English Intern
Earth Observation Research Cluster


2025[ to top ]
  • Liepa, A.; Thiel, M.; Taubenböck, H.; Klein, D.; Steffan-Dewenter, I.; Peters, M. K.; Schönbrodt-Stitt, S.; Otte, I.; Landmann, T.; Khan, Z. R.; Obondo, M. O.; Chidawanyika, F.; Martin, E. A.; Ullmann, T. (2025): Earth observations reveal impacts of climate variability on maize cropping systems in sub-Saharan Africa. In: GIScience and Remote Sensing, 62 (1), 19.
  • Lemoine-Rodríguez, R.; Vieyra, A.; MacGregor-Fors, I. (2025): Connection beyond borders: exploring sense of belonging across urban satellites conurbed by a medium-sized Mexican city. In: Urban Ecosystems, 28 (1), 1-14.
  • Kacic, P.; Gessner, U.; Hakkenberg, C. R.; Holzwarth, S.; Müller, J.; Pierick, K.; Seidel, D.; Thonfeld, F.; Torresani, M.; Kuenzer, C. (2025): Characterizing local forest structural complexity based on multi-platform and -sensor derived indicators. In: Ecological Indicators, 170, 113085.
  • Müller, K.; Schwalb-Willmann, J.; Wegmann, M.; Leutner, B. (2025): RStoolbox: An R package for remote sensing data analysis. In: Methods in Ecology and Evolution
  • Li, D.; Li, P.; Hu, J.; Yao, W.; Yan, L.; Latifi, H.; Tang, B.; Liu, L. (2025): A DEM differencing method for detecting geomorphic changes on topographically complex areas based on UAV remote sensing techniques. In: IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing, 1-1.
  • Rex, F. E.; Silva, C. A.; Broadbent, E. N.; Dalla Corte, A. P.; Leite, R.; Hudak, A.; Hamamura, C.; Latifi, H.; Xiao, J.; Atkins, J. W.; Amaral, C.; Cunha Neto, E. M. da; Cardil, A.; Almeyda Zambrano, A. M.; Liesenberg, V.; Liang, J.; De Almeida, D. R. A.; Klauberg, C. (2025): Spatial Characterization of Woody Species Diversity in Tropical Savannas Using GEDI and Optical Data. In: Sensors, 25 (2)
  • Fakhra, A.; Latifi, H.; Samani, K. M.; Fassnacht, F. E. (2025): Introducing a computationally light approach to estimate forest height and fractional canopy cover from Sentinel-2 data. In: Journal of Arid Environments, 228
  • Abu, I.-O.; Thiel, M.; Nyamekye, C.; Asare, Y. M.; Agyapong, E.; Agbemor, B.; Boateng, E. N.; Ibebuchi, C.; Ullmann, T.; Rauh, J.; Taubenböck, H. (2025): How do rural industrial sites impact migrant motives and the socio-economic conditions of local and migrant populations?. In: Scientific African, 27 (e02546), 18.
  • Tossoukpe, A. Y.; Dukiya, J.; Folega, F.; Thiel, M.; Okhimamhe, A. A. (2025): Dynamics of Changes in Spatial Patterns of Built-Up Areas in Two Metropolitan Areas of Grand Lomé and Greater Accra (West Africa). In: Urban Science, 9 (84), 20.
  • Pflumm, L.; Kang, H.; Wilting, A.; Niedballa, J. (2025): GEE‐PICX: generating cloud‐free Sentinel‐2 and Landsat image composites and spectral indices for custom areas and time frames – a Google Earth Engine web application. In: Ecography
2024[ to top ]
  • Chakraborty, S.; Novotný, J.; Maity, I.; Lemoine-Rodríguez, R.; Follmann, A. (2024): Same planet but different worlds! Diverging convergence pattern of urban form typologies across 413 cities with million+ inhabitants and their sustainability trade-offs ☆. In: Habitat International, 145, 103024.
  • Gilardi, L.; Erbertseder, T.; Baier, F.; Paeth, H.; Ullmann, T.; Taubenböck, H. (2024): The Influence of Commuting on Population Exposure to Air Pollution: Toward Global Application With a Proxy on the Degree of Urbanization. In: IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Applied Earth Observations and Remote Sensing, 17, 12720-30.
  • Buchelt, S.; Kunz, J.; Wiegand, T.; Kneisel, C. (2024): Dynamics and internal structure of a rock glacier: Inferring relationships from the combined use of differential synthetic aperture radar interferometry, electrical resistivity tomography and ground-penetrating radar. In: Earth Surface Processes and Landforms, 49 (14), 4743-58.
  • Liepa, A.; Thiel, M.; Taubenböck, H.; Steffan-Dewenter, I.; Abu, I.-O.; Singh Dhillon, M.; Otte, I.; Otim, M. H.; Lutaakome, M.; Meinhof, D.; Martin, E. A.; Ullmann, T. (2024): Harmonized NDVI time-series from Landsat and Sentinel-2 reveal phenological patterns of diverse, small-scale cropping systems in East Africa. In: Remote Sensing Applications: Society and Environment, 35, 101230.
  • Rösch, M.; Nolde, M.; Ullmann, T.; Riedlinger, T. (2024): Data-Driven Wildfire Spread Modeling of European Wildfires Using a Spatiotemporal Graph Neural Network. In: Fire, 7 (6)
  • Fäth, J.; Kneisel, C. (2024): Multi-method soil moisture monitoring at two temperate forest stands in Germany. In: Discover Applied Sciences, 6 (573)
  • Droin, A.; Wurm, M.; Weigand, M.; Gawlas, C.; Köberl, M.; Taubenböck, H. (2024): How does pedestrian permeability vary in and across cities? A fine-grained assessment for all large cities in Germany. In: Computers, Environment and Urban Systems, 110, 102115.
  • Löw, J.; Hill, S.; Otte, I.; Thiel, M.; Ullmann, T.; Conrad, C. (2024): How Phenology Shapes Crop-Specific Sentinel-1 PolSAR Features and InSAR Coherence across Multiple Years and Orbits. In: Remote Sensing, 16 (2791), 26.
  • {Aida Taghavi-Bayat, T. U.; Gerke, M. (2024): Detecting soil freeze-thaw dynamics with C-band SAR over permafrost in Northern Sweden and seasonally frozen grounds in the Tibetan Plateau, China. In: International Journal of Remote Sensing, 45 (16), 5317-58.
  • Lisovski, S.; Hoye, B. J.; Conklin, J. R.; Battley, P. F.; Fuller, R. A.; Gosbell, K. B.; Klaassen, M.; Lee, C. B.; Murray, N. J.; Bauer, S. (2024): Predicting resilience of migratory birds to environmental change. In: Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 121 (19), e2311146121.
  • Ghasemi Mobaraki, M.; Latifi, H.; Shafeian, E.; Naghavi, H.; Pourhashemi, M. (2024): A novel linear spectral unmixing-based method for tree decline monitoring by fusing UAV-RGB and optical space-borne data. In: International Journal of Remote Sensing, 45, 1079-1109.
  • Song, J.; Betz, F.; Aishan, T.; Halik, Ümüt; Abliz, A. (2024): Impact of water supply on the restoration of the severely damaged riparian plants along the Tarim River in Xinjiang, Northwest China. In: Ecological Indicators, 158, 111570.
  • Lemoine-Rodríguez, R.; García-Arroyo, M.; Gómez-Martínez, M. A.; Back, M.; Lindeman, T.; MacGregor-Fors, I. (2024): Unveiling urban ecological integrity: spatially explicit assessment in contrasting environments. In: Urban Ecosystems
  • Saba, F.; Latifi, H.; Valadan Zoej, M. J.; Heipke, C. (2024): Analysis of the spatio-temporal dynamics of Buxus hyrcana Pojark defoliation using spaceborne satellite data. In: Forestry, 97, cpae005.
  • Al Masoodi, M.; Latifi, H. (2024): Assessing the impact of fresh water scarcity on semiarid vegetation by remote sensing, case study: Karbala, Iraq. In: Arabian Journal of Geosciences, 17 (7), 224.
  • Friedrich, C.; Löw, J.; Otte, I.; Hill, S.; Förtsch, S.; Schwalb-Willmann, J.; Gessner, U.; Schierghofer, C.; Truckenbrodt, S.; Schonert, E.; Piernicke, T.; Assmann, D.; Conrad, C.; Thiel, M. (2024): A multi-talented datacube: integrating, processing and presenting big geodata for the agricultural end user
  • garousi, amirreza; hosseininaveh, ali; latifi, hooman. (2024): Monitoring deforestation in Arsbaran Biosphere Reserve using multi-temporal satellite images based on the refined U-Net network. In: Journal of Geomatics Science and Technology, 14 (1), 85–103.
  • Ouattara, B.; Thiel, M.; Sponholz, B.; Paeth, H.; Yebra, M.; Mouillot, F.; Kacic, P.; Hackman, K. (2024): Enhancing Burned Area Monitoring with VIIRS dataset: A Case Study in Sub-Saharan Africa. In: Science of Remote Sensing, 10 (100165), 19.
  • Ezeh, C.; Adjei, K.; Schönbrodt-Stitt, S.; Igwe, O.; Asaré, M.; K., P. (2024): Scale-Related Variations in Soil Loss and Validation of the RUSLE Model in Anambra State, Nigeria. In: Eurasian Soil Science
  • Torresani, M.; Rossi, C.; Perrone, M.; Hauser, L. T.; Féret, J.-B.; Moudrý, V.; Simova, P.; Ricotta, C.; Foody, G. M.; Kacic, P.; Feilhauer, H.; Malavasi, M.; Tognetti, R.; Rocchini, D. (2024): Reviewing the Spectral Variation Hypothesis: Twenty years in the tumultuous sea of biodiversity estimation by remote sensing. In: Ecological Informatics, 82, 102702.
  • Rieder, J. S.; Link, R. M.; Köthe, K.; Seidel, D.; Ullmann, T.; Žmegač, A.; Zang, C.; Schuldt, B. (2024): TreeCompR: Tree competition indices for inventory data and 3D point clouds. In: Methods in Ecology and Evolution
  • Aishan, T.; Sun, Y.; Halik, {Ü}m{ü}t; Betz, F.; Yusup, A.; Rezhake, R. (2024): Spatiotemporal changes in fine particulate matter and ozone in the oasis city of Korla, northeastern Tarim Basin of China. In: Scientific Reports, 14 (1), 12904.
  • Lemoine-Rodríguez, R.; Mast, J.; Mühlbauer, M.; Mandery, N.; Biewer, C.; Taubenböck, H. (2024): The voices of the displaced: Mobility and Twitter conversations of migrants of Ukraine in 2022. In: Information Processing & Management, 61 (3), 103670.
  • Inostroza, L.; Lemoine-Rodríguez, R. (2024): ¿Es detectable empíricamente la protección normativa del territorio? Análisis de las tendencias de temperatura y vegetación del área norte de Bogotá con sensores remotos. In: Investigaciones Geográficas, (113)
  • Kacic, P.; Gessner, U.; Holzwarth, S.; Thonfeld, F.; Kuenzer, C. (2024): Assessing experimental silvicultural treatments enhancing structural complexity in a central European forest – BEAST time‐series analysis based on Sentinel‐1 and Sentinel‐2. In: Remote Sensing in Ecology and Conservation, 10 (4), 531–550.
  • Nguyen, A.; Tilker, A.; Le, D.; Niedballa, J.; Pflumm, L.; Pham, X. H.; Le, V. S.; Luu, H. T.; Tran, V. B.; Kramer‐Schadt, S.; Sollmann, R.; Wilting, A. (2024): Ground‐dwelling mammal and bird diversity in the southern Annamites: Exploring complex habitat associations and the ghost of past hunting pressure. In: Conservation Science and Practice, 6 (4)
  • Aishan, T.; Jiang, W.; Cheng, Q.; Halik, Ümüt; Betz, F.; Yusup, A. (2024): Quantitative diagnosis of internal wood damage in living trees and its relationship with soil physicochemical properties: The case of an endangered desert riparian forest in Xinjiang, NW China. In: Forest Ecology and Management, 561, 121880.
2023[ to top ]
  • Droin, A.; Wurm, M.; Taubenböck, H. (2023): The Individual Walkable Neighborhood - Evaluating people-centered spatial units focusing on urban density. In: Computers, Environment and Urban Systems, 99, 101893.
  • Holzwarth, S.; Thonfeld, F.; Kacic, P.; Abdullahi, S.; Asam, S.; Coleman, K.; Eisfelder, C.; Gessner, U.; Huth, J.; Kraus, T.; Shatto, C.; Wessel, B.; Kuenzer, C. (2023): Earth-Observation-Based Monitoring of Forests in Germany—Recent Progress and Research Frontiers: A Review. In: Remote Sensing, 15 (17)
  • Zhong, J.; Jiao, L.; Droin, A.; Liu, J.; Lian, X.; Taubenböck, H. (2023): Greener cities cost more green: Examining the impacts of different urban expansion patterns on NPP. In: Building and Environment, 228, 109876.
  • Senaratne, H.; Mühlbauer, M.; Kiefl, R.; Cárdenas, A.; Prathapan, L.; Riedlinger, T.; Biewer, C.; Taubenböck, H. (2023): The Unseen—An Investigative Analysis of Thematic and Spatial Coverage of News on the Ongoing Refugee Crisis in West Africa.. In: ISPRS Int. J. Geo-Inf., 12
  • Dhillon, M. S.; Kübert-Flock, C.; Dahms, T.; Rummler, T.; Arnault, J.; Steffan-Dewenter, I.; Ullmann, T. (2023): Evaluation of MODIS, Landsat 8 and Sentinel-2 Data for Accurate Crop Yield Predictions: A Case Study Using STARFM NDVI in Bavaria, Germany. In: Remote Sensing, 15 (7)
  • Dhillon, M. S.; Kübert-Flock, C.; Dahms, T.; Rummler, T.; Arnault, J.; Steffan-Dewenter, I.; Ullmann, T. (2023): Evaluation of MODIS, Landsat 8 and Sentinel-2 data for accurate crop yield predictions: A case study using STARFM NDVI in Bavaria, Germany. In: Remote Sensing7, 15, 1830.
  • Ullmann, T.; Jagdhuber, T.; Hoffmeister, D.; May, S. M.; Baumhauer, R.; Bubenzer, O. (2023): Exploring Sentinel-1 backscatter time series over the Atacama Desert (Chile) for seasonal dynamics of surface soil moisture. In: Remote Sensing of Environment, 285, 113413.
  • Rieder, J. S.; Kneisel, C. (2023): Monitoring spatiotemporal soil moisture variability in the unsaturated zone of a mixed forest using electrical resistivity tomography. In: Vadose Zone Journal
  • Latifi, H.; Valbuena, R.; Silva, C. A. (2023): Towards complex applications of active remote sensing for ecology and conservation. In: Methods in Ecology and Evolution, 14 (7), 1578-86.
  • Taubenböck, H.; Otto, C.; Gülzau, F.; Mau, S. (2023): Border regions across the globe: Analyzing border typologies, economic and political disparities, and development dynamics. In: Applied Geography, 151, 102866.
  • Baumhoer, C.; Dietz, A.; Heidler, K. (2023): IceLines – A new data set of Antarctic ice shelf front positions.. In: Sci Data, 10
  • Torresani, M.; Rocchini, D.; Alberti, A.; Moudrý, V.; Heym, M.; Thouverai, E.; Kacic, P.; Tomelleri, E. (2023): LiDAR GEDI derived tree canopy height heterogeneity reveals patterns of biodiversity in forest ecosystems. In: Ecological Informatics, 102082.
  • Dhillon, M. S.; Dahms, T.; Kuebert-Flock, C.; Rummler, T.; Arnault, J.; Steffan-Dewenter, I.; Ullmann, T. (2023): Integrating random forest and crop modeling improves the crop yield prediction of winter wheat and oil seed rape. In: Frontiers in Remote Sensing, 3, 1010978.
  • Rietz, J.; van Beeck Calkoen, S. T. S.; Ferry, N.; Schl; #xfc; ter, J.; Wehner, H.; Schindlatz, K.-H.; Lackner, T.; #xe1; and #x161; von Hoermann, C.; Conraths, F. J.; M; #xfc; ller, J.; #xf6; rg; Heurich, M. (2023): Drone-Based Thermal Imaging in the Detection of Wildlife Carcasses and Disease Management. In: Transboundary and Emerging Diseases, 2023, 12.
  • Bell, A.; Klein, D.; Rieser, J.; Kraus, T.; Thiel, M.; Dech, S. (2023): Scientific Evidence from Space — A Review of Spaceborne Remote Sensing Applications at the Science–Policy Interface. In: Remote Sensing, 2023 (15), 940.
  • Kanmegne Tamga, D.; Latifi, H.; Ullmann, T.; Baumhauer, R.; Thiel, M.; Bayala, J. (2023): Modelling the spatial distribution of the classification error of remote sensing data in cocoa agroforestry systems. In: Agroforestry Systems, 97 (1), 109-19.
  • Ouedraogo, V.; Hackman, K. O.; Thiel, M.; Dukiya, J. (2023): Intensity Analysis for Urban Land Use/Land Cover Dynamics Characterization of Ouagadougou and Bobo-Dioulasso in Burkina Faso. In: Land, 12 (1063), 20.
  • Dhillon, M. S.; Dahms, T.; Kuebert-Flock, C.; Rummler, T.; Arnault, J.; Stefan-Dewenter, I.; Ullmann, T. (2023): Integrating random forest and crop modeling improves the crop yield prediction of winter wheat and oil seed rape. In: Frontiers in Remote Sensing, 3
  • Betz, F.; Lauermann, M.; Egger, G. (2023): Biogeomorphology from space: Analyzing the dynamic interactions between hydromorphology and vegetation along the Naryn River in Kyrgyzstan based on dense satellite time series. In: Remote Sensing of Environment, 299, 113890.
  • Grudzielanek, A. M.; Lemoine-Rodriguez, R.; Glocke, P.; Scholz, T.; Zepp, H. (2023): Cold spots or hot spots Thermal patterns and cold airflow on tailings piles in the Ruhr area. In: Berichte Geographie und Landeskunde, 96 (3), 189-214.
  • Müller, K.; Leppich, R.; Geiß, C.; Borst, V.; Pelizari, P. A.; Kounev, S.; Taubenböck, H. (2023): Deep Neural Network Regression for Normalized Digital Surface Model Generation With Sentinel-2 Imagery. In: IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Applied Earth Observations and Remote Sensing, 16, 8508-19.
  • Schäfer, C.; Fäth, J.; Kneisel, C.; Baumhauer, R.; Ullmann, T. (2023): Multidimensional hydrological modeling of a forested catchment in a German low mountain range using a modular runoff and water balance model. In: Frontiers in Forests and Global Change, 6
  • Salinas Romero, S. G.; Casaccia-Ibarrola, C.; García-Calabrese, M.; Cabral Antúnez, N.; Eufemia, L.; Kacic, P.; Da Ponte, E. (2023): Impacts of national governments on the forest cover loss in Paraguayan Chaco between 1999 and 2021. In: Journal for Nature Conservation, 75, 126472.
  • Sun, Y.; Aishan, T.; Halik, {Ü}m{ü}t; Betz, F.; Rezhake, R. (2023): Assessment of air quality before and during the COVID-19 and its potential health impacts in an arid oasis city: Urumqi, China. In: Stochastic Environmental Research and Risk Assessment, 37 (4), 1265-79.
  • Dhillon, M. S.; Dahms, T.; Kübert-Flock, C.; Liepa, A.; Rummler, T.; Arnault, J.; Steffan-Dewenter, I.; Ullmann, T. (2023): Impact of {STARFM} on Crop Yield Predictions: Fusing {MODIS} with Landsat 5, 7, and 8 {NDVIs} in Bavaria Germany. In: Remote Sensing, 15 (6), 1651.
  • {Dhillon, M. S.; {Kübert-Flock, C.; {Dahms, T.; {Rummler, T.; {Arnault, J.; {Steffan-Dewenter, I.; {Ullmann, T. }. (2023): Evaluation of MODIS, Landsat 8 and Sentinel-2 Data for Accurate Crop Yield Predictions: A Case Study Using STARFM NDVI in Bavaria, Germanyhg. von Adriaan van Niekerk und Caren Jarmain. In: Remote sensing MDPI, 15 (1830), 35.
  • Klein, I.; Uereyen, S.; Eisfelder, C.; Pankov, V.; Oppelt, N.; Kuenzer, C. (2023): Application of geospatial and remote sensing data to support locust management. In: International Journal of Applied Earth Observation and Geoinformation, 117 (103212), 1-15.
  • Kacic, P.; Thonfeld, F.; Gessner, U.; Kuenzer, C. (2023): Forest Structure Characterization in Germany: Novel Products and Analysis Based on {GEDI}, Sentinel-1 and Sentinel-2 Data. In: Remote Sensing, 15 (8), 1969.
  • Philipp, M.; Dietz, A.; Ullmann, T.; Kuenzer, C. (2023): A Circum-Arctic Monitoring Framework for Quantifying Annual Erosion Rates of Permafrost Coasts. In: Remote Sensing, 15 (3), 818.
2022[ to top ]
  • Matabishi, J. G.; Braun, A.; Warth, G. (2022): MULTIPLE ENDMEMBER SPECTRAL MIXTURE ANALYSIS OF DESIS IMAGE TO IDENTIFY ROOFTOPS IN KIGALI. In: Int. Arch. Photogramm. Remote Sens. Spatial Inf. Sci., XLVI-1/W1-2021, 39–47.
  • Kuenzer, C. (2022): A First Assessment of Canopy Cover Loss in Germany’s Forests after the 2018–2020 Drought Years. In: Remote Sensing
  • Heider, B.; Mast, J.; Roth, D.; Standfuß, I.; Siedentop, S.; Taubenböck, H. (2022): Dynamics of intra-urban employment geographies: A comparative study of U.S. and German metropolitan areas. In: Journal of Urban Affairs
  • Sogno, P.; Kuenzer, C.; Bachofer, F.; Traidl-Hoffmann, C. (2022): Earth observation for exposome mapping of Germany: analyzing environmental factors relevant to non-communicable diseases. In: International Journal of Applied Earth Observation and Geoinformation, 114, 103084.
  • Rocchini, D.; Santos, M. J.; Ustin, S. L.; Féret, J.-B.; Asner, G. P.; Turner, W.; Vihervaara, P.; Wegmann, M.; Lenoir, J. (2022): The Spectral Species Concept in Living Color. In: Journal of Geophysical Research: Biogeosciences, 127
  • Uereyen, S.; Bachofer, F.; Kuenzer, C. (2022): A Framework for Multivariate Analysis of Land Surface Dynamics and Driving Variables{\textemdash}A Case Study for Indo-Gangetic River Basins. In: Remote Sensing, 14 (1), 197.
  • Klein, I.; {van der Woude}, S.; Schwarzenbacher, F.; Muratova, N.; Slagter, B.; Malakhov, D.; Oppelt, N.; Kuenzer, C. (2022): Predicting suitable breeding areas for different locust species – A multi-scale approach accounting for environmental conditions and current land cover situation. In: International Journal of Applied Earth Observation and Geoinformation, 107, 102672.
  • Shi, L.; Wurm, M.; Huang, X.; Zhong, T.; Leichtle, T.; Taubenböck, H. (2022): Estimating housing vacancy rates at block level: The example of Guiyang, China. In: Landscape and Urban Planning, 224, 104431.
  • Dhillon, M. S.; Dahms, T.; Kübert-Flock, C.; Steffan-Dewenter, I.; Zhang, J.; Ullmann, T. (2022): Spatiotemporal Fusion Modelling Using STARFM: Examples of Landsat 8 and Sentinel-2 NDVI in Bavaria. In: Remote Sensing, 14 (3), 677.
  • Lemoine-Rodríguez, R.; Inostroza, L.; Zepp, H. (2022): Intraurban heterogeneity of space-time land surface temperature trends in six climate-diverse cities. In: Science of The Total Environment, 804, 150037.
  • Kraff, N. J.; Wurm, M.; Taubenböck, H. (2022): Housing forms of poverty in Europe - A categorization based on literature research and satellite imagery. In: Applied Geography, 149, 102820.
  • Thonfeld, F.; Gessner, U.; Holzwarth, S.; Kriese, J.; da Ponte, E.; Huth, J.; Kuenzer, C. (2022): A First Assessment of Canopy Cover Loss in Germany’s Forests after the 2018{\textendash}2020 Drought Years. In: Remote Sensing, 14 (3), 562.
  • Lenoir, J.; Rocchini, D.; Santos, M. J.; Ustin, S. L.; Féret, J.; Asner, G. P.; Beierkuhnlein, C.; Dalponte, M.; Feilhauer, H.; Foody, G. M.; Geller, G. N.; Gillespie, T. W.; He, K. S.; Kleijn, D.; Leitão, P. J.; Malavasi, M.; Moudrý, V.; Müllerová, J.; Nagendra, H.; Normand, S.; Ricotta, C.; Schaepman, M. E.; Schmidtlein, S.; Skidmore, A. K.; Šímová, P.; Torresani, M.; Townsend, P. A.; Turner, W.; Vihervaara, P.; Wegmann, M.; Lenoir, J. (2022): The Spectral Species Concept in Living Color. In: Journal of Geophysical Research: Biogeosciences, 127 (9)
  • Dong, Y.; Fan, L.; Zhao, J.; Huang, S.; Geiß, C.; Wang, L.; Taubenböck, H. (2022): Mapping of small water bodies with integrated spatial information for time series images of optical remote sensing. In: Journal of Hydrology, 614, 128580.
  • Rocchini, D.; Santos, M. J.; Ustin, S. L.; Féret, J.-B.; Asner, G. P.; Beierkuhnlein, C.; Dalponte, M.; Feilhauer, H.; Foody, G. M.; Geller, G. N.; Gillespie, T. W.; He, K. S.; Kleijn, D.; Leitão, P. J.; Malavasi, M.; Moudrý, V.; Müllerová, J.; Nagendra, H.; Normand, S.; Ricotta, C.; Schaepman, M. E.; Schmidtlein, S.; Skidmore, A. K.; Šímová, P.; Torresani, M.; Townsend, P. A.; Turner, W.; Vihervaara, P.; Wegmann, M.; Lenoir, J. (2022): The Spectral Species Concept in Living Color. In: Journal of Geophysical Research: Biogeosciences, 127 (9), e2022JG007026.
  • Halbgewachs, M.; Wegmann, M.; da Ponte, E. (2022): A Spectral Mixture Analysis and Landscape Metrics Based Framework for Monitoring Spatiotemporal Forest Cover Changes: A Case Study in Mato Grosso, Brazil. In: Remote Sensing, 14 (8)
  • Ullmann, T.; Möller, E.; Baumhauer, R.; Lange-Athinodorou, E.; Meister, J. (2022): A new Google Earth Engine tool for spaceborne detection of buried palaeogeographical features – examples from the Nile Delta (Egypt). In: E&G Quaternary Science Journal, 71 (2), 243-47.
  • L, R.; F, L.; T, R.; H, T.; M, F.; L, G.; M, W.; H, B.; C, K. (2022): New paper published on Data-driven prediction of COVID-19 cases in Germany in the journal BMC Medical Research Methodology. In: BMC Medical Research Methodology., 22 (116)
  • Wang, Z.; Bachofer, F.; Koehler, J.; Huth, J.; Hoeser, T.; Marconcini, M.; Esch, T.; Kuenzer, C. (2022): Spatial Modelling and Prediction with the Spatio-Temporal Matrix: A Study on Predicting Future Settlement Growth. In: Land, 11 (8)
  • Nill, L.; Grünberg, I.; Ullmann, T.; Gessner, M.; Boike, J.; Hostert, P. (2022): Arctic shrub expansion revealed by Landsat-derived multitemporal vegetation cover fractions in the Western Canadian Arctic. In: Remote Sensing of Environment, 281, 113228.
  • Standfuß, I.; Geiß, C.; Nathan, R.; Rotics, S.; Scacco, M.; Kerr, G.; Taubenböck, H. (2022): Time series enable the characterization of small-scale vegetation dynamics that influence fine-scale animal behavior – an example from white storks’ foraging behavior.. In: Remote Sensing in Ecology and Conservation
  • Asam, S.; Gessner, U.; Almengor González, R.; Wenzl, M.; Kriese, J.; Kuenzer, C. (2022): Mapping Crop Types of Germany by Combining Temporal Statistical Metrics of Sentinel-1 and Sentinel-2 Time Series with LPIS Data. In: Remote Sensing, 14 (2981)
  • Uereyen, S.; Bachofer, F.; Klein, I.; Kuenzer, C. (2022): Multi-faceted analyses of seasonal trends and drivers of land surface variables in Indo-Gangetic river basins. In: Science of The Total Environment, 847, 157515.
  • Jetz, W.; Tertitski, G.; Kays, R.; Mueller, U.; Wikelski, M.; Åkesson, S.; Anisimov, Y.; Antonov, A.; Arnold, W.; Bairlein, F.; Baltà, O.; Baum, D.; Beck, M.; Belonovich, O.; Belyaev, M.; Berger, M.; Berthold, P.; Bittner, S.; Blake, S.; Block, B.; Bloche, D.; Boehning-Gaese, K.; Bohrer, G.; Bojarinova, J.; Bommas, G.; Bourski, O.; Bragin, A.; Bragin, A.; Bristol, R.; Brlík, V.; Bulyuk, V.; Cagnacci, F.; Carlson, B.; Chapple, T. K.; Chefira, K. F.; Cheng, Y.; Chernetsov, N.; Cierlik, G.; Christiansen, S. S.; Clarabuch, O.; Cochran, W.; Cornelius, J. M.; Couzin, I.; Crofoot, M. C.; Cruz, S.; Davydov, A.; Davidson, S.; Dech, S.; Dechmann, D.; Demidova, E.; Dettmann, J.; Dittmar, S.; Dorofeev, D.; Drenckhahn, D.; Dubyanskiy, V.; Egorov, N.; Ehnbom, S.; Ellis-Soto, D.; Ewald, R.; Feare, C.; Fefelov, I.; Fehérvári, P.; Fiedler, W.; Flack, A.; Froböse, M.; Fufachev, I.; Futoran, P.; Gabyshev, V.; Gagliardo, A.; Garthe, S.; Gashkov, S.; Gibson, L.; Goymann, W.; Gruppe, G.; Guglielmo, C.; Hartl, P.; Hedenström, A.; Hegemann, A.; Heine, G.; Ruiz, M. H.; Hofer, H.; Huber, F.; Iannarilli, F.; Illa, M.; Isaev, A.; Jakobsen, B.; Jenni, L.; Jenni-Eiermann, S.; Jesmer, B.; u. a. (2022): Biological Earth observation with animal sensors. In: Trends in Ecology & Evolution, 37 (4), 293-98.
  • Betz, F.; Chymyrov, A.; Lauermann, M.; Cyffka, B.; Chontoev, D. (2022): Assessing the Impacts on Natural Ecosystems of the Future Kambarata-1 Hydropower Station on the Naryn River, Kyrgyzstan: A GIS-based Approach. In: GI_Forum, 1, 48–57.
  • Lemoine-Rodríguez, R.; Inostroza, L.; Falfán, I.; MacGregor-Fors, I. (2022): Too hot to handle? On the cooling capacity of urban green spaces in a Neotropical Mexican city. In: Urban Forestry & Urban Greening, 74 (October 2021), 127633.
  • Redlich, S.; Zhang, J.; Benjamin, C.; Dhillon, M. S.; Englmeier, J.; Ewald, J.; Fricke, U.; Ganuza, C.; Haensel, M.; Hovestadt, T. (2022): Disentangling effects of climate and land use on biodiversity and ecosystem services—A multi‐scale experimental design. In: Methods in Ecology and Evolution2, 13, 514-27.
  • Buchelt, S.; Skov, K.; Rasmussen, K. K.; Ullmann, T. (2022): Sentinel-1 time series for mapping snow cover depletion and timing of snowmelt in {Arctic} periglacial environments: case study from {Zackenberg} and {Kobbefjord}, {Greenland}. In: The Cryosphere, 16 (2), 625-46.
  • Rösch, M.; Plank, S. (2022): Detailed Mapping of Lava and Ash Deposits at Indonesian Volcanoes by Means of {VHR} {PlanetScope} Change Detection. In: Remote Sensing, 14 (5), 1168.
  • Koehler, J.; Bauer, A.; Dietz, A. J.; Kuenzer, C. (2022): Towards Forecasting Future Snow Cover Dynamics in the European Alps{\textemdash}The Potential of Long Optical Remote-Sensing Time Series. In: Remote Sensing, 14 (18), 4461.
  • Wehner, H.; Huchler, K.; Fritz, J. (2022): Quantification of Foraging Areas for the Northern Bald Ibis (Geronticus eremita) in the Northern Alpine Foothills: A Random Forest Model Fitted with Optical and Actively Sensed Earth Observation Data. In: Remote Sensing, 14 (4), 1015.
  • Hoeser, T.; Feuerstein, S.; Kuenzer, C. (2022): DeepOWT: a global offshore wind turbine data set derived with deep learning from Sentinel-1 data. In: Earth System Science Data, 14, 4251-70.
  • Hoeser, T.; Kuenzer, C. (2022): SyntEO: Synthetic dataset generation for Earth observation and deep learning - Demonstrated for offshore wind farm detection. In: ISPRS Journal of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing, 189, 163-84.
  • Ziegler, A.; Meyer, H.; Otte, I.; Peters, M. K.; Appelhans, T.; Behler, C.; Böhning-Gaese, K.; Classen, A.; Detsch, F.; Deckert, J.; Eardley, C. D.; Ferger, S. W.; Fischer, M.; Gebert, F.; Haas, M.; Helbig-Bonitz, M.; Hemp, A.; Hemp, C.; Kakengi, V.; Mayr, A. V.; Ngereza, C.; Reudenbach, C.; Röder, J.; Rutten, G.; Costa, D. S.; Schleuning, M.; Ssymank, A.; Steffan-Dewenter, I.; Tardanico, J.; Tschapka, M.; Vollstädt, M. G. R.; Wöllauer, S.; Zhang, J.; Brandl, R.; Nauss, T. (2022): Potential of Airborne {LiDAR} Derived Vegetation Structure for the Prediction of Animal Species Richness at Mount Kilimanjaro. In: Remote Sensing, 14 (3), 786.
  • Mueller, J.; Mitesser, O.; Cadotte, M. W.; van der Plas, F.; Mori, A. S.; Ammer, C.; Chao, A.; Scherer-Lorenzen, M.; Baldrian, P.; Baessler, C.; Biedermann, P.; Cesarz, S.; Classen, A.; Delory, B. M.; Feldhaar, H.; Fichtner, A.; Hothorn, T.; Kuenzer, C.; Peters, M. K.; Pierick, K.; Schmitt, T.; Schuldt, B.; Seidel, D.; Six, D.; Steffan-Dewenter, I.; Thorn, S.; von Oheimb, G.; Wegmann, M.; Weisser, W. W.; Eisenhauer, N. (2022): Enhancing the structural diversity between forest patches - A concept and real-world experiment to study biodiversity, multifunctionality and forest resilience across spatial scales. In: Global Change Biology, 1-14.
  • Ayala-Carrillo, M.; Farfán, M.; Cárdenas-Nielsen, A.; Lemoine-Rodríguez, R. (2022): Are Wildfires in the Wildland-Urban Interface Increasing Temperatures? A Land Surface Temperature Assessment in a Semi-Arid Mexican City. In: Land, 11 (12)
  • Kanmegne Tamga, D.; Latifi, H.; Ullmann, T.; Baumhauer, R.; Bayala, J.; Thiel, M. (2022): Estimation of Aboveground Biomass in Agroforestry Systems over Three Climatic Regions in West Africa Using Sentinel-1, Sentinel-2, ALOS, and GEDI Data. In: Sensors, 23 (349), 18.
