Impportant information while studying
WueStudy provides information about:
- current class schedule
- course overview
- room administration
- course planning
- assessment administration (registration/deregistration of examinations)
- personal schedule
- study administration (re-enrolling, study reports)
- information about cancelled lectures
sb@home registration periods
Registration for courses (seminars, lectures, …) of a semester starts on the penultimate Monday of the lecture period in the antecedent semester and lasts depending on the course
- one week ('LV_kurz')
duration = one week in the 'old' semester - four weeks ('LV_mittel')
duration = two weeks in the 'old' semester plus two weeks in the semester break - until the last day of the semester break ('LV_lang')
duration = two weeks in the 'old' semester + entire semester break - or until the first Sunday in the lecture period ('LV_langE')
duration = two weeks in the 'old' semester + entire semester break + first two weeks of the 'new' lecture period - entire semester ('Geographie_LV_Ex_lang')
duration = 01.04. until 30.09. or 01.10. until 31.03.
Registration for major excursions usually takes place in November of the prior year and will be announced separately.
The WueStudy platform
- provides lecture material of the courses
- offers a communicative exchange between students and lecturers via the message forum of each individual course
- student presentations and written papers can be put online and thus be made accessible to the lecturer and fellow students
Career-related internships are planned in the Bachelor degree programmes 180 ECTS, HF 120 ECTS and possibly also in HF 85 ECTS. In the 180 ECTS and 120 ECTS-HF degree programmes, they are provided and obligatory in the area of subject-specific key qualifications. They can incorporate the internship flexibly into the course of study; the semester details in the course plan are only recommendations. As a rule, you also do your internship during the semester break. The course plan is as follows
In the 180 ECTS and 120 ECTS-HF degree programmes, they are provided and obligatory in the area of subject-specific key qualifications. They can incorporate the internship flexibly into the course of study; the semester details in the course plan are only recommendations. As a rule, you also do your internship during the semester break.
The course 09-PRAK ("Berufsbezogene Praktikum", 10 ECTS, duration: 8 weeks) consists of two sections 09-PRAK1, 09-PRAK2. Content of the course (09-PRAK): "The internship must be carried out in two offices or companies close to the subject of the intended career path or by eight-week field work outside Europe. It should include activities which give the trainee a comprehensive and appropriate insight into the world of work. - Acquired competences/qualifications: The students gain an initial insight into the career opportunities of geographers at two different employers, usually with a total duration of eight weeks of practical training. The students gain contacts and experience different professional practice.
In Germany, they only get 8 weeks credit for an internship (09-PRAK1 and 09-PRAK2) if they can sit in on an internship in two clearly different departments. However, this should not prevent you from doing without an internship that is attractive for you, because you will only be recognised for 4 weeks. Longer periods are always recommended.
Our tip: Internships that qualify you for a profession are also possible abroad, which is another productive possibility to spend part of your studies abroad. AISEEC can help you with internships abroad.
There are many potential internships, reflecting the diversity and breadth of the geography labour market. That is why we do not make any recommendations or specifications. Our tip: Choose suitable internship positions according to your interests and your ideas for further studies or professional life. For orientation, you can also contact the student council or the student advisory service. Accordingly, many potential internship positions can be regarded as professionally relevant; if you have any doubts about the professional relevance of a possible or desired internship position, please contact the Student Advisory Service. In most cases these doubts are not justified.
After completion of the internship, all students must prepare a report according to PO 2010, including proof of the internship period. For a 4 week internship, i.e. for the existence of a partial module, you must prepare a report of approx. 10 pages. Formally, the usual criteria can be applied, as they also apply to term papers. Students according to PO 2015 only have to provide proof of the period and a brief description of the activity.
Try to prepare your report as soon as possible after the end of the internship and give it to Mr. Rauch (room 111).
The report will then be booked there if it meets the requirements or if the proof is passed.
A document containing all important information about the internship can be found on the following page under Downloads. There you can also find the letter to be submitted to the internship institution. Here (Link:
Academic achievements and assessments (module components) that have been completed within the higher education sector in Germany or abroad will usually be awarded by the examination committee unless they are not equivalent, which means if there are significant differences regarding acquired competencies (learning outcomes). Credit transfer is made on application (form for credit transfer – ASPO version of 28 September 2007, annex to the form for credit transfer after a change of subject – ASPO version of 28 September 2007; submission also required), which will then be approved by the examination committee after checking. Concerning a stay abroad, students are advised to check the crediting of courses and achievements from there with the course advisory service in advance.
Competencies acquired within the framework of other continuing education studies or non-academic fields (such as work placements) may possibly also be approved if they are equivalent to the competences to be acquired in the degree subject.
By submitting the application, the student has to enclose the documents that are necessary for the credit transfer (particularly transcript of records or other documents of the institution at which the competencies were acquired, as well as forms of teaching, contents, attained academic achievements and assessments or other credit certificates together with the grading system that was applied for evaluation).
