- Institute
- Academic advisory service
Degree programmes
- Bachelor Geography 180 ECTS
- Bachelor Geography 120 ECTS
- Bachelor Geography 75 ECTS
- BA Geographie 60 ECTS - Nebenfach
- Master "Applied Physical Geography 120 ECTS"
- Master "Angewandte Humangeographie 120 ECTS"
- Master "EAGLE - Applied Earth Observation and Geoanalysis 120 ECTS"
- Teaching degree "Gymnasium"
- Teaching degree "Realschule"
- Teaching degree "Mittelschule"
- Teaching degree "Grundschule"
- Study rules
- Start of studies: checklist for students
- During studies
- End of studies
- Contact, advise and help
- Fachschaftsinitiative Geographie
- Departements
- Institute's staff
- Lecture and Publication Series
- Geographical Society