  • MacGregor-Fors, I.; Falfán, I.; García-Arroyo, M.; Lemoine-Rodríguez, R.; Gómez-Martínez, M. A.; Marín-Gómez, O. H.; Pérez-Maqueo, O.; Equihua, M. (2022): A Novel Approach for the Assessment of Cities through Ecosystem Integrity. In: Land, 11 (1), 3.
  • Kanmegne Tamga, D.; Latifi, H.; Ullmann, T.; Baumhauer, R.; Bayala, J.; Thiel, M. (2022): Estimation of {Aboveground} {Biomass} in {Agroforestry} {Systems} over {Three} {Climatic} {Regions} in {West} {Africa} {Using} {Sentinel}-1, {Sentinel}-2, {ALOS}, and {GEDI} {Data}. In: Sensors, 23 (1), 349.
  • Ansah, C.; Abu, I.-O.; Kleemann, J.; Mahmoud, M. I.; Thiel, M. (2022): Environmental Contamination of a Biodiversity Hotspot — Action Needed for Nature Conservation in the Niger Delta, Nigeria. In: Sustainability, 14 (14256), 21.
  • Klein, I.; Cocco, A.; Uereyen, S.; Mannu, R.; Floris, I.; Oppelt, N.; Kuenzer, C. (2022): Outbreak of Moroccan locust in Sardinia (Italy): a remote sensing perspective. In: Remote SensingMdpi, 14 (6050), 1-18.
  • Kacic, P.; Kuenzer, C. (2022): Forest Biodiversity Monitoring Based on Remotely Sensed Spectral Diversity{\textemdash}A Review. In: Remote Sensing, 14 (21), 5363.
  • Kanmegne Tamga, D.; Latifi, H.; Ullmann, T.; Baumhauer, R.; Thiel, M.; Bayala, J. (2022): Modelling the spatial distribution of the classification error of remote sensing data in cocoa agroforestry systems. In: Agroforestry Systems, 11.
  • Sapena, M.; Kühnl, M.; Wurm, M.; Patino, J. E.; Duque, J. C.; Taubenböck, H. (2022): Empiric recommendations for population disaggregation under different data scenarios. In: Plos one, 17 (9), 1-29.
  • Kriese, J.; Hoeser, T.; Asam, S.; Kacic, P.; Ponte, E. D. D.; Gessner, U. (2022): Deep Learning on Synthetic Data Enables the Automatic Identification of Deficient Forested Windbreaks in the Paraguayan Chaco. In: Remote Sensing, 14 (17), 4327.
  • Koehler, J.; Dietz, A.; Zellner, P. J.; Baumhoer, C.; Dirscherl, M.; Cattani, L.; Vlahovi{{\’c}}, {\vZ}iva; Alasawedah, M. H.; Mayer, K.; Haslinger, K.; Bertoldi, G.; Jacob, A.; K{ü}nzer, C. (2022): Drought in Northern Italy: Long Earth Observation Time Series Reveal Snow Line Elevation to Be Several Hundred Meters Above Long-Term Average in 2022. In: Remote Sensing, 1-10.
  • Ha, T. V.; Huth, J.; Bachofer, F.; Kuenzer, C. (2022): A Review of Earth Observation-Based Drought Studies in Southeast Asia. In: Remote Sensing, 14 (15), 3763.
  • Thiel, M.; Botha, N.; Abu, I.-O.; Job, H. (2022): Afrikanische Schutzgebiete – Nutzungskonflikte und Gefährdungen. In: Geographische Rundschau, 3, 16-20.
  • Hoeser, T.; Kuenzer, C. (2022): Global dynamics of the offshore wind energy sector monitored with Sentinel-1: Turbine count, installed capacity and site specifications. In: International Journal of Applied Earth Observation and Geoinformation, 112, 102957.
  • Kleemann, J.; Zamora, C.; Villacis-Chiluisa, A. B.; Cuenca, P.; Koo, H.; Noh, J. K.; Fürst, C.; Thiel, M. (2022): Deforestation in Continental Ecuador with a Focus on Protected Areas. In: Land, 11 (268), 26.
  • Fisser, H.; Khorsandi, E.; Wegmann, M.; Baier, F. (2022): Detecting Moving Trucks on Roads Using Sentinel-2 Data. In: Remote Sensing, 14 (7), 1595.
  • Lemoine-Rodríguez, R.; Inostroza, L.; Zepp, H. (2022): Does urban climate follow urban form? Analyzing intraurban LST trajectories versus urban form trends in 3 cities with different background climates. In: Science of The Total Environment, 154570.
  • Degembaeva, N.; Baibagyshov, E.; Ibraeva, N.; Chorobaeva, N.; Akmatov, K.; Ismailov, N.; Ayipov, B.; Betz, F. (2022): The Status of the Riparian Forests in the Naryn Valley of Kyrgyzstan: Conservation and Sustainable Development. In: Grassroots Journal of Natural Resources, 05 (01), 57–72.
  • Reinermann, S.; Gessner, U.; Asam, S.; Ullmann, T.; Schucknecht, A.; Kuenzer, C. (2022): Detection of Grassland Mowing Events for Germany by Combining Sentinel-1 and Sentinel-2 Time Series. In: Remote Sensing, 14 (7), 1647.
  • Lappe, R.; Ullmann, T.; Bachofer, F. (2022): State of the {Vietnamese} {Coast}—{Assessing} {Three} {Decades} (1986 to 2021) of {Coastline} {Dynamics} {Using} the {Landsat} {Archive}. In: Remote Sensing, 14 (10), 2476.
  • Sogno, P.; Klein, I.; Kuenzer, C. (2022): Remote Sensing of Surface Water Dynamics in the Context of Global Change{\textemdash}A Review. In: Remote Sensing, 14 (10), 2475.
  • Lappe, R.; Ullmann, T.; Bachofer, F. (2022): State of the Vietnamese Coast{\textemdash}Assessing Three Decades (1986 to 2021) of Coastline Dynamics Using the Landsat Archive. In: Remote Sensing, 14 (10), 2476.
  • Philipp, M.; Dietz, A.; Ullmann, T.; Kuenzer, C. (2022): Automated Extraction of Annual Erosion Rates for Arctic Permafrost Coasts Using Sentinel-1, Deep Learning, and Change Vector Analysis. In: Remote Sensing, 14 (15), 3656.
  • Sogno, P.; Klein, I.; Kuenzer, C. (2022): Remote Sensing of Surface Water Dynamics in the Context of Global Change - A Review. In: Remote Sensing, 14 (10), 2475.
  • Rösch, M.; Sonnenschein, R.; Buchelt, S.; Ullmann, T. (2022): Comparing PlanetScope and Sentinel-2 Imagery for Mapping Mountain Pines in the Sarntal Alps, Italy. In: Remote Sensing, 14 (13), 3190.
2021[ to top ]
  • Taubenböck, H.; Reiter, M.; Dosch, F.; Leichtle, T.; Weigand, M.; Wurm, M. (2021): Which city is the greenest? A multi-dimensional deconstruction of city rankings. In: Computers, Environment and Urban Systems, 89, 101687.
  • Baumhoer, C.; Dietz, A.; Kneisel, C.; Paeth, H.; Künzer, C. (2021): Environmental drivers of circum-Antarctic glacier and ice shelf front retreat over the last two decades,. In: The Cryosphere, 15, 2357-81.
  • Philipp, M.; Dietz, A.; Buchelt, S.; Kuenzer, C. (2021): Trends in Satellite Earth Observation for Permafrost Related Analyses - A Review,. In: Remote Sensing, 13 (6), 1-57.
  • Huber, M.; Osterkamp, N.; Marschalk, U.; Tubbesing, R.; Wendleder, A.; Wessel, B.; Roth, A. (2021): Shaping the Global High-Resolution TanDEM-X Digital Elevation Model. In: IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Applied Earth Observations and Remote Sensing, 14 (7198-7212)
  • Sapena Moll, M.; Wurm, M.; Taubenböck, H.; Tuia, D.; Ruiz, L. A. (2021): Estimating quality of life dimensions from urban spatial pattern metrics. In: Environment and urban systems, 85, 1-11.
  • Klein, I.; Oppelt, N.; Kuenzer, C. (2021): Application of Remote Sensing Data for Locust Research and Management - A Review. In: Insects, 12 (3), 1-16.
  • Khare, S.; Latifi, H.; Rossi, S. (2021): A 15-year spatio-temporal analysis of plant β-diversity using Landsat time series derived Rao’s Q index. In: Ecological Indicators, 121, 107105.
  • Hu, J.; Wang, Y.; Taubenböck, H.; Zhu, X. X. (2021): Land consumption in cities: A comparative study across the globe. In: Cities, 113 (103163_1-103163_17)
  • Rocchini, D.; Thouverai, E.; Marcantonio, M.; Iannacito, M.; Re, D. D.; Torresani, M.; Bacaro, G.; Bazzichetto, M.; Bernardi, A.; Foody, G. M.; Furrer, R.; Kleijn, D.; Larsen, S.; Lenoir, J.; Malavasi, M.; Marchetto, E.; Messori, F.; Montaghi, A.; Moudr´y, V.; Naimi, B.; Ricotta, C.; Rossini, M.; Santi, F.; Santos, M. J.; Schaepman, M.; Schneider, F. D.; Schuh, L.; Silvestri, S.; S´ımov´a, P.; Skidmore, A. K.; Tattoni, C.; Tordoni, E.; Vicario, S.; Zannini, Z.; Wegmann, M. (2021): rasterdiv - an Information Theory tailored R package for measuring ecosystem heterogeneity from space: to the origin and back. In: Methods in Ecology and Evolution
  • Mayr, S.; Klein, I.; Rutzinger, M.; Kuenzer, C. (2021): Determining Temporal Uncertainty of a Global Inland Surface Water Time Series. In: Remote Sensing, 13 (17), 1-17.
  • Staab, J.; Schady, A.; Weigand, M.; Lakes, T.; Taubenböck, H. (2021): Predicting traffic noise using land use regression – A scalable approach. In: Journal of Exposure Science and Environmental Epidemiology, (1-21)
  • Wurm, M.; Droin, A.; Stark, T.; Geiß, C.; Sulzer, W.; Taubenböck, H. (2021): Deep Learning-Based Generation of Building Stock Data from Remote Sensing for Urban Heat Demand Modeling. In: ISPRS Journal of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing, 10 (23), 1-20.
  • Rauch, S.; Taubenböck, H.; Knopp, C.; Rauh, J. (2021): Risk and space: modelling the accessibility of stroke centers using day- & nighttime population distribution and different transportation scenarios. In: International Journal of Health Geographics, 20 (32), 1-15.
  • Philipp, M.; Dietz, A.; Buchelt, S.; Kuenzer, C. (2021): Trends in Satellite Earth Observation for Permafrost Related Analyses—A Review. In: Remote Sensing, 13 (6)
  • Klein, I.; Mayr, S.; Gessner, U.; Hirner, A.; Kuenzer, C. (2021): Water and hydropower reservoirs: High temporal resolution time series derived from MODIS data to characterize seasonality and variability. In: Remote Sensing of Environment, 253 (1-36)
  • Palacios Lopez, D.; Bachofer, F.; Esch, T.; Marconcini, M.; MacManus, K.; Sorichetta, A.; Zeidler, J.; Dech, S.; Tatem, A.; Reinartz, P. (2021): High-Resolution Gridded Population Datasets: Exploring the Capabilities of the World Settlement Footprint 2019 Imperviousness Layer for the African Continent. In: Remote Sensing, 13 (6), 1-26.
  • Latifi, H.; Holzwarth, S.; Skidmore, A.; Brůna, J.; Červenka, J.; Darvishzadeh, R.; Hais, M.; Heiden, U.; Homolová, L.; Krzystek, P.; Schneider, T.; Starý, M.; Wang, T.; Müller, J.; Heurich, M. (2021): A laboratory for conceiving Essential Biodiversity Variables (EBVs)—The ‘Data pool initiative for the Bohemian Forest Ecosystem’. In: Methods in Ecology and Evolution, 12
  • Schönbrodt-Stitt, S.; Ahmadian, N.; Kurtenbach, M.; Conrad, C.; Romano, N.; Bogena, H. R.; Vereecken, H.; Nasta, P. (2021): Statistical exploration of Sentinel-1 data, terrain parameters and in-situ data for estimating the near-surface soil moisture in a Mediterranean agroecosystem. In: Frontiers in Water
  • {Aravena Pelizari}, P.; Geiß, C.; Aguirre, P.; {Santa María}, H.; {Merino Peña}, Y.; Taubenböck, H. (2021): Automated building characterization for seismic risk assessment using street-level imagery and deep learning. In: ISPRS Journal of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing, 180, 370-86.
  • Quintana, F.; Mehta, K.; Ehrenwirth, M.; Zörner, W.; Betz, F.; Lauermann, M.; Cyffka, B.; Baibagyshov, E. (2021): In-Depth Assessment and Feasibility Study of a Solar PV Farm for a High-Altitude Region: Bridging the Gap Between Technical Potential and Market Barriers in Kyrgyzstan. In: Proceedings of the ISES Solar World Congress 2021Swc2021
  • Abu, I.-O.; Szantoi, Z.; Brink, A.; Robuchon, M.; Thiel, M. (2021): Detecting cocoa plantations in Côte d’Ivoire and Ghana and their implications on protected areas. In: Ecological Indicators, 129, 13.
  • Rehm, I.-S.; Friesen, J.; Pouls, K.; Busch, C.; Taubenböck, H.; Pelz, P. (2021): A Method for Modeling Urban Water Infrastructures Combining Geo-Referenced Data. In: Water, 13 (16), 1-20.
  • Riyas, M. J.; Syed, T. H.; Kumar, H.; Kuenzer, C. (2021): Detecting and Analyzing the Evolution of Subsidence Due to Coal Fires in Jharia Coalfield, India Using Sentinel-1 SAR Data. In: Remote Sensing, 13 (1521), 1-22.
  • Shafeian, E.; Fassnacht, F. E.; Latifi, H. (2021): Mapping fractional woody cover in an extensive semi-arid woodland area at different spatial grains with Sentinel-2 and very high-resolution data. In: International Journal of Applied Earth Observation and Geoinformation, 105, 102621.
  • Klein, I.; Mayr, S.; Gessner, U.; Hirner, A.; Kuenzer, C. (2021): Water and hydropower reservoirs: High temporal resolution time series derived from MODIS data to characterize seasonality and variability. In: Remote Sensing of Environment, 253, 112207.
  • Dhillon, M. S.; Kaur, S.; Sidana, B. K.; Aggarwal, R. (2021): Groundwater irrigation and energy nexus in central Punjab-trends and analysis. In: Journal of Agricultural Development and Policy2, 31, 222-27.
  • Stiller, D.; Wurm, M.; Stark, T.; Angelo, P.; Stebner, K.; Dech, S.; Taubenböck, H. (2021): Spatial parameters for transportation: A multi-modal approach for modelling the urban spatial structure using deep learning and remote sensing. In: Journal of Transport and Land Use, 14 (1), 777-803.
  • Staab, J.; Udas, E.; Mayer, M.; Taubenböck, H.; Job, H. (2021): Comparing established visitor monitoring approaches with triggered trail cameras images and machine learning based computer vision. In: Journal of Outdoor Recreation and Tourism, 1-15.
  • Reiners, P.; Asam, S.; Frey, C.; Holzwarth, S.; Bachmann, M.; Sobrino, J.; Göttsche, F.-M.; Bendix, J.; Kuenzer, C. (2021): Validation of {AVHRR} Land Surface Temperature with {MODIS} and In Situ {LST}{\textemdash}A {TIMELINE} Thematic Processor. In: Remote Sensing, 13 (17), 3473.
  • Hosseini, M.; McNairn, H.; Mitchell, S.; Dingle Robertson, L.; Davidson, A.; Ahmadian, N.; Bhattacharya, A.; Borg, E.; Conrad, C.; Dabrowska-Zielinska, K.; de Abelleyra, D.; Gurdak, R.; Kumar, V.; Kussul, N.; Mandal, D.; Rao, Y. S.; Saliendra, N.; Shelestov, A.; Spengler, D.; Verón, S. R.; Homayouni, S.; Becker-Reshef, I. (2021): A Comparison between Support Vector Machine and Water Cloud Model for Estimating Crop Leaf Area Index. In: Remote Sensing, 13 (1348), 1-20.
  • Philipp, M.; Dietz, A.; Buchelt, S.; Kuenzer, C. (2021): Trends in Satellite Earth Observation for Permafrost Related Analyses - A Review. In: Remote Sensing, 13 (6), 1217.
  • Dirscherl, M.; Dietz, A.; Kneisel, C.; Kuenzer, C. (2021): A Novel Method for Automated Supraglacial Lake Mapping in Antarctica Using Sentinel-1 SAR Imagery and Deep Learning,. In: Remote Sensing, 13 (2), 1-27.
  • Vogeler, A.-V. B.; Otte, I.; Ferger, S.; Helbig-Bonitz, M.; Hemp, A.; Nauss, T.; Böhning-Gaese, K.; Schleuning, M.; Tschapka, M.; Albrecht, J. (2021): Associations of bird and bat species richness with temperature and remote sensing-based vegetation structure on a tropical mountain. In: Biotropica
  • Kacic, P.; Hirner, A.; Ponte, E. D. (2021): Fusing Sentinel-1 and -2 to Model {GEDI}-Derived Vegetation Structure Characteristics in {GEE} for the Paraguayan Chaco. In: Remote Sensing, 13 (24), 5105.
  • Pertiwi, A. P.; Roth, A.; Schaffhauser, T.; Bhola, P. K.; Reuß, F.; Stettner, S.; Kuenzer, C.; Disse, M. (2021): Monitoring the Spring Flood in Lena Delta with Hydrodynamic Modeling Based on {SAR} Satellite Products. In: Remote Sensing, 13 (22), 4695.
  • Stanley, J.-D.; Ullmann, T.; Lange-Athinodorou, E. (2021): Holocene {Aridity}-{Induced} {Interruptions} of {Human} {Activity} along a {Fluvial} {Channel} in {Egypt}’s {Northern} {Delta}. In: Quaternary, 4 (4), 39.
  • Meister, J.; Garbe, P.; Trappe, J.; Ullmann, T.; Es-Senussi, A.; Baumhauer, R.; Lange-Athinodorou, E.; El-Raouf, A. A. (2021): The {Sacred} {Waterscape} of the {Temple} of {Bastet} at {Ancient} {Bubastis}, {Nile} {Delta} ({Egypt}). In: Geosciences, 11 (9), 385.
  • Ottinger, M.; Bachofer, F.; Huth, J.; Kuenzer, C. (2021): Mapping Aquaculture Ponds for the Coastal Zone of Asia with Sentinel-1 and Sentinel-2 Time Series. In: Remote Sensing, 14 (1), 153.
  • Dech, S.; Holzwarth, S.; Asam, S.; Andresen, T.; Bachmann, M.; Boettcher, M.; Dietz, A.; Eisfelder, C.; Frey, C.; Gesell, G.; Gessner, U.; Hirner, A.; Hofmann, M.; Kirches, G.; Klein, D.; Klein, I.; Kraus, T.; Krause, D.; Plank, S.; Popp, T.; Reinermann, S.; Reiners, P.; Roessler, S.; Ruppert, T.; Scherbachenko, A.; Vignesh, R.; Wolfmueller, M.; Zwenzner, H.; Kuenzer, C. (2021): Potential and Challenges of Harmonizing 40 Years of {AVHRR} Data: The {TIMELINE} Experience. In: Remote Sensing, 13 (18), 3618.
  • Meister, J.; Lange-Athinodorou, E.; Ullmann, T. (2021): Preface: {Special} issue “{Geoarchaeology} of the {Nile} {Delta}”. In: E\&G Quaternary Science Journal, 70 (2), 187-90.
  • Jucker, T.; Amano, T.; Bell, A.; Geffert, J. L.; Guth, M. K.; Hacket-Pain, A.; Luke, S. H.; Mumby, H. S.; Nunes, M.; Rademacher, T.; Rose, D. C.; Schleicher, J.; Simmons, B. I.; Zabala, A.; Mukherjee, N. (2021): Steps to diversify priority-setting research in conservation: Reflections on de Gracia 2021. In: Conservation Biology, 3.
  • Philipp, M.; Wegmann, M.; Kübert-Flock, C. (2021): Quantifying the Response of German Forests to Drought Events via Satellite Imagery. In: Remote Sensing, 13 (9), 1845.
  • Cuthbertson, P.; Ullmann, T.; Büdel, C.; Varis, A.; Namen, A.; Seltmann, R.; Reed, D.; Taimagambetov, Z.; Iovita, R. (2021): Correction: {Finding} karstic caves and rockshelters in the {Inner} {Asian} mountain corridor using predictive modelling and field survey. In: Plos one, 16 (4), e0250142.
  • Rieser, J.; Veste, M.; Thiel, M.; Schönbrodt‐Stitt, S. (2021): Coverage and Rainfall Response of Biological Soil Crusts Using Multi‐Temporal Sentinel‐2 Data in a Central European Temperate Dry Acid Grassland. In: Remote Sensing, 13 (3093), 26.
  • Klein, I.; Oppelt, N.; Kuenzer, C. (2021): Application of Remote Sensing Data for Locust Research and Management{\textemdash}A Review. In: Insects, 12 (3), 233.
  • Dirscherl, M.; Dietz, A. J.; Kneisel, C.; Kuenzer, C. (2021): A Novel Method for Automated Supraglacial Lake Mapping in Antarctica Using Sentinel-1 {SAR} Imagery and Deep Learning. In: Remote Sensing, 13 (2), 197.
  • Rocchini, D.; Salvatori, N.; Beierkuhnlein, C.; Chiarucci, A.; {de Boissieu}, F.; Förster, M.; Garzon-Lopez, C. X.; Gillespie, T. W.; Hauffe, H. C.; He, K. S.; Kleinschmit, B.; Lenoir, J.; Malavasi, M.; Moudrý, V.; Nagendra, H.; Payne, D.; Šímová, P.; Torresani, M.; Wegmann, M.; Féret, J.-B. (2021): From local spectral species to global spectral communities: A benchmark for ecosystem diversity estimate by remote sensing. In: Ecological Informatics, 61, 101195.
  • Meyer, C.; Peters, J. C.; Thiel, M.; Rathmann, J.; Job, H. (2021): Monitoring von Freiflächeninanspruchnahme und -versiegelung für eine nachhaltige Raumentwicklung in Bayern. In: Raumforschung und Raumordnung - Spatial Research and Planning, 29.
  • Steinbach, S.; Cornish, N.; Franke, J.; Hentze, K.; Strauch, A.; Thonfeld, F.; Zwart, S. J.; Nelson, A. (2021): A New Conceptual Framework for Integrating Earth Observation in Large-scale Wetland Management in East Africa. In: Wetlands, 41 (7), 1-21.
  • Mayr, S.; Klein, I.; Rutzinger, M.; Kuenzer, C. (2021): Systematic Water Fraction Estimation for a Global and Daily Surface Water Time-Series. In: Remote Sensing, 13 (14), 1-21.
  • Tonne, C.; Adair, L.; Adlakha, D.; Anguelovski, I.; Belesova, K.; Berger, M.; Brelsford, C.; Dadvand, P.; Dimitrova, A.; Giles-Corti, B.; Heinz, A.; Mehran, N.; Nieuwenhuijsen, M.; Pelletier, F.; Ranzani, O.; Rodenstein, M.; Rybski, D.; Samavati, S.; Satterthwaite, D.; Schöndorf, J.; Schreckenberg, D.; Stollmann, J.; Taubenböck, H.; Tiwari, G.; {van Wee}, B.; Adli, M. (2021): Defining pathways to healthy sustainable urban development. In: Environment International, 146, 106236.
  • Skidmore, A. K.; Coops, N. C.; Elnaz, N.; Abebe, A.; Schaepman, M. E.; Paganini, M.; Kissling, W. D.; Petteri, V.; Darvishzadeh, R.; Feilhauer, H.; Miguel, F.; Néstor, F.; Gorelick, N.; Geizendorffer, I.; Heiden, U.; Heurich, M.; Hobern, D.; Holzwarth, S.; Muller-Karger, F. E.; Van De Kerchove, R.; Lausch, A.; Leitãu, P. J.; Lock, M. C.; Mücher, C. A.; O’Connor, B.; Rocchini, D.; Turner, W.; Kees, J.; Wang, T.; Wegmann, M.; Wingate, V. (2021): Priority list of biodiversity metrics to observe from space. In: Nature Ecology and Evolution
  • Richard, K.; Abdel-Rahman, E.; Subramanian, S.; Nyasani, J. O.; Thiel, M.; Jozani, H. J.; Borgemeister, C.; Mudereri, B. T.; Landmann, T. (2021): Estimating maize lethal necrosis (MLN) severity in Kenya using multispectral high-resolution data. In: Applied Geomatics
  • Kirchner, A.; Schmitt, M.; Pollinger, F.; Thiel, M.; Paeth, H. (2021): Relationship between soil sealing and local to regional climate in Germany. In: Meteorologische Zeitschrift, 10.
  • Arendt, R.; Reinhardt-Imjela, C.; Schulte, A.; Faulstich, L.; Ullmann, T.; Beck, L.; Martinis, S.; Johannes, P.; Lengricht, J. (2021): Natural {Pans} as an {Important} {Surface} {Water} {Resource} in the {Cuvelai} {Basin}—{Metrics} for {Storage} {Volume} {Calculations} and {Identification} of {Potential} {Augmentation} {Sites}. In: Water, 13 (2), 177.
  • Cuthbertson, P.; Ullmann, T.; Büdel, C.; Varis, A.; Namen, A.; Seltmann, R.; Reed, D.; Taimagambetov, Z.; Iovita, R. (2021): Finding karstic caves and rockshelters in the {Inner} {Asian} mountain corridor using predictive modelling and field surveyhg. von Andrea Zerboni. In: Plos one, 16 (1), e0245170.
  • Betz, F.; Lauermann, M.; Cyffka, B. (2021): Geomorphological Characterization of Rivers Using Virtual Globes and Digital Elevation Data: A Case Study from the Naryn River in Kyrgyzstan. In: International Journal of Geoinformatics, 47–55.
2020[ to top ]
  • Li, M.; Koks, E.; Taubenböck, H.; {van Vliet}, J. (2020): Continental-scale mapping and analysis of 3D building structure. In: Remote Sensing of Environment, 245, 111859.
  • Standfuß, I.; Geiß, C.; Kühnl, M.; Wurm, M.; Siedentop, S.; Heider, B.; Taubenböck, H. (2020): Deriving urban mass concentrations using TanDEM-X and Sentinel-2 data for the assessment of morphological polycentricity. In: IEEE International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Sysposium 2020Seiten, 4219-22.
  • Hoeser, T.; Bachofer, F.; Kuenzer, C. (2020): Object Detection and Image Segmentation with Deep Learning on Earth Observation Data: A Review-Part II: Applications. In: Remote. Sens., 12 (18), 3053.
  • Weise, K.; Höfer, R.; Franke, J.; Guelmami, A.; Simonson, W.; Muro, J.; O’Connor, B.; Strauch, A.; Flink, S.; Eberle, J.; Mino, E.; Thulin, S.; Philipson, P.; {van Valkengoed}, E.; Truckenbrodt, J.; Zander, F.; Sánchez, A.; Schröder, C.; Thonfeld, F.; Fitoka, E.; Scott, E.; Ling, M.; Schwarz, M.; Kunz, I.; Thürmer, G.; Plasmeijer, A.; Hilarides, L. (2020): Wetland extent tools for SDG 6.6.1 reporting from the Satellite-based Wetland Observation Service (SWOS). In: Remote Sensing of Environment, 247, 111892.
  • {Shi}, L.; {Huang}, X.; {Zhong}, T.; {Taubenböck}, H. (2020): Mapping Plastic Greenhouses Using Spectral Metrics Derived From GaoFen-2 Satellite Data. In: IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Applied Earth Observations and Remote Sensing, 13, 49-59.
  • Hu, Z.; Dietz, A.; Zhao, A.; Uereyen, S.; Zhang, H.; Wang, M.; Mederer, P.; Kuenzer, C. (2020): Snow moving to higher elevations: Analyzing three decades of snowline dynamics in the Alps. In: Geophysical Research Letters, 47 (1-11)
  • Shi, L.; Wurm, M.; Huang, X.; Zhong, T.; Leichtle, T.; Taubenböck, H. (2020): Urbanization that hides in the dark – Spotting China’s “ghost neighborhoods” from space. In: Landscape and Urban Planning, 200, 103822.
  • Petry, L.; Herold, H.; Meinel, G.; Meiers, T.; Müller, I.; Kalusche, E.; Erbertseder, T.; Taubenböck, H.; Zaunseder, E.; Srinivasan, V.; Osman, A. M. M. M.; Weber, B.; Jäger, S.; Mayer, C.; Gengenbach, C. (2020): Air Quality Monitoring and Data Management in Germany - Status Quo and Suggestions for Improvement
  • Hosseini, Z.; Latifi, H.; Naghavi, H.; Bakhtiarvand Bakhtiari, S.; Fassnacht, F. E. (2020): Influence of plot and sample sizes on aboveground biomass estimations in plantation forests using very high resolution stereo satellite imagery. In: Forestry: An International Journal of Forest Research.
  • Betz, F.; Lauermann, M.; Cyffka, B. (2020): Open Source Riverscapes: Analyzing the Corridor of the Naryn River in Kyrgyzstan Based on Open Access Data. In: Remote Sensing, 12 (16)
  • Mast, J.; Wei, C.; Wurm, M. (2020): Mapping urban villages using fully convolutional neural networks. In: Remote Sensing Letters, 11 (7), 630-39.
  • Kuenzer, C.; Heimhuber, V.; Day, J.; Varis, O.; Bucx, T.; Renaud, F.; Gaohuan, L.; Tuan, V. Q.; Schlurmann, T.; Glamore, W. (2020): Profiling resilience and adaptation in mega deltas: A comparative assessment of the Mekong, Yellow, Yangtze, and Rhine deltas. In: Ocean & Coastal Management, 198, 105362.
  • Shi, L.; Huang, X.; Zhong, T.; Taubenböck, H. (2020): Mapping Plastic Greenhouses Using Spectral Metrics Derived From GaoFen-2 Satellite Data. In: IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Applied Earth Observations and Remote Sensing, (49-59)
  • Nyamekye, C.; Schönbrodt-Stitt, S.; Amedudzi, L. K.; Zoungrana, B. J.-B.; Thiel, M. (2020): Usage of MODIS NDVI to evaluate the effect of soil and water conservation measures on vegetation in Burkina Faso. In: Land Degradation and Development, 1-13.
  • Taubenböck, H.; Debray, H.; Qiu, C.; Schmitt, M.; Wang, Y.; Zhu, X. (2020): Seven city types representing morphologic configurations of cities across the globe. In: Cities, 105, 102814.
  • Höser, T.; Bachofer, F.; Künzer, C. (2020): An Introduction to Deep Learning with CNNs Applied on Earth Observation Data
  • Esch, T.; Zeidler, J.; Palacios Lopez, D.; Marconcini, M.; Roth, A.; Mönks, M.; Leutner, B.; Brzoska, E.; Met; Marconcini, A.; Bachofer, F.; Loekken, S.; Dech, S. (2020): Large-scale 3D Modelling of the Built Environment - Joint Analysis of TanDEM-X. In: Remote Sensing, 12 (15), 1-21.
  • Elham Karimzadeh, J.; Hamed, N.; Kamran, A.; Latifi, H. (2020): A nondestructive, remote sensing-based estimation of the economic value of aboveground temperate forest biomass (case study: Hyrcanian forests, Nowshahr-iran). In: Journal of Sustainable Forestry
  • Muro, J.; Varea, A.; Strauch, A.; Guelmami, A.; Fitoka, E.; Thonfeld, F.; Diekkrüger, B.; Waske, B. (2020): Multitemporal optical and radar metrics for wetland mapping at national level in Albania. In: Heliyon, 6 (8), e04496.
  • Hoeser, T.; Kuenzer, C. (2020): Object Detection and Image Segmentation with Deep Learning on Earth Observation Data: A Review-Part I: Evolution and Recent Trends. In: Remote Sensing, 12 (10), 1-43.
  • Mikosh, N.; Becker, R.; Schelter, L.; Berger, M.; Usman, M.; Finbeiner, M. (2020): High resolution water scarcity analysis for cotton cultivation areas in Punjab, Pakistan,. In: Ecological Indicators, 109, 105852.
  • Wurm, M.; Goebel, J.; Wagner, G. G.; Weigand, M.; Dech, S.; Taubenb{ö}ck, H. (2020): Inferring floor area ratio thresholds for the delineation of city centers based on cognitive perception. In: Environment and Planning B: Urban Analytics and City Science
  • Geiß, C.; Schrade, H.; {Aravena Pelizari}, P.; Taubenböck, H. (2020): Multistrategy ensemble regression for mapping of built-up density and height with Sentinel-2 data. In: ISPRS Journal of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing, 170, 57-71.
  • {Stark}, T.; {Wurm}, M.; {Zhu}, X. X.; {Taubenböck}, H. (2020): Satellite-Based Mapping of Urban Poverty With Transfer-Learned Slum Morphologies. In: IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Applied Earth Observations and Remote Sensing, 13, 5251-63.
  • {Zhao}, J.; {Tian}, S.; {Geiß}, C.; {Wang}, L.; {Zhong}, Y.; {Taubenböck}, H. (2020): Spectral-Spatial Classification Integrating Band Selection for Hyperspectral Imagery With Severe Noise Bands. In: IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Applied Earth Observations and Remote Sensing, 13, 1597-1609.
  • Weigand, M.; Staab, J.; Wurm, M.; Taubenböck, H. (2020): Spatial and semantic effects of LUCAS samples on fully automated land use/land cover classification in high-resolution Sentinel-2 data. In: International Journal of Applied Earth Observation and Geoinformation, 88, 102065.
  • Dirscherl, M.; Dietz, A. J.; Dech, S.; Kuenzer, C. (2020): Remote sensing of ice motion in Antarctica – A review. In: Remote Sensing of Environment, 237, 111595.
  • Kraff, N. J.; Wurm, M.; Taubenböck, H. (2020): The dynamics of poor urban areas - analyzing morphologic transformations across the globe using Earth observation data. In: Cities, 107, 102905.
  • Sangdehi, S. M. R.; Asghar, F.; Jafar, O.; Latifi, H. (2020): Effect of Altitude Gradient on Quantitative Characteristics of Forest Stands (Case Study: District-3 of Sangdeh Forests).. In: Journal of Wood and Forest Science Technology, 27 (1)
  • Shi, L.; Wurm, M.; Huang, X.; Zhong, T.; Taubenböck, H. (2020): Measuring the spatial hierarchical urban system in China in reference to the Central Place Theory. In: Habitat International, 105, 102264.
  • Sapena, M.; Ruiz, L. A.; Taubenböck, H. (2020): Analyzing Links between Spatio-Temporal Metrics of Built-Up Areas and Socio-Economic Indicators on a Semi-Global Scale
  • Schwalb-Willmann, J.; Remelgado, R.; Safi, K.; Wegmann, M. (2020): moveVis: Animating movement trajectories in synchronicity with static or temporally dynamic environmental data in r. In: Methods in Ecology and Evolution
  • Müller, I.; Taubenböck, H.; Kuffer, M.; Wurm, M. (2020): Misperceptions of Predominant Slum Locations? Spatial Analysis of Slum Locations in Terms of Topography Based on Earth Observation Data. In: Remote Sensing, 12 (15), 2474.
  • Heinemann, S.; Siegmann, B.; Thonfeld, F.; Muro, J.; Jedmowski, C.; Kemna, A.; Kraska, T.; Muller, O.; Schultz, J.; Udelhoven, T.; Wilke, N.; Rascher, U. (2020): Land Surface Temperature Retrieval for Agricultural Areas Using a Novel {UAV} Platform Equipped with a Thermal Infrared and Multispectral Sensor. In: Remote Sensing, 12 (7), e1075.
