Teaching degree "Gymnasium"
In the Didactics of Geography, the main focus lies on geographic educational goals for schools, the communication processes as characteristic of geography lessons, applicable methods for setting teaching and learning objectives and the media that is relevant for school lessons. Concurrently, didactics also provides valuable services for the application-oriented degree programmes as it imparts questions of both didactics of planning and methods of geographic communication.
Concerning the teaching degrees ‘Gymnasium’ and ‘Realschule’, a combination with German, English and French is possible. A combination with Physics is also possible in the study programme teaching degree ‘Gymnasium’. Furthermore, Geography can be chosen as a teaching subject in ‘Grundschule’ and ‘Mittelschule’ teaching degree programmes or be studied as the third subject in the teaching degree programme of every type of school. Within the scope of didactics of a ‘Mittelschule’ subject group and the didactics of the ‘Grundschule’ (only if German, Mathematics, Music or Sports as teaching subject is selected), there is the possibility for Geography as ‘Didaktikfach’ (subject studied with a focus on teaching methodology).
The standard length of programme is 9 semesters for the teaching degree programme ‘Gymnasium’, 7 semesters for the teaching degree programmes ‘Grundschule’, ‘Mittelschule’ and ‘Realschule’. General information on the structure of the teaching degree programmes can be found on the pages about the Staatsexamen (state examination).
The basis for all teaching degree programmes in Bavaria is the
Lehramtsprüfungsordnung I (LPO I = examination regulations for teaching degree programmes
The individual teaching degree programmes in the subject Geography have been conceptualized on basis of LPO I and LASPO. Therefore, for every degree programme Fachspezifische Bestimmungen (FSB = subject-specific provisions) and a Studienfachbeschreibung (SFB = list of modules) have been framed. The SFBs include, inter alia, a list of all modules relevant for the degree programme, divided into mandatory courses (all modules have to be completed in the course of the studies) and mandatory electives (a certain number of ECTS credits has to be achieved). The SFB can be found in the annex to the FSB.
Set of Rules: Examination Regulations (PO) 2023
- LASPO - Allgemeine Studien- und Prüfungsordnung für Lehramtsstudiengänge
- Fachspezifische Bestimmungen (FSB) mit Studienfachbeschreibung (SFB)
- Modulhandbuch
- Bereichsgegliedertes Modulhandbuch
- Anlage SFB
- Studienverlaufsplan
(Beginning of the study programme in the winter semester 2023/24 as the first semester of study)
Subject-specific provisions, module catalogues, list of modules and study plans
The subject-specific provisions (FSB) specify the general academic and examination regulations for teaching-degree programmes (LASPO) regarding this degree programme, and inform about its aims, skills and learning achievements, beginning and structure of the study programme, standard length, application and admission to the programme and calculation of both the degree subject grade and the overall grade.
The list of modules is the most important and central document for students and prospective students. It provides information about the individual units and subsections, their ECTS credits, associated modules and module components as well as their assessments. The list of modules can be located in the annex to the subject-specific provisions at the end of the paragraphs.
Study plans are exemplary recommendations for the concrete course of study. They are created based on the list of modules!