Students need to submit the documents required for the credit transfer without delay. An application for credit transfer from previous degree programmes can only be filed once, namely to the responsible examination committee within the first semester.
Further details in § 17 ASPO (version of 05 August 2009).
Minor excursions
- several minor excursions are offered each semester
- they will also be registered in the class schedule during a semester as required
- minor excursions are intended primarily for students in teaching degree programmes
Excursion pass
- the excursion certificates are issued by the excursion leader
- every student receives only one excursion certificate, on which all minor excursions are registered
Major excursions
- registration for major excursions usually takes place in November of the previous year
- according to the study plan, the major excursion is scheduled for the following semester:
- Bachelor students: 5th semester
- teaching degree programme 'Grund- und Hauptschule': 6th semester
- teaching degree programme 'Realschule': 6th semester
- teaching degree programme 'Gymnasium': 8th semester
For information regarding the issuance of excursion passes, see Contact, advice and help.
- the chip card contains your photo and a validity date and thus serves as student ID card
- the new student ID card is usually also your public transport pass (‘Semesterticket’). Only with the print ‘Semesterticket’, which is imprinted on validation, your ID card is a valid ticket for the area of the WVV
- furthermore, the chip card serves as a library card. The user number is stored and imprinted as plain writing and barcode
- your access authorisations are stored on the chip card. Thus, for example, the doors to the CIP pools (computer workspaces) can be opened with it.
Further information about the student ID card can be found here.
As part of your geography studies in Würzburg, you have the opportunity to spend one or two semesters in another European country and attend equivalent courses there. The institute currently has Erasmus exchange agreements with the following universities: Caen (FR), Cluj (RO), Liège (BE), Ljubljana (SL), Màlaga (ES), Santander (ES), Maribor (SL), Oradea (RO ), Umea (SE), Bergen (NO), Usti (CZ), Lisbon (PT), Wroclaw (PL), Szeged (HU). The criteria for the selection process are set by the EU. Four criteria are taken into account: academic achievements, language skills, motivation and commitment.
Application for Erasmus study abroad
Students from all degree programs offered at the institute can apply. Applicants must have studied at least two semester at the start of their stay abroad. The application is made online via the MoveOn portal (application period: November 15th - January 15th)
The application documents must contain evidence of previous academic achievements, a letter of motivation (1-2 pages) and proof of language skills.
Further information and the LINK to MoveOn can be found at the following address:
If you have any questions about studying abroad as part of the Erasmus program, your contact person is apl. Prof. Dr. Christof Kneisel available.
- Laboratory for geomorphology and soil sciences
- Laboratories of the Chair of Geodynamics and Geomaterial Research
- Laboratory for physical volcanology (PVL)
- University Library
- Departmental Library of Cultural Studies, History and Geosciences - TB KGG
- Departmental Library of the Chair of Geodynamics and Geomaterial Research
Map collection
The map collection of Geography provides a basic stock of maps in paper form depicting a variety of spatial sections of the earth on different scale levels. The majority of these are topographic cartographies, such as those, for example, available and complete for the Federal State of Bavaria in the individual official map series.
In addition, there are further, generally small-scale official maps of individual countries both inside and outside Europe. In the exceptional cases of former research projects or field trips, large-scale series are also available for the regions in question. Besides topographic maps, the map collection also holds geological as well as further thematic maps for selected regions, for instance of climate or population. It thereby has an especially archival character, which means that the analogue stocks partially reach far back into the past. Meanwhile and beyond that, there is a wide range of digital source maps by public and private enterprises. However, those are not registered in the map collection, but the relevant offers should be used if needed.
Upon prior appointment with Dr. Manuel Woltering, the map collection is generally accessible to all employees or students of the University of Würzburg. It is located in the Philosophy Building in close proximity to the Departmental Library of Geography. The map stocks are intended only for on-site work, so there is no possibility to borrow them for home use.
Dipl.-Ing. (FH) Dorothee Ullrich
Tel. +49 (0)931 / 31-85557
In the case of technical problems, please have the following information at hand:
- date
- time
- computer number (silver sticker at the front of the PC case)
- error description
CIP-Pool I
- Geography Building, room 121
- 19 PCs (Windows)
- Geography Building, room 135a
- 25 PCs (Windows)
Opening hours:
- CIP-Pools: Monday to Saturday 7:00 a.m. - 8:30 p.m. (access via JMU card)
Geography Building: Monday to Friday 05:40 a.m. - 08:00 p.m.; Sunday 01:00 p.m. – 05:00 p.m.
Students’ skills regarding information technologies are promoted by a supply of free or cost-efficient software. The aim is to integrate the software offer closely in the studies. The software offer should be capable of being used both during courses in computer pools and also for exercises at home on the own PC or notebook.
Direct access to Studisoft.