  • Thonfeld, F.; Steinbach, S.; Muro, J.; Kirimi, F. (2020): Long-Term Land Use/Land Cover Change Assessment of the Kilombero Catchment in Tanzania Using Random Forest Classification and Robust Change Vector Analysis. In: Remote Sensing, 12 (7), 1057.
  • Ulloa-Torrealba, Y.; Stahlmann, R.; Wegmann, M.; Koellner, T. (2020): Over 150 Years of Change: Object-Oriented Analysis of Historical Land Cover in the Main River Catchment, Bavaria/Germany. In: Remote Sensing, 12 (24), 4048.
  • Conrad, C.; Usman, M.; Morper-Busch, L.; Schönbrodt-Stitt, S. (2020): Remote sensing-based assessments of land use, soil and vegetation status, crop production and water use in irrigation systems of the Aral Sea Basin. A review. In: Water Security, 11 (100078)
  • Ottinger, M.; Künzer, C. (2020): Spaceborne L-Band Synthetic Aperture Radar Data for Geoscientific Analyses in Coastal Land Applications: A Review,. In: Remote Sensing, 12 (14), 1-37.
  • Ullmann, T.; Nill, L.; Schiestl, R.; Trappe, J.; Lange-Athinodorou, E.; Baumhauer, R.; Meister, J. (2020): Mapping buried paleogeographical features of the {Nile} {Delta} ({Egypt}) using the {Landsat} archive. In: E\&G Quaternary Science Journal, 69 (2), 225-45.
  • Taghavi Bayat, A.; Schönbrodt-Stitt, S.; Nasta, P.; Ahmadian, N.; Conrad, C.; Bogena, H. R.; Vereecken, H.; Jakobi, J.; Baatz, R.; Romano, N. (2020): Mapping near-surface soil moisture in a Mediterranean agroforestry ecosystem using Cosmic-Ray Neutron Probe and Sentinel-1 Data
  • Koehler, J.; Kuenzer, C. (2020): Forecasting Spatio-Temporal Dynamics on the Land Surface Using Earth Observation Data{\textemdash}A Review. In: Remote Sensing, 12 (21), 3513.
  • Holzwarth, S.; Thonfeld, F.; Abdullahi, S.; Asam, S.; Canova, E. D. P.; Gessner, U.; Huth, J.; Kraus, T.; Leutner, B.; Kuenzer, C. (2020): Earth Observation Based Monitoring of Forests in Germany: A Review. In: Remote Sensing, 12 (21), 3570.
  • Hoeser, T.; Bachofer, F.; Kuenzer, C. (2020): Object Detection and Image Segmentation with Deep Learning on Earth Observation Data: A Review{\textemdash}Part {II}: Applications. In: Remote Sensing, 12 (18), 3053.
  • Ullmann, T.; Stauch, G. (2020): Surface {Roughness} {Estimation} in the {Orog} {Nuur} {Basin} ({Southern} {Mongolia}) {Using} {Sentinel}-1 {SAR} {Time} {Series} and {Ground}-{Based} {Photogrammetry}. In: Remote Sensing, 12 (19), 3200.
  • Taubenb{ö}ck, H.; Schmich, P.; Erbertseder, T.; M{ü}ller, I.; Tenikl, J.; Weigand, M.; Staab, J.; Wurm, M. (2020): Satellitendaten zur Erfassung gesundheitsrelevanter Umweltbedingungen: Beispiele und interdisziplin{ä}re Potenziale. In: Bundesgesundheitsblatt - Gesundheitsforschung - Gesundheitsschutz, 63 (8), 936-44.
  • Sogno, P.; Traidl-Hoffmann, C.; Kuenzer, C. (2020): Earth Observation Data Supporting Non-Communicable Disease Research: A Review. In: Remote Sensing, 12 (16), 2541.
  • Lemoine-Rodríguez, R.; Inostroza, L.; Zepp, H. (2020): The global homogenization of urban form. An assessment of 194 cities across time. In: Landscape and Urban Planning, 204, 103949.
  • Newton, A.; Icely, J.; Cristina, S.; Perillo, G. M. E.; Turner, R. E.; Ashan, D.; Cragg, S.; Luo, Y.; Tu, C.; Li, Y.; Zhang, H.; Ramesh, R.; Forbes, D. L.; Solidoro, C.; B{{é}}jaoui, B.; Gao, S.; Pastres, R.; Kelsey, H.; Taillie, D.; Nhan, N.; Brito, A. C.; de Lima, R.; Kuenzer, C. (2020): Anthropogenic, Direct Pressures on Coastal Wetlands. In: Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution, 8, 1-29.
  • Forkuor, G.; Ullmann, T.; Griesbeck, M. (2020): Mapping and {Monitoring} {Small}-{Scale} {Mining} {Activities} in {Ghana} using {Sentinel}-1 {Time} {Series} (2015–2019). In: Remote Sensing, 12 (6), 911.
  • Ottinger, M.; Kuenzer, C. (2020): Spaceborne L-Band Synthetic Aperture Radar Data for Geoscientific Analyses in Coastal Land Applications: A Review. In: Remote Sensing, 12 (14), 2228.
  • Lemma, B.; Kebede, S.; Nemomissa, S.; Otte, I.; Glaser, B.; Zech, M. (2020): Spatial and temporal ²H and 18O isotope variation of contemporary precipitation in the Bale Mountains, Ethiopia. In: Isotopes in Environmental & Health Studies, 56, 122-35.
  • {Kraff}, N. J.; {Wurm}, M.; {Taubenböck}, H. (2020): Uncertainties of Human Perception in Visual Image Interpretation in Complex Urban Environments. In: IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Applied Earth Observations and Remote Sensing, 13, 4229-41.
  • Jozani, H. J.; Thiel, M.; Abdel-Rahman, E. M.; Richard, K.; Landmann, T.; Subramanian, S.; Hahn, M. (2020): Investigation of Maize Lethal Necrosis (MLN) severity and cropping systems mapping in agro-ecological maize systems in Bomet, Kenya utilizing RapidEye and Landsat-8 Imagery. In: Geology, Ecology, and Landscapes, 16.
  • Schumacher, B.; Katurji, M.; Meyer, H.; Appelhans, T.; Otte, I.; Nauss, T. (2020): Atmospheric moisture pathways of East Africa and implications for water recycling at Mount Kilimanjaro. In: International Journal of Climatology, 40 (10), 4477-96.
  • Thonfeld, F.; Steinbach, S.; Muro, J.; Hentze, K.; Games, I.; Näschen, K.; Kauzeni, P. F. (2020): The impact of anthropogenic land use change on the protected areas of the Kilombero catchment, Tanzania. In: ISPRS Journal of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing, 168, 41-55.
  • Forkuor, G.; Ullmann, T.; Griesbeck, M. (2020): Mapping and Monitoring Small-Scale Mining Activities in Ghana using Sentinel-1 Time Series (2015{\textendash}2019). In: Remote Sensing, 12 (6), 911.
  • Dirscherl, M.; Dietz, A. J.; Kneisel, C.; Kuenzer, C. (2020): Automated Mapping of Antarctic Supraglacial Lakes Using a Machine Learning Approach. In: Remote Sensing, 12 (7), 1203.
  • Huth, J.; Gessner, U.; Klein, I.; Yesou, H.; Lai, X.; Oppelt, N.; Kuenzer, C. (2020): Analyzing Water Dynamics Based on Sentinel-1 Time Series{\textemdash}a Study for Dongting Lake Wetlands in China. In: Remote Sensing, 12 (11), 1761.
  • Stere{{ń}}czak, K.; Laurin, G. V.; Chirici, G.; Coomes, D. A.; Dalponte, M.; Latifi, H.; Puletti, N. (2020): Global Airborne Laser Scanning Data Providers Database ({GlobALS}){\textemdash}A New Tool for Monitoring Ecosystems and Biodiversity. In: Remote Sensing, 12 (11), 1877.
  • Dhillon, M. S.; Dahms, T.; Kuebert-Flock, C.; Borg, E.; Conrad, C.; Ullmann, T. (2020): Modelling Crop Biomass from Synthetic Remote Sensing Time Series: Example for the DEMMIN Test Site, Germany. In: Remote Sensing, 12 (11), 1819.
  • Reinermann, S.; Asam, S.; Kuenzer, C. (2020): Remote Sensing of Grassland Production and Management - A Review. In: Remote Sensing, 12 (12), 1-32.
2019[ to top ]
  • {Stark}, T.; {Wurm}, M.; {Taubenböck}, H.; {Zhu}, X. X. (2019): Slum Mapping in Imbalanced Remote Sensing Datasets Using Transfer Learned Deep Features. In: 2019 Joint Urban Remote Sensing Event (JURSE)Seiten, 1-4.
  • {Kraff}, N. J.; {Taubenböck}, H.; {Wurm}, M. (2019): How dynamic are slums? EO-based assessment of Kibera’s morphologic transformation. In: 2019 Joint Urban Remote Sensing Event (JURSE)Seiten, 1-4.
  • {Friesen}, J.; {Knoche}, C.; {Hartig}, J.; {Pelz}, P. F.; {Taubenböck}, H.; {Wurm}, M. (2019): Sensitivity of slum size distributions as a function of spatial parameters for slum classification. In: 2019 Joint Urban Remote Sensing Event (JURSE)Seiten, 1-4.
  • {Wurm}, M.; {Weigand}, M.; {Stark}, T.; {Goebel}, J.; {Wagner}, G. G.; {Taubenböck}, H. (2019): Modelling the impact of the urban spatial structure on the choice of residential location using ‘big earth data’ and machine learning. In: 2019 Joint Urban Remote Sensing Event (JURSE)Seiten, 1-4.
  • Singh Dhillon, M.; Kaur, S.; Aggarwal, R. (2019): Delineation of critical regions for mitigation of carbon emissions due to groundwater pumping in central Punjab. In: Groundwater for Sustainable Development
  • Hu, Z.; Dietz, A.; Kuenzer, C. (2019): Deriving Regional Snow Line Dynamics during the Ablation Seasons 1984-2018 in the Mid-latitude European Mountains. In: Remote Sensing, 11 (933), 1-21.
  • Remelgado, R.; Wegmann, M.; Safi, K. (2019): rsMove – An R package to bridge Remote Sensing and Movement Ecology. In: Methods in Ecology and Evolution, 1-23.
  • Ullmann, T.; Lange-Athinodorou, E.; Göbel, A.; Büdel, C.; Baumhauer, R. (2019): Preliminary results on the paleo-landscape of {Tell} {Basta} /{Bubastis} (eastern {Nile} delta): {An} integrated approach combining {GIS}-{Based} spatial analysis, geophysical and archaeological investigations. In: Quaternary International, 511, 185-99.
  • Peters, M. K.; Hemp, A.; Appelhans, T.; Becker, J. N.; Behler, C.; Classen, A.; Detsch, F.; Ensslin, A.; Ferger, S. W.; Frederiksen, S. B.; Gebert, F.; Gerschlauer, F.; Gütlein, A.; Helbig-Bonitz, M.; Hemp, C.; Kindeketa, W. J.; Kühnel, A.; Mayr, A. V.; Mwangomo, E.; Ngereza, C.; Njovu, H. K.; Otte, I.; Pabst, H.; Renner, M.; Röder, J.; Rutten, G.; Costa, D. S.; Sierra-Cornejo, N.; Vollstädt, M. G. R.; Dulle, H. I.; Eardley, C. D.; Howell, K. M.; Keller, A.; Peters, R. S.; Ssymank, A.; Kakengi, V.; Zhang, J.; Bogner, C.; Böhning-Gaese, K.; Brandl, R.; Hertel, D.; Huwe, B.; Kiese, R.; Kleyer, M.; Kuzyakov, Y.; Nauss, T.; Schleuning, M.; Tschapka, M.; Fischer, M.; Steffan-Dewenter, I. (2019): Climate-land-use interactions shape tropical mountain biodiversity and ecosystem functions. In: Nature, 568 (7750), 88-92.
  • Leichtle, T.; Lakes, T.; Zhu, X. X.; Taubenböck, H. (2019): Has Dongying developed to a ghost city? - Evidence from multi-temporal population estimation based on VHR remote sensing and census counts. In: Computers, Environment and Urban Systems, 78, 101372.
  • Hu, Z.; Dietz, A.; Kuenzer, C. (2019): The potential of retrieving snow line dynamics from Landsat during the end of the ablation seasons between 1982 and 2017 in European mountains. In: International Journal of Applied Earth Observation and Geoinformation, 78, 138-48.
  • Kunz, J.; Kneisel, C.; Ullmann, T.; Baumhauer, R. (2019): Multi-methodological investigation of permafrost related landforms in the {Northwest} {Territories}, {Canada}
  • Kumar, N.; Khamzina, A.; Tischbein, B.; Knöfel, P.; Conrad, C.; Lamers, J. P. (2019): Spatio-temporal supply–demand of surface water for agroforestry planning in saline landscape of the lower Amudarya Basin. In: Journal of Arid Environments, 162, 53-61.
  • Ludwig, M.; Ludwig, H.; Conrad, C.; Dahms, T.; Mayhöfer, R. (2019): Cabbage whiteflies colonise Brassica vegetables primarily from distant,upwind source habitats. In: Entomologia Experimentalis et Applicata, Volume 1678 (Issue 8)
  • Leila, S.; Amir, E. B.; Ramin, N.; Latifi, H. (2019): Classification of quantitative attributes of Zagros forest using Landsat 8-OLI and Random Forest algorithm (Case study: protected area of Manesht forests).. In: Journal of Forest Research and Development, 4 (4), 415-34.
  • Taubenböck, H.; Weigand, M.; Esch, T.; Staab, J.; Wurm, M.; Mast, J.; Dech, S. (2019): A new ranking of the world’s largest cities—Do administrative units obscure morphological realities?. In: Remote Sensing of Environment, 232, 111353.
  • Zhu, Z.; Zhou, Y.; Seto, K. C.; Stokes, E. C.; Deng, C.; Pickett, S. T.; Taubenböck, H. (2019): Understanding an urbanizing planet: Strategic directions for remote sensing. In: Remote Sensing of Environment, 228, 164-82.
  • Khare, S.; Latifi, H.; Rossi, S. (2019): Forest beta-diversity analysis by remote sensing: How scale and sensors affect the Rao’s Q index. In: Ecological Indicators, 106, 105520.
  • Abdullahi, S.; Wessel, B.; Huber, M.; Wendleder, A.; Roth, A.; Kuenzer, C. (2019): Estimating penetration-related X-band InSAR elevation bias - A study over the Greenland ice sheet. In: Remote SensingRemote Sensing of Ice Sheets, 11 (24), 1-19.
  • Tsai, Y.-L.; Dietz, A.; Oppelt, N.; K{ü}nzer, C. (2019): Wet and Dry Snow Detection Using Sentinel-1 SAR Data for Mountainous Areas with a Machine Learning Technique. In: Remote Sensing, 11 (8), 1-29.
  • Latifi, H.; Heurich, M. (2019): Multi-Scale Remote Sensing-Assisted Forest Inventory: A Glimpse of the State-of-the-Art and Future Prospects. In: Remote Sensing, 11 (11), 1260.
  • Halik, Ümüt; Aishan, T.; Betz, F.; Kurban, A.; Rouzi, A. (2019): Effectiveness and challenges of ecological engineering for desert riparian forest restoration along China’s largest inland river. In: Ecological Engineering, 127, 11–22.
  • {Friesen}, J.; {Lestakova}, M.; {Kaltenmorgen}, J.; {Nahaganeshan}, S.; {Pelz}, P. F.; {Taubenböck}, H.; {Wurm}, M. (2019): Size Distributions for Morphological Slums in Asia and South America. In: 2019 Joint Urban Remote Sensing Event (JURSE)Seiten, 1-4.
  • Ahmadian, N.; Ullmann, T.; Verrelst, J.; Borg, E.; Zölitz, R.; Conrad, C. (2019): Biomass {Assessment} of {Agricultural} {Crops} {Using} {Multi}-temporal {Dual}-{Polarimetric} {TerraSAR}-{X} {Data}. In: PFG – Journal of Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Geoinformation Science, 87 (4), 159-75.
  • Tsai, Y.-L.; Dietz, A.; Oppelt, N.; K{ü}nzer, C. (2019): Remote Sensing of Snow Cover Using Spaceborne SAR: A Review. In: Remote Sensing, 11 (1456), 1-44.
  • Uereyen, S.; Kuenzer, C. (2019): A Review on Earth Observation Based Analyses for Major River Basins. In: Remote Sensing, 11 (24), 1-36.
  • Philipp, M. B.; Levick, S. R. (2019): Exploring the Potential of C-Band {SAR} in Contributing to Burn Severity Mapping in Tropical Savanna. In: Remote Sensing, 12 (1), 49.
  • Hosseini, Z.; Naghavi, H.; Latifi, H.; Bakhtiarvand, S. B. (2019): Estimating biomass and carbon sequestration of plantations around industrial areas using very high resolution stereo satellite imagery. In: {iForest} - Biogeosciences and Forestry, 12 (6), 533-41.
  • Mayr, S.; Kuenzer, C.; Gessner, U.; Klein, I.; Rutzinger, M. (2019): Validation of Earth Observation Time-Series: A Review for Large-Area and Temporally Dense Land Surface Products. In: Remote Sensing, 11 (22), 2616.
  • Latifi, H.; Valbuena, R. (2019): Current Trends in Forest Ecological Applications of Three-Dimensional Remote Sensing: Transition from Experimental to Operational Solutions?. In: Forests, 10 (10), 891.
  • Nill, L.; Ullmann, T.; Kneisel, C.; Sobiech-Wolf, J.; Baumhauer, R. (2019): Assessing {Spatiotemporal} {Variations} of {Landsat} {Land} {Surface} {Temperature} and {Multispectral} {Indices} in the {Arctic} {Mackenzie} {Delta} {Region} between 1985 and 2018. In: Remote Sensing, 11 (19), 2329.
  • Palacios-Lopez, D.; Bachofer, F.; Esch, T.; Heldens, W.; Hirner, A.; Marconcini, M.; Sorichetta, A.; Zeidler, J.; Kuenzer, C.; Dech, S.; Tatem, A. J.; Reinartz, P. (2019): New Perspectives for Mapping Global Population Distribution Using World Settlement Footprint Products. In: Sustainability, 11 (21), 6056.
  • Baumhoer, C. A.; Dietz, A. J.; Kneisel, C.; Kuenzer, C. (2019): Automated Extraction of Antarctic Glacier and Ice Shelf Fronts from Sentinel-1 Imagery Using Deep Learning. In: Remote Sensing, 11 (21), 2529.
  • Uereyen, S.; Kuenzer, C. (2019): A Review of Earth Observation-Based Analyses for Major River Basins. In: Remote Sensing, 11 (24), 2951.
  • Liuzzi, M.; Aravena Pelizari, P.; Geiß, C.; Masi, A.; Tramutoli, V.; Taubenb{ö}ck, H. (2019): A transferable remote sensing approach to classify building structural types for seismic risk analyses: the case of Val d’Agri area (Italy). In: Bulletin of Earthquake Engineering, 17 (9), 4825-53.
  • Khare, S.; Latifi, H.; Rossi, S.; Ghosh, S. K. (2019): Fractional Cover Mapping of Invasive Plant Species by Combining Very High-Resolution Stereo and Multi-Sensor Multispectral Imageries. In: Forests, 10 (7), 540.
  • Tsai; Dietz; Oppelt; Kuenzer. (2019): A Combination of {PROBA}-V/{MODIS}-based Products with Sentinel-1 {SAR} Data for Detecting Wet and Dry Snow Cover in Mountainous Areas. In: Remote Sensing, 11 (16), 1904.
  • Ullmann, T.; Serfas, K.; Büdel, C.; Padashi, M.; Baumhauer, R. (2019): Data {Processing}, {Feature} {Extraction}, and {Time}-{Series} {Analysis} of {Sentinel}-1 {Synthetic} {Aperture} {Radar} ({SAR}) {Imagery}: {Examples} from {Damghan} and {Bajestan} {Playa} ({Iran}). In: Zeitschrift für Geomorphologie, Supplementary Issues, 62 (1), 9-39.
  • Lemoine-Rodríguez, R.; MacGregor-Fors, I.; Muñoz-Robles, C. (2019): Six decades of urban green change in a neotropical city: a case study of Xalapa, Veracruz, Mexico. In: Urban Ecosystems, 22 (3), 609-18.
  • Reinermann, S.; Gessner, U.; Asam, S.; Kuenzer, C.; Dech, S. (2019): The Effect of Droughts on Vegetation Condition in Germany: An Analysis Based on Two Decades of Satellite Earth Observation Time Series and Crop Yield Statistics. In: Remote Sensing, 11 (15), 1783.
  • Ataee, M. S.; Maghsoudi, Y.; Latifi, H.; Fadaie, F. (2019): Improving Estimation Accuracy of Growing Stock by Multi-Frequency {SAR} and Multi-Spectral Data over Iran’s Heterogeneously-Structured Broadleaf Hyrcanian Forests. In: Forests, 10 (8), 641.
  • Lange-Athinodorou, E.; El-Raouf, A. A.; Ullmann, T.; Trappe, J.; Meister, J.; Baumhauer, R. (2019): The sacred canals of the {Temple} of {Bastet} at {Bubastis} ({Egypt}): {New} findings from geomorphological investigations and {Electrical} {Resistivity} {Tomography} ({ERT}). In: Journal of Archaeological Science: Reports, 26, 101910.
  • Taubenböck, H.; Gerten, C.; Rusche, K.; Siedentop, S.; Wurm, M. (2019): Patterns of Eastern European urbanisation in the mirror of Western trends {\textendash} Convergent, unique or hybrid?. In: Environment and Planning B: Urban Analytics and City Science, 46 (7), 1206-25.
  • Wurm, M.; Goebel, J.; Wagner, G. G.; Weigand, M.; Dech, S.; Taubenböck, H. (2019): Inferring floor area ratio thresholds for the delineation of city centers based on cognitive perception. In: Environment and Planning B: Urban Analytics and City Science, 239980831986934.
  • Kuenzer; Heimhuber; Huth; Dech. (2019): Remote Sensing for the Quantification of Land Surface Dynamics in Large River Delta Regions{\textemdash}A Review. In: Remote Sensing, 11 (17), 1985.
2018[ to top ]
  • Schönbrodt-Stitt, S.; Conrad, C.; Dimov, D.; Ergashev, I.; Löw, F.; Morper-Busch, L.; Muminov, S.; Ruziev, I.; Schorcht, G.; Solodky, G.; Sorokin, D.; Stulina, G.; Toshpulatov, R.; Zaitov, S.; Kitapbayev, A.; Unger-Shayesteh, K. (2018): The WUEMoCA Tool for Monitoring Irrigated Cropland Use and Water Use Efficiency at the Landscape Level of the Aral Sea Basin. In: Novel Methods and Results of Landscape Research in Europe, Central Asia and Siberia, Vol. 4 Optimising Agricultural Landscapes, 4 (72), 351-56.
  • Zoungrana, B. J.; Conrad, C.; Thiel, M.; Amekudzi, L. K.; Dapola Da, E. (2018): MODIS NDVI trends and fractional land cover change for improved assessments of vegetation degradation in Burkina Faso, West Africa. In: Journal of Arid Enviroments, 153, 66-75.
  • Luque, S.; Pettorelli, N.; Vihervaara, P.; Wegmann, M. (2018): "Improving biodiversity monitoring using satellite remote sensing to provide solutions towards the 2020 conservation targets". In: Methods in Ecology and Evolution, 9 (8), 1784-86.
  • Usman, M.; Reimann, T.; Liedl, R.; Abbas, A.; Conrad, C.; Salim, S. (2018): Inverse Parametrization of a Regional Groundwater Flow Model with the Aid of Modelling and GIS: Test and Application of Different Approaches. In: International Journal of Geo-Information, 7 (22)
  • Baumhoer, C. A.; Dietz, A. J.; Dech, S. W.; Kuenzer, C. (2018): Remote Sensing of Antarctic Glacier and Ice-Shelf Front Dynamics - A Review.. In: Remote Sensing, 10 (9), 1445.
  • Singh, M. D.; Kaur, S.; Sood, A.; Aggarwal, R. (2018): Estimation of carbon emissions from groundwater pumping in central Punjabhg. von Carbon Management. In: Carbon Management, 9 (4), 425-35.
  • Latifi, H.; Dahms, T.; Beuders, B.; Heurich, M.; Kuebert, C.; Dech, S. (2018): Synthetic RapiidEye data used for the detection of area-based spruce tree mortality induced by bark beetles.. In: GIScience and Remote Sensing
  • Latifi, H.; Dahms, T.; Beudert, B.; Heurich, M.; Kübert, C.; Dech, S. (2018): Synthetic RapidEye data used for the detection of area-based spruce tree mortality induced by bark beetles. In: GIScience & Remote Sensing, 55 (6), 839-59.
  • Bae, S.; Müller, J.; Lee, D.; Vierling, K. T.; Vogeler, J. C.; Vierling, L. A.; Hudak, A. T.; Latifi, H.; Thorn, S. (2018): Taxonomic, functional, and phylogenetic diversity of bird assemblages are oppositely associated to productivity and heterogeneity in temperate forests. In: Remote Sensing of Environment, 215, 145-56.
  • Aishan, T.; Betz, F.; Halik, Ümüt; Cyffka, B.; Rouzi, A. (2018): Biomass Carbon Sequestration Potential by Riparian Forest in the Tarim River Watershed, Northwest China: Implication for the Mitigation of Climate Change Impact. In: Forests, 9 (4)
  • Ottinger, M.; Clauss, K.; Kuenzer, C. (2018): Opportunities and Challenges for the Estimation of Aquaculture Production Based on Earth Observation Data.. In: Remote Sensing, 10 (7), 1076.
  • Zaman, M.; Anjum, M.; Usman, M.; Ahmad, I.; Saifullah, M.; Yuan, S.; Liu, S. (2018): Enumerating the effects of climate change on water resources using GCM scenarios at the Xin’anjiang Watershed, China. In: Water, 10 (10), 1296.
  • Röder, M.; Latifi, H.; Hill, S.; Jan, W.; Miroslav, S.; Josef, B.; Martin, M.; Nováková, M. H.; Eberhard, G.; Marco, H. (2018): Application of optical unmanned aerial vehicle-based imagery for the inventory of natural regeneration and standing deadwood in post-disturbed spruce forests.. In: International Journal of Remote Sensing
  • Usman, M.; Liedl, R.; Arshad, M.; Conrad, C. (2018): 3-D numerical modelling of groundwater flow for scenario-based analysis and management. In: Water SA
  • Qamar, U.; Azmat, M.; Abbas, A.; Usman, M.; Shahid, M. A. (2018): Water Pricing and Implementation Strategies for the Sustainability of an Irrigation System: A Case Study within the Command Area of the Rakh Branch Canal. In: Water, 10 (4), 509.
  • Rocchini, D.; Luque, S.; Pettorelli, N.; Bastin, L.; Doktor, D.; Faedi, N.; Feilhauer, H.; Féret, J.-B.; Foody, G. M.; Gavish, Y.; Godinho, S.; Kunin, W. E.; Lausch, A.; Leitão, P. J.; Marcantonio, M.; Neteler, M.; Ricotta, C.; Schmidtlein, S.; Vihervaara, P.; Wegmann, M.; Nagendra, H. (2018): Measuring ß-diversity by remote sensing: A challenge for biodiversity monitoring. In: Methods in Ecology and Evolution, 9, 1787–1798.
  • Roth, A.; Marschalk, U.; Winkler, K.; Schättler, B.; Huber, M.; Georg, I.; Kuenzer, C.; Dech, S. W. (2018): Ten Years of Experience with Scientific TerraSAR-X Data Utilization.. In: Remote. Sens., 10 (8), 1170.
  • Keyimu, M.; Halik, U.; Betz, F.; Dulamsuren, C. (2018): Vitality variation and population structure of a riparian forest in the lower reaches of the Tarim River, NW China. In: Journal of Forestry Research, 29 (3), 749-60.
  • Heinrich, I.; Balanzategui, D.; Bens, O.; Blasch, G.; Blume, T.; B{ö}ttcher, F.; Borg, E.; Brademan, B.; Brauer, A.; Conrad, C.; Dietze, E.; Dr{ä}ger, N.; Fiener, P.; G{ü}ntner, A.; Heine, I.; Helle, G.; Herbrich, M.; Harfenmeister, K.; Heussner, K.-U.; Hohmann, C.; Itzerott, S.; Kaiser, K.; Kappler, C.; Koebsch, F.; Liebner, S.; Lischeid, G.; Merz, B.; Missling, K.-D.; Morgner, M.; Pinkerneil, S.; Plessen, B.; Raab, T.; Ruhtz, T.; Sachs, T.; Sommer, M.; Spengler, D.; Stender, V.; St{ü}ve, P.; Wilken, F. (2018): Integrating time scales: Interdisciplinary geo-ecological research in the Northeast German Lowland Observatory (TERENO-NE).. In: Vadose Zone JournalVadose Zone Journal, 1-25.
  • Nyamekye, C.; Thiel, M.; Schönbrodt-Stitt, S.; Zoungrana, B. J. B.; Amekudzi, L. K. (2018): Soil and Water Conservation in Burkina Faso, West Africa. In: Sustainability, 10 (9), 1-24.
  • Buchanan, G.; Beresford, A.; Hebbelwhite, M.; Escobedo, F.; DeKlerk, H.; Donald, P.; Escribano, P.; Koh, L.; Marínez-López, J.; Pettorelli, N.; Skidmore, A.; Szantoi, Z.; Tabor, K.; Wegmann, M.; Wich, S. (2018): Free satellite data key to conservation. In: Science, Vol. 361 (Issue 6398), 139-40.
  • Lausch, A.; Borg, E.; Bumberger, J.; Dietrich, P.; Heurich, M.; Huth, A.; Jung, A.; Klenke, R.; Knapp, S.; Mollenhauer, H.; Paasche, H.; Paulheim, H.; Pause, M.; Schweitzer, C.; Schmulius, C.; Settele, J.; Skidmore, A.; Wegmann, M.; Zacharias, S.; Kirsten, T.; Schaepman, M. (2018): Understanding Forest Health with Remote Sensing, Part III: Requirements for a Scalable Multi-Source Forest Health Monitoring Network Based on Data Science Approaches. In: Remote Sensing, 10 (7), 1-52.
  • Lausch, A.; Borg, E.; Bumberger, J.; Dietrich, P.; Heurich, M.; Huth, A.; Jung, A.; Klenke, R.; Knapp, S.; Mollenhauer, H.; Paaschen, H.; Paulheim, H.; Pause, M.; Schweizer, C.; Schmullius, C.; Settele, J.; Skidmore, A.; Wegmann, M.; Zacharias, S.; Kirsten, T.; Schaepman, M. E. (2018): Understanding forest health with remote sensing -Part III - Requirements for a global multi-source forest health monitoring network. In: Remote SensingSpecial Issue "Remote Sensing of Forest Health", 10 (1120), 1-52.
  • Pettorelli, N.; Schulte to Buehne, H.; Tulloch, A.; Dubois, G.; Macinnis-Ng, C.; Queirós, A. M.; Keith, D. A.; Wegmann, M.; Schrodt, F.; Stellmes, M.; Sonnenschein, R.; Geller, G. N.; Roy, S.; Somers, B.; Murray, N.; Bland, L.; Geijzendorffer, I.; Kerr, J. T.; Broszeit, S.; Leit ao, P. J.; Duncan, C.; Serafy, G. E.; He, K. S.; Blanchard, J. L.; Lucas, R.; Mairota, P.; Webb, T. J.; Nicholson, E. (2018): Satellite remote sensing of ecosystem functions: opportunities, challenges and way forward. In: Remote Sensing in Ecology and Conversation 2018, 4 (2), 71-93.
  • Clauss, K.; Ottinger, M.; Leinenkugel, P.; Kuenzer, C. (2018): Estimating rice production in the Mekong Delta, Vietnam, utilizing time series of Sentinel-1 SAR data. In: International Journal of Applied Earth Observation and Geoinformation, 2018 (73), 574-85.
  • Betz, F.; Lauermann, M.; Cyffka, B. (2018): Delineation of the riparian zone in data-scarce regions using fuzzy membership functions: An evaluation based on the case of the Naryn River in Kyrgyzstan. In: Geomorphology, 306, 170–181.
  • Georg, I.; Blaschke, T.; Taubenböck, H. (2018): Are We in Boswash Yet? A Multi-Source Geodata Approach to Spatially Delimit Urban Corridors. In: {ISPRS} International Journal of Geo-Information, 7 (1), 15.
  • Ramiro Silveyra, G.; Latifi, H.; Holger, W.; Matthias, D.; Marco, H.; Barbara, K. (2018): Integrating LiDAR and high-resolution imagery for object-based mapping of forest habitats in a heterogenuous temperate forest landscape.. In: International Journal of Remote Sensing
  • Kortmann, M.; Heurich, M.; Latifi, H.; Rösner, S.; Seidl, R.; Müller, J.; Thorn, S. (2018): Forest structure following natural disturbances and early succession provides habitat for two avian flagship species, capercaillie (Tetrao urogallus) and hazel grouse (Tetrastes bonasia). In: Biological Conservation, 226, 81-91.
  • Fassnacht, F. E.; Latifi, H.; Hartig, F. (2018): Using synthetic data to evaluate the benefits of large field plots for forest biomass estimation with LiDAR. In: Remote Sensing of Environment, 213, 115-28.
  • Abbas, A.; Amjath-Babu, T.; Kächele, H.; Usman, M.; Iqbal, M.; Arshad, M.; Adnan, M.; Müller, K. (2018): Sustainable survival under climatic extremes: linking flood risk mitigation and coping with flood damages in rural Pakistan. In: Environmental Science and Poluttion research, 25, 32491.
  • Rocchini, D.; Bacaro, G.; Chirici, G.; Re, D. D.; Feilhauer, H.; Foody, G. M.; Galluzzi, M.; Garzon-Lopez, C. X.; Gillespie, T. W.; He, K. S.; Lenoir, J.; Marcantonio, M.; Nagendra, H.; Ricotta, C.; Rommel, E.; Schmidtlein, S.; Skidmore, A. K.; Kerchove, R. V. D.; Wegmann, M.; Rugani, B. (2018): Remotely sensed spatial heterogeneity as an exploratory tool for taxonomic and functional diversity study. In: Ecological Indicators, 85, 983-90.
2017[ to top ]
  • Stumpf, F.; Schmidt, K.; Goebes, P.; Behrens, T.; Sch{ö}nbrodt-Stitt, S.; Wadoux, A.; Xiang, W.; Scholten, T. (2017): Uncertainty-guided sampling to improve digital soil maps. In: Catena, 153, 30-38.
  • Remelgado, R.; Leutner, B.; Safi, K.; Sonnenschein, R.; Kuebert, C.; Wegmann, M. (2017): Linking animal movement and remote sensing – mapping resource suitability from a remote sensing perspective. In: Remote Sensing in Ecology and Conservation
  • Wegmann, M. (2017): Editorial: Remote Sensing Training in Ecology and Conservation – challenges and potential. In: Remote Sensing in Ecology and Conservation, 3 (1), 5-6.
  • Schulte to Bühne, H.; Wegmann, M.; Durant, S. M.; Ransom, C.; de Ornellas, P.; Grange, S.; Beatty, H.; Pettorelli, N. (2017): Protection status and national socio-economic context shape land conversion in and around a key transboundary protected area complex in West Africa. In: Remote Sensing in Ecology and Conservation
  • Wegmann, M.; Leutner, B. F.; Metz, M.; Neteler, M.; Dech, S.; Rocchini, D. (2017): r.pi: a GRASS GIS package for semi-automatic spatial pattern analysis of remotely sensed land cover data. In: Methods in Ecology and Evolution
  • Palumbo, I.; Rose, R. A.; Headley, R.; Nackoney, J.; Vodacek, A.; Wegmann, M. (2017): Building capacity in remote sensing for conservation: present and future challenges. In: Remote Sensing in Ecology and Conservation, 1-9.
