsforschung, H. 25), Mannheim, pp. 9-30. https://opus.bibliothek.uni-wuerzburg.de/frontdoor/index/index/docId/18077
Rauh, J., Link, F. (2017): Information and communication technologies and mobility in cities. In: Geographische Rundschau, H. 7-8, pp. 12-18
Koch, A., Rauh, J. (2017): Foreword: Information society between networking and exclusion. In: Koch, A., Rauh, J. (eds.): Information Society between Networking and Exclusion, Münster (=Geography of Communication, vol. 12), pp. 7-9
Link, F., Rauh, J. (2016): Student housing. In: Hahn, B., Baumhauer, R., Wiktorin, D. (eds.): Atlas Würzburg. Diversity and change of the city in a map, Cologne, pp. 170-171
Rauh, J. (2016): Child-friendly Würzburg: childcare options and offers for the youngest. In: Hahn, B., Baumhauer, R., Wiktorin, D. (eds.): Atlas Würzburg. Diversity and change of the city in a map, Cologne, pp. 180-181
Rauh, J., Stawski, V. (2016): Residential and care facilities for senior citizens. In: Hahn, B., Baumhauer, R., Wiktorin, D. (eds.): Atlas Würzburg. Diversity and change of the city in a map, Cologne, pp. 184-185
Rauch, S., Rauh, J. (2016): Methods of GIS modelling of accessibility for stroke care centres. In: Raumforschung und Raumordnung - Spatial Research and Planning, vol. 74 No. 5, pp. 437-450
Hager, K., Rauh, J., Rid, W. (2015): Agent-based modelling of traffic behaviour in growing metropolitan areas. In: Transportation Research Procedia 10, p. 306-315
Seynstahl, C., Rauh, J. (2015): Spatial simulation of job location mobility of highly qualified employees in Mainfranken. In: Geography, vol. 69, no. 3, p. 217-232
Rauh, J. (2014): Foreign workers since the beginning of the guest worker recruitment agreements. In: District of Lower Franconia (ed.): Lower Franconia in Bavaria 1814-2014. Historical atlas for the 200th anniversary, Baunach, p. 48-49
Rauh, J. (2014): The development of immigration and emigration in Lower Franconia since the 19th century. In: District of Lower Franconia (ed.): Lower Franconia in Bavaria 1814-2014. Historical atlas for the 200th anniversary, Baunach, pp. 56-59
Kulke, E., Rauh, J. (2014): The shopping centre phenomenon. In: Kulke, E., Rauh, J. (eds.): The shopping centre phenomenon: Current developments and effects (= Geographische Handelsforschung, H. 22), Mannheim, pp. 7-11
Koch, A., Rauh, J. (2013): Peter Graef's contribution to a science of information and communications technology. In: NETCOM - Networks and Communication Studies, Vol. 27, no. 3-4, p. 430-438.
Rauh, J. (2013): Networks, access and transport in the information and communication age. In: Gebhardt H., Glaser, R., Lentz, S. (eds.): Europe - a geography. Berlin/Heidelberg, pp. 438-442
Rauh, J. (2013): Rooftop solar energy systems: Distribution, acceptance, utilisation potential and options for action in spatial planning. In: Kufeld, W. (ed.): Climate change and the use of renewable energies as challenges for spatial planning (=Arbeitsberichte der ARL 7), Hanover, pp. 207-225
Rauh, J., Seynstahl, C. (2012): Internet supply and broadband demand in rural areas: some empirical results from actual and demand analyses. In: Gräf, P., Rauh, J (eds.): Innovative Applications of ICT, Münster/Berlin (=Geography of Communication, vol. 10), pp. 53-64
Rauh, J., Schenk, T.A., Schrödl, D. (2012): The simulated consumer - an agent-based approach to shopping behaviour. In: Erdkunde, vol. 66, issue 1, p. 13-25
