Bachelor Geography 180 ECTS
The study of geography provides the foundations of physical geography, human geography, regional geography as well as essential working methods of geography. The aim of the programme is to grant students fundamental knowledge of the most important branches of geography and to familiarise them with methods of geographical thinking and working. Therefore, special focus is placed on understanding basic geographic terms and theories, as well as methodological knowledge and the development of typical thought patterns. Hence, the central learning objective is to acquire skills to purposefully analyse, document, and assess spatial structures and development processes. Depending on the version of the studied degree programme, further specific learning targets are met.
Set of Rules: Examination Regulations (PO) 2023
- ASPO - Allgemeine Studien- und Prüfungsordnung
- Fachspezifische Bestimmungen (FSB) mit Studienfachbeschreibung (SFB)
- Modulhandbuch
- Bereichsgegliedertes Modulhandbucht
- Anlage SFB
- Qualifikationsziele
(Beginning of the study programme in the winter semester 2023/24 as the first semester of study)
Subject-specific provisions, module catalogues, list of modules and study plans
The subject-specific provisions (FSB) specify the general academic and examination regulations (ASPO) regarding this degree programme and inform about its aims, skills and learning achievements, beginning and structure of the study programme, standard length, application and admission to the programme, and calculation of both the degree subject grade and the overall grade.
The list of modules is the most important and central document for students and prospective students. It provides information about the individual units and subsections, their ECTS credits, associated modules and module components as well as their assessments. The list of modules can be located in the annex to the subject-specific provisions at the end of the paragraphs.
Study plans are exemplary recommendations for the concrete course of study. They are created based on the list of modules!
At the beginning of the mandatory electives in the third semester, a specialisation in physical geography or human geography is scheduled.