  • Khare, S.; Ghosh, S. K.; Latifi, H.; Vijay, S.; Dahms, T. (2017): Seasonal-based analysis of vegetation response to environmental variables in the mountainous forests of Western Himalaya using Landsat 8 data. In: International Journal of Remote Sensing, 38 (15), 4418-42.
  • Taubenböck, H.; Ferstl, J.; Dech, S. (2017): Regions Set in Stone—Delimiting and Categorizing Regions in Europe by Settlement Patterns Derived from EO-Data. In: ISPRS International Journal of Geo-Information, 6 (2)
  • Xu, X.; Conrad, C.; Doktor, D. (2017): Optimising Phenological Metrics Extraction for Different Crop Types in Germany Using the Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectrometer (MODIS).. In: Remote Sensing, 9 (3), 254.
  • Richard, K.; Abdel-Rahman, E. M.; Subramanian, S.; Nyasani, J. O.; Thiel, M.; Jozani, H.; Borgemeister, C.; Landmann, T. (2017): Maize Cropping Systems Mapping Using RapidEye Observations in Agro-Ecological Landscapes in Kenya. In: Sensor, 17 (11)
  • Karami, O.; Fallah, A.; Shataee, S.; Latifi, H. (2017): Investigation on the feasibility of mapping of oak forest dieback severity using Worldview-2 satellite data (Case study: Ilam forests). In: Iranian Journal of Forest and Poplar Research, 25 (3), 452-62.
  • Calabrese, A.; Calabrese, J. M.; Songer, M.; Wegmann, M.; Hedges, S.; Rose, R.; Leimgruber, P. (2017): Conservation status of Asian elephants: the influence of habitat and governance. In: Biodiversity and Conservation, 1-5.
  • Mas, J. F.; Lemoine-Rodríguez, R.; González, R.; López-Sánchez, J.; Piña-Garduño, A.; Herrera-Flores, E. (2017): Evaluación de las tasas de deforestación en Michoacán a escala detallada mediante un método híbrido de clasificación de imágenes SPOT. In: Madera Bosques, 23 (2)
  • Möller, M.; Gerstmann, H.; Gao, F.; Dahms, T. C.; Förster, M. (2017): Coupling of phenological information and simulated vegetation index time series: Limitations and potentials for the assessment and monitoring of soil erosion risk. In: Catena, 150, 192-205.
  • Pettorelli, N.; Schulte to Bühne, H.; Tulloch, A.; Dubois, G.; Macinnis-Ng, C.; Queirós, A. M.; Keith, D. A.; Wegmann, M.; Schrodt, F.; Stellmes, M.; Sonnenschein, R.; Geller, G. N.; Roy, S.; Somers, B.; Murray, N.; Bland, L.; Geijzendorffer, I.; Kerr, J. T.; Broszeit, S.; Leitão, P. J.; Duncan, C.; El Serafy, G.; He, K. S.; Blanchard, J. L.; Lucas, R.; Mairota, P.; Webb, T. J.; Nicholson, E. (2017): Satellite remote sensing of ecosystem functions: opportunities, challenges and way forward. In: Remote Sensing in Ecology and Conservation, n/a-n/a.
  • Taubenb{ö}ck, H.; Standfuß, I.; Wurm, M.; Krehl, A.; Siedentop, S. (2017): Measuring morphological polycentricity - A comparative analysis of urban mass concentrations using remote sensing data. In: Computers, Environment and Urban Systems, 64, 42-56.
  • Roccini, D.; Luque, S.; Pettorelli, N.; Bastin, L.; Doktor, D.; Faedi, N.; Feilhauer, H.; Feret, J.-B.; Foody, G. M.; Gavish, Y.; Godinho, S.; Kunin, W.; Lausch, A.; Leitao, P.; Marcantonio, M.; Neteler, M.; Ricotta, C.; Schmidtlein, S.; Vihervaara, P.; Wegmann, M.; Nagendra, H. (2017): Measuring ß-diversity by remote sensing: A challenge for biodiversity monitoring. In: Methods in Ecology and Evolution, 9 (8), 1787-98.
  • Hill, S.; Latifi, H.; Heurich, M.; Müller, J. (2017): Individual-tree- and stand-based development following natural disturbance in a heterogeneously structured forest: A LiDAR-based approach. In: Ecological Informatics, 38, 12-25.
  • Batsaikhan, A.; Asam, S.; Klein, D.; Conrad, C. (2017): Analysis of grassland phenology at different site conditions using webcams -A case study in the European Alps-. In: Journal of the Japan Society of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing, 56 (4), 137-42.
  • Ferger, S. W.; Peters, M. K.; Appelhans, T.; Detsch, F.; Hemp, A.; Nauss, T.; Otte, I.; Böhning-Gaese, K.; Schleuning, M. (2017): Synergistic effects of climate and land use on avian beta diversity. Diversity and Distributions. In: Diversity and Distributions, 23, 1246-55.
  • Pettorelli, N.; Nagendra, H.; Rocchini, D.; Rowcliffe, M.; Williams, R.; Ahumada, J.; De Angelo, C.; Atzberger, C.; Boyd, D.; Buchanan, G.; Chauvenet, A.; Disney, M.; Duncan, C.; Fatoyinbo, T.; Fernandez, N.; Haklay, M.; He, K.; Horning, N.; Kelly, N.; de Klerk, H.; Liu, X.; Merchant, N.; Paruelo, J.; Roy, H.; Roy, S.; Ryan, S.; Sollmann, R.; Swenson, J.; Wegmann, M. (2017): Remote Sensing in Ecology and Conservation: three years on. In: Remote Sensing in Ecology and Conservation, 3 (2), 53-56.
  • Wang, Z.; Skidmore, A. K.; Wang, T.; Darvishzadeh, R.; Heiden, U.; Heurich, M.; Latifi, H.; Hearne, J. (2017): Canopy foliar nitrogen retrieved from airborne hyperspectral imagery by correcting for canopy structure effects. In: International Journal of Applied Earth Observation and Geoinformation, 54, 84-94.
  • Forkuor, G.; Conrad, C.; Thiel, M.; Zoungrana, B. J.-B.; Tondoh, J. E. (2017): Multiscale Remote Sensing to Map the Spatial Distribution and Extent of Cropland in the Sudanian Savanna of West Africa. In: Remote Sensing, 9 (8)
  • Ullmann, T.; Banks, S. N.; Schmitt, A.; Jagdhuber, T. (2017): Scattering {Characteristics} of {X}-, {C}- and {L}-{Band} {PolSAR} {Data} {Examined} for the {Tundra} {Environment} of the {Tuktoyaktuk} {Peninsula}, {Canada}. In: Applied Sciences, 7 (6), 595.
  • Latifi, H.; Koch, B. (2017): Editorial for the Special Issue "Remote Sensing-assisted forest inventory". In: Journal of Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Geoinformation Science, 85 (4), 211-12.
  • Clauss, K.; Ottinger, M.; Kuenzer, C. (2017): Mapping rice areas with Sentinel-1 time series and superpixel segmentation. In: International Journal of Remote Sensing, 39 (5), 1399-1420.
  • Kleemann, J.; Inkoom, J. N.; Thiel, M.; Shankar, S.; Lautenbach, S.; Fürst, C. (2017): Peri-urban land use pattern and its relation to land use planning in Ghana, West Africa. In: Landscape and Urban Planning, 165, 280-94.
  • Otte, I.; Detsch, F.; Gütlein, A.; Scholl, M.; Kiese, R.; Appelhans, T.; Nauss, T. (2017): Seasonality of stable isotope composition of atmospheric water input at the southern slopes of Mt. Kilimanjaro, Tanzania. In: Hydrological Processes, 31 (22), 3932-47.
  • Aryal, R. R.; Latifi, H.; Heurich, M.; Hahn, M. (2017): Impact of Slope, Aspect, and Habitat-Type on LiDAR-Derived Digital Terrain Models in a Near Natural, Heterogeneous Temperate Forest. In: PFG - Journal of Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Geoinformation Science
  • Detsch, F.; Otte, I.; Appelhans, T.; Nauss, T. (2017): A glimpse at short-term controls of evapotranspiration along the southern slopes of Kilimanjaro. In: Environmental Monitoring and Assessment, 189 (9), 465.
  • Löw, F.; Biradar, C.; Fliemann, E.; Lamers, J. P.; Conrad, C. (2017): Assessing gaps in irrigated agricultural productivity through satellite earth observations—A case study of the Fergana Valley, Central Asia. In: International Journal of Applied Earth Observation and Geoinformation, 59, 118-34.
  • Pettorelli, N.; Nagendra, H.; Rocchini, D.; Rowcliffe, M.; Williams, R.; Ahumada, J.; Angelo, C. D.; Atzberger, C.; Boyd, D.; Buchanan, G. M.; Chauvenet, A.; Disney, M.; Duncan, C.; Fatoyinbo, T.; Fernandez, N.; Haklay, M.; He, K.; Horning, N.; Kelly, N.; de Klerk, H.; Liu, X.; Merchant, N.; Paruelo, N.; Roy, H.; Shovonlal, R.; Ryan, S.; Sollmann, R.; Swenson, J.; Wegmann, M. (2017): Editorial: Remote Sensing in Ecology and Conservation: three years on. In: Remote Sensing in Ecology and Conservation, 3 (2), 53-56.
  • Banks, S.; Millard, K.; Behnamian, A.; White, L.; Ullmann, T.; Charbonneau, F.; Chen, Z.; Wang, H.; Pasher, J.; Duffe, J. (2017): Contributions of {Actual} and {Simulated} {Satellite} {SAR} {Data} for {Substrate} {Type} {Differentiation} and {Shoreline} {Mapping} in the {Canadian} {Arctic}. In: Remote Sensing, 9 (12), 1206.
  • Ullmann, T.; Büdel, C.; Baumhauer, R. (2017): Characterization of {Arctic} {Surface} {Morphology} by {Means} of {Intermediated} {TanDEM}-{X} {Digital} {Elevation} {Model} {Data}. In: Zeitschrift für Geomorphologie, Supplementary Issues, 61 (1), 3-25.
  • Otte, I.; Detsch, F.; Mwangomo, E.; Hemp, A.; Appelhans, T.; Nauss, T. (2017): Multidecadal Trends and Interannual Variability of Rainfall as Observed from Five Lowland Stations at Mt. Kilimanjaro, Tanzania. In: Journal of Hydrometeorology, 18 (2), 349-61.
  • Fassnacht, F. E.; Mangold, D.; Schäfer, J.; Immitzer, M.; Kattenborn, T.; Koch, B.; Latifi, H. (2017): Estimating stand density, biomass and tree species from very high resolution stereo-imagery {\textendash} towards an all-in-one sensor for forestry applications?. In: Forestry: An International Journal of Forest Research, 1-19.
  • Ottinger, M.; Clauss, K.; K{ü}nzer, C. (2017): Large-Scale Assessment of Coastal Aquaculture Ponds with Sentinel-1 Time Series Data. In: Remote Sensing, 9 (440), 1-23.
  • Khare, S.; Latifi, H.; Ghosh, S. K. (2017): Multi-scale assessment of invasive plant species diversity using Pléiades 1A, RapidEye and Landsat-8 data. In: Geocarto International, 1-18.
  • Rocchini, D.; Petras, V.; Petrasova, A.; Horning, N.; Furtkevicova, L.; Neteler, M.; Leutner, B.; Wegmann, M. (2017): Open data and open source for remote sensing training in ecology. In: Ecological Informatics, 40, 57-61.
  • Forkuor, G.; Hounkpatin, O. K. L.; Welp, G.; Thiel, M. (2017): High Resolution Mapping of Soil Properties Using Remote Sensing Variables in South-Western Burkina Faso: A Comparison of Machine Learning and Multiple Linear Regression Models. In: Plos one, 12 (1), 1-21.
  • Mas, J. F.; Lemoine-Rodríguez, R.; González-López, R.; López-Sánchez, J.; Piña-Garduño, A.; Herrera-Flores, E. (2017): Land use/land cover change detection combining automatic processing and visual interpretation. In: European Journal of Remote Sensing, 50 (1), 626-35.
  • Latifi, H.; Hill, S.; Schumann, B.; Heurich, M.; Dech, S. (2017): Multi-model estimation of understorey shrub, herb and moss cover in temperate forest stands by laser scanner data. In: Forestry
  • Knauer, K.; Gessner, U.; Fensholt, R.; Forkuor, G.; Kuenzer, C. (2017): Monitoring Agricultural Expansion in Burkina Faso over 14 Years with 30 m Resolution Time Series: The Role of Population Growth and Implications for the Environment. In: Remote Sensing, 9 (132), 1-25.
2016[ to top ]
  • Röder, J.; Detsch, F.; Otte, I.; Appelhans, T.; Nauss, T.; Brandl, R. (2016): Heterogeneous patterns of abundance of epigeic arthropod taxa along a major elevation gradient. In: Biotropica, 49, 217-28.
  • Ernst, R.; Hölting, M.; Rodney, K.; Benn, V.; Thomas-Caesar, R.; Wegmann, M. (2016): A frog’s eye view: logging roads buffer against further diversity loss. In: Frontiers in Ecology and the Environment, 14 (7), 353-55.
  • Conrad, C.; Schönbrodt-Stitt, S.; Löw, F.; Sorokin, D.; Paeth, H. (2016): Cropping Intensity in the Aral Sea Basin and Its Dependency from the Runoff Formation 2000–2012. In: Remote Sensing, 8 (8), 630.
  • Ziegler, S.; Fa, J. E.; Wohlfart, C.; Streit, B.; Jacob, S.; Wegmann, M. (2016): Mapping Bushmeat Hunting Pressure in Central Africa. In: Biotropica, 48 (3), 405-12.
  • Lange, E.; Ullmann, T.; Baumhauer, R. (2016): Remote sensing in the {Nile} {Delta}: {Spatio}-{Temporal} {Analysis} of {Bubastis} / {Tell} {Basta}. In: Ägypten und Levante, 26, 377-92.
  • van Toor, M. L.; Newman, S. H.; Takekawa, J. Y.; Wegmann, M.; Safi, K. (2016): Temporal segmentation of animal trajectories informed by habitat use. In: Ecosphere, 7 (10), 1-16.
  • Conrad, C.; Lamers, J.; Ibragimov, N.; Löw, F.; Martius, C. (2016): Analysing irrigated crop rotation patterns in arid Uzbekistan by the means of remote sensing: A case study on post-Soviet agricultural land use. In: Journal of Arid Environments, 124, 150-59.
  • Knauer, K.; Gessner, U.; Fensholt, R.; Kuenzer, C. (2016): An ESTARFM Fusion Framework for the Generation of Large-Scale Time Series in Cloud-Prone and Heterogeneous Landscapes. In: Remote Sensing, 8 (5), 425.
  • Latifi, H.; Heurich, M.; Hartig, F.; Müller, J.; Krzystek, P.; Jehl, H.; Dech, S. (2016): Estimating over- and understorey canopy density of temperate mixed stands by airborne LiDAR data. In: Forestry, 89 (1), 69-81.
  • Conrad, C.; Kaiser, B. O.; Lamers, J. P. A. (2016): Quantifying water volumes of small lakes in the inner Aral Sea Basin, Central Asia, and their potential for reaching water and food security. In: Environmental Earth Sciences, 75 (11), 952.
  • Clark, B. L.; Bevanda, M.; Aspillaga, E.; Jørgensen, N. H. (2016): Bridging disciplines with training in remote sensing for animal movement: an attendee perspective. In: Remote Sensing in Ecology and Conservation
  • Mas, J.-F.; Lemoine-Rodríguez, R.; Taud, H. (2016): Toward a near-real time forest monitoring system [Technical note]. In: Investigaciones Geograficas, 2016 (91)
  • Ibrahim Mahmoud, M.; Duker, A.; Conrad, C.; Thiel, M.; Shaba Ahmad, H. (2016): Analysis of Settlement Expansion and Urban Growth Modelling Using Geoinformation for Assessing Potential Impacts of Urbanization on Climate in Abuja City, Nigeria. In: Remote Sensing, 8 (3), 220.
  • Pettorelli, N.; Wegmann, M.; Skidmore, A.; Mücher, S.; Dawson, T. P.; Fernandez, M.; Lucas, R.; Schaepman, M. E.; Wang, T.; O’Connor, B.; Jongman, R. H.; Kempeneers, P.; Sonnenschein, R.; Leidner, A. K.; Böhm, M.; He, K. S.; Nagendra, H.; Dubois, G.; Fatoyinbo, T.; Hansen, M. C.; Paganini, M.; de Klerk, H. M.; Asner, G. P.; Kerr, J. T.; Estes, A. B.; Schmeller, D. S.; Heiden, U.; Rocchini, D.; Pereira, H. M.; Turak, E.; Fernandez, N.; Lausch, A.; Cho, M. A.; Alcaraz-Segura, D.; McGeoch, M. A.; Turner, W.; Mueller, A.; St-Louis, V.; Penner, J.; Vihervaara, P.; Belward, A.; Reyers, B.; Geller, G. N. (2016): Framing the concept of satellite remote sensing essential biodiversity variables: challenges and future directions. In: Remote Sensing in Ecology and Conservation
  • Palumbo, I.; Rose, R. A.; Headley, R. M. K.; Nackoney, J.; Vodacek, A.; Wegmann, M. (2016): Building capacity in remote sensing for conservation: present and future challenges. In: Remote Sensing in Ecology and Conservation
  • Ottinger, M.; Clauss, K.; Künzer, C. (2016): Aquaculture: Relevance, Distribution, Impacts and Spatial Assessments. A Review. In: Ocean \& Coastal ManagementElsevier, 119, 244-66.
  • Fassnacht, F. E.; Latifi, H.; Stereńczak, K.; Modzelewska, A.; Lefsky, M.; Waser, L. T.; Straub, C.; Ghosh, A. (2016): Review of studies on tree species classification from remotely sensed data. In: Remote Sensing of Environment, 186, 64-87.
  • Aishan, T.; Halik, U.; Betz, F.; G{ä}rtner, P.; Cyffka, B. (2016): Modeling height--diameter relationship for Populus euphratica in the Tarim riparian forest ecosystem, Northwest China. In: Journal of Forestry Research, 27 (4), 889-900.
  • Paganini, M.; Leidner, A. K.; Geller, G.; Turner, W.; Wegmann, M. (2016): The role of space agencies in remotely sensed essential biodiversity variables. In: Remote Sensing in Ecology and Conservation, 2 (3), 132-40.
  • Dahms, T.; Seissiger, S.; Borg, E.; Vajen, H.; Fichtelmann, B.; Conrad, C. (2016): Important Variables of a RapidEye Time Series for Modelling Biophysical Parameters of Winter Wheat. In: Photogrammetrie - Fernerkundung - Geoinformation, 2016 (5-6), 285-99.
  • Tobias, U.; Christian, B.; Roland, B.; Majid, P. (2016): Sentinel-1 {SAR} {Data} {Revealing} {Fluvial} {Morphodynamics} in {Damghan} ({Iran}): {Amplitude} and {Coherence} {Change} {Detection}. In: International Journal of Earth Science and Geophysics, 2 (1)
  • Georg, I.; Blaschke, T.; Taubenböck, H. (2016): A Global Inventory of Urban Corridors Based on Perceptions and Night-Time Light Imagery. In: {ISPRS} International Journal of Geo-Information, 5 (12), 233.
  • Ullmann, T.; Schmitt, A.; Jagdhuber, T. (2016): Two {Component} {Decomposition} of {Dual} {Polarimetric} {HH}/{VV} {SAR} {Data}: {Case} {Study} for the {Tundra} {Environment} of the {Mackenzie} {Delta} {Region}, {Canada}. In: Remote Sensing, 8 (12), 1027.
  • Löw, F.; Waldner, F.; Latchininsky, A.; Biradar, C.; Bolkart, M. (2016): Timely monitoring of Asian Migratory locust habitats in the Amudarya delta, Uzbekistan using time series of satellite remote sensing vegetation index. In: Journal of Environmental Management, 183 (3)
  • Peters, M. K.; Hemp, A.; Appelhans, T.; Behler, C.; Classen, A.; Detsch, F.; Ensslin, A.; Ferger, S. W.; Frederiksen, S. B.; Gebert, F.; Haas, M.; Helbig-Bonitz, M.; Hemp, C.; Kindeketa, W. J.; Mwangomo, E.; Ngereza, C.; Otte, I.; Röder, J.; Rutten, G.; Costa, D. S.; Tardanico, J.; Zancolli, G.; Deckert, J.; Eardley, C. D.; Peters, R. S.; Rödel, M.-O.; Schleuning, M.; Ssymank, A.; Kakengi, V.; Zhang, J.; Böhning-Gaese, K.; Brandl, R.; Kalko, E. K.; Kleyer, M.; Nauss, T.; Tschapka, M.; Fischer, M.; Steffan-Dewenter, I. (2016): Predictors of elevational biodiversity gradients change from single taxa to the multi-taxa community level. In: Nature Communications, 7 (1)
  • Detsch, F.; Otte, I.; Appelhans, T.; Hemp, A.; Nauss, T. (2016): Seasonal and long-term vegetation dynamics from 1-km {GIMMS}-based {NDVI} time series at Mt. Kilimanjaro, Tanzania. In: Remote Sensing of Environment, 178, 70-83.
  • Khare, S.; Latifi, H.; Ghosh, K. (2016): Phenology Analysis of Forest Vegetation to Environmental Variables during pre-and Post-Monsoon Seasons in Western Himalayan Region of India. In: Int. Arch. Photogramm. Remote Sens. Spatial Inf. Sci., {XLI}-B2, 15-19.
  • Clauss, K.; Yan, H.; Künzer, C. (2016): Mapping Paddy Rice in China in 2002, 2005, 2010 and 2014 with MODIS Time Series. In: Remote SensingRemote Sensing, 8 (5), 1-22.
  • Danumah, J. H.; Odai, S. N.; Saley, B. M.; Szarzynski, J.; Thiel, M.; Kwaku, A.; Kouame, F. K.; Akpa, L. Y. (2016): Flood risk assessment and mapping in Abidjan district using multi-criteria analysis ({AHP}) model and geoinformation techniques, (cote d’ivoire). In: Geoenvironmental Disasters, 3 (1)
  • Georg, I.; Blaschke, T.; Taubenb{ö}ck, H. (2016): New spatial dimensions of global cityscapes: From reviewing existing concepts to a conceptual spatial approach. In: Journal of Geographical Sciences, 26 (3), 355-80.
  • Waldner, F.; Fritz, S.; Di Gregorio, A.; Plotnikov, D.; Bartalev, S.; Kussul, N.; Gong, P.; Thenkabail, P.; Hazeu, G.; Klein, I.; Löw, F.; Miettinen, J.; Dadhwal, V. K.; Lamarche, C.; Bontemps, S.; Defourny, P. (2016): A Unified Cropland Layer at 250 m for Global Agriculture Monitoring. In: Data, 1 (1), 1-13.
  • Detsch, F.; Otte, I.; Appelhans, T.; Nauss, T. (2016): A Comparative Study of Cross-Product {NDVI} Dynamics in the Kilimanjaro Region{\textemdash}A Matter of Sensor, Degradation Calibration, and Significance. In: Remote Sensing, 8 (2), 159.
2015[ to top ]
  • Nguyen, D. B.; Clauss, K.; Cao, S.; Naeimi, V.; Künzer, C.; Wagner, W. (2015): Mapping Rice Seasonality in the Mekong Delta with Multi-Year Envisat ASAR WSM Data. In: Remote Sensing, 7, 15868-93.
  • Löw, F.; Knöfel, P.; Conrad, C. (2015): Analysis of uncertainty in multi-temporal object-based classification. In: ISPRS - Journal of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing, 105, 91-106.
  • Forkuor, G.; Conrad, C.; Thiel, M.; Landmann, T.; Barry, B. (2015): Evaluating the sequential masking classification approach for improving crop discrimination in the Sudanian Savanna of West Africa. In: Computers and Electronics in Agriculture, 118, 380-89.
  • Löw, F.; Conrad, C.; Michel, U. (2015): Decision fusion and non-parametric classifiers for land use mapping using multi-temporal RapidEye data. In: ISPRS - Journal of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing, 108, 191-204.
  • Löw, F.; Duveiller, G.; Conrad, C.; Michel, U. (2015): Impact of Categorical and Spatial Scale on Supervised Crop Classification using Remote Sensing. In: Photogrammetrie - Fernerkundung - Geoinformation, 2015 (1), 7-20.
  • Pasoli, L.; Notarnicola, C.; Bertoldi, G.; Bruzzone, L.; Remelgado, R.; Greifender, F.; Niedrist, G.; Della Chiesa, S.; Tappeiner, U.; Zebisch, M. (2015): Estimation of Soil Moisture in Mountain Areas Using SVR Technique Applied to Multiscale Active Radar Images at C-Band. In: IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Applied Earth Observations and Remote Sensing, 8, 262-83.
  • Alavipanah, S.; Wegmann, M.; Qureshi, S.; Weng, Q.; Koellner, T. (2015): The Role of Vegetation in Mitigating Urban Land Surface Temperatures: A Case Study of Munich, Germany during the Warm Season. In: Sustainability, 7 (4), 4689.
  • Tedim, F.; Remelgado, R.; Martins, J.; Carvalho, S. (2015): The largest forest fires in {Portugal}: the constraints of burned area size on the comprehension of fire severity. In: Journal of Environmental Biology, 36, 133-43.
  • Walz, Y.; Wegmann, M.; Leutner, B.; Dech, S.; Vounatsou, P.; N’Goran, E.; Raso, G.; Utzinger, J. (2015): Use of an ecologically relevant modelling approach to improve remote sensing-based schistosomiasis risk profiling. In: Geospatial Health, 10 (2)
  • Zoungrana, B. J.-B.; Conrad, C.; Amekudzi, L. K.; Thiel, M.; Da, E. D.; Forkuor, G.; Löw, F. (2015): Multi-Temporal Landsat Images and Ancillary Data for Land Use/Cover Change (LULCC) Detection in the Southwest of Burkina Faso, West Africa. In: Remote Sensing, 7 (9), 12076.
  • Löw, F.; Fliemann, E.; Abdullaev, I.; Conrad, C.; Lamers, J. P. (2015): Mapping abandoned agricultural land in Kyzyl-Orda, Kazakhstan using satellite remote sensing. In: Applied Geography, 62, 377-90.
  • Buchanan, G. M.; Brink, A. B.; Leidner, A. K.; Rose, R.; Wegmann, M. (2015): Advancing terrestrial conservation through remote sensing. In: Ecological Informatics, 30, 318-21.
  • Taubenböck, H.; Wurm, M. (2015): Wo beginnt die Stadt? Urbane Fernerkundung für stadtgeographische Forschung
  • Latifi, H.; Fassnacht, F. E.; Hartig, F.; Berger, C.; Hernández, J.; Corvalán, P.; Koch, B. (2015): Stratified aboveground forest biomass estimation by remote sensing data. In: International Journal of Applied Earth Observation and Geoinformation, 38, 229-41.
  • Conrad, C.; Rudloff, M.; Abdullaev, I.; Thiel, M.; Löw, F.; Lamers, J. (2015): Measuring rural settlement expansion in Uzbekistan using remote sensing to support spatial planning. In: Applied Geography, 62, 29-43.
  • Latifi, H.; Fassnacht, F. E.; Müller, J.; Tharani, A.; Dech, S.; Heurich, M. (2015): Forest inventories by LiDAR data: A comparison of single tree segmentation and metric-based methods for inventories of a heterogeneous temperate forest. In: International Journal of Applied Earth Observation and Geoinformation, 162-74.
  • Früh-Müller, A.; Wegmann, M.; Koellner, T. (2015): Flood exposure and settlement expansion since pre-industrial times in 1850 until 2011 in north Bavaria, Germany. In: Regional Environmental Change, 15 (1), 183-93.
  • Heurich, M.; Krzystek, P.; Polakowski, F.; Latifi, H.; Krauss, A.; Müller, J. (2015): Erste Waldinventur auf Basis von Lidardaten und digitalen Luftbildern im Nationalpark Bayerischer Wald. In: Forstliche Forschungsberichte München, 2015 (214), 101-3.
  • Malec, S.; Rogge, D.; Heiden, U.; Sanchez-Azofeifa, A.; Bachmann, M.; Wegmann, M. (2015): Capability of Spaceborne Hyperspectral EnMAP Mission for Mapping Fractional Cover for Soil Erosion Modeling. In: Remote Sensing, 7 (9), 11776.
  • Bevanda, M.; Fronhofer, E. A.; Heurich, M.; Müller, J.; Reineking, B. (2015): Landscape configuration is a major determinant of home range size variation. In: Ecosphere
  • Ayanu, Y.; Conrad, C.; Jentsch, A.; Koellner, T. (2015): Unveiling Undercover Cropland Inside Forests Using Landscape Variables: A Supplement to Remote Sensing Image Classificationhg. von Jian Yang. In: {plos} {one}, 10 (6), e0130079.
  • Machwitz, M.; Gessner, U.; Conrad, C.; Falk, U.; Richters, J.; Dech, S. (2015): Modelling the Gross Primary Productivity of West Africa with the Regional Biomass Model RBM+, using optimized 250 m \{MODIS\} \{FPAR\} and fractional vegetation cover information. In: International Journal of Applied Earth Observation and Geoinformation
  • Appelhans, T.; Mwangomo, E.; Otte, I.; Detsch, F.; Nauss, T.; Hemp, A. (2015): Eco-meteorological characteristics of the southern slopes of Kilimanjaro, Tanzania. In: International Journal of Climatology, 36 (9), 3245-58.
  • Lange-Athinodorou, E. (2015): Goddess on the water: research on the sacred landscape of {Bubastis}. In: Egyptian Archaeology, 47, 17-19.
  • Betz, F.; Halik, Ümüt; Kuba, M.; Tayierjiang, A.; Cyffka, B. (2015): Controls on aeolian sediment dynamics by natural riparian vegetation in the Eastern Tarim Basin, NW China. In: Aeolian Research, 18, 23–34.
  • Aishan, T.; Halik, U.; Betz, F.; Tiyip, T.; Ding, J.; Nuermaimaiti, Y. (2015): Stand structure and height-diameter relationship of a degraded Populus euphratica forest in the lower reaches of the Tarim River, Northwest China. In: Journal of Arid Land, 7 (4), 544-54.
  • Kuenzer, C.; Klein, I.; Ullmann, T.; Georgiou, E.; Baumhauer, R.; Dech, S. (2015): Remote {Sensing} of {River} {Delta} {Inundation}: {Exploiting} the {Potential} of {Coarse} {Spatial} {Resolution}, {Temporally}-{Dense} {MODIS} {Time} {Series}. In: Remote Sensing, 7 (7), 8516-42.
  • Skidmore, A. K.; Pettorelli, N.; Coops, N. C.; Geller, G. N.; Hansen, M.; Lucas, R.; Mücher, C. A.; O’Connor, B.; Paganini, M.; Pereira, H. M.; Schaepman, M. E.; Turner, W.; Wang, T.; Wegmann, M. (2015): Environmental science: Agree on biodiversity metrics to track from space. In: Nature, 523 (7561), 403.
  • Walz, Y.; Wegmann, M.; Dech, S.; Vounatsou, P.; Poda, J.-N.; N’Goran, E. K.; Utzinger, J.; Raso, G. (2015): Modeling and Validation of Environmental Suitability for Schistosomiasis Transmission Using Remote Sensinghg. von Justin V. Remais. In: {PLoS} Negl Trop Dis, 9 (11), e0004217.
  • Walz, Y.; Wegmann, M.; Dech, S.; Raso, G.; Utzinger, J. (2015): Risk profiling of schistosomiasis using remote sensing: approaches, challenges and outlook. In: Parasites Vectors, 8 (1)
  • Aishan, T.; Halik, U.; Kurban, A.; Cyffka, B.; Kuba, M.; Betz, F.; Keyimu, M. (2015): Eco-morphological response of floodplain forests (Populus euphratica Oliv.) to water diversion in the lower Tarim River, northwest China. In: Environmental Earth Sciences, 73 (2), 533-45.
  • Taubenböck, H.; Wiesner, M. (2015): The spatial network of megaregions - Types of connectivity between cities based on settlement patterns derived from EO-data. In: Computers, Environment and Urban Systems, 54, 165-80.
  • Lex, S.; Asam, S.; Löw, F.; Conrad, C. (2015): Comparison of two Statistical Methods for the Derivation of the Fraction of Absorbed Photosynthetic Active Radiation for Cotton. In: Photogrammetrie, Fernerkundung und Geoinformation, 2015 (1), 55-67.
  • Rocchini, D.; Boyd, D. S.; Féret, J.-B.; Foody, G. M.; He, K. S.; Lausch, A.; Nagendra, H.; Wegmann, M.; Pettorelli, N. (2015): Satellite remote sensing to monitor species diversity: potential and pitfalls. In: Remote Sensing in Ecology and Conservation
  • Turner, W.; Rondinini, C.; Pettorelli, N.; Mora, B.; Leidner, A.; Szantoi, Z.; Buchanan, G.; Dech, S.; Dwyer, J.; Herold, M.; Koh, L.; Leimgruber, P.; Taubenboeck, H.; \textbf{Wegmann, M.; Wikelski, M.; Woodcock, C. (2015): Free and open-access satellite data are key to biodiversity conservation. In: Biological Conservation, 182, 173-76.
  • Turner, W.; Rondinini, C.; Pettorelli, N.; Mora, B.; Leidner, A. K.; Szantoi, Z.; Buchanan, G.; Dech, S.; Dwyer, J.; Herold, M.; Koh, L. P.; Leimgruber, P.; Taubenb{ö}ck, H.; Wegmann, M.; Wikelski, M.; Woodcock, C. (2015): Free and open-access satellite data are key to biodiversity conservation. In: Biological Conservation, 182, 173-76.
  • He, K. S.; Bradley, B. A.; Cord, A. F.; Rocchini, D.; Tuanmu, M.-N.; Schmidtlein, S.; Turner, W.; Wegmann, M.; Pettorelli, N. (2015): Will remote sensing shape the next generation of species distribution models?. In: Remote Sensing in Ecology and Conservation, 1 (1), 4-18.
  • Fa, J. E.; Olivero, J.; Real, R.; Farfan, M. A.; Marquez, A. L.; Vargas, J. M.; Ziegler, S.; Wegmann, M.; Brown, D.; Margetts, B.; Nasi, R. (2015): Disentangling the relative effects of bushmeat availability on human nutrition in central Africa. In: NATURE, Scientific Reports 5
2014[ to top ]
  • Löw, F.; Duveiller, G. (2014): Defining the Spatial Resolution Requirements for Crop Identification Using Optical Remote Sensing. In: Remote Sensing, (6), 9034-63.
  • Conrad, C.; Dech, S.; Dubovyk, O.; Fritsch, S.; Klein, D.; Löw, F.; Schorcht, G.; Zeidler, J. (2014): Derivation of temporal windows for accurate crop discrimination in heterogeneous croplands of Uzbekistan using multitemporal RapidEye images. In: Computers and Electronics in Agriculture, 103, 63-74.
  • Duncan, C.; Kretz, D.; Wegmann, M.; Rabeil, T.; Pettorelli, N. (2014): Oil in the Sahara: mapping anthropogenic threats to Saharan biodiversity from space. In: Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences, 369 (1643)
  • Kuenzer, C.; Ottinger, M.; Wegmann, M.; Guo, H.; Wang, C.; Zhang, J.; Dech, S.; Wikelski, M. (2014): Earth observation satellite sensors for biodiversity monitoring: potentials and bottlenecks. In: International Journal of Remote Sensing, 35 (18), 6599-6647.