Arnold, J., Rauh, J. (2012): Demographic change in Lower Franconia - problem awareness and action concepts of small and medium-sized municipalities. In: Rauh, J., Dichtl, T. (eds.): Unterfranken - eine Region im Wandel (=Berichte des Zentrums für Regionalforschung, Vol. 3), Mannheim, pp. 61-72
Beyhan, B., Taubenböck, H., Suffa, S., Ullmann, T., Rauh, J., Dech, S. (2012): Urban Growth and Sprawl of Mersin City, Turkey: Change Analysis Based on Earth Observation and Socio-Economic Data. In: Megaron, 7 (1), pp. 3-25
Rauh, J., Paeth, H. (2011): Anthropogenic climate change and the wine industry: Perceptions and adaptation measures of Franconian winegrowers to changing climatic conditions. In: Berichte zur deutschen Landeskunde, 85/2, pp. 151-177
Neff, C., Rauh, J. (2011): Modelling Slovenian goods transport flows with a multi-agent model. In: Thinh, N. X., Behnisch, M., Margraf, O. (eds.): Beiträge zur Theorie und quantitativen Methodik in der Geographie, IÖR-Schriften, vol. 57, Berlin, pp. 181-207
Harder, F., Rauh, J. (2011): Modelling road tolls with agents. In: Thinh, N. X., Behnisch, M., Margraf, O. (eds.): Beiträge zur Theorie und quantitativen Methodik in der Geographie, IÖR-Schriften, vol. 57, Berlin, pp. 209-240
Bentlage, M., Rauh, J. (2010): Media use as a spatio-temporal phenomenon. In: Beckers, T. et al. (eds.): Comparative empirical social research, Wiesbaden, pp. 419-435.
Rauh, J., Wettemann, J. (2010): The effects of demographic change on consumer behaviour and retailing - examples from Lower Franconia. In: Breu, C. (ed.): Demographischer Wandel und Raumentwicklung in Bayern, Hanover, pp. 85-107 (=Arbeitsmaterial der Akademie für Raumforschung und Landesplanung, No. 356)
Breidenbach, P., Rauh, J., Schiffner, F., Vogt, W. (2009): Transport expenditure through information and purchasing. In Internationales Verkehrswesen, No. 9, Vol. 61, pp. 300-306.
Breidenbach, P., Rauh, J. (2009): Internet retailing in multi-channel companies. In: Lenz, B., Kulke, E., Nerlich, M.R., Rauh, J., Vogt, W. (eds.): Production-Distribution-Consumption. Auswirkungen von Informations- und Kommunikationstechnologien (IKT) auf Wirtschafts- und Versorgungsverkehr, Heidelberg/Dordrecht/London/New York, pp. 51-73.
Nerlich, M.R., Schiffner, F., Vogt, W., Rauh, J., Breidenbach, P. (2009): Calculation of transport substitution effects in passenger transport for online shopping. In: Lenz, B., Kulke, E., Nerlich, M.R., Rauh, J., Vogt, W. (eds.): Production-Distribution-Consumption. Auswirkungen von Informations- und Kommunikationstechnologien (IKT) auf Wirtschafts- und Versorgungsverkehr, Heidelberg/Dordrecht/London/New York, pp. 117-132.
Rauh, J. (2009): Demographic change in Lower Franconia - basics, challenges, fields of action. In: Rauh, J. (ed.): Facets and Perspectives of Regional Research in Lower Franconia (=Reports of the Centre for Regional Research, vol. 1), Mannheim, pp. 127-143
Klein, R., Rauh, J. (2009): Re-orientation of regional development - examples from the Haßberge district. In: Rauh, J. (ed.): Facets and perspectives of regional research in Lower Franconia (=Reports of the Centre for Regional Research, vol. 1), Mannheim; pp. 145-163.
Bentlage, M., Rauh, J. (2008): Spatial polarisation of internet use. In: Hagenah, J., Meulemann, H. (ed.): Old and new media. Zum Wandel der Medienpublika in Deutschland seit den 1950er Jahren, Berlin, pp. 267-279.
