Silvan SCHMIEG, M.Sc.

Tel.: +49 931 31-84125
Institute of Geography and Geology
Working group Physical Geography and Soil Science
Am Hubland
97074 Wuerzburg
Campus Hubland South
Geography Building
Room 113
MainPro - Das Maintalprojekt: Ökosystembasierte Lösungen für Gefährdungs-Szenarios im fränkischen Maintal
- leadership
Prof. Dr. Birgit Terhorst (JMU), Institute of Geography and Geology - funding
Freistaat Bayern, Bayerisches Staatsministerium für Wissenschaft und Kunst; EFRE - duration
05/2023 - 09/2027 - subproject leadership
Prof. Dr. Jörg Müller, Biocenter
Prof. Dr. Jürgen Rauh, Institute of Geography and Geology
Prof. Dr. Hannes Taubenböck, Institute of Geography and Geology
Prof. Dr. Tobias Ullmann, Institute of Geography and Geology
Jun-Prof. Dr. Julia Meister, Institute of Geography and Geology - further information
project website - staff
Julian Bittermann, Biocenter
Nils Karges, M.Sc., Institute of Geography and Geology
Dr. Martin Krech, Institute of Geography and Geology
Ludwig Lettenmaier, Biocenter
Günter Moritz, Institute of Geography and Geology
Dr. Angela Tintrup gen. Suntrup, Institute of Geography and Geology
Dr. Marcus Werner, Institute of Geography and Geology
Dr. Martina Wilde, Institute of Geography and Geology
Dr. Marina Wolz, Biocenter -
project management
Barbara Dorsch, Institute of Geography and Geology
since 2024
Research assistant at the Chair of Physical Geography, University of Würzburg in the project: “MainPro: Ecosystem-Based Solutions for Hazard Scenarios in the Franconian Main Valley”
2019 – 2023
Studies in Geographical Environmental Research at the Free University of Berlin, Master's thesis: “A Location Analysis of Churches in Tigray, Ethiopia, and Assessment of Their Potential for Reconstructing Ancient Waypoints”
2019 – 2023
Student Assistant in the project: “Routes of Interaction: Regional Contacts between the Northern Horn of Africa and the Nile Valley”
Semester Abroad (ERASMUS) at Ulster University, Northern Ireland
2015 – 2019
Studies in Geographical Sciences at the Free University of Berlin, Bachelor's thesis: “Investigation of Anthropogenic Influences on Geomorphological Processes at Harzhorn, Lower Saxony”