  • Wegmann, M.; Santini, L.; Leutner, B.; Safi, K.; Rocchini, D.; Bevanda, M.; Latifi, H.; Dech, S.; Rondinini, C. (2014): Role of African protected areas in maintaining connectivity for large mammals. In: Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences, 369 (1643)
  • Taubenböck, H.; Wiesner, M.; Felbier, A.; Marconcini, M.; Esch, T.; Dech, S. (2014): New dimensions of urban landscapes: The spatio-temporal evolution from a polynuclei area to a mega-region based on remote sensing data. In: Applied Geography, 47, 137-53.
  • Dietz, A. J.; Conrad, C.; Kuenzer, C.; Gesell, G.; Dech, S. (2014): Identifying Changing Snow Cover Characteristics in Central Asia between 1986 and 2014 from Remote Sensing Data. In: Remote Sensing, 6 (12), 12752-75.
  • Fassnacht, F.; Hartig, F.; Latifi, H.; Berger, C.; Hernández, J.; Corvalán, P.; Koch, B. (2014): Importance of sample size, data type and prediction method for remote sensing-based estimations of aboveground forest biomass. In: Remote Sensing of Environment, 154, 102-14.
  • Naghavi, H.; Fallah, A.; Shataee, S.; Latifi, H.; Soosani, J.; Ramezani, H.; Conrad, C. (2014): Canopy cover estimation across semi-Mediterranean woodlands: application of high-resolution earth observation data. In: Journal of Applied Remote Sensing, 8 (1), 083524.
  • Kachelriess, D.; Wegmann, M.; Gollock, M.; Pettorelli, N. (2014): The application of remote sensing for marine protected area management. In: Ecological Indicators, 36, 169-77.
  • Forkuor, G.; Conrad, C.; Thiel, M.; Ullmann, T.; Zoungrana, E. (2014): Integration of Optical and Synthetic Aperture Radar Imagery for Improving Crop Mapping in Northwestern Benin, West Africa. In: Remote Sensing, 6 (7), 6472-99.
  • Bevanda, M.; Horning, N.; Reineking, B.; Heurich, M.; Wegmann, M.; Mueller, J. (2014): Adding structure to land cover – using fractional cover to study animal habitat use. In: Movement Ecology
  • Schmidt, M.; Klein, D.; Conrad, C.; Dech, S.; Paeth, H. (2014): On the relationship between vegetation and climate in tropical and northern Africa. In: Theoretical and Applied Climatology, 115 (1-2), 341-53.
  • Latifi, H.; Fassnacht, F.; Schumann, B.; Dech, S. (2014): Object-based extraction of bark beetle (Ips typographus L.) infestations using multi-date Landsat and SPOT satellite imagery. In: Progress in Physical Geography, 1–31.
  • Wohlfahrt, C.; Wegmann, M.; Leimgruber, P. (2014): Mapping threatened dry deciduous dipterocarp forest in South-east Asia for conservation management. In: Tropical Conservation Science, 7 (4), 597-613.
  • Kuenzer, C.; Ottinger, M.; Liu, G.; Baumhauer, R.; Dech, S. (2014): Earth observation-based coastal zone monitoring of the Yellow River Delta: Dynamics in China’s second largest oil producing region over four decades. In: Applied Geography, 55, 92-107.
  • Dimov, D.; Palomar, J.; Ruiz, L. (2014): Automated generalization of land-use data with GISbased programming. In: GIS Science, (3)
  • Schuster, C.; Schmidt, T.; Conrad, C.; Kleinschmit, B.; Förster, M. (2014): Grassland habitat mapping by intra-annual time series analysis – Comparison of RapidEye and TerraSAR-X satellite data. In: International Journal of Applied Earth Observation and Geoinformation, 34, 25-34.
  • Wegmann, M.; Santini, L.; Leutner, B.; Safi, K.; Rocchini, D.; Bevanda, M.; Latifi, H.; Dech, S.; Rondinini, C. (2014): Role of African protected areas in maintaining connectivity for large mammals. In: Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences, 369 (1643), 20130193.
  • Shahabfar, A.; Ghulam, A.; Conrad, C. (2014): Understanding Hydrological Repartitioning and Shifts in Drought Regimes in Central and South-West Asia Using MODIS Derived Perpendicular Drought Index and TRMM Data. In: IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Applied Earth Observations and Remote Sensing, 7 (3), 983-93.
  • Pettorelli, N.; Laurance, W. F.; O’Brien, T. G.; Wegmann, M.; Nagendra, H.; Turner, W. (2014): Satellite remote sensing for applied ecologists: opportunities and challenges. In: Journal of Applied Ecology, 51 (4), 839-48.
  • Knauer, K.; Gessner, U.; Dech, S.; Kuenzer, C. (2014): Remote sensing of vegetation dynamics in West Africa. In: International Journal of Remote Sensing, 35 (17), 6357-96.
  • Rose, R.; Byler, D.; Eastman, R.; Fleishman, E.; Geller, G.; Goetz, S.; Guild, L.; Hamilton, H.; Hansen, M.; Headley, R.; Hewson, J.; Horning, N.; Kaplin, A. B.; Laporte, N.; Leidern, A.; Leimgruber, P.; Morisette, J.; Musinsky, H.; Pintea, L.; Prados, A.; Radeloff, V.; Rowen, M.; Saatchi, S.; Schill, S.; Tabor, K.; Tunrer, W.; Vodacek, A.; Vogelmann, J.; Wegmann, M.; Wilkie, D.; Wilson, C. (2014): Ten Ways Remote Sensing Can Contribute to Conservation. In: Conservation Biology
  • Mack, B.; Roscher, R.; Waske, B. (2014): Can I Trust My One-Class Classification?. In: Remote Sensing, 6, 8779-8802.
  • Stenzel, S.; Feilhauer, H.; Mack, B.; Metz, A.; Schmidtlein, S. (2014): Remote sensing of scattered Natura 2000 habitats using a one-class classifier.. In: International Journal of Applied Earth Observation and Geoinformation, 33, 211-17.
  • Fassnacht, F.; Latifi, H.; Ghosh, A.; Joshi, P.; Koch, B. (2014): Assessing the potential of hyperspectral imagery to map bark beetle-induced tree mortality. In: Remote Sensing of the Environment, 140, 533-48.
  • Latifi, H.; Schumann, B.; Kautz, M.; Dech, S. (2014): Spatial characterization of bark beetle infestations by a multi-date synergy of SPOT and Landsat imagery. In: Environmental Monitoring and Assessment, 186, 441-56.
  • Zoungrana, B. J.-B.; Conrad, C.; Amekudzi, L. K.; Thiel, M.; Da, E. D. (2014): Land Use/Cover Response to Rainfall Variability: A Comparing Analysis between NDVI and EVI in the Southwest of Burkina Faso. In: Climate, 3 (1), 63-77.
  • Bevanda, M.; Horning, N.; Reineking, B.; Heurich, M.; Wegmann, M.; Mueller, J. (2014): Adding structure to land cover - using fractional cover to study animal habitat use. In: Movement Ecology, 2 (26)
  • Ullmann, T.; Schmitt, A.; Roth, A.; Duffe, J.; Dech, S.; Hubberten, H.-W.; Baumhauer, R. (2014): Land {Cover} {Characterization} and {Classification} of {Arctic} {Tundra} {Environments} by {Means} of {Polarized} {Synthetic} {Aperture} {X}- and {C}-{Band} {Radar} ({PolSAR}) and {Landsat} 8 {Multispectral} {Imagery} — {Richards} {Island}, {Canada}. In: Remote Sensing, 6 (9), 8565-93.
2013[ to top ]
  • Gessner, U.; Machwitz, M.; Conrad, C.; Dech, S. (2013): Estimating the fractional cover of growth forms and bare surface in Savannas. A multi-resolution approach based on regression tree ensembles. In: Remote Sensing of Environment, 129, 90-102.
  • Asam, S.; Fabritius, H.; Klein, D.; Conrad, C.; Dech, S. (2013): Derivation of leaf area index for grassland within alpine upland using multi-temporal RapidEye data. In: International Journal of Remote Sensing, 34 (23), 8628-52.
  • Löw, F.; Navratil, P.; Kotte, K.; Schöler, H. F.; Bubenzer, O. (2013): Remote sensing based analysis of landscape change in the desiccated seabed of the Aral Sea - A potential tool for assessing the hazard degree of dust and salt storms. In: Environmental monitoring and assessment, 8303-19.
  • Conrad, C.; Rahmann, M.; Machwitz, M.; Stulina, G.; Paeth, H.; Dech, S. (2013): Satellite based calculation of spatially distributed crop water requirements for cotton and wheat cultivation in Fergana Valley, Uzbekistan. In: Global and Planetary Change, 110, Part A, 88-98.
  • Löw, F.; Michel, U.; Dech, S.; Conrad, C. (2013): Impact of feature selection on the accuracy and spatial uncertainty of per-field crop classification using Support Vector Machines. In: ISPRS Journal of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing, 85, 102-19.
  • Tedim, F.; Remelgado, R.; Borges, C.; Carvalho, S.; Martins, J. (2013): Exploring the occurrence of mega-fires in Portugal. In: Forest Ecology and Management, 294, 86-96.
  • Dietz, A.; Kuenzer, C.; Conrad, C. (2013): Snow-cover variability in central Asia between 2000 and 2011 derived from improved MODIS daily snow-cover products. In: International Journal of Remote Sensing, 34 (11), 3879-3902.
  • Kuenzer, C.; Knauer, K. (2013): Remote sensing of rice crop areas? A Review. In: International Journal of Remote Sensing, 34 (6), 2101-39.
  • Dubovyk, O.; Menz, G.; Conrad, C.; Thonfeld, F.; Khamzina, A. (2013): Object-based identification of vegetation cover decline in irrigated agro-ecosystems in Uzbekistan. In: Quaternary International, 311, 163-74.
  • Tischbein, B.; Manschadi, A.; Conrad, C.; Hornidge, A.-K.; Bhaduri, A.; Hassan, M.; Lamers, J.; Awan, K.; Vlek, P. (2013): Adapting to water scarcity: constraints and opportunities for improving irrigation management in Khorezm, Uzbekistan. In: Water Science & Technology, 13 (2), 337-48.
  • Stefanski, J.; Mack, B.; Waske, B. (2013): Optimization of Object-Based Image Analysis With Random Forests for Land Cover Mapping. In: IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Applied Earth Observations and Remote Sensing, 6 (6), 2492-2504.
  • Dubovyk, O.; Menz, G.; Conrad, C.; Lamers, J. P.; Lee, A. (2013): Spatial targeting of land rehabilitation: a relational analysis of cropland productivity decline in arid Uzbekistan. In: Erdkunde : Archiv für Wissenschaftliche Geographie, 67 (2), 167-81.
  • Ottinger, M.; Kuenzer, C.; Liu, G.; Wang, S.; Dech, S. (2013): Monitoring land cover dynamics in the Yellow River Delta from 1995 to 2010 based on Landsat TM. In: Applied Geography, 44, 53-68.
  • Conrad, C.; Dech, S.; Hafeez, M.; Lamers, J.; Tischbein, B. (2013): Remote sensing and hydrological measurement based irrigation performance assessments in the upper Amu Darya Delta, Central Asia. In: Physics and Chemistry of the Earth
  • Pereira, H. M.; Ferrier, S.; Walters, M.; Geller, G. N.; Jongman, R. H. G.; Scholes, R. J.; Bruford, M. W.; Brummitt, N.; Butchart, S. H. M.; Cardoso, A. C.; Coops, N. C.; Dulloo, E.; Faith, D. P.; Freyhof, J.; Gregory, R. D.; Heip, C.; H{ö}ft, R.; Hurtt, G.; Jetz, W.; Karp, D. S.; McGeoch, M. A.; Obura, D.; Onoda, Y.; Pettorelli, N.; Reyers, B.; Sayre, R.; Scharlemann, J. P. W.; Stuart, S. N.; Turak, E.; Walpole, M.; Wegmann, M. (2013): Essential Biodiversity Variables. In: Science, 339 (6117), 277-78.
  • Ullmann, T.; Schmitt, A.; Roth, A.; Banks, S.; Baumhauer, R.; Dech, S. (2013): {CLASSIFICATION} {OF} {COASTAL} {ARCTIC} {LAND} {COVER} {BY} {MEANS} {OF} {TERRASAR}-{X} {DUAL} {CO}-{POLARIZED} {DATA}
  • Turner, W.; Buchanan, G.; Rondinini, C.; Dwyer, J.; Herold, M.; Koh, L. P.; Leidner, A.; Leimgruber, P.; Mora, B.; Pettorelli, N.; Szantoi, Z.; Taubenb{ö}ck, H.; Wegmann, M.; Wikelski, M. (2013): Satellites: make data freely accessible. In: Nature, 498 (37), 37.
2012[ to top ]
  • Leutner, B.; Reineking, B.; Müller, J.; Bachmann, M.; Beierkuhnlein, C.; Dech, S.; Wegmann, M. (2012): Modelling Forest alpha-Diversity and Floristic Composition - On the Added Value of LiDAR plus Hyperspectral Remote Sensing. In: Remote Sensing, 4, 2818-45.
  • Naidoo, R.; Du Preez, P.; Stuart-Hill, G.; Weaver, L. C.; Jago, M.; Wegmann, M. (2012): Factors affecting intraspecific variation in home range size of a large African herbivore.. In: Landscape Ecology, 27 (10), 1523-34.
  • Dietz, A.; Wohner, C.; Kuenzer, C. (2012): European Snow Cover Characteristics between 2000 and 2011 Derived from Improved MODIS Daily Snow Cover Products. In: Remote Sensing, 4, 2432-54.
  • Naidoo, R.; Du Preez, P.; Stuart-Hill, G.; Jago, M.; Wegmann, M. (2012): Home on the range: factors explaining partial migration of African buffalo in a tropical environment.. In: PLOS One, 7 (5)
  • Dubovyk, O.; Menz, G.; Conrad, C.; Kan, E.; Machwitz, M.; Khamzina, A. (2012): Spatio-temporal analyses of cropland degradation in the irrigates lowlands of Uzbekistan using remote sensing and logistic regression modelling.. In: Environmental Monitoring and Assessment, 185 (6), 4775-90.
  • Dietz, A.; Kuenzer, C.; Gessner, U.; Dech, S. (2012): Remote sensing of snow – a review of available methods. In: International Journal of Remote Sensing, 13, 4094–4134.
  • Edlinger, J.; Conrad, C.; Lamers, J.; Koellner, T. (2012): Reconstructing the spatio-temporal development of cotton production systems in Uzbekistan using Landsat time series.. In: Remote Sensing, 4 (12), 3972-94.
  • Landmann, T.; Schramm, M.; Huettich, C.; Dech, S. (2012): MODIS-based change vector analysis for assessing wetland dynamics in Southern Africa. In: Remote Sensing Letters
  • Kotte, K.; Löw, F.; Huber, S.; Krause, T.; Mulder, I.; Schöler, H. (2012): Organohalogen emissions from saline environments - spatial extrapolation using remote sensing as most promising tool. In: Biogeosciences, 9, 1225-35.
  • Fritsch, S.; Machwitz, M.; Ehammer, A.; Conrad, C.; Dech, S. (2012): Validation of the collection 5 MODIS FPAR product in a heterogeneous agricultural landscape in arid Uzbekistan using multitemporal RapidEye imagery. In: International Journal of Remote Sensing, 33 (21), 6818-37.
  • Beyhan, B.; Taubenböck, H.; Suffa, S.; Ullmann, T.; Rauh, J.; Dech, S. (2012): Urban {Growth} and {Sprawl} of {Mersin} {City}, {Turkey}: {Change} analysis based on {Earth} {Observation} and {Socio}-{Economic} {Data}. In: Megaron, 7, 3-25.
  • Esch, T.; Taubenböck, H.; Roth, A.; Heldens, W.; Felbier, A.; Thiel, M.; Schmidt, M.; Müller, A.; Dech, S. (2012): TanDEM-X mission-new perspectives for the inventory and monitoring of global settlement patterns. In: Journal of Applied Remote Sensing, 6 (1)
  • Ayanu, Y.; Conrad, C.; Nauss, T.; Wegmann, M.; Koellner, T. (2012): Quantifying and Mapping Ecosystem Services Supplies and Demands: A Review of Remote Sensing Applications. In: Journal of Environmental Science and Technology, 46 (16), 8529-41.
2011[ to top ]
  • Colditz, R. R.; Schmidt, M.; Conrad, C.; Hansen, M. C.; Dech, S. (2011): Land cover classification with coarse spatial resolution data to derive continuous and discrete maps for complex regions. In: Remote Sensing of Environment, 115 (12), 3264-75.
  • Awan, K.; Tischbein, B.; Conrad, C.; Sultanov, M.; Lamers, J. (2011): Irrigation and drainage systems in Khorezm, Uzbekistan. In: ZEF Work Papers for Sustainable Development in Central Asia, 12
  • Hüttich, C.; Herold, M.; Wegmann, M.; Cord, A.; Strohbach, B.; Schmullius, C.; Dech, S. (2011): Assessing effects of temporal compositing and varying observation periods for large-area land-cover mapping in semi-arid ecosystems: Implications for global monitoring. In: Remote Sensing of Environment, 115 (10), 2445-59.
  • Esch, T.; Schenk, A.; Ullmann, T.; Thiel, M.; Roth, A.; Dech, S. (2011): Characterization of Land Cover Types in TerraSAR-S Images by Combined Analysis of Speckle Statistics and Intensity Information. In: IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing, 49 (6), 1911-25.
  • Cord, A.; Rödder, D. (2011): Inclusion of habitat availability in species distribution models through multi-temporal remote sensing data?. In: Ecological Applications, (in press).
  • Conrad, C.; Colditz, R.; Dech, S.; Klein, D.; Vlek, P. (2011): Improved irrigated crop classification in Central Asia using temporal segmentation and MODIS time series. In: International Journal of Remote Sensing, 32 (23), 8763-78.
  • Awan, U. K.; Tischbein, B.; Conrad, C.; Martius, C.; Hafeez, M. (2011): Remote Sensing and hydrological measurements for irrigation performance assessments in a water user association in the lower Amu Darya River basin. In: Journal of Water Resources Management, 25 (10), 2467-85.
  • Knauer, K.; Klein, D.; Allsopp, N.; Baumhauer, R.; Dech, S. (2011): Monitoring ecosystem health of Fynbos remnant vegetation in the City of Cape Town using remote sensing. In: South African Journal of Botany, 77 (2), 572-72.
  • Colditz, R.; Conrad, C.; Dech, S. (2011): Stepwise automated pixel-based generation of time series using ranked data quality indicators. In: IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Earth Observations and Remote Sensing, 3 (4), 272-80.
  • Tischbein, B.; Manschadi, A. M.; Hornidge, A. K.; Conrad, C.; Lamers, J. P. A.; Oberkircher, L.; Schorcht, G.; Vlek, L. (2011): Ansätze für eine effiziente Wassernutzung in der Provinz Khorezm, Usbekistan. In: Hydrologie und Wasserbewirtschaftung, 55 (2), 116-25.
  • Esch, T.; Schenk, A.; Ullmann, T.; Thiel, M.; Roth, A.; Dech, S. (2011): Characterization of {Land} {Cover} {Types} in {TerraSAR}-{X} {Images} by {Combined} {Analysis} of {Speckle} {Statistics} and {Intensity} {Information}. In: IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing, 49 (6), 1911-25.
2010[ to top ]
  • Oberkircher, L.; Tischbein, B.; Hornidge, A.-K.; Schorcht, G.; Bhaduri, A.; Awan, U. K.; Manschadi, A. M. (2010): Rethinking water management in Khorezm, Uzbekistan. Concepts and recommendations. In: ZEF Working Paper Series, 54
  • Taubenböck, H.; Esch, T.; Wurm, M.; Roth, A.; Dech, S. (2010): Object-based feature extraction using high spatial resolution satellite data of urban areas. In: Journal of Spatial Science, 55 (1), 111-26.
  • Hüttich, C.; Herold, M.; Strohbach, B. J.; Dech, S. (2010): Integrating in-situ, Landsat, and MODIS data for mapping in Southern African savannas: experiences of LCCS-based land-cover mapping in the Kalahari in Namibia. In: Environmental Monitoring and Assessment
  • Brocca, L.; Melone, F.; Moramarco, T.; Wagner, W.; Naeimi, V.; Bartalis, Z.; Hasenauer, S. (2010): Improving runoff prediction through the assimilation of the ASCAT soil moisture product. In: Hydrology and Earth System Sciences Discussions, 7 (4), 4113-44.
  • Rüth, N. A.; N’Goran, B.; Allou, K.; Konan, J.-L. K.; Kouassi, P. (2010): Growth Characterisristics of Phytophthora katsurae Isolates from Four Coconut Tree Growing Areas in Ivory Coast. In: European Journal of Scientific Research, 41 (1), 162-71.
  • Cord, A.; Conrad, C.; Schmidt, M.; Dech, S. (2010): Standardized FAO-LCCS land cover mapping in heterogeneous tree savannas of West Africa. In: Journal of Arid Environments, 74, 1083-91.
  • Crow, W. T.; Wagner, W.; Naeimi, V. (2010): The impact of radar incidence angle on soil moisture retrieval skill. In: Geoscience and Remote Sensing Letters, 7 (3), 501-5.
  • Sandker, M.; Nyame, S.; Förster, J.; Collier, N.; Shepherd, G.; Yeboah, D.; de Blas, D. E.; Machwitz, M.; Vaatainen, S.; Garedew, E.; Etoga, G.; Ehringhaus, C.; Anati, J.; Quarm, O. D. K.; Campbell, B. M. (2010): REDD payments as incentive for reducing forest loss: A case from Ghana. In: Conservation Letters, 3, 114-21.
  • Esch, T.; Thiel, M.; Schenk, A.; Roth, A.; Müller, A.; Dech, S. (2010): Delineation of Urban Footprints From TerraSAR-X Data by Analyzing Speckle Characteristics and Intensity Information. In: IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing, 48 (2), 905-16.
  • Landmann, T.; Schramm, M.; Colditz, R. R.; Dietz, A.; Dech, S. (2010): Wide Area Wetland Mapping in Semi-Arid Africa Using 250-Meter MODIS Metrics and Topographic Variables. In: Remote Sensing, 2 (7), 1751-66.
  • Wilting, A.; Cord, A.; Hearn, A.; Hesse, D.; Mohamed, A.; Traeholdt, C.; Cheyne, S. M.; Sunarto, S.; Jayasilan, M.-A.; Ross, J.; Shapiro, A. C.; Sebastian, A.; Dech, S.; Breitenmoser, C.; Sanderson, J.; Duckworth, J. W.; Hofer, H. (2010): Modelling the Species Distribution of Flat-Headed Cats (Prionailurus planiceps), an Endangered South-East Asian Small Felid. In: PLoS ONE, 5 (3), e9612.
  • Manschadi, A. M.; Oberkircher, L.; Tischbein, B.; Conrad, C.; Hornidge, A.-K.; Bhaduri, A.; Schorcht, G.; Lamers, J.; Vlek, P. L. G. (2010): White Gold’ and Aral Sea Disaster - Towards more efficient use of water resources in the Khorezm region, Uzbekistan. In: Lohmann Information, 45 (1), 34-47.
  • Goebel, J.; Wagner, G. G.; Wurm, M. (2010): Exemplarische Integration raumrelevanter Indikatoren auf Basis von "Fernerkundungsdaten" in das Sozio-oekonomische Panel (SOEP). In: SOEPpapers on Multidisciplinary Panel Data Research, 267
  • Conrad, C.; Fritsch, S.; Zeidler, J.; Rücker, G.; Dech, S. (2010): Per-Field Irrigated Crop Classification in Arid Central Asia Using SPOT and ASTER Data. In: Remote Sensing, 2 (4), 1035-56.
  • Goebel, J.; Wurm, M.; Wagner, G. G. (2010): Exploring the linkage of spatial indicators from Remote Sensing Data with Survey Data – the case of the Socio-Economic Panel (SOEP) and 3D City models. In: SOEPpapers on Multidisciplinary Panel Data Research, 283
  • Esch, T.; Schenk, A.; Thiel, M.; Ullmann, T.; Schmidt, M.; Dech, S. (2010): Land cover classification based on single-polarized {VHR} {SAR} images using texture information derived via speckle analysis. In: 2010 {IEEE} {International} {Geoscience} and {Remote} {Sensing} {Symposium}Seiten, 1875-78.
  • Albergel, C.; Calvet, J.-C.; Rosnay, P. D.; Balsamo, G.; Wagner, W.; Hasenauer, S.; Naeimi, V.; Martin, E.; Bazile, E.; Bouyssel, F. (2010): Cross-evaluation of modelled and remotely sensed surface soil moisture with in situ data in Southwestern France. In: Hydrology and Earth System Sciences Discussions, 7 (4), 4291-4330.
2009[ to top ]
  • Taubenböck, H.; Wegmann, M.; Roth, A.; Mehl, H.; Dech, S. (2009): Urbanization in India – Spatiotemporal analysis using remote sensing data. In: Computers, Environment and Urban Systems, 33 (3), 179-88.
  • Wagner, S.; Kunstmann, H.; Bárdossy, A.; Conrad, C.; Colditz, R. R. (2009): Water balance estimation of a poorly gauged catchment in West Africa using dynamically downscaled meteorological fields and remote sensing information. In: Physics and Chemistry of the Earth, 34, 225-35.
  • Scheuchl, B.; Ullmann, T.; Koudogbo, F. (2009): Change {Detection} using high resolution {TerraSAR}-{X} data preliminary results. In: Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences, 38
  • Olesiuk, D.; Bachmann, M.; Habermeyer, M.; Heldens, W.; Zagajewski, B. (2009): Crop classification with neural networks using airborne hyperspectral imagery. In: Annals of Geomatics, 7 (2 (32), 107-12.
  • Blanco, J.; Vanegas, F.; Revelo, N.; Garzón, C.; Narváez-Vallejo, A.; Cristancho, E. (2009): Gender and age influence in the human capacity of facial differences detection. In: Acta Biol. Colomb, 14 (1)
  • Franke, J.; Gebhardt, S.; Menz, G.; Helfrich, H.-P. (2009): Geo-statistical analysis of the spatiotemporal dynamics of powdery mildew and leaf rust in wheat. In: Phytopathology, 99 (8), 974-84.
  • Rüth, N. A.; N’Goran, B.; Allou, K.; Dogbo, D. O.; Konan, K. J. L.; Kouassi, P. (2009): Differential behaviour in pathogenicity and enzymatic activities of Phytophthora katsurae strains from coconut trees in Côte d’Ivoire. In: Journal of Applied Biosciences, 21, 1246-57.
  • Hüttich, C.; Geßner, U.; Herold, M.; Strohbach, B. J.; Schmidt, M.; Keil, M.; Dech, S. (2009): On the Suitability of MODIS Time Series Metrics to Map Vegetation Types in Dry Savanna Ecosystems: A Case Study in the Kalahari of NE Namibia. In: Remote Sensing, 1 (4), 620-43.
  • Esch, T.; Himmler, V.; Schorcht, G.; Thiel, M.; Conrad, C.; Wehrmann, T.; Bachhofer, F.; Schmidt, M.; Dech, S. (2009): Large-area assessment of impervious surface based on integrated analysis of single-date Landsat-7 images and geospatial vector data. In: Remote Sensing of Environment, 113 (8), 1678-90.
2008[ to top ]
  • Schramm, M.; Landmann, T.; Lohmann, P.; Heipke, C. (2008): Ein neues Modell für eine spektrale Entmischung ohne genaue Endmemberspektren. In: Photogrammetrie - Fernerkundung - Geoinformation, 5/2008, 351-62.
  • Sommer, R.; Kienzler, K.; Conrad, C.; Ibragimov, N.; Lamers, J.; Martius, C.; Vlek, P. (2008): Evaluation of CropSyst for simulating the potential yield of cotton in Uzbekistan. In: Agronomy for Sustainable Development, 28 (2), 345-54.
  • Conrad, C.; Schierer, A. (2008): Wassernutzung in Zentralasien. Bewässerungsfeldbau im Amu Darja Delta. In: Praxis Geographie, 11, 26-33.
  • Kalko, E. K. V.; Villegas, S. E.; Schmidt, M.; Wegmann, M.; Meyer, C. F. J. (2008): Flying high - assessing the use of the aerosphere by bats. In: Integrative and Comparative Biology, 48, 60-73.
  • Esch, T.; Thiel, M.; Bock, M.; Roth, A.; Dech, S. (2008): Improvement of Image Segmentation Accuracy based on Multi-Scale Optimization Procedure. In: IEEE Geoscience and Remote Sensing Letters, 5 (3), 463-67.
  • Colditz, R. R.; Conrad, C.; Wehrmann, T.; Schmidt, M.; Dech, S. (2008): TiSeG: flexible Software Tool for Time-Series Generation of MODIS Data Utilizing the Quality Assessment Science Data Set. In: IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing, 46 (10), 3296-3308.
2007[ to top ]
  • Shi, Z.; Rücker, G. R.; Müller, M.; Conrad, C.; Ibragimov, N.; Lamers, J. P. A.; Martius, C.; Strunz, G.; Dech, S.; Vlek, P. L. G. (2007): Modeling of Cotton Yields in the Amu Darya River Floodplains of Uzbekistan Integrating Multi-Temporal Remote Sensing and Minimum Field Data. In: Agronomy Journal, 99, 1317-26.
  • Conrad, C.; Dech, S.; Hafeez, M.; Lamers, J.; Martius, C.; Strunz, G. (2007): Mapping and assessing water use in a Central Asian irrigation system by utilizing MODIS remote sensing products. In: Irrigation and Drainage Systems, 21 (3-4), 197-218.
  • Walz, Y.; Maier, S. W.; Dech, S. W.; Conrad, C.; Colditz, R. R. (2007): Classification of burn severity using Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer (MODIS): A case study in the jarrah-marri forest of southwest Western Australia. In: Journal of Geophysical Research: Biogeosciences, 112 (G2)
  • Breitkreuz, H.; Schroedter-Homscheidt, M.; Holzer-Popp, T. (2007): A Case Study to Prepare for the Utilization of Aerosol Forecasts in Solar Energy Industries. In: Solar Energy, 81 (11), 1377-85.
2006[ to top ]
  • Hudson, P. F.; Colditz, R. R.; Aguilar-Robledo, M. (2006): Spatial relations between floodplain environments and land use - land cover in a large lowland tropical river valley: Pánuco basin México. In: Environmental Management, 38, 487-503.
  • Roy, D. P.; Trigg, S. N.; Bhima, R.; Brockett, B.; Dube, O.; Frost, P.; Govender, N.; Landmann, T.; Roux, J. L.; Lepono, T. (2006): The utility of satellite fire product accuracy information - perspectives and recommendations from the southern Africa fire network. In: IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing, 44, 1928-30.
  • Keene, W. C.; Lobert, J. M.; Crutzen, P. J.; Maben, J. R.; Scharffe, D. H.; Landmann, T.; Hély, C.; Brain, C. (2006): Emissions of major gaseous and particulate species during experimental burns of southern African biomass. In: Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres, 111 (D4)
  • Colditz, R. R.; Wehrmann, T.; Bachmann, M.; Steinnocher, K.; Schmidt, M.; Strunz, G.; Dech, S. (2006): Influence of Image Fusion Approaches on Classification Accuracy - A Case Study. In: International Journal of Remote Sensing, 27, 3311-35.
2005[ to top ]
  • Roy, D.; Landmann, T.; Le Roux, J.; Frost, P.; Makungwa, S.; Morisette, J.; Pereira, J.; du Toit, R.; Tacheba, B.; Zacarias. (2005): A consensus Southern Africa regional burnes area validation protocol. In: International Journal of Remote Sensing, 4265-92.
  • Roy, D.; Landmann, T. (2005): Characterizing the surface heterogeneity of fire effects using multi-temporal reflective wavelength data. In: International Journal of Remote Sensing, 4197-4218.
  • Landmann, T.; van den Berg, H. (2005): A comparison between MODIS (VCF) tree cover density and the 200-2002 South African National Land Cover (NLC) 2000 product. In: African Journal of GeoInfo
2004[ to top ]
  • Flasse, S.; Trigg, S.; Ceccato, P.; Perryman, A.; Hudak, A.; Thompson, M.; Brockett, B.; Drame, M.; Ntabeni, T.; Frost, P.; Landmann, T.; le Roux, J. (2004): Remote Sensing Of Vegetation Fires And Its Contribution To A Fire Management Information System
  • Crews-Meyer, K. A.; Hudson, P. F.; Colditz, R. R. (2004): Landscape Complexity and Remote Classification in Eastern Coastal Mexico: Applications of Landsat‐7 ETM+ Data. In: Geocarto International, 19 (1), 45-56.
  • Samimi, C.; Kraus, T. (2004): Biomass estimation using Landsat-TM and -ETM+. Towards a regional model for Southern Africa?. In: GeoJournal, 59 (3), 177-87.
2003[ to top ]
  • Hudson, P. F.; Colditz, R. R. (2003): Flood delineation in a large and complex alluvial valley, lower Pánuco basin, Mexico. In: Journal of Hydrology, 280 (1–4), 229-45.
  • Landmann, T. (2003): Estimating fire severity from remote sensing information for experimental fires in the Kruger National Park (KNP). In: South African Journal of Sciences, 99, 357-60.
2002[ to top ]
  • Conrad, C. (2002): Auswirkungen intensiver Bewässerungswirtschaft in Zentralasien.. In: Petermanns Geographische Mitteilungen, 146 (6), 4-5.

2024[ to top ]
  • Lemoine-Rodríguez, R.; Vega, A. P.; Mas, J. F.; Quiñones, U. M.; Yanchapaxi, A. S. C.; Aguilar, A. A.; Cruz, P. E. P.; Pérez, O. R. M.; González, L. E. M.; Aldunate, C. J. C.; Espinoza, P. S.; Mancilla, N. F. G.; Sifuentes, A. R. M.; Robles, C. A. M.; Gómez-Mendoza, L.; Gómez, J. M. M.; Fernández, S. L. M.; Martínez, A. T.; dos Anjos, M. W. B.; Mendes, F. H.; Abarzúa, J. R. Q.; Valerio, P. D.; Hamhaber, J.; de La Fuente, G. P.; Flores, M. E. J.; Hernández, J. M. N.; López, P. D. E.; Leitoles, G.; Ruiz, C. G. H.; Inostroza, L.; Morales, P. M.; Moheno, M. B.; Sánchez-Rivera, G.; Echavarria, G. G.; Villanueva, L. S.; Alarcón, I. G. B.; Palme, M.; Aravena, H. I. R.; Guerra, P. E. S. (2024): Avances En El Estudio De Islas De Calor Urbano En América Latinahg. von Richard Lemoine-Rodríguez, Azucena Perez-Vega, und J-F Mas
  • Debray, H.; Kuffer, M.; Klaufus, C.; Persello, C.; Wurm, M.; Taubenb{ö}ck, H.; Pfeffer, K. (2024): Detection of Unmonitored Graveyards in VHR Satellite Data Using Fully Convolutional Networks. In: Urban Inequalities from Space: Earth Observation Applications in the Majority WorldSeiten, 167-88.
2023[ to top ]
  • Inostroza, L.; Gómez-Baggethun, E.; Zepp, H.; Lemoine-Rodríguez, R.; Raeva, P.; Zambrano, D.; Baur, T.; Porras, L.; Muñoz, N.; Moreno, R.; Garzón, N.; Janstedt, D. (2023): Desarrollo Urbano En Armonia Con Los Servicios Ecosistemicos. Plan De Ordenamiento Zonal Del Norte, Bogota D.C.