Rauh, J., Schenk, T.A., Schrödl, D. (2008): Agent-based simulation of consumer behaviour. In: Mandl, P., Koch, A. (eds.): Modelling and Simulation of Complex Geographical Systems, Salzburg, pp. 77-104
Rauh, J. (2008): Opportunity Region Mainfranken - Quo vadis? In: 10 years of the Mainfranken Opportunity Region, Würzburg
Bentlage, M., Rauh, J. (2008): "Alte" und "neue" Medien in Deutschland - Angebot, Nutzung und Anwendungen in einer räumlichen Perspektive. In: Europa Regional, Vol. 16, H. 4, pp. 154-166.
Schenk, T.A., Löffler, G., Rauh, J. (2007): Agent based simulation of consumer behaviour in grocery shopping on a regional level. In: Journal of Business Research, 60, pp. 894-903
Rauh, J., Schenk, T., Fehler, M., Klügl, F., Puppe, F. (2007): The simulated consumer. In: Klein, R., Rauh, J. (eds.): Analysis methodology and modelling in geographical retail research practice (= Geographische Handelsforschung, H. 13), Passau, pp. 127-152
Rauh, J. (2007): Fertile Sweden - developments, backgrounds, regional differences in fertility and childcare. In: Rauh, J., Schrödl, D. (eds.): Geographies of the North. Norway and Sweden in social, economic and ecological change (= Würzburger Geographische Manuskripte, H. 72), Würzburg, pp. 4-14
Rauh, J., Schenk, T., Ulrich, P. (2007): Retail and transport - results of a multi-agent simulation of consumer decisions. In: Journal of Transport Science, H. 3, pp. 176-191
Hahn, B., Rauh, J. (2007): Northern Cyprus. Between political isolation and economic upswing. In: Europa Regional, H. 1, pp. 14-22
Rauh, J. (2007): Telecommunications and their significance for regional development in the Würzburg area. In: Ante, U. (ed.): Würzburg and its region, Würzburg (= Würzburger Geographische Arbeiten, H. 100), pp. 215-229
Schenk, T. A., Löffler, G., Rauh, J. (2006): Agent based simulation of consumer behaviour in grocery shopping on a regional level. Workshop Proceedings AgentBased Models of Market Dynamics and Consumer Behaviour. Guildford, Surrey.
Schrödl, D., Rauh, J. (2006): Agent based simulation of fashion shopping in the functional region of Regensburg (Germany). Workshop Proceedings Agent Based Models of Market Dynamics and Consumer Behaviour. Guildford, Surrey.
Rauh, J. (2006): United or Divided? The world in the information age. In: Geographische Rundschau 7-8, pp. 4-11
Breidenbach, P., Rauh, J. (2006): Teleworking - a new trend? In: Leibniz Institute for Regional Geography (ed.): National Atlas of the Federal Republic of Germany (ed.), Volume 7 Labour and Living Standards, Munich, pp. 60-61
Rauh, J. (2005): Sugar production in Franconia - regional crisis in the global market? In: Schenk, W., Schliephake, K. (eds.): Ländliche Räume in Franken - Zustand und Entwicklungsimpulse, Würzburg, pp. 93-104 (= Würzburger Geographische Manuskripte, H. 70)
Löffler, G., Rauh, J., Schenk, T. (2005): From retail gravity to a multi-agent system - model-theoretical considerations and first results of a simulation of purchasing power flows in food retailing. In: Seminar Report 48 of the Society for Regional Research, pp. 160-183
Breidenbach, P., Rauh, J., Nerlich, M., Schiffner, F., Vogt, W. (2005): ICT, trade and the effects of e-commerce on transport. In: Journal of Transport Science, H. 3, pp. 249-258
Rauh, J. (2005): University and Lower Franconia united in the Centre for Regional Research. In: Bayerische Blätter für Volkskunde, H. 1/2, pp. 144-145
Schenk, T. A., G. Löffler, J. Rauh, F. Klügl, F. Puppe (2005): An Agent Based Simulation Model on Consumer Choice Behaviour in Food Retailing? Methodological Framework and First Results. Proceedings of the 12th Recent Advances in Retailing and Services Science Conference, Orlando. Eindhoven
Rauh, J., (2005): International telecommunications and world trade flows. In: Geographische Rundschau 2, pp. 40-47.
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