End of studies
- Application for allocation of a Bachelor’s thesis
Submission of the application by the candidate (applicant!) at the Examination Office (Unit 2.3).
Visiting address: Campus Hubland Nord, Josef-Martin-Weg 55, 97074 WürzburgPostal address: Sanderring 2, 97070 Würzburg
- Submission of the finished Bachelor’s thesis (two copies plus digital version – see ASPO) only at the examination office
- Extension request etc. needs to be made in written form to the chairperson of the examination committee
Application for allocation (only in German) of a Master’s thesis
- Submission of the application by the candidate (applicant!) at the Examination Office (Unit 2.3).
Visiting address: Campus Hubland Nord, Oswald-Külpe-Weg, building 84/1, left entrance, 97074 Würzburg
- Submission of the finished Master’s thesis (three copies plus two digital versions – see ASPO) only at the examination office
- Extension request etc. needs to be made in written form to the chairperson of the examination committee
Final colloquium:
- Information about the final colloquium (only in German)
- Registration for the final colloquium (only in German)