2021[ to top ]
  • Berghöfer, A.; Bisom, N.; Huland, E.; Koch, V.; Kruse, J.; Locher-Krause, K.; Philipp, M.; Renner, I.; Thibault, K.; Thiel, M.; Tröger, U.; Hugo, V. Z. (2021): Africa’s Protected Natural Assets: The Importance of Conservation Areas for Prosperous and Resilient Societies in Africa.
2020[ to top ]
  • Wegmann, M.; Schwalb-Willmann, J.; Dech, S. (2020): An Introduction to Spatial Data Analysis
2018[ to top ]
  • Arshad, M.; Ahmad, R.; Usman, M. (2018): Canal Operation through Management Information Systemhg. von Iqrar Ahmad Khan und Muhammad Sarwar Khan. In: Developing Sustainable Agriculture in Pakistan, 1, 946.
  • Usman, M.; Liedl, R.; Zhang, F.; Zaman, M. (2018): Groundwater Irrigated Agriculture in Central Punjab, Pakistanhg. von Eric Lichtfouse
2017[ to top ]
  • Conrad, C. (2017): Remote Sensing and Geoanalysis to Support Sustainable Land and Water Use in the Aral Sea Basin
  • Bollo, M.; Hernández-Santana, J.; Montano, R.; Morales, L. M.; Ortiz, A.; Flores-Diaz, A.; Hillon, Y.; Lemoine-Rodríguez, R.; Bautista, M.; Amador, A.; Vargas-Mendoza, F.; Cuevas, G.; Navarrete, J. A.; Ramirez-Sánchez, L. G.; Muñiz, A.; Mendoza, M.; Solis, B.; Sánchez-Calderon, O.; Perez-Chacon, A.; Silva, D. (2017): Situación Ambiental De La Cuenca Del Río Santiago-Guadalajarahg. von M Bollo
2016[ to top ]
  • Wegmann, M.; Leutner, B.; Dech, S. (2016): Remote Sensing and GIS for Ecologists: Using Open Source Softwarehg. von M. Wegmann, B. Leutner, und S. Dech
2013[ to top ]
  • Künzer, C.; Dech, S., Hrsg. (2013): Thermal Infrared Remote Sensing. Sensors, Methods, Applications. In: Remote Sensing and Digital Image ProcessingRemote Sensing and Digital Image Processing, 537.
2010[ to top ]
  • Klein, R.; Wettemann, J.; Esch, T.; Himmler, V.; Schmidt, M. (2010): Das Indikatorenset "Flächenbarometer" - Neue Methoden zur Beobachtung der Flächeninanspruchnahme in Deutschland. In: Flächen- und Standortbewertung für ein nachhaltiges Flächenmanagement - Methoden und Konzepte. Beiträge aus der REFINA-Forschung, Reihe REFINA Band V
  • Yao, N. A.; Landmann, T.; Schmidt, M.; Konaté, S.; Dech, S.; Linsenmair, K. E. (2010): Fire as an agent for vegetation structure & diversity. In: Biodiversity Atlas of West Africa, Volume II: Burkina FasoSeiten, 64-71.
  • Taubenböck, H.; Dech, S., Hrsg. (2010): Fernerkundung Im Urbanen Raum, 1. Aufl.
  • Schramm, M.; Landmann, T.; Machwitz, M.; Schmidt, M.; Dech, S. (2010): Continuous tree density data as derived by remote sensing. In: Biodiversity Atlas of West Africa, Volume II: Burkina FasoSeiten, 98-101.
  • Landmann, T.; Machwitz, M.; Schmidt, M.; Dech, S.; Vlek, P. (2010): Land cover change in West Africa as observed by satellite remote sensing. In: Biodiversity Atlas of West Africa, Volume II: Burkina FasoSeiten, 92-97.
2008[ to top ]
  • Breitkreuz, H. (unpublished PhD dissertation 2008): Solare Strahlungsprognosen fuer energiewirtschaftliche Anwendungen - Der Einfluss von Aerosolen auf das sichtbare Strahlungsangebot
  • Colditz, R. R. (unpublished PhD dissertation 2008): Time series analysis of value added remotely sensed products for biodiversity applications in tropical and sub tropical regions
2007[ to top ]
  • Wehrmann, T. (unpublished PhD dissertation 2007): Entwicklung und Implementierung eines Systems zur automatisierten Klassifikation von Landbedeckung
2006[ to top ]
  • Schultz, C. (unpublished PhD dissertation 2006): Remote Sensing of Lichen Communities in the Central Namib Desert - Namibia
  • Vogel, M. (unpublished PhD dissertation 2006): Erfassung von Vegetationssveränderungen in Namibia mit Hilfe von Fernerkundungs-Change-Detection-Verfahren und unter Berücksichtigung rezenter Niederschlagsereignisse

2016[ to top ]
  • Bevanda, M.; Safi, K.; Wegmann, M.; Leutner, B. (2016): Introduction to the added value of Animal Movement Analysis and Remote Sensing in book: Remote Sensing and GIS for Ecologists: Using Open Source Software
  • Horning, N.; Leutner, B.; Bevanda, M.; Wegmann, M. (2016): Continuous Land Cover Information. In book: Remote Sensing and GIS for Ecologists: Using Open Source Software.
  • Roccini, D.; Wegmann, M.; Leutner, B.; Bevanda, M. (2016): Spatial Land Cover Pattern Analysis in book: Remote Sensing and GIS for Ecologists: Using Open Source Software
  • Pettorelli, N.; Wegmann, M.; Gurney, L.; Dubois, G. (2016): Monitoring protected areas from space. In: Protected areas: are they safeguarding biodiversity?
  • Leutner, B.; Wegmann, M.; Bevanda, M.; Horning, N. (2016): Spatial Data Analysis for Ecologists: Fist Steps In book: Remote Sensing and GIS for Ecologists: Using Open Source Software
2015[ to top ]
  • Gessner, U.; Knauer, K.; Kuenzer, C.; Dech, S. (2015): Land Surface Phenology in a West African Savanna: Impact of Land Use, Land Cover and Fire. In: Remote Sensing Time SeriesRemote Sensing and Digital Image Processing, 22Seiten, 203-23.
  • Fritsch, S.; Conrad, C.; Dürbeck, T. (2015): Mapping marginal land in Khorezm using GIS and remote sensing techniques. In: Restructuring land allocation, water use and agricultural value chains Technologies, policies and practices for the lower Amudarya regionSeiten, 167-78.
  • Oppelt, N.; Scheiber, R.; Gege, P.; Wegmann, M.; Taubenboeck, H.; Michael, B. (2015): Chapter 2: Fundamentals of Remote Sensing for Terrestrial Applications: Evolution, Current State of the Art, and Future Possibilities. In: Remotely sensing handbook. Volume I
2013[ to top ]
  • Kuenzer, C.; Guo, H.; Ottinger, M.; Dech, S. (2013): Spaceborne Thermal Infrared Observation - An Overview of Most Frequently Used Sensors for Applied Research. In: Thermal Infrared Remote Sensing – Sensors, Methods, Applications. Remote Sensing and Digital Image Processing SeriesThermal Infrared Remote Sensing – Sensors, Methods, Applications. Remote Sensing and Digital Image Processing Series, 131-48.
  • Lex, S.; Conrad, C.; Schorcht, G. (2013): Analyzing the seasonal relations between in situ fpar / LAI of cotton and spectral information of RapidEye. In: 5th RapidEye Science Archive RESA - From the Basics to the Service, Edited by Borg, E., Daedelow, H. and Johnson, R.
  • Forkuor, G.; Conrad, C.; Landmann, T.; Thiel, M. (2013): Improving agricultural land use mapping in West Africa using multi-temporal Landsat and RapidEye data. In: 5th RapidEye Science Archive (RESA) - From the Basics to the Service, Edited by Borg, E., Daedelow, H. and Johnson, R.Seiten, 57-72.
2012[ to top ]
  • Conrad, C.; Schorcht, G.; Tischbein, B.; Davletov, S.; Sultonov, M.; Lamers, J. (2012): Agro-meteorological trends of recent climate development in Khorezm and implications for crop production. In: Cotton, water, salts and soums - economic and ecological restructuring in Khorezm, Uzbekistan.Seiten, 25-36.
  • Ruecker, G.; Conrad, C.; Ibragimov, N.; Kienzler, K.; Ibrakhimov, M.; Martius, C.; Lamers, J. (2012): Spatial distribution of cotton yield and its relationship to environmental, irrigation infrastructure and water management factors on a regional scale in Khorezm, Uzbekistan. In: Cotton, water, salts and soums - economic and ecological restructuring in Khorezm, Uzbekistan.Seiten, 59-68.
  • Maaß, U.; Schwab, A.; Fritsch, S. (2012): Einstufung der Spätfrostgefährdung von Weinbaulagen in Franken - Möglichkeiten geografischer Informationssysteme (GIS) und Fernerkundung. In: Deutsches Weinbau-Jahrbuch 2013, 113-18.
  • Conrad, C.; Fritsch, S.; Lex, S.; Löw, F.; Rücker, G.; Schorcht, G.; Sultanov, M.; Lamers, J. (2012): Potenziale des Red Edge Kanals von RapidEye zur Unterscheidung und zum Monitoring landwirtschaftlicher Anbaufrüchte am Beispiel des usbekischen Bewässerungssystems Khorezm
  • Löw, F.; Navratil, P.; Bubenzer, O. (2012): Landscape Dynamics in the Southern Aralkum Desert - Using MODIS Time Series for Land Cover Change Analysishg. von S.-W. Breckle, L. Wucherer, L. Dimeyeva, und N.P. Ogar, Aralkum - A Man-made Desert: The Desiccated Floor of the Aral Sea Central Asia. Ecological Studies Series, 218. Springer
  • Feilhauer, H.; Stenzel, S.; Kübert, C.; Metz, A.; Conrad, C.; Ehlers, M.; Esch, T.; Klein, D.; Oldenburg, C.; Reinartz, P.; Schmidtlein, S. (2012): RapidEye im Projekt MSAVE - Multisaisonale Fernerkundung für das Vegetationsmonitoring
  • Tischbein, B.; Awan, U.; Abdullaev, I.; Bobojonov, I.; Conrad, C.; Jabborov, H.; Forkutsa, I.; Ibrakhimov, M.; Poluasheva, G. (2012): Water management in Khorezm: current situation and options for improvement (hydrological perspective). In: Cotton, water, salts and soums - economic and ecological restructuring in Khorezm, UzbekistanSeiten, 69-92.
2011[ to top ]
  • Fritsch, S.; Conrad, C.; Dech, S. (2011): Einsatz multitemporaler RapidEye-Daten zur feldbasierten Ableitung von FPAR und Landnutzung in einer zentralasiatischen Bewässerungsregion. In: RapidEye Science Archive (RESA) - Erste Ergebnisse. RESA Workshop, 89-99.
2010[ to top ]
  • Naeimi, V.; Wagner, W. (2010): C-band Scatterometers and Their Applications. In: Geoscience and Remote Sensing New Achievements
  • Wegmann, M.; Machwitz, M.; Schmidt, M.; Dech, S. (2010): Fragmentation of rain forest - endangering biodiversity. In: Biodiversity Atlas of West Africa, Volume II: Burkina FasoSeiten, 86-91.
2009[ to top ]
  • Esch, T.; Taubenböck, H.; Heldens, W.; Thiel, M.; Wurm, M.; Klein, D.; Dech, S.; Roth, A.; Schmidt, M. (2009): Monitoring and assessment of urban environments using space-borne earth observation data - selected applications. In: Urban and Regional Data ManagementSeiten, 385-98.
  • Giriraj, A.; Joshi, P. K.; Babar, S.; Wegmann, M.; Conrad, C.; Sudhakar, S.; Beierkuhnlein, C. (2009): Systematic Assessment of Forest Cover Change and Forest Fragmentation in Indian Sub-Continent using Multi-Scale Satellite Remote Sensing Inputs. In: Geoinformatics for Natural Resource Management
  • Conrad, C.; Rücker, G.; Mund, J.-P.; Schmidt, M.; Mehl, H. (2009): Beiträge der Satellitenfernerkundung für ein nachhaltiges und grenzüberschreitendes Wassermanagement in Zentralasien. In: Studien zum Internationalen Umweltmanagement
2003[ to top ]
  • Esch, T.; Roth, A.; Strunz, G.; Dech, S. (2003): Object-oriented classification of Landsat-7 data for regional planning purposes. In: Remote Sensing of Urban AreasSeiten, 50-55.

2024[ to top ]
  • Borst, V.; Dittus, T.; M{ü}ller, K.; Kounev, S. (2024): Early Explorations of Lightweight Models for Wound Segmentation on Mobile Devices. In: KI 2024: Advances in Artificial IntelligenceSeiten, 282-91.
  • Thonfeld, F.; Holzwarth, S.; Huth, J.; Kacic, P.; Gessner, U.; Jaggy, N.; Wegler, M.; Coleman, K.; Kuenzer, C.; Seitz, R.; Straub, C.; Wallner, A.; Gonzalez, J.; Datta, P.; Chmara, S.; Wernicke, J.; Adler, P.; Beckschäfer, P. (2024): Potentiale der Erdbeobachtung zum Monitoring von Wäldern in Deutschland für Klimaresilienz und Nachhaltigkeit
  • Thonfeld, F.; Holzwarth, S.; Kacic, P.; Gessner, U.; Jaggy, N.; Wegler, M.; Coleman, K.; Kuenzer, C.; Seitz, R.; Straub, C.; Wallner, A.; Gonzalez, J.; Datta, P.; Chmara, S.; Wernicke, J.; Adler, P.; Beckschäfer, P. (2024): Monitoring von Wäldern in Deutschland für Klimaresilienz und Nachhaltigkeit
  • Kacic, P.; Gessner, U.; Holzwarth, S.; Müller, J.; Pierick, K.; Seidel, D.; Thonfeld, F.; Kuenzer, C. (2024): Analyzing Enhanced Forest Structural Complexity from In-Situ and Spaceborne Remote Sensing
  • Kacic, P.; Gessner, U.; Holzwarth, S.; Thonfeld, F.; Kuenzer, C. (2024): Data Pool Initiative Meeting June 2024 - Assessing experimental silvicultural treatments enhancing structural complexity in a Central European forest based on Sentinel-1 and -2
  • Thonfeld, F.; Holzwarth, S.; Kacic, P.; Gessner, U.; Jaggy, N.; Wegler, M.; Coleman, K.; Kuenzer, C.; Seitz, R.; Straub, C.; Wallner, A.; Gonzalez, J.; Datta, P.; Chmara, S.; Wernicke, J.; Adler, P.; Beckschäfer, P. (2024): Monitoring recent forest dynamics in Germany
2023[ to top ]
  • Kacic, P. (2023): Spectral Diversity Methoden der Fernerkundung für das Monitoring von Biodiversität in Wäldern | Copernicus Nutzerkonferenz Braunschweig 2023
  • Kacic, P.; Thonfeld, F.; Gessner, U.; Kuenzer, C.; De, P. K. (2023): Characterizing Recent Forest Structure Dynamics in Germany based on GEDI, Sentinel-1 and Sentinel-2
  • Kacic, P.; Thonfeld, F.; Gessner, U.; Kuenzer, C. (2023): Assessing recent forest structure dynamics in Germany (2017-2022) based on GEDI, Sentinel-1 and Sentinel-2
2022[ to top ]
  • Philipp, M.; Dietz, A.; Ullmann, T.; Kuenzer, C. (2022): Towards the global Quantification of Permafrost Loss along Arctic Coasts. In: ESA Living Planet Symposium 2022
  • Ouattara, B.; Thiel, M.; Forkuor, G.; Sponholz, B.; Paeth, H.; Kuenzer, C.; Schönbrodt-Stitt, S.; Hill, S. (2022): Water use with cloud computing: prospective for food and water security in smallholder irrigation schemes
  • Kacic, P.; Hirner, A.; Da Ponte, E. (2022): Vegetation Structure Modelling and Explorative Statistics based on Sentinel-1, Sentinel-2 and GEDI in the Paraguayan Chaco
  • Bell, A.; Schönbrodt-Stitt, S.; Klein, D.; Thiel, M.; Dech, S. (2022): Status-quo of selected nationally determined contributions in West African countries using spaceborne remote sensing – a data perspectiveSeite, 4.
  • Bell, A.; Schönbrodt-Stitt, S.; Thiel, M.; Neya, O.; Klein, D. (2022): Status-quo of selected nationally determined contributions using spaceborne remote sensing – the case of West Africa
  • Kacic, P. (2022): BETA-FOR SP3 "Novel Earth Observation Techniques for Forest Structure Analysis and Multi-scale Characterization" | Data Pool Initiative Meeting 2022
2021[ to top ]
  • Kacic, P.; Da Ponte, E. (2021): Forest-Structure Analysis in the Paraguayan Chaco, combining Sentinel and GEDI data
  • Romano, N.; Allocca, C.; Stellato, L.; Schönbrodt-Stitt, S.; Bogena, H.; Nasta, P. (2021): The Alento hydrological observatory: An advanced open-air laboratory to evaluate the impact of anthropogenic disturbances on ecosystem services in a Mediterranean catchment
  • Taghavi Bayat, A.; Schönbrodt-Stitt, S.; Nasta, P.; Ahmadian, N.; Conrad, C.; Bogena, H. R.; Vereecken, H.; Jakobi, J.; Baatz, R.; Romano, N. (2021): High-resolution near-surface soil moisture through the combination of Sentinel-1 and Cosmic-Ray Neutron Probe in a Mediterranean agroforestry
2020[ to top ]
  • Taghavi Bayat, A.; Schönbrodt-Stitt, S.; Nasta, P.; Ahmadian, N.; Conrad, C.; Bogena, H. R.; Vereecken, H.; Jakobi, J.; Baatz, R.; Romano, N. (2020): Mapping near-surface soil moisture in a Mediterranean agroforestry ecosystem using Cosmic-Ray Neutron Probe and Sentinel-1 Data
  • Conrad, C.; Usman, M.; Morper-Busch, L.; Schönbrodt-Stitt, S. (2020): Geoinformation technology for increasing the sustainability of agricultural production and water security in the Aral Sea Basin. In: Egu2020-21570Egu2020-21570
  • Nußbaum, P.; Somogyvári, M.; Bresinsky, L.; Löw, J.; Schönbrodt-Stitt, S.; Sauter, M.; Conrad, C.; Engelhardt, I. (2020): Vulnerability assessment of karst aquifers under Mediterranean climates. In: EGU General Assembly Conference Abstracts
2019[ to top ]
  • Weber, F. A.; Finogenova, N.; Berger, M.; Usman, M.; Schulze, J.; Schalter, L.; Tischbein, B.; Bolle, B. (2019): BMBF-InoCottonGROW Beitrag zum politischen Prozess zur Umsetzung der UN-Nachhaltigkeitsziele, insbesondere SDG 6
  • Nasta, P.; Schönbrodt-Stitt, S.; Kurtenbach, M.; Ahmadian, N.; Conrad, C.; Romano, N.; Bogena, H. R.; Vereecken, H. (2019): Integrating ground-based and remote sensing-based monitoring of near-surface soil moisture in a Mediterranean environment
  • Schönbrodt-Stitt, S.; Nasta, P.; Kurtenbach, M.; Ahmadian, N.; Romano, N.; Conrad, C. (2019): Framework for a near-surface soil sampling survey and C-band SAR-based soil moisture mapping in the Alento terrestrial observatory, South ItalySeite, 1.
2018[ to top ]
  • Ibrakhimov, M.; Sultanov, M.; Conrad, C.; Lamers, J. (2018): Combining remote sensing and hydrological modeling for assessing the dynamics of soil salinity in the Aral Sea Basin
  • Usman, M.; Conrad, C. (2018): Remote Sensing for supporting water footprint analysis of cotton production chain
  • Usman, M.; Conrad, C. (2018): Innovative Impulses Reducing the Water Footprint of the Global Cotton-Textile Industry towards the UN-Sustainable Development Goals
  • Borg, E.; Conrad, C.; Truckenbrodt, S.; H{ü}ttich, C.; Ahmadian, N.; Dahms, T.; Heupel, K.; Spengler, D.; Missling, K.-D. (2018): Joint Experiment for Crop Assessment and Monitoring (JECAM) - Test Site DEMMIN 2018. In: International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium, IGARSS 2018, the 38th annual symposium
  • Becker, R.; Koppa, A.; aud der Beek, T.; Sculz, S.; Usman, M.; Schüth, C. (2018): Using remote sensing derived evapotranspiration data to calibrate a distributed hydrological SWAT model in the semi-arid Punjab region of Pakistan
  • Conrad, C. (2018): Wenig Boden, knappes Wasser und viel Salz - Herausforderung Ern{ä}hrungssicherung in der Aralsee Region. In: Vortragsreihe 2018: Boden und Ern{ä}hrung - Die Grundlagen unseres Daseins
  • Degtyareva, O.; Löw, F.; Conrad, C.; Thiel, M.; Muratova, N. (2018): Tapping the potential of Landsat archives for the monitoring of irrigated land use development in the lower Syr Darya catchment, Kazakhstan, 1984-2016.
  • Spengler, D.; Ahmadian, N.; Borg, E.; Harfenmeister, K.; Hohmann, C.; H{ü}ttich, C.; Itzerott, S.; Maass, H.; Missling, K.-D.; Schmullius, C.; Truckenbrodt, S.; Conrad, C. (2018): The German JECAM site DEMMIN: status and future perspectives. In: Annual JECAM Meeting
  • Kenjabaev, S.; Degtyareva, O.; Sultanov, M.; Thiel, M.; Conrad, C. (2018): Monitoring biophysical parameters of irrigated rice production in the lowlands of the Aral Sea Basin from space
  • Spengler, D.; Conrad, C.; Beyrich, F.; B{ö}ttcher, F.; Borg, E.; Harfenmeister, K.; Hohmann, C.; Itzerott, S. (2018): Etablierung des Cal/Val-Standorts DEMMIN als internationales Testgebiet f{ü}r fernerkundliche Methodenentwicklung.. In: GFZ/DWD Austauschtreffen 2018
  • Conrad, C.; Dokhovny, V.; Schönbrodt-Stitt, S. (2018): Remote sensing and GIS for regional land and water management in Central Asia: Lessons learnt and a call for viable cooperationSeite, 112.
  • Netzband, M.; Dukhovny, V.; Kenjabaev, S.; Morper-Busch, L.; Muminov, S.; Schönbrodt-Stitt, S.; Schorcht, G.; Solodky, G.; Sorokin, A.; Sorokin, D.; Stulina, G.; Conrad, C. (2018): Indicator-based assessment of the complex state of water use in the Aral Sea Basin. In: International Symposium on Water and Land Resources in Central AsiaSeiten, 57-58.
  • Sultanov, M.; Conrad, C.; Bauer, C.; Thiel, M.; Ibrakhimov, M. (2018): Remote sensing of soil salinity levels in irrigated cotton production systems in the Aral Sea Basin
  • Conrad, C.; Ahmadian, N.; Borg, E.; Gl{ä}ßer, C.; Hohmann, C.; H{ü}ttich, C.; Itzerott, S.; Maass, H.; Missling, K.-D.; Schmullius, C.; Truckenbrodt, S.; Spengler, D. (2018): In situ Messungen f{ü}r ein fernerkundungsbasiertes landwirtschaftliches Monitoring: Status-Update f{ü}r die norddeutsche JECAM-Site DEMMIN. In: Symposium "Neue Perspektiven der Erdbeobachtung"
  • Conrad, C.; Lamers, J. P.; Muratova, N.; Dukhovny, V. (2018): Modeling, GIS, and Remote Sensing for Discussion Support in Irrigated Land Management in the inner Aral Sea Basin
  • Bauer, C.; Löw, F.; Klein, D.; Conrad, C. (2018): Detecting spatio-temporal patterns of land abandonment in the lower region of the Amu Darya and Syr Darya Rivers using earth observation data
2017[ to top ]
  • Dimov, D.; L{ö}w, F.; Ibrakhimov, M.; Sch{ö}nbrodt-Stitt, S.; Conrad, C. (2017): Feature extraction and machine learning for the classification of active cropland in the Aral Sea Basin. In: 2017 IEEE International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium (IGARSS)Seiten, 1-4.
  • K{ö}lzsch, A.; Leutner, B.; Safi, K.; Wegmann, M.; Dech, S.; Wikelski, M. (2017): Habitat use during spring migration: Remote sensing meets movement ecology. In: 6th International Bio-Logging Science Symposium
  • Kumar-Babu, D.; Kaufmann, C.; Schmidt, M.; Dahms, T.; Conrad, C. (2017): Autonomous Time Series Generation of High Spatial Resolution Images - A Feasibility Study. In: 68th International Astronautical Congress IACSeiten, 1-7.
  • Leutner, B.; K{ö}lzsch, A.; Wegmann, M.; Safi, K.; Wikelski, M.; Dech, S. (2017): Habitat use of migratory birds: movement ecology meets remote sensing. In: 37th International Symposium on Remote Sensing of Environment
  • Kenjabaev, S.; Sultanov, M.; Bauer, C. (2017): Assessment of the land reclamation condition using environmental variables in Ellikkala district, Karakalpakistan. In: Tropentag 2017
  • Dimov, D.; L{ö}w, F.; Ibrakhimov, M.; Stulina, G.; Conrad, C. (2017): SAR and optical time series for crop classification. In: 2017 IEEE International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium (IGARSS)Seiten, 1-4.
  • Morper-Busch, L.; Dimov, D.; Toshpulatov, R.; Sch{ö}nbrodt-Stitt, S.; Conrad, C. (2017): WUEMoCA Open-source WebGIS zur Wassernutzungseffizienz in Zentralasien. In: Deutscher Kongress f{ü}r Geographie 2017
  • M{ö}ller, M.; Gerstmann, H.; Dahms, T. (2017): Phenological NDVI time series for the dynamic derivation of soil coverage information. In: IgarssSeiten, 1-4.
  • Stumpf, F.; Goebes, P.; Schmidt, K.; Schindewolf, M.; Sch{ö}nbrodt-Stitt, S.; Wadoux, A.; Xiang, W.; Scholten, T. (2017): Sediment reallocations due to erosive rainfall events in the Three Gorges Reservoir Area, China
  • Bauer, C.; Thiel, M.; L{ö}w, F.; Klein, D.; Conrad, C. (2017): Spatio-Temporal Patterns of Land Abandonment in the Lower Region of Amu Darya River. In: Tropentag 2017
  • Sch{ö}nbrodt-Stitt, S.; Conrad, C.; Unger-Shayesteh, K.; Gafurov, A.; Gerlitz, L. (2017): Earth Observation within CAWa Project for Water Management in Central Asia. In: ISTC Scientific Advisory Committee (SAC) Seminar - Water Management in Central Asia and the Caucasus for agricultural, industrial and urban applications
  • Bauer, C.; L{ö}w, F.; Klein, D.; Conrad, C. (2017): Raum-zeitliche Dynamik der agrarischen Landaufgabe in Bew{ä}sserungsgebieten am Amu-Darya. In: Dkg 2017
  • Sch{ö}nbrodt-Stitt, S.; Dimov, D.; Morper-Busch, L.; Unger-Shayesteh, K.; Conrad, C. (2017): Open-source Monitoring und Wissen f{ü}r ein Regional Nachhaltiges Wassermanagement in Zentralasien. In: Deutscher Kongress f{ü}r Geographie 2017
  • Gläßer, C.; Gerstmann, H.; Conrad, C.; Knöfel, P. (2017): Optimization of multi-temporal Land Use Classification by Integration of Phenological time frames. In: 2017 9th International Workshop on the Analysis of Multitemporal Remote Sensing Images (MultiTemp)Seiten, 1-3.
  • Kumar-Babu, D.; Kaufmann, C.; Schmidt, M.; Dahms, T.; Conrad, C. (2017): Semi-Autonomous Remote Sensing Time Series Generation Tool. In: Spie Digital LibrarySeiten, 1-16.
  • Dimov, D.; Löw, F.; Ibrakhimov, M.; Stulina, G.; Conrad, C. (2017): SAR and Optical Time Series for Crop Classification. In: IEEE International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium
  • Dimov, D.; Löw, F.; Ibrakhimov, M.; Schönbrodt-Stitt, S.; Conrad, C. (2017): Feature Extraction and Machine Learning for the Classification of Active Cropland in the Aral Sea Basin. In: IEEE International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium
  • Dahms, T.; Babu, D.; Borg, E.; Schmidt, M. (2017): Derivation of biophysical parameters from fused remote sensing data
  • Batsaikhan, A.; Conrad, C.; Asam, S.; Klein, D. (2017): Analyzing the impact of snowmelt timing on grassland green-up dates in the European Alps using webcams. In: Japan Society of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing (JSPRS) Fall Conference 2017
  • Remelgado, R.; Wegmann, M. (2017): Towards Behavior Dependent Species Distribution Modeling. In: 37th International Symposium of Remote Sensing of EnvironmentSeite, 473.
  • Knöfel, P.; Dahms, T.; Borg, E.; Conrad, C. (2017): Classification of agricultural land use and derivation of biophysical parameter using SAR and optical data. In: Digitale Transformation – Wege in eine zukunftsfähige Landwirtschaft, Lecture Notes in Informatics (LNI)
  • Batsaikhan, A.; Asam, S.; Klein, D.; Conrad, C. (2017): Monitoring grassland phenology on an Alpine transect using webcams. In: Virtual Alpine Observatory (VAO) Symposium 2017
  • Could not create valid date with year=2017, month=00, day=2017.
  • Sch{ö}nbrodt-Stitt, S.; Conrad, C.; Dukhovny, V.; Morper-Busch, L.; Dimov, D.; Schorcht, G.; Toshpulatov, R.; Zaitov, S. (2017): A new Tool for Monitoring the Irrigated Cropland Use and Water Use Efficiency in the Amudarya River Basin. In: Use of Non-conventional Agricultural Water Resources to Strengthen Water and Food Security in Transboundary Watersheds of the Amudarya River Basin
  • Dimov, D.; Morper-Busch, L.; Schönbrodt-Stitt, S.; Conrad, C. (2017): From remote sensing to web mapping - integrated geoinformation for land use monitoring in Central Asia. In: UFZ & DLR: Workshop on Earth Observation Data
2016[ to top ]
  • Remelgado, R.; Wegmann, M.; Kamran, S. (2016): Remote Sensing in Movement Ecology: Scale Dependencies of Space Use. In: Living Planet Symposium - Europen Space Agency (ESA)
  • Dimov, D.; Kuhn, J.; Conrad, C. (2016): Assessment Of Cropping System Diversity In The Fergana Valley Through Image Fusion Of Landsat 8 And Sentinel-1. In: ISPRS Annals of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences, 173-80.
  • Kyalo, R.; Landmann, T.; Abdel-Rahman, E.; Subramanian, S.; Nyasani, J.; Thiel, M.; Jozani, H. (2016): The use of RapidEye observations to map cropping systems in highly fragmented agro-ecological landscapes in Africa. In: 36th EARSeL Symposium
  • Clauss, K.; Mack, B.; Dech, S.; Künzer, C. (2016): Mapping paddy rice in Asia: a multi-sensor, time-series approach. In: 36th EARSeL Symposium 2016
  • Wegmann, M. (2016): Remote Sensing in Ecology and Conservation. In: Institute for Zoo and Wildlife Research
  • Wegmann, M. (2016): Remote sensing in ecology and conservation. In: ESA Living Planet Symposium
  • Heiden, U.; Holzwarth, S.; Pinnel, N.; Reichmuth, A.; Raczko, E.; Heurich, M.; Müller, J.; Wang, Z.; Skidmore, A.; Ali, A.; Wang, T.; Darvishzadeh, R.; Wegmann, M. (2016): Laboratory for Essential Biodiversity Variables (EBV) Concepts – The “Data Pool Initiative for the Bohemian Forest Ecosystem”. In: Living Planet Symposium 2016
  • Wegmann, M. (2016): Moving remote sensing towards application. In: Space – the final frontier for biodiversity monitoring
  • Knöfel, P.; Uslar, J. von; Conrad, C. (2016): Einfluss stratifizierter Probennahme auf die Genauigkeit multitemporaler objektbasierter Landnutzungsklassifikation. In: 8. RESA Workshop
  • Thiel, M.; Forkuor, G.; Narvaez Vallejo, A.; Dech, S. (2016): Identification of crop rotation systems in the Sudanian Savanna Zone in West Africa utilizing a multisensor approach. In: SPIE Remote Sensing
  • Dahms, T.; Seissiger, S.; Conrad, C.; Borg, E. (2016): Modelling Biophysical Parameters Of Maize Using Landsat 8 Time Series. In: ISPRS Annals of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences, 171-75.
  • Ottinger, M.; Clauss, K.; Quoc, T. V.; Künzer, C. (2016): Assessment of coastal aquaculture ponds in Asia with high resolution SAR data. In: 36th EARSeL Symposium
  • Conrad, C.; Schönbrodt-Stitt, S.; Abdullaev, I.; Dimo, D.; Ibrakhimov, M.; Knöfel, P.; Leinich, M.; Morper-Busch, L.; Schorcht, G.; Solodoky, G.; Sorokin, A.; Sorokin, D.; Stulina, G.; Toshpulatov, R.; Unger-Shayesteh, K.; Zaitov, S.; Dukhovny, V. (2016): Remote Sensing and GIS for Supporting the Agricultural Use of Land and Water Resources in the Aral Sea Basin. In: Water Resources of Central Asia and their Use - Materials to the International Scientific-Practical Conference devoted to the summing-up of the "Water for Life" decade declared by the United Nations
  • Künzer, C.; Wegmann, M.; Dech, S. (2016): Langzeit-Erdbeobachtungsdaten für die Analyse globaler Veränderungen. In: Leopoldina Symposium Erdbeobachtung durch Tiere – Chancen und Perspektiven
  • Latifi, H. (2016): Remote sensing-assisted monitoring of bark beetle-induced tree mortality. In: Comprehensive monitoring of stand dynamics in Bialowieza forest supported with remote sensing
  • Kübert, C. (2016): Forschung aus dem All - Das Potenzial der Fernerkundung. In: Vortragsreihe des Naturwissenschaftlichen Vereins Würzburg e.V.
  • Knöfel, P.; Spengler, D.; Conrad, C.; Borg, E. (2016): GLAM.DE - Global Agricultural Monitoring – The German Contribution. In: Joint workshop for JECAM/Sen2Agri/Sigma projects
  • Abdel-Rahman, E.; Kyalo, R.; Landmann, T.; Thiel, M.; Nyasani Le Ru B., J. (2016): Maize pest and diseas mapping using RapidEye-based vegetation indices and machine learning methods. In: Aarse 2016
  • Hill, S.; Latifi, H.; Heurich, M.; Müller, J. (2016): LiDAR-gestützte Erfassung von einzelbaum- und bestandsbasierter Waldentwicklung nach natürlichen Störungsprozessen. In: FowiTa - Forstwirtschaftliche TagungSeite, 123.
