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Institute of Geography and Geology

Studies in Geography at the University of Würzburg

Geography can be studied in a Bachelor’s degree programme at the University of Würzburg; different non-restricted major degree programmes are offered: 180 ECTS (with specialisation in Physical Geography or Human Geography and the choice of one of three groups of supplementary subjects), 120 ECTS, 75 ECTS, and Geography as minor (60 ECTS).

In addition, it is possible to apply for admission to two 120 ECTS Master’s degree programmes in Geography: Applied Physical Geography (Transformation and Protection of the Geosystem) and Applied Human Geography. The degree programmes can be commenced in the winter semester as well as in the summer semester.

Furthermore, in teaching degree programmes, the subject is available as teaching subject for ‘Grundschule’, ‘Mittelschule’, ‘Realschule’ and ‘Gymnasium’ as well as ‘Didaktikfach’ (subject studied with a focus on teaching methodology) for ‘Grundschule’, ‘Mittelschule’ and teaching degree for Special Education.

Student Council Geography


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