  • Knöfel, P.; Dimov, D.; Schönbrodt-Stitt, S.; Conrad, C. (2016): Estimation of actual evapotranspiration to derive irrigation efficiency indicators in the Aral Sea Basin, Central Asia. In: AK Fernerkundung
  • Batsaikhan, A.; Conrad, C.; Klein, D.; Asam, S. (2016): Analyzing phenology of grassland along a transect through altitudinal zones using remote sensing. In: 5. gemeinsame Jahrestagung der Arbeitskreise „Fernerkundung“ (DGfG) und „Auswertung von Fernerkundungsdaten“ (DGPF)
  • Kumar Babu, D.; Schmidt, M.; Dahms, T.; Conrad, C. (2016): Impact on quality and processing time due to change in pre-processing operation sequence on moderate resolution satellite images. In: 67th International Astronautical Congress
  • Dahms, T.; Seissiger, S.; Borg, E.; Hans-Hermann, V.; Fichtelmann, B.; Conrad, C. (2016): Important Variables Modelling Biophysical Vegetation Parameters On Winter Wheat. In: 5 gemeinsame Jahrestagung der Arbeitskreise „Fernerkundung“ (DGfG) und „Auswertung von Fernerkundungsdaten“ (DGPF)
  • Knöfel, P.; Spengler, D.; Conrad, C. (2016): Phänologische Strukturierung von zeitlich hochauflösenden Sentinel-2-Datensätzen zur Optimierung von Landnutzungsklassifikationen. In: Kickoff-Veranstaltung "EO4GEOSS"
  • Bolkart, M.; Dahms, T.; Conrad, C.; Latchininsky, A. F.; Löw, F. (2016): Mapping and Monitoring Locust Habitats in the Aral Sea Region based on Satellite Earth Observation Data. In: 12th International Congress of Orthopterology
2015[ to top ]
  • Holzwarth, S.; Heiden, U.; Reichmuth, A.; Pinnel, N. (2015): Identifying Tree Species in the Bavarian Forest National Park. In: Workshop on hyperspectral imaging and LiDAR
  • Knöfel, P.; Löw, F.; Conrad, C. (2015): Object-Based Land Use Classification of Agricultural Land by Coupling Multi-Temporal Spectral Characteristics and Phenological Events in Germany. In: European Geosciences Union General Assembly 2015
  • Gerstmann, H.; Knöfel, P.; Xu, X.; Doktor, D.; Möller, M.; Thürkow, D.; Conrad, C.; Gläßer, C. (2015): Phänologische Strukturierung von zeitlich hochauflösenden Sentinel-2-Datensätzen zur Optimierung von Landnutzungsklassifikationen. In: Workshop: "Nutzung der Sentinels und nationalen Erdbeobachtungs-Missionen"
  • Dahms, T.; Lex, S.; Zellner, P.; Fritsch, S.; Schmidt, M.; Conrad, C. (2015): Techs4Times - innovative techniques for the generation and evaluation of Sentinel time series. In: DLR-SentinelWorkshop - Nutzung der Sentinels und nationalen Erdbeobachtungs-Missionen
  • Gessner, U.; Knauer, K.; Künzer, C. (2015): Tree cover patterns and changes in the West Sudanian Savanna and observed socio-economic impacts. In: 36th International Symposium on Remote Sensing of Environment
  • Kleemann, J.; Inkoom, J. N.; Thiel, M.; Fürst, C. (2015): Regional differentiation in land use patterns and ist implication fo integrated land use planning in Ghana. In: IUFROLE WG Conference
  • Latifi, H.; Heurich, M.; Hartig, F.; Müller, J.; Krzystek, P.; H, J.; Dech, S. (2015): Crown density of over- and understory in mixed forest stands as explained by airborne LiDAR metrics. In: The 36th International Symposium on Remote Sensing of Environment
  • Löw, F.; Bauer, C.; Conrad, C.; Lamers, J.; Dukhovny, V.; Stulina, G.; Kenjabaev, S.; Muratova, N.; Ibrakhimov, H.; Salnikov, V. (2015): The LaVaCCA Project. In: Geography, Culture and Society for Our Future Earth
  • Knauer, K.; Gessner, U.; Dech, S.; Künzer, C. (2015): Remote sensing of vegetation dynamics in West Africa: Improved satellite time series for phenological analyses. In: 36th International Symposium on Remote Sensing of Environment
  • Gessner, U.; Forkuor, G.; Knauer, K.; Klein, I.; K{ü}nzer, C. (2015): Landbedeckung, Landnutzung und Klimawandel in Westafrika. Fernerkundungsbasierte Arbeiten im Projekt WASCAL. In: Jahrestreffen des AK Subsaharisches Afrika
  • Latifi, H.; Fassnacht, F.; Hartig, F.; Berger, C.; Hernandez, J.; Corvalan, P.; Koch, B. (2015): Does a post-stratification of ground units improve the forest biomass estimation by remote sensing data?. In: The 36th International Symposium on Remote Sensing of Environment
  • Gessner, U.; Klein, I.; Knauer, K.; Arnault, J.; Bliefernicht, J.; Künzer, C. (2015): Earth observation based analyses of land-use dynamics in West Africa. In: Dresden Nexus Conference 2015
  • Löw, F. (2015): Satellitengestütztes Monitoring der Agrarproduktion im Fergana Tal. In: 7. RESA Workshop 2015 - Nutzung von RapidEye-Daten im Kontext der Synergie mit anderen Sensoren und in Vorbereitung auf künftige Missionen
  • Knöfel, P.; Conrad, C. (2015): Evaluation of a Modified SEBAL Algorithm to Estimate Actual Evapotranspiration in Cotton Ecosystems of Central Asia using Microwave and Optical Remote Sensing Data. In: European Geosciences Union General Assembly 2015
  • Löw, F.; Fliemann, E.; Conrad, C.; Dukhovny, V.; Muratova, N.; Ibrakhimov, M.; Lamers, J. (2015): First results from the LaVaCCA project: Assessing land value changes and developing a discussion support tool for improved land use planning in the irrigated lowlands of Central Asia. In: The 36th International Symposium on Remote Sensing of Environment
  • Lex, S.; Dahms, T.; Zellner, P.; Fritsch, S.; Conrad, C.; Schmidt, M. (2015): Generation and evaluation of time series for the derivation of biophysical parameters as an input for a crop model. In: 7. RESA Workshop 2015 - Nutzung von RapidEye-Daten im Kontext der Synergie mit anderen Sensoren und in Vorbereitung auf künftige Missionen
  • v. Uslar, J.; Knöfel, P.; Conrad, C. (2015): Influence of Different Stratified Sampling Methods on the Accuracy of Multi-Temporal Object-Based Crop Mapping. In: AK Fernerkundung
  • Bauer, C.; Löw, F.; Conrad, C. (2014): Explaining and assessing the spatial and temporal patterns of low productivity arable land and land abandonment - using satellite observation and socioeconomic data of the irrigated lowlands of Central Asia. In: Stadt Land Schaf(f)t – Land Schaf(f)t Stadt
  • Bauer, C.; Löw, F.; Conrad, C. (2014): Explaining and assessing the spatial and temporal patterns of low productivity arable land and land abandonment - using satellite observation and socioeconomic data of the irrigated lowlands of Central Asia. In: Modern problems of hydrogeology, engineering geology, geoecology and ways of their solutions
  • Immitzer, M.; Einzmann, K.; B{ö}ck, S.; Mattiuzzi, M.; Ng, W. T.; Wallner, A.; Pinnel, N.; Reichmuth, A.; Frost, M.; M{ü}ller, A.; Seitz, R.; Atzberger, C. (2015): Erstellung von Fichten- und Kiefernanteilskarten auf Basis von Satellitendaten f{ü}r Bayern. In: Der gepixelte Wald - ReloadedForstliche Forschungsberichte, 19-32.
  • Knöfel, P.; Gerstmann, H.; Xu, X.; Conrad, C. (2015): Phänologische Strukturierung von zeitlich hochauflösenden Sentinel-2-Datensätzen zur Optimierung von Landnutzungsklassifikationen. In: 7. RESA Workshop
  • Kübert, C.; Conrad, C.; Klein, D.; Dech, S. (2015): Deriving phenological layers for Germany from remote sensing data: spatio-temporal analysis and validity. In: Phenology 2015 - Challenges in PhenologySeite, 72.
  • Atlaskin, E.; Nurmi, P.; Dimov, D. (2015): Final outcome of fotsis project: intelligent road weather & gis services for end-users. In: 22nd ITS World Congress
  • Künzer, C.; Leinenkugel, P.; Huth, J.; Ottinger, M.; Renaud, F.; Foufoula-Georgiou, E.; Khac, T. V.; Thi, L. T.; Dech, S.; Koch, P.; Tissier, M. L. (2015): The Potential of Time Series Based Earth Observation for the Monitoring of Large River Deltas. In: AGU Fall Meeting 2015
  • Bauer, C.; Löw, F.; Conrad, C. (2015): Explaining and assessing spatial and temporal patterns of low productivity arable land and land abandonment - using satellite observation and socioeconomi cdata of the irrigated lowlands of Central Asia. In: AK Fernerkundung
  • Knöfel, P.; Löw, F.; Gerstmann, H.; Möller, M.; Xu, X.; Conrad, C. (2015): Introduction of a multifunctional tool for the evaluation of uncertainty and accuracy in multitemporal object-based land use classification. In: SPIE Remote Sensing Conference
  • Knöfel, P.; Conrad, C. (2015): Introduction of a modified soil heat flux approach and its potential for improving remote sensing based surface energy balance. In: Third Space for Hydrology Workshop
  • Leutner, B.; Wegmann, M.; Müller, J.; Dech, S. (2015): Sensor requirements for biodiversity research. The role of spatial and spectral resolution in mapping habitat of zoological communities. In: The 36th International Symposium on Remote Sensing of Environment
  • Knöfel, P.; Löw, F.; Möller, M.; Conrad, C. (2015): Evaluation of Uncertainty and Accuracy in Multi-Temporal Object-Based Land Use Classification. In: 36th International Symposium on Remote Sensing of Environment
  • Asam, S.; Klein, D.; Dech, S. (2015): Estimation of grassland use intensities based on high spatial resolution LAI time series. In: The International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences, 285-91.
2014[ to top ]
  • Wegmann, M.; Pettorelli, N.; DiMarco, M.; Szantoi, Z. (2014): Combining land cover change and fragmentation analyses to track habitat degradation. In: Symposium "Remote Sensing for Conservation"
  • Atzberger, C.; Immitzer, M.; Einzmann, K.; Mattiuzzi, M.; Ng, W. T.; Pinnel, N.; Reichmuth, A.; Wallner, A.; Frost, M.; Seitz, R. (2014): Mapping of spruce and pine fractional coverage at 1 ha resolution for entire Bavaria. In: ForestSAT 2014
  • Leutner, B. F.; Wegmann, M.; Müller, J.; Bachmann, M.; Dech, S. (2014): Modelling forest habitat of zoological communities - Which sensors do we actually need?. In: 34th EARSeL Symposium European remote sensing - new opportunities for science and practiceSeite, 380.
  • Knöfel, P.; Conrad, C.; Falk, U.; Bauer-Marschallinger, B. (2014): Validation of an improved energy balance model to estimate actual evapotranspiration in irrigated cotton ecosystems of Central Asia. In: Geophysical Research Abstracts Vol.16, EGU2014-10521 , EGU General Assembly, 27. April - 02. May 2014
  • Baron, D.; Golovko, D.; Conrad, C.; Roessner, S. (2014): Raumzeitliche Analyse der Schneebedeckung auf der Basis von MODIS Zeitreihendaten - Beitrag zur hydrometeorologischen Charakterisierung eines Gebiets hoher Hangrutschungsgefährdung in Süd-Kirgistan. In: 3. gemeinsamer Workshop der Arbeitskreise: Auswertung von Fernerkundungsdaten der DGPF e.V. und Fernerkundung der DGfG e.V.
  • Rossi, M.; Kübert, C.; Conrad, C. (2014): Statistische Analyse von Standortfaktoren zur Erklärung von aus Fernerkundungsdaten abgeleiteten phänologischen Zeitpunkten am Beispiel von Grünlandflächen im Alpenvorland. In: 3. gemeinsamer Workshop der Arbeitskreise: Auswertung von Fernerkundungsdaten der DGPF e.V. und Fernerkundung der DGfG e.V.
  • Remelgado, R.; Sonnenschein, R.; Notarnicola, C. (2014): Forest damage assessment using SAR and optical data: evaluating the potential for rapid mapping in mountains. In: Special Issue 1: 34th EARSeL Symposium, 76-81.
  • Esch, T.; Marconcini, M.; Felbier, A.; Heldens, W.; Roth, A.; Wegmann, M. (2014): The Global Urban Footprint - A new worldwide human settlements layer to assess anthropogenic disturbances. In: ZSL Symposium on Remote Sensing for Conservation
  • Zellner, P.; Schorcht, G.; Borg, E.; Conrad, C. (2014): Towards quantifying stress factors in wheat and maize monitoring. In: 3. gemeinsamer Workshop der Arbeitskreise: Auswertung von Fernerkundungsdaten der DGPF e.V. und Fernerkundung der DGfG e.V.
  • Thiel, M.; Gessner, U.; Forkuor, G.; Knauer, K.; Feuerstein, S.; Landkammer, S.; Conrad, C. (2014): Comparison of Remote Sensing derived LULC in two rural test sites in the Sudanian Savanna Zone. In: Aarse 2014
  • Leutner, B. F.; Wegmann, M.; Müller, J.; Bachmann, M.; Dech, S. (2014): How much is enough? Habitat mapping and the need for hyper-resolution. In: 44th annual meeting of the Ecological Society of Germany, Austria and Switzerland: Integrating ecological knowledge into nature conservation and ecosystem management
  • Latifi, H.; Gaub, V.; Heurich, M.; Krzystek, P.; Müller, J.; Dech, S. (2014): A naive Bayes model to describe natural forest ground vegetation by waveform LiDAR metrics. In: Proceedings of GfÖ – Annual Meeting
  • Knauer, K.; Gessner, U.; Künzer, C.; Dech, S. (2014): Challenges in the generation of LAI time series for West Africa: difficulties and potential improvements. In: Global Vegetation Monitoring and Modeling
  • Gessner, U.; Knauer, K.; Thiel, M.; Forkuor, G.; K{ü}nzer, C.; Dech, S. (2014): High resolution tree cover mapping in the West Sudanian Savanna based on multi-temporal Landsat data. In: 10th International Conference of the African Association of Remote Sensing of the Environment
  • Knauer, K.; Gessner, U.; Dech, S.; Künzer, C. (2014): Remote sensing of vegetation dynamics in West Africa: improved satellite time series for phenological analyses. In: ESA Advanced Training Course on Land Remote Sensing
  • Latifi, H.; Schumann, B.; Fassnacht, F.; Dech, S. (2014): Dead stands from the space: multi-date imagery to map bark beetle binfestations. In: Proceedings of ForestSATSeiten, 4-7.
  • Latifi, H. (2014): From 3D point cloud to the stand: Experiences on small-scale inventory of forest structure by airborne remote sensing. In: Proceedings of the International Workshop 3D Vegetation Mapping using Advanced Remote Sensing
  • Gessner, U.; Hartmann, A.; Huth, J.; Machwitz, M.; Naeimi, V.; Esch, T.; Dech, S.; K{ü}nzer, C. (2014): Exploiting multi-sensoral earth observation time series for regional land cover mapping. In: 5th Workshop of the EARSeL Special Interest Group on Land Use and Land Cover
  • Knöfel, P. (2014): Entwicklung eines Analysetools zur Detektion optimaler Klassifikationszeitschnitte. In: 6. RESA Workshop
  • Thiel, M.; Fürst, C.; Baysal, G.; Jiménez, M.; Kleemann, J.; Inkoom, J. N. (2014): From High Resolution Remote Sensing Classification to Land-scape and Ecosystem Services Modeling in Northern Ghana. In: EARSeL SIG LULC
2013[ to top ]
  • Wegmann, M.; Pettorelli, N.; Dubois, G.; Dech, S. (2013): Unifying Conservation and Remote Sensing approaches. In: ICCB - International Congress for Conservation Biology
  • Forkuor, G.; Conrad, C.; Thiel, M.; Zeidler, J. (2013): Improving Crop Area Estimation in West Africa Using Multiresolution Satellite Data. In: AfricaGIS - Global Geospatial Conference 2013
  • Knöfel, P.; Conrad, C.; Dech, D. (2013): Potential of Remote Sensing Derived Soil Moisture for the Estimation of Actual Evapotranspiration in Cotton Ecosystems of Middle Asia
  • Conrad, C. (2013): Satellitenfernerkundung zur Analyse der Bewirtschaftung von Land- und Wasserressourcen in Trockengebieten. In: Vortragsreihe der Fränkischen Geographischen GesellschaftSeiten, 1-20.
  • Wegmann, M.; Pettorelli, N.; Dubois, G.; Dech, S. (2013): Biodiversity activities within the Committee of Earth Observation Satellites (CEOS). In: Committee of Earth Observation Satellites (CEOS)
  • Löw, F.; Duveiller, G. (2013): Determining suitable image resolutions for accurate supervised crop classification using remote sensing data. In: Proceedings of SPIE 8893-21
  • Dahms, T.; Kübert, C.; Conrad, C. (2013): Ableitung von phänologischen Parametern aus hochauflösenden Fernerkundungsdaten. In: Arbeitskreis Fernerkundung 2013
  • Fassnacht, F.; Hartig, F.; Latifi, H.; Berger, C.; Hernandez, J.; Corvalon, P.; Koch, B. (2013): Combination of EO1-Hyperion and LiDAR data to estimate biomass in a highly complex second growth native forest in central Chile. In: Latin American Remote Sensing week (LARS2013). 23-25 October 2013, Santiago de Chile, Chile.
  • Dietz, A.; Künzer, C.; Conrad, C. (2013): Snow cover development in Central Asia derived from daily, medium resolution remote sensing data between 1986 and 2012. In: Proceedings of the 70th Eastern Snow Conference ESC hold at the University of Waterloo Summit Centre for the Environment
  • Kn{ö}fel, P.; Conrad, C.; Dech, S. (2013): Potential of Remote Sensing Derived Soil Moisture for the Estimation of Actual Evapotranspiration in Cotton Ecosytems in Middle Asia. In: Abstract BookSeite, 1.
  • Fassnacht, F.; Hartig, F.; Latifi, H.; Berger, C.; Hernández, J.; Corvalán, P.; Koch, B. (2013): Combination of EO1-Hyperion and LiDAR data to estimate biomass in a highly complex second growth native forest in central Chile. In: Latin American Remote Sensing week (LARS2013). 23-25 October 2013, Santiago de Chile, Chile.
  • Conrad, C. (2013): Präsentation der wichtigsten Ergebnisse des IPCC für Zentralasien mit besonderem Fokus auf das Murghab River Basin, Turkmenistan. In: GIZ-Workshop für Water Manager
  • Asam, S.; Pasolli, L.; Notarnicola, C.; Klein, D. (2013): Comparison of Leaf Area Indices for grasslands within the alpine uplands based on multi-scale satellite data time series and radiation transfer modeling. In: MultiTemp 2013: 7th International Workshop on the Analysis of Multi-temporal Remote Sensing Images
  • Kübert, C.; Conrad, C.; Klein, D.; Dech, S. (2013): Land Surface Phenology from MODIS data in Germany. In: MultiTemp 2013: 7th International Workshop on the Analysis of Multi-temporal Remote Sensing ImagesSeiten, 1-4.
  • Ottinger, M.; Liu, G.; Taubenböck, H.; Kuenzer, C. (2013): Monitoring dynamischer Landschaftsveränderungen im Gelbflussdelta mit multisensoralen Fernerkundungsdaten. In: 4. Symposium Geoinformationen für die Küstenzone und 9. Workshop zur Nutzung der Fernerkundung, 285-92.
  • Thiel, M.; Zoungrana, E. L.; Forkuor, G. (2013): Mapping tree cover change and the forcing drivers in West Africa. In: Global Geospatial Conference / AfricaGIS
  • Kübert, C.; Dahms, T.; Klein, D.; Dech, S. (2013): Ableitung von phänologischen Maßen aus fernerkundlichen Zeitreihen – Methoden, Plausibilität und Aussagekraft. In: 58. Deutscher Geographentag - Kongress für Wissenschaft, Schule und Praxis
2012[ to top ]
  • Asam, S.; Klein, D.; Dech, S. (2012): Comparison of leaf area index derived by statistical relationships and inverse radiation transport modeling using RapidEye data in the European alpine upland. In: Proceedings of SPIE Remote Sensing 8531, 24-27 September 2012, Remote Sensing for Agriculture, Ecosystems, and Hydrology XIV, Edinburgh, UK
  • Schorcht, G.; Löw, F.; Fritsch, S.; Conrad, C. (2012): Crop classification at subfield level using RapidEye time series and graph theory algorithms. In: Proceedings of SPIE Remote Sensing 8538, Remote Sensing for Agriculture, Ecosystems, and Hydrology XIV, 85311G (October 19, 2012); doi:10.1117/12.974670
  • Dubovyk, O.; Menz, G.; Conrad, C.; Khamzina, A. (2012): Object-based cropland degradation identification: a case in Uzbekistan.. In: SPIE International Symposium on Remote Sensing, September 24-27 201, Edinburgh, UK.
  • Löw, F.; Schorcht, G.; Michel, U.; Dech, S.; Conrad, C. (2012): Per-field crop classification in irrigated agricultural regions in middle Asia using random forest and support vector machine ensemble. In: Proceedings of SPIE Remote Sensing 8538, 24-27 September 2012, Earth Resources and Environmental Remote Sensing/GIS Applications III, Edinburgh, UK
  • Dietz, A.; Conrad, C.; Kuenzer, C. (2012): Snow cover variability in Central Asia during the last decade derived from MODIS. In: International Geographical Congress. 26.-30.08.2012, Cologne, Germany
  • Walz, Y.; Wegmann, M.; Dech, S. (2012): Beitrag von hochaufgelösten Rapid Eye Daten zur Räumlichen Risikoanalyse in der Gesundheitsforschung am Beispiel von Schistosomiasis. In: Proceedings 4. RESA Nutzerworkshop, DLR Rapid Eye Science Archive (RESA), DLR Neustrelitz, pp. 325-332
  • Kuenzer, C.; Ottinger, M.; Klein, I.; Dech, S. (2012): Dynamics of the Yellow River Delta. In: Proceedings of the XXII Congress of the International Society for Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing. XXII Congress of the International Society for Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing, 25. Aug. - 01. Sep. 2012, Melbourne, Australia
  • Dietz, A.; Klein, I.; Geßner, U.; Kuenzer, C. (2012): The dynamics of the Aral Sea, Caspian Sea, and Shardara Water Reservoir during the past decade based on MODIS data classification. In: International Geographical Congress, 26.-30.08.2012. Cologne, Germany
  • Firmbach, L.; Höfer, R.; Thiel, M.; Lorz, C.; Weiss, H. (2012): Analyse der Relevanz der aus Fernerkundungsdaten abgeleiteten urbanen Struktureinheiten für ein integriertes Wasserressourcenmanagement. In: Angewandte Geoinformatik 2012Seiten, 46-51.
  • Shahabfar, A.; Reinwand, M.; Conrad, C.; Schorcht, G. (2012): A re-examination of perpendicular drought indices over central and southwest Asia. In: SPIE Remote Sensing, 24-27 September 2012, Edinburgh, UK
  • Walz, Y.; Wegmann, M.; Dech, S. (2012): Transmission of Schistosomiasis in Africa and its vulnerability to climate change. In: 32. Internationaler Geographischer Kongress in Köln
  • Knoefel, P.; Conrad, C.; Falk, U.; Dech, S. (2012): Comparative analysis and validation of remotely sensed estimation of actual evapotranspiration in cotton ecosystems of Middle Asia.. In: Geophysical Research Abstracts, 9251.
  • Conrad, C.; Löw, F.; Rudloff, M.; Schorcht, G. (2012): Assessing irrigated cropland dynamics in central Asia between 2001 and 2010 based on MODIS time series.. In: Proceedings SPIE 8531, Remote Sensing for Agriculture, Ecosystems and Hydrology XIV
  • Lex, S.; Schorcht, G.; Conrad, C. (2012): Ableitung von LAI und FPAR aus in situ Daten und RapidEye Zeitserien für Baumwolle im Ferganatal, Usbekistan. In: Treffen des AK „Fernerkundung“ der DGfG und des AK „Auswertung von Fernerkundungsdaten“ der DGPF, 4.-5.10.2012, Bochum, Germany
  • Dietz, A.; Kuenzer, C.; Dech, S. (2012): European Snow Cover Characteristics between 2000 and 2011 derived from improved MODIS Daily Snow Cover Products. In: ESA Earth Observation and Cryosphere Science Conference
  • Kübert, C.; Conrad, C.; Dahms, T.; Klein, D.; Metz, A.; Stenzel, S.; Dech, S. (2012): Ableitung von phänologischen Zuständen aus multitemporalen Fernerkundungsdaten. In: Treffen des AK „Fernerkundung“ der DGfG und des AK „Auswertung von Fernerkundungsdaten“ der DGPF, 4.-5.10.2012
  • Kn{ö}fel, P.; Conrad, C.; Dech, S. (2012): Validierung und Optimierung der fernerkundungsbasierten Bestimmung der tats{ä}chlichen Evapotranspiration. In: "1. Gemeinsames Arbeitskreis-Treffen AK „Fernerkundung“ der DGfG und AK „Interpretation von Fernerkundungsdaten“ der DGPF"
  • Sirmacek, B.; Wegmann, M.; Reinartz, P.; Dech, S. (2012): Automatic population counts for improved wildlife management using aerial photography. In: IEMSs Proceedings 2012Seiten, 1-8.
  • Kuenzer, C.; Ottinger, M.; Dech, S. (2012): Coastal Zone Dynamics of the Yellow River Delta - Earth Observation Based Diagnosis. In: Proceedings of the 32nd EARSeL Symposium and 36th General Assembly
  • Walz, Y.; Wegmann, M.; Dech, S. (2012): Schistosomiasis risk assessment from space using high resolution Rapid Eye data. In: IEEE Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium - Remote Sensing for a Dynamic Earth, 22-27 Jul 2012Seiten, 7224-27.
  • Knoefel, P.; Conrad, C.; Falk, U.; Dech, S. (2012): Validation of remotely sensed estimation of actual evapotranspiration in cotton ecosystems of Middle Asia
  • Forkuor, G.; Landmann, T.; Conrad, C.; Dech, S. (2012): Agricultural Land Use Mapping in the Sudanian Savanna of West Africa: Current Status and Future Possibilities.. In: IEEE International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium, IGARSS
2011[ to top ]
  • Conrad, C.; Machwitz, M.; Schorcht, G.; Löw, F.; Fritsch, S.; Dech, S. (2011): Potentials of RapidEye time series for improved classification of crop rotations in heterogeneous agricultural landscapes: Experiences from irrigation systems in Central Asia. In: Proceedings of SPIE Remote Sensing, 19.-22. Sep. 2011
  • Fritsch, S.; Machwitz, M.; Ehammer, A.; Conrad, C.; Dech, S. (2011): Validation of the collection 5 MODIS FPAR product in a heterogeneous agricultural region. In: AK Fernerkundung, 29-30 September, Würzburg, Germany
  • Kübert, C.; Klein, D.; Wegmann, M.; Conrad, C.; Dech, S. (2011): Multi-sensor-concepts for the assessment of land surface phenology using remote sensing data.. In: PhenoALP project final meeting, 12.-14.Oct. 2011, Torgnon, Italy
  • Knoefel, P.; Falk, U.; Conrad, C.; Dech, S. (2011): Modellierung der tatsächlichen Evapotranspiration in der Bewässerungsregion Khorezm, Usbekistan. In: AK Fernerkundung, 29-30 September, Würzburg, Germany
  • Leutner, B.; Müller, H.; Wegmann, M.; Beierkuhnlein, C.; Müller, J.; Reineking, B. (2011): Modelling Biodiversity and Forest Structure Using Hyperspectral and LIDAR Remote Sensing. In: 41st Annual Meeting of the Ecological Society of Germany, Austria and Switzerland (GFÖ), 05.09.2011 – 09.09.2011, Oldenburg, Germany
  • Asam, S. (2011): Derivation of LAI from repeated in situ observations and multi-scale remote sensing data. In: PhenoALP project final meeting, 12.-14. Oct. 2011, Torgnon, Italy
  • Bohovic, R.; Klein, D.; Conrad, C. (2011): Phenological patterns for Central Asia. Vegetation dynamics by the means of remote sensing. In: 31st EARSeL Symposium and 34th General Assembly, 30. Mai - 02. Jun. 2011, Prague, Czech Republic. (nicht veröffentlicht)
  • Conrad, C. (2011): Satellitenfernerkundung und Bewässerungsmanagement in Zentralasien. In: Umweltcluster Bayern. Cluster-Forum International - Zentralasien, Chancen für Umwelttechnologie in Kasachstan, Usbekistan und Aserbaidschan, 17. Nov. 2011, Munich, Germany
  • Fritsch, S.; Machwitz, M.; Conrad, C.; Dech, S. (2011): Relationships between high resolution RapidEye based fPAR and MODIS vegetation indices in a heterogeneous agricultural region. In: Proceedings of SPIE Remote Sensing, 19.-22. Sep. 2011
  • Wegmann, M.; Oney, B.; Shapiro, A.; Dech, S. (2011): Land Use Change Affects Coastal Water Quality around Borneo.. In: Proceedings of the 34th International Symposium on Remote Sensing of Environment, 10.-15. April 2011, Sydney, Australien. ISRSE 2011, 10.-15. Apr. 2011, Sydney, Australia
  • Kotte, K.; Löw, F. (2011): Rapid change detection and salt classification as a promising tool to estimate emission of naturally produced organohalogens from saline ecosystems. In: Geophysical Research Abstracts, 13, 9455.
  • Taubenb{ö}ck, H.; Klotz, M.; Felbier, A.; Wegmann, M.; Ludwig, R. (2011): Spatio-temporal cross-city comparison using multisensoral remote sensing for Mexican cities. In: Proceedings of JURSE2011Seiten, 81-84.
  • Walz, Y.; Wegmann, M.; Dech, S. (2011): Disease Risk Assessment from Space: Case Study of Human Schistosomiasis. In: Workshop "Biodiversität und Infektionskrankheiten" (DIVERSITAS Deutschland e.V.) vom 28.11.2011 - 29.11.2011 in Frankfurt, Poster
  • Löw, F.; Michel, U.; Conrad, C.; Dech, S. (2011): Development of a satellite-based multi-scale land use classification system for land and water management in Uzbekistan and Kazakhstan. In: Proceedings of SPIE
  • Asam, S.; Klein, D.; Zebisch, M.; Kunstmann, H.; Dech, S. (2011): A concept for deriving a spatial and temporal high resolution LAI from multi-scale remote sensing data. In: PhenoALP project final meeting
  • Machwitz, M.; Wegmann, M.; Conrad, C.; Dech, S. (2011): Remote Sensing based estimation of potential terrestrial carbon stocks in West Africa.. In: 34rd International Symposium on Remote Sensing of Environment
  • Could not create valid date with year=2011, month=00, day=2011.
  • Zeidler, J.; Wegmann, M.; Shapiro, A.; Dech, S. (2011): Robustness and Constraints on Spatial Transferability of Fractional Cover in the Caprivi, Namibia.. In: Proceedings of the 34th International Symposium on Remote Sensing of Environment, 10.-15. April 2011, Sydney, Australien. ISRSE 2011, 10.-15. Apr. 2011, Sydney, Australia
  • Dubovyk, O.; Khamzina, A.; Conrad, C.; Menz, G. (2011): Mapping cropland marginalization in the downstream of the Amu Darya River, Uzbekistan.. In: Tropentag, October 5 - 7, 2011 in Bonn, Germany
  • Fritsch, S.; Conrad, C.; Manschadi, A.; Machwitz, M.; Rücker, G.; Dech, S. (2011): Estimating regional crop yield at field scale using multitemporal RapidEye data. In: 3rd Remote Sensing Symposium (3rd RSS), September 8, Wageningen, Netherlands
  • Schmidt, M.; Esch, T.; Thiel, M.; Dech, S. (2011): Building detection from single polarized TerraSAR-X Data. In: Proceedings of the SPIE - The international Society for Optical Engineering
2010[ to top ]
  • Hüttich, C.; Strohbach, B. J.; Herold, M.; Keil, M.; Dech, S. (2010): The Potential of MODIS Time Series Metrics for bottom-up Vegetation Mapping in a semi-arid Savanna Ecosystem in Namibia. In: Proceedings of the ESA Living Planet Symposium
  • Fritsch, S.; Conrad, C.; Dech, S. (2010): A MODIS-based approach for crop yield prediction in irrigated areas of Central Asia using light-use efficiency modeling. In: Proceedings of the ESA Living Planet Symposium 2010Seiten, 1-7.
  • Taubenb{ö}ck, H.; Wegmann, M.; Wurm, M.; Ullmann, T.; Dech, S. (2010): The global trend of urbanization - Spatiotemporal analysis of megacities using multitemporal remote sensing, landscape metrics and gradient analysis. In: Proceedings of SPIE Europe Remote SensingSeiten, 1-20.
  • Lex, S.; Geßner, U.; Dech, S. (2010): Identifizierung der Antriebskräfte von Landnutzungs- und Landbedeckungsänderungen in der Region Kavango in Namibia. In: Arbeitskreis Subsaharisches Afrika, Jahresversammlung, 18./19.6.2010, Würzburg, Germany
  • Machwitz, M.; Bloethe, J.; Klein, D.; Conrad, C.; Dech, S. (2010): Mapping of large irrigated areas in Central Asia using MODIS time series. In: Remote Sensing for Agriculture, Ecosystems, and Hydrology XII
  • Taubenböck, H.; Clodt, S.; Wurm, M.; Wegmann, M.; Jürgens, C. (2010): The capabilities of remote sensing to derive urban location factors for probability-based spatial growth analysis. In: 15th International Conference on Urban Planning, Regional Development and Information Society (REAL CORP)
  • Esch, T.; Taubenböck, H.; Heldens, W.; Thiel, M.; Wurm, M.; Geiss, C.; Dech, S. (2010): Urban Remote Sensing - How Can Earth Observation Support the Sustainable Development of Urban Environments?. In: 15th International Conference on Urban Planning, Regional Development and Information Society (REAL CORP)Seiten, 837-47.
  • Asam, S.; Klein, D.; Geßner, U.; Conrad, C.; Beierkuhnlein, C.; Dech, S. (2010): Ableitung des Vegetationsbedeckungsgrades aus multiskaligen Fernerkundungsdaten für hydrologische Modellierung in Zentralasien. In: Symposium und Fachmesse für Angewandte GeoInformatik (AGIT) 2010
  • Esch, T.; Schenk, A.; Thiel, M.; Ullmann, T.; Schmidt, M.; Dech, S. (2010): Land Cover Classification based on single-polarized VHR SAR images using texture information via speckle analysis. In: Proceedings of the 2010 IEEE International Geoscience and Remote Sensing SymposiumSeiten, 1875-78.
  • Künzer, C.; Kakh, T. V.; Wehrmann, T.; Van, T. L.; Gebhardt, S.; Dao, N. L.; Renaud, F.; Thanh, B. T.; Waibel, G.; Ngoc, T. H.; Birkmann, J.; Dech, S. (2010): An Information System for the Sustainable Development of the Mekong Delta. In: Deltas in Times of Climate Change
  • Conrad, C.; Goessl, A.; Lex, S.; Metz, A.; Esch, T.; Konrad, C.; Goettlicher, G.; Dech, S. (2010): Mapping crop distribution in administrative districts of southwest Germany using multi-sensor remote sensing data. In: Proceedings of SPIE
  • Ehammer, A.; Fritsch, S.; Conrad, C.; Dech, S. (2010): Statistical derivation of fPAR and LAI for irrigated cotton and rice in arid Uzbekistan by combining multi-temporal RapidEye data and ground measurements. In: Remote Sensing for Agriculture, Ecosystems, and Hydrology XII, 1-10.
  • Esch, T.; Taubenb{ö}ck, H.; Heldens, W.; Thiel, M.; Wurm, M.; Dech, S. (2010): Supporting the Sustainable Development of Cities by Means of Earth Observation Techniques. In: Isocarp 2010
  • Schmidt, M.; Esch, T.; Klein, D.; Thiel, M.; Dech, S. (2010): Estimation of building density using TerraSAR-X-Data. In: Proceedings of the 2010 IEEE International Geoscience and Remote Sensing SymposiumSeiten, 1936-39.
2009[ to top ]
  • Huth, J.; Gebhardt, S.; Wehrmann, T.; Schettler, I.; Künzer, C.; Schmidt, M.; Dech, S. (2009): Automated inundation monitoring using TerraSAR-X multi-temporal imagery. In: European Geosciences Union General Assembly 2009
  • Heege, T.; Kiselev, V.; Gebhardt, S.; Huth, J.; Long, T. T.; Tri, V. K. (2009): Processing of Multiple Sensor Images of Aquatic Systems. In: 33rd International Symposium on Remote Sensing of Environment
  • Taubenböck, H.; Wegmann, M.; Roth, A.; Schmidt, M.; Dech, S. (2009): Urbanization: A global change issue. In: 33rd International Symposium on Remote Sensing of Environment
  • Machwitz, M.; Falk, U.; Richters, J.; Conrad, C.; Dech, S. (2009): Modeling the carbon budget at regional scale in West Africa using 250 m MODIS data and ground observations. In: 33rd International Symposium on Remote Sensing of Environment
  • Wegmann, M.; Schmidt, M.; Dech, S. (2009): Analysis of Spatial Patterns – adding attributes to Forest Patches to Evaluate the Importance of Individual Fragments for Spatial Landscape Integrity. In: 33rd International Symposium on Remote Sensing of Environment
  • Geßner, U.; Klein, D.; Conrad, C.; Schmidt, M.; Dech, S. (2009): Towards an automated estimation of vegetation cover fractions on multiple scales: Examples of Eastern and Southern Africa. In: 33rd International Symposium on Remote Sensing of Environment
  • Stein, E.; Bachmann, M.; Heldens, W.; Müller, A.; Schmullius, C. (2009): A spectral feature based classifcation algorithm for characterization of urban surfaces in Munich. In: 6th EARSeL SIG IS Workshop on Imaging Spectroscopy
  • Heldens, W.; Heiden, U.; Bachmann, M.; Esch, T.; Müller, A.; Dech, S. (2009): Scaling issues in validation of abundance maps derived from HyMAP data of an urban area. In: 6th EARSeL SIG IS Workshop on Imaging Spectroscopy
  • Heldens, W.; Fischer, C. (2009): Development of a field guide for mineral detection using a portable spectrometer in the TIR domain. In: 6th EARSeL SIG IS Workshop on Imaging Spectroscopy
  • Heldens, W.; Esch, T.; Heiden, U.; Müller, A.; Dech, S. (2009): Exploring the demands on hyperspectral data products for urban planning: a case study in the Munich region. In: 6th EARSeL SIG IS Workshop on Imaging Spectroscopy
  • Schettler, I.; Gebhardt, S.; Wehrmann, T.; Huth, J.; Künzer, C. (2009): Das WISDOM-Projekt - Entwicklung eines wasserbezogenen Informationssystems zur Unterstützung des Wasser- und Ressourcenmanagements im Mekong Delta. In: 6. GIS-Tagung - GIS in der Wasserwirtschaft
  • Ruecker, G.; Wehrmann, T.; Schettler, I.; Conrad, C.; Landmann, T.; Klein, D.; Fritsch, S.; Schorcht, G.; Mund, J.; Kuenzer, C.; Keil, M.; Mehl, H.; Dech, S. (2009): Integration of remote sensing products in regional information systems to support decision making in land and water management in Central Asia. In: Proceedings of the Third Central Asia GIS Conference - GISCA ’09 (Bishkek)
  • Wurm, M.; Taubenböck, H.; Roth, A.; Dech, S. (2009): Urban structuring using multisensoral remote sensing data - by the example of German cities - Cologne and Dresden. In: Joint Urban Remote Sensing Event
  • Falk, U.; Hendrickx, J.; Conrad, C.; Kübert, C.; Vlek, P. (2009): Scintillometry, Eddy-covariance and Remote Sensing for Evapotranspiration Mapping in West-Africa. In: Proceedings of 33rd International Symposium on Remote Sensing of Environment (ISRSE), May 4 – May 8 2009, Stresa, Italy
  • Conrad, C.; Falk, U.; Hendricks, J.; Dech, S. (2009): Modelling surface energy fluxes based on multi-temporal remote sensing data at different scales. In: 33rd International Symposium on Remote Sensing of Environment
  • Colditz, R. R.; Conrad, C.; Wehrmann, T.; Schmidt, M.; Dech, S. (2009): Analysis of the Quality of Collection 4 and 5 Vegetation Index Time Series from MODIS. In: Quality Aspects in Spatial Data Mining
  • Breunig, M.; Taubenböck, H.; Wurm, M.; Roth, A. (2009): Changing urbanity in Istanbul - Analysis of megacity developments using synergistic potentials of multi-temporal SAR and optical data. In: Joint Urban Remote Sensing Event
  • Cord, A.; Colditz, R. R.; Schmidt, M.; Dech, S. (2009): Species Distribution and Forest Type Mapping in Mexico. In: Proceedings of the 2009 IEEE International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium
  • Hüttich, C.; Geßner, U.; Schmidt, M.; Keil, M.; Strohbach, B.; Dech, S. (2009): Ecosystem Assessment in Savanna Ecosystems based on multi-scale Earth Observation data. In: 33rd International Symposium on Remote Sensing of Environment
  • Krings, S.; Taubenböck, H.; Wurm, M.; Birkmann, J. (2009): Interdisziplinäre Forschungsansätze zur Abschätzung der städtischen Verwundbarkeit gegenüber Hochwasserereignissen. In: 10. Forum Katastrophenvorsorge - Datenhintergrund und Informationen
  • Landmann, T.; Machwitz, M.; Cord, A.; Hüttich, C.; Dech, S. (2009): Using the Land Cover Classification System (LCCS) for interoperable determination of land cover and land cover change in Africa. In: 3rd Workshop of the EARSeL Special Interest Group on Land Use and Land Cover
  • Wurm, M.; Taubenböck, H.; Krings, S.; Birkmann, J.; Roth, A.; Dech, S. (2009): Derivation of population distribution for vulnerability assessment in flood-prone German cities using multisensoral remote sensing data. In: Proceedings of the SPIE - Remote Sensing for Environmental Monitoring, GIS Applications, and Geology IX
  • Taubenböck, H.; Wurm, M.; Post, J.; Roth, A.; Strunz, G.; Dech, S. (2009): Vulnerability assessment towards tsunami threats using multisensoral remote sensing data. In: Proceedings of the SPIE - Remote Sensing for Environmental Monitoring, GIS Applications, and Geology IX
  • Schorcht, G.; Conrad, C.; Dech, S.; Lamers, J.; Rücker, G.; Fritsch, S. (2009): Field based FAO-56 dual crop coefficient method for water demand estimations using remote sensing and geodata management approaches. In: Proceedings of the GISCA 2009 - GIScience for Environmental and Emergency Management in Central Asia
  • Künzer, C.; Wehrmann, T.; Gebhardt, S.; Schmidt, M.; Mehl, H. (2009): A Water Related Information System for the Mekong. In: Proceedings of the 6th International Symposium on Digital Earth (ISDE6)
  • Colditz, R. R.; Cord, A.; Conrad, C.; Mora, F.; Maeda, P.; Ressl, R. (2009): Analyzing Phenological Characteristics of Mexico with MODIS Time Series Products. In: Fifth international Workshop on the Analysis of Multitemporal Remote Sensing Images (MultiTemp)
  • Wegmann, M.; Schmidt, M.; Dech, S. (2009): Adding spatial attributes to landcover data – an ecological perspective. In: Proceedings of the 2009 IEEE International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium
  • Klein, D.; Esch, T.; Himmler, V.; Thiel, M.; Dech, S. (2009): Assessment of urban extend and impervious of Cape Town using TerraSAR-X and Landsat images. In: Proceedings of the 2009 IEEE International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium
  • Gebhardt, S.; Ressl, R.; Schmidt, M.; Dech, S. (2009): Geo-statistical analysis of historical fire occurrences based on operational satellite monitoring systems. In: 29th Annual EARSeL Symposium
  • Künzer, C.; Renaud, F.; Waibel, G.; Gebhardt, S.; Wehrmann, T.; Schmidt, M.; Mehl, H. (2009): A Water related Information System for the sustainable development of the Mekong Delta in Vietnam: The WISDOM Project. In: 2009 AWRA (American Water Resource Association) Summer Speciality Conference
  • Cord, A.; Schmidt, M.; Dech, S. (2009): Potential and limitations of multi-temporal earth observation data to improve model results of tree species distribution in Mexico. In: 33rd International Symposium on Remote Sensing of Environment
  • Taubenböck, H.; Wurm, M.; Setiadi, N.; Gebert, N.; Roth, A.; Strunz, G.; Birkmann, J.; Dech, S. (2009): Integrating Remote Sensing and Social Science – The correlation of urban morphology with socioeconomic parameters. In: Joint Urban Remote Sensing Event
  • Esch, T.; Klein, D.; Himmler, V.; Keil, M.; Mehl, H.; Dech, S. (2009): Modeling of impervious surface in Germany using Landsat images and topographic vector data. In: Proceedings of the 2009 IEEE International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium
2008[ to top ]
  • Heldens, W.; Esch, T.; Heiden, U.; Dech, S. (2008): Potential of hyperspectral remote sensing for characterisation of urban structure in Munich. In: Proceedings of the EARSeL Joint Workshop
  • Landmann, T.; Machwitz, M.; Le, Q. B.; Desta, L.; Vlek, P.; Dech, S.; Schmidt, M. (2008): A land cover change synthesis study for the GLOWA Volta Basin in West Africa using time trajectory satellite observations and cellular automation models. In: Proceedings of the 2008 IEEE International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium
  • Schramm, M.; Landmann, T.; Schmidt, M.; Dech, S. (2008): Tree density detection using spectral unmixing without known target spectra. In: Proceedings of the 2008 IEEE International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium
  • Thiel, M.; Esch, T.; Schenk, A. (2008): Object-oriented detection of urban areas from TerraSAR-X data. In: Proceedings of the International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences (ISPRS), Part B8, Commission VIII
  • Proske, H.; Granica, K.; Hirschmugl, M.; Wurm, M. (2008): Landslide detection and susceptibility mapping using innovative remote sensing data sources. In: Proceedings Interpraevent 2008
  • Schreier, G.; Dech, S.; Diedrich, E.; Maass, H.; Mikusch, E. (2008): Earth observation data payload ground segments at DLR for GMES. In: Acta Astronautica, 146-55.
  • Thiel, M.; Esch, T.; Dech, S. (2008): Object oriented detection of settlement areas from Terra SAR-X data. In: Proceedings of the EARSeL Joint Workshop
  • Conrad, C.; Dech, S.; Lamers, J.; Martius, C.; Ruecker, G. (2008): A remote sensing based monitoring concept for irrigation systems in Central Asia.. In: Geophysical Research Abstracts
  • Kübert, C.; Conrad, C.; Falk, U.; Hendrickx, J. (2008): Assessing the impact of atmospheric corrections on modeling surface energy balance fluxes with SEBAL. Global Change and Water Resources in West Africa. In: The German-African GLOWA Projects. International Conference, 25. - 28. August 2008, Ouagadougou, Burkina Faso
  • Thiel, M.; Taubenb{ö}ck, H.; Esch, T.; Roth, A.; Wurm, M.; Dech, S. (2008): Classification of urban environments with TerraSAR-X and ALOS-PALSAR data. In: Spie 2008
  • Taubenb{ö}ck, H.; Wegmann, M.; Berger, C.; Breunig, M.; Roth, A.; Mehl, H. (2008): Spatiotemporal analysis of Indian megacities. In: Proceedings of the International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences, 75-82.
  • Fritsch, S.; Conrad, C.; Rücker, G.; Dech, S. (2008): Objektbasierte Klassifikation der agrarischen Landnutzung im Gebiet Khorezm (Usbekistan). In: Symposium und Fachmesse für Angewandte GeoInformatik (AGIT) 2008
  • Esch, T.; Conrad, C.; Schorcht, G.; Thiel, M.; Wehrmann, T.; Dech, S. (2008): Model-based estimation of impervious surface by application of support vector machines. In: Proceedings of the International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences (ISPRS), Part B8, Commission VIII
  • Geßner, U.; Conrad, C.; Hüttich, C.; Keil, M.; Schmidt, M.; Schramm, M.; Dech, S. (2008): A Multi-Scale Approach for retrieving proportional Cover of Life Forms. In: Proceedings of the 2008 IEEE International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium
  • Gebhardt, S.; Künzer, C.; Huth, J.; Wehrmann, T.; Schettler, I.; Schmidt, M. (2008): The WISDOM project - A Water-related Information System for the mekong Delta, Vietnam. In: 3th World Water Congress, WWC
  • Wehrmann, T.; Binh, T. T.; Gebhardt, S.; Huth, J.; Künzer, C.; Nguyen, L. D.; Schettler, I.; Schmidt, M.; Dech, S. (2008): WISDOM demostration module - open source technology managing water related, spatial information. In: GIS IDEAS Conference
  • Schettler, I.; Wehrmann, T.; Vinh, P. T.; Gebhardt, S.; Huth, J.; Künzer, C. (2008): WISDOM - multidisciplinary information system in the water related context. In: GISpro Conference
  • Künzer, C.; Bartalis, Z.; Schmidt, M.; Wagner, W. (2008): Trend analyses of a global soil moisture time series derived from ERS-1/-2 scatterometer data: floods, droughts and long term changes. In: Proceedings of the International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences (ISPRS), Part B7, Commission VII
  • Thiel, M.; Esch, T.; Wurm, M.; Taubenböck, H.; Dech, S. (2008): Identification of built-up areas using SAR data – A comparison of TerraSAR-X and ALOS PALSAR imagery. In: Proceedings of the SPIE Europe: Remote Sensing Conference - Image and Signal Processing for Remote Sensing XIV
  • Taubenböck, H.; Esch, T.; Wurm, M.; Thiel, M.; Ullmann, T.; Roth, A.; Schmidt, M.; Mehl, H.; Dech, S. (2008): Urban structure analysis of mega city Mexico City using multi-sensoral remote sensing data. In: Proceedings of the SPIE Europe: Remote Sensing Conference - Remote Sensing for Environmental Monitoring, GIS Applications, and Geology VIII
  • Yao, N. A.; Schmidt, M.; Landmann, T.; Konaté, S.; Dech, S.; Linsenmair, K. E. (2008): Bushfire distribution in the subsahelian West Africa using satellite Imagery. In: 7th International Conference of the African Association of Remote Sensing of the Environment (AARSE)
  • Esch, T.; Roth, A.; Thiel, M.; Schmidt, M.; Dech, S. (2008): Comparison of ALOS-PALSAR and TerraSAR-X data in terms of detecting settlements – first results. In: Proceedings of the ALOS PI Symposium 2008
  • Taubenb{ö}ck, H.; Esch, T.; Wurm, M.; Thiel, M.; Ullmann, T.; Roth, A.; Schmidt, M.; Mehl, H.; Dech, S. (2008): Urban structure analysis of mega city Mexico City using multisensoral remote sensing data. In: Spie Europe Remote Sensing 2008, 1-12.
  • Machwitz, M.; Landmann, T.; Cord, A.; Conrad, C.; Dech, S. (2008): Land cover analysis on sub-continental scale: FAO LCCS standard with well-defined 250 meter MODIS satellite observations in West Africa. In: Proceedings of the 2008 IEEE International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium
  • Colditz, R. R.; Schmidt, M.; Ressl, R.; Hansen, M. C.; Dech, S. (2008): A Method for selecting Training Data and its Effect on automated Land Cover Mapping of large Areas. In: Proceedings of the 2008 IEEE International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium
  • Esch, T.; Schenk, A.; Thiel, M.; Roth, A.; Schmidt, M.; Dech, S. (2008): Analysis of SAR speckle statistics in support of image filtering and interpretation. In: Proceedings of the 2008 IEEE International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium
2007[ to top ]
  • Colditz, R. R.; Keil, M.; Strohbach, B.; Geßner, U.; Schmidt, M.; Dech, S. (2007): Vegetation structure mapping with remote sensing time series: Capabilities and improvements. In: 32nd International Symposium on Remote Sensing of Environment
  • Esch, T.; Schorcht, G.; Thiel, M.; Dech, S. (2007): Versiegelung in Bayern - Ergebnisse einer flächendeckenden satellitenbasierten Untersuchung
  • Ruecker, G.; Shi, Z.; Mueller, M.; Conrad, C.; Ibragimov, N.; Lamers, J.; Martius, C.; Strunz, G.; Dech, S. (2007): Regional scale estimation of cotton yield in Uzbekistan by integrating remote sensing and field data info into an agrometeorological model.. In: Proceedings of the International Conference by Uzbekistan Cotton Research InstituteSeiten, 213-20.
  • Eshchanov, R.; Conrad, C.; Lamers, J. (2007): Using remote sensing to monitor the cotton growth in the Khorezm Region.. In: Proceedings of the International Conference by Uzbekistan Cotton Research InstituteSeiten, 213-13.
  • Conrad, C.; Dech, S.; Hafeez, M.; Lamers, J.; Tischbein, B. (2007): Remote Sensing based hydrological modeling for irrigation performance assessment in Central Asia. In: Proceedings of the MODISM 2007
  • Schenk, A.; Hoffman, J. (2007): Land subsidence in the Tehran region as a consequence of steady reservoir discharge. In: Proceedings of the Envisat Symposium 2007
  • Künzer, C.; Wessling, S.; Zhang, J.; Litschke, T.; Schmidt, M.; Schulz, J.; Gielisch, H.; Wagner, W. (2007): Concepts for Green House Gas Emission Estimating of underground Coal Seam Fires. In: European Geosciences Union General Assembly 2007
  • Breitkreuz, H.; Schroedter-Homscheidt, M.; Holzer-Popp, T.; Dech, S. (2007): Application of Aerosol Forecasts for Solar Energy Industries. In: European Geosciences Union General Assembly 2007
  • Landmann, T.; Vlek, P. J.; Schmidt, M.; Dech, S.; Cord, A. (2007): An object-conditional approach for satellite remote sensing land cover mapping in African Savannas. In: Proceedings of the Third International Workshop on Information Fusion and Geographical Information Systems (IFGIS)
  • Colditz, R. R.; Geßner, U.; Conrad, C.; van Zyl, D.; Malherbe, J.; Newby, T.; Landmann, T.; Schmidt, M.; Dech, S. (2007): Dynamics of MODIS time series for ecological applications in southern Africa. In: Fourth international Workshop on the Analysis of Multitemporal Remote Sensing Images (MultiTemp)
  • Landmann, T.; Schmidt, M.; Colditz, R. R.; Dech, S. (2007): An object-conditional land cover classification system (LCCS) based wetland biodiversity characterization method for West African savannas using 250 meter MODIS observations. In: 32nd International Symposium on Remote Sensing of Environment
  • Landmann, T.; Colditz, R.; Schmidt, M.; Dech, S. (2007): A Land Cover Classification System (LCCS) based wetland biodiversity characterization method for West African savannas using 250-Meter MODIS observations. In: 32nd International Symposium on Remote Sensing of Environment
  • Conrad, C.; Colditz, R. R.; Dech, S.; Vlek, P. (2007): Combining temporal segmentation and classification trees for time series classification. In: Fourth international Workshop on the Analysis of Multitemporal Remote Sensing Images (MultiTemp)
  • Esch, T.; Schenk, A.; Thiel, M. (2007): Monitoring of Urban Environments with TerraSAR-X Data. In: Proceedings of the 2007 IEEE International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium
  • Landmann, T.; Herty, C.; Dech, S.; Schmidt, M.; Vlek, P. (2007): Land cover change analysis within the GLOWA Volta basin in West Africa using 30-meter Landsat data snapshots. In: Proceedings of the 2007 IEEE International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium
  • Werner, M.; Kraus, T.; Bock, M.; Strunz, G.; Wetzel, K.-F. (2007): Objektbasierte Waldflächenkartierung in Schleswig-Holstein mit SPOT-5-Daten. In: Symposium und Fachmesse für Angewandte GeoInformatik (AGIT) 2007
  • Breitkreuz, H.; Schroedter-Homscheidt, M.; Holzer-Popp, T.; Dech, S. (2007): Anwendung von Aerosolvorhersagen in der Energiewirtschaft. In: Langfassungen der Deutsch-Österreichisch-Schweizerischen Meteorologentagung, DACH2007-A-00047
  • Kraus, T.; Bock, M.; Strunz, G. (2007): Forest type mapping based on SPOT-5 and IKONOS data as a service within GSE Forest Monitoring. In: Proceedings of ForestSat Conference 2007
  • Kraus, T.; Schmidt, M.; Dech, S.; Samimi, C. (2007): The Potential of Optical High Resolution Data for the Assessment of Leaf Area Index in East African Rainforest Ecosystems. In: Proceedings of ForestSat Conference 2007
  • Colditz, R. R.; Conrad, C.; Wehrmann, T.; Schmidt, M.; Dech, S. (2007): Comparison of collection 4 and 5 MODIS time series. In: ISPRS Spatial Data Quality Symposium
2006[ to top ]
  • Schroedter-Homscheidt, M.; Bofinger, S.; Breitkreuz, H.; Heilscher, G.; Stettler, S. (2006): Usage of earth observation for solar energy market development - lessons learnt. In: Proceedings of the 35th ASES Annual Conference
  • Narváez Vallejo, A.; Hasel Revelo Nuncira, N. (2006): Análisis del material en deriva aportado a la quebrada Babilonia (PNN Chingaza) y su relación con la vegetación riparia y las características del cauce. In: VII Semi VII Seminario Colombiano de Limnología I Reunión de Ríos y Humedales Neotropicalesnario Colombiano de Limnología I Reunión de Ríos y Humedales NeotropicalesSeite, 86.
  • Colditz, R. R.; Conrad, C.; Schmidt, M.; Schramm, M.; Schmidt, M.; Dech, S. (2006): Mapping regions of high temporal variability in Africa. In: ISPRS mid-term symposium Remote sensing: from pixels to processes
  • Colditz, R. R.; Conrad, C.; Wehrmann, T.; Schmidt, M.; Dech, S. (2006): Generation and assessment of MODIS time series using quality information. In: Proceedings of the 2006 IEEE International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium
  • Narvaez-Vallejo, A. (2006): Evaluación del zooplancton del humedal jaboque. In: VII seminario Colombiano de Limnología y I Reunión Internacional sobre Ríos y Humedales Neotropicales Neolimnos, Resúmenes Vii Seminario Colombiano De Limnología Y I Reunión Internacional Sobre Rios Y Humedales Neotropicales Neolimnos
  • König, K.; Runge, J.; Wegmann, M.; Schmidt, M.; Schmidt, M.; Agbani, P.; Agonyissa, D.; Wiekhorst, A. (2006): Spatial modelling of changes of the distribution of tree species with Landsat satellite data in Benin. In: 6th International Conference of the African Association of Remote Sensing of the Environment (AARSE)
  • Yao, N. A.; Schmidt, M.; Landmann, T.; Wegmann, M.; Konaté, S.; Penner, J.; Rödel, M.-O.; Fahr, J.; Linsenmair, K. E. (2006): Satellite derived spatial and temporal distribution of fire activity in subsahelian West Africa. In: 6th International Conference of the African Association of Remote Sensing of the Environment (AARSE)
  • Landmann, T.; Colditz, R. R.; Schmidt, M. (2006): An object-conditional land cover classification system (LCCS) wetland probability detection method for west African savannas using 250-meter MODIS observations. In: ESA-ESRIN GlobWetland Symposium
  • Landmann, T.; Schmidt, M.; Dech, S.; Schramm, M.; Vogel, M. (2006): A new spatially-explicit and object-conditional land cover (LC) data set based on the FAO Land Cover Classification System (LCCS) for the GLOWA catchment area. In: 6th International Conference of the African Association of Remote Sensing of the Environment (AARSE)
  • Wegmann, M.; Colditz, R. R.; Fahr, J.; Landmann, T.; Linsenmair, K. E.; Penner, J.; Rödel, M.-O.; Schmidt, M.; Sommer, H.; Dech, S. (2006): Spatio-temporal analysis of African landscapes for biodiversity research. In: 6th International Conference of the African Association of Remote Sensing of the Environment (AARSE)
2005[ to top ]
  • Kranz, O.; Rücker, G. R.; Conrad, C.; Strunz, G.; Dech, S. (2005): GIS und Multi-Criteria-Evaluation zur räumlichen Modellierung geeigneter Aquakultur-Standorte in der Region Khorezm, Usbekistan. In: Symposium und Fachmesse für Angewandte GeoInformatik (AGIT) 2005
  • Colditz, R. R.; Conrad, C.; Rücker, G.; Schweitzer, C.; Fistric, S.; Schmidt, M.; Dech, S. (2005): Ableitung von phänologischen Verlaufsmustern aus MODIS Zeitserien und Möglichkeiten der Anwendung. In: Symposium und Fachmesse für Angewandte GeoInformatik (AGIT) 2005
  • Conrad, C.; Colditz, R. R.; Petrocchi, A.; Rücker, G. R.; Dech, S.; Schmidt, M. (2005): Time Series Generator – Ein flexibles Softwaremodul zur Generierung und Bewertung von Zeitserien aus NASA MODIS Datenprodukten. In: Symposium und Fachmesse für Angewandte GeoInformatik (AGIT) 2005
  • Weber, B.; Deutschewitz, K.; Schultz, C.; Dojani, S.; Büdel, B. (2005): Development and Implementation of Remote Sensing Techniques for Long-Term Monitoring of Biological Soil Crusts (BSCs) - Utilization of CHRIS-Proba Data for Upscaling and Classification. In: 3rd CHRIS-Proba Workshop
  • Schweitzer, C.; Ruecker, G.; Conrad, C.; Strunz, G.; Bendix, J. (2005): Knowledge-based land use classification combining expert knowledge, GIS, multi-temporal Landsat 7 ETM+ and MODIS time series data in Khorezm, Uzbeskistan. In: Göttinger Geographische Abhandlungen, 116-23.
  • Walz, Y.; Maier, S.; Dech, S. (2005): Measuring Burn Severity in Forests of South-West Western Australia Using MODIS. In: Proceedings of the 5th International Workshop on Remote Sensing and GIS on Forest Fire Management: Fire Effects Assessment, Zaragoza, Spain, 5 pp
  • Vogel, M.; Wegmann, M.; Schmidt, M.; Dech, S. (2005): Land Cover Change in Southern and Western Africa - A combined Change Detection Approach. In: 2005 Conference on Remote Sensing and Geoinformation
2004[ to top ]
  • Vogel, M.; Hörsch, B. (2004): Erkennung von Vegetations-Veränderungsprozessen in Namibia mithilfe von kombinierten Change-Detection-Verfahren. In: Symposium und Fachmesse für Angewandte GeoInformatik (AGIT) 2004
  • Müller, U.; Conrad, C.; Kraus, T. (2004): Analyse der raum-zeitlichen Vegetationsdynamik in Ostafrika unter Verwendung von MODIS-Daten. In: Angewandte Geoinformatik 2004. Beitraege zum 16. AGIT-Symposium Salzburg 2004Seiten, 484-89.
  • Walz, Y. (2004): Measuring Burn Severity in Forests of South-West Western Australia Using MODIS
  • Wehrmann, T. (2004): Development and evaluation of methods for automated land use / land cover classification. In: Proceedings of the CORINE Land Cover 2000 Workshop
  • Wehrmann, T.; Colditz, R. R.; Bachmann, M.; Steinnocher, K.; Dech, S. (2004): Evaluation of image fusion techniques. In: Proceedings of the 1st Göttingen GIS & Remote Sensing Days
  • Conrad, C.; Rücker, G. R.; Colditz, R. R.; Strunz, G.; Dech, S. (2004): Crop monitoring using multi-temporal MODIS remote sensing data in Khorezm, Uzbekistan. In: Congress: The Use of GIS And Simulation Models For Research And Decision Support in Central Asian River Basins
  • Bachmann, M.; Müller, A.; Habermeyer, M.; Dech, S. (2004): An Iterative Unmixing Approach in Support of Fractional Cover Estimation in Semi-Arid Environments. In: Proceedings of SPIE Remote Sensing Europe 2004 - Remote Sensing for Environmental Monitoring, GIS Applications, and Geology IV
  • Wehrmann, T.; Dech, S.; Glaser, R. (2004): An automated object-based classification approach for updating CORINE land cover data. In: Proceedings of the SPIE Europe: Remote Sensing Conference - Remote Sensing for Environmental Monitoring, GIS Applications, and Geology IV
  • Conrad, C.; Rücker, G.; Schweitzer, C.; Dech, S.; Hafeez, M. (2004): Modeling seasonal actual evapotranspiration with remote sensing and GIS in Khorezm region, Uzbekistan. In: Proceedings of the 11th SPIE Remote Sensing Europe 2004 - Remote Sensing for Agriculture, Ecosystems, and Hydrology VI
  • Müller, A.; Bachmann, M.; Dech, S. (2004): New Hyperspectral Approaches for the Assessment of Dryland Degradation. In: Proceedings of 12th Australasian Remote Sensing and Photogrammetry Conference
2003[ to top ]
  • Dech, S.; Bachmann, M.; Müller, A. (2003): New Remote Sensing Approaches in Support of Sustainable Land Use Management in Semi-Arid Environments. In: 30th International Symposium on Remote Sensing of Environment
  • Bachmann, M.; Habermeyer, M. (2003): Evaluation of Image Fusion Techniques for Large-Scale Mapping of Non-Green Vegetation. In: Proceedings of 3rd EARSeL Workshop on Imaging Spectroscopy

2021[ to top ]
  • Zehner, M. (2021): Characterization of individual urban trees using combinations of VHR remote sensing and auxiliary data
  • Groth, S. (2021): Deep multi-task learning for building characterization with street-level imagery
  • Halbgewachs, M. (2021): Deforestation and forest fragmentation in Mato Grosso, Brazil
  • Mast, J. (2021): Analysing the relationship between urban morphology and economic subcenters
  • Sogno, P. (2021): Earth Observation for Exposome Mapping - Proof of Concept and Case Study in Augsburg, Germany
  • Fisser, H. (2021): Erfassung von Verkehrsaktivitätenmustern zur Ableitung von Verkehrsdichte und Emsissionsfaktoren
2020[ to top ]
  • Lee, B. C. (2020): Development of a semi-analytical model for seagrass mapping using cloud-based computing and open sourced optical satellite-data
  • Adelwale, O. (2020): Application of Remote Sensing Techniques to detect historical landslides for improving risk assessment in Antioquia, Colombia
  • Buchelt, S. (2020): Mapping High-Resolution Spatio-Temporal Patterns of Snowmelt using Orthorectified Photo Cameras & Sentinel-1 Time Series Data
  • Wang, M. (2020): Comparison of Surface Urban Heat Islands Using the World Settlement Footprint Imperviousness Layer
  • Klein, R. (2020): The Water Use Efficiency Monitor in Central Asia (WUEMoCA) as a tool for supporting water management in the Aral Sea Basin
  • Kluter, P. (2020): Deep Learning Approach to Ship Detection and Classification Using Synthetic Aperture Radar Data
  • Soltani, S. (2020): Spatio-temporal Analysis of Urbanization caused by the New Silk Road
  • Glasmann, F. (2020): Potential of the Firebird Mission for the Detection of Gas-flaring Activity
  • Gnann, N. (2020): Identification of anthropogenic debris assisted by unmanned aerial vehicles and deep learning
  • Orthofer, A. (2020): Deriving Leaf Area Index and mowing dates for grasslands based on the radiative transfer model SLC and Sentinel 2 data
  • Turulski, K. (2020): Ableitung hyperspektraler Indices zur Bewertung von Trockenstress unter Verwendung von HySpeX Daten
  • Steiner, S. (2020): Assessing the Potential of a Land Cover Dependent Snow Cover Detection Algorithm for the Global SnowPack
  • Ahmed, F. (unpublished Master thesis 2020): Agricultural landscape Configuration and Pattern Analysis with VHR Imagery in BavariaSeite, 88.
  • Abu, I.-O. (2020): Detection of Cocoa Plantages in complex forest landscapes Cocoa mapping in West Africa
  • Beck, L. (2020): Multi-Annual Flood Mapping using Multi-Sensor Satellite Data in the Iishana Sub-Basin (Namibia/Angola)
  • Hasenbein, K. (2020): The potential of time-series data to improve fine scale mapping of land use in heterogeneous landscapes
2019[ to top ]
  • Singh Dhillon, M. (unpublished Master thesis 2019): Comparing the performance of crop growth models using synthethic remote sensing data at DEMMIN, Germany
  • Baur, M. J. (unpublished Master thesis 2019): Global Characterization of Vegetation Canopy Properties and Their Dynamics Using Microwave Radiometry.Seite, 40.
  • Kurtenbach, M. (2019): Erfassung und Analyse der oberflächennahen Bodenfeuchte und deren Dynamik im agrarisch geprägten Süden Italiens mit fernerkundlichen Daten und Methodiken. (Master thesis), Julius-Maximilians-University Würzburg, GermanySeite, 120.
  • Selbmann, A.-K. (unpublished Master thesis 2019): Spatial patterns of wildfire severity and vegetation in the Yokon-Kuskokwim-Delta, AlaskaSeite, 65.
  • Groll, M. (unpublished Master thesis 2019): Deep learning for Instance Segmentation of bomb craters on historical aerial images of the Second World WarSeite, 96.
  • Endara Pinillos, P. (unpublished Master thesis 2019): Flooding patterns and vegetation development in the Orinoco flooded savannas of ColombiaSeite, 55.
  • Reiter, M. (unpublished Master thesis 2019): Comparing Urban Green Spaces in German Cities Using Remote Sensing Data
  • Roersch, S. (unpublished Master thesis 2019): Development of a semi-automated method to measure solar potential
  • Roersch, S. (unpublished Master thesis 2019): Development of a semi-automated method to measure solar potentialSeite, 70.
  • Sauerbrey, J. (unpublished Master thesis 2018): Integration of SAR and Optical Satellite Imagery: Time-Series Analysis of Sentinel-1 and Sentinel-2 Imagery for Detection of Active Morphodynamics: A Case Study in the Atacama Desert, Chile.Seite, 96.
  • Löw, J. (2019): Interferometric and polarimetric signatures of agricultural crops using multi-temporal dual-polarimetric Sentinel-1 imagery: a case study in north-eastern GermanySeite, 81.
  • Salerno, C. (unpublished Master thesis 2019): Remote sensing assessment of projected sea level rise on land use and the urban coastal city of Cape Town, South AfricaSeite, 21.
  • Reiter, M. (unpublished Master thesis 2019): Comparing Urban Green Spaces in German Cities Using Remote Sensing DataSeite, 116.
  • Wiertz, K. (unpublished Master thesis 2019): Development of a semi-automatic remote sensing approach for change detection of forest structures in Bialowieza ForestSeite, 51.
  • Miah, J. (unpublished Master thesis 2019): Detecting and Assessing Ground Subsidence of Dhaka City, Bangladesh, Using Synthetic Aperture Radar Data of Sentinel-1Seite, 70.
  • Hendel, A.-L. (unpublished Master thesis 2018): Effects of rain-on-snow and basal ice on seasonal NDVI in High Arctic Svalbard: a multi-scale approachSeite, 50.
  • Saadallah, A. (unpublished Master thesis 2019): The Potential of Earth Observation for Monitoring Agricultural Lands in Egypt (1984-2017)Seite, 53.
  • Nolting, S. (unpublished Master thesis 2019): Risk Assessment for Flood Events based on Geo- and Socioeconomic Data - A Case Study for North-Rhine Westphalia, GermanySeite, 89.
  • Philipp, M. (unpublished Master thesis 2018): Potential of harmonic analysis using remote sensing data for studying the effects of climate change induced weather extreme events on forest ecosystemsSeite, 164.
2018[ to top ]
  • Schwalb-Willmann, J. (unpublished Master thesis 2018): A deep learning movement prediction framework for identifying anomalies in animal-environment interactions
  • Stiller, D. (unpublished Master thesis 2018): Analysing Spatio-temporal Patterns of Coastal Aquaculture Based on Three Decades of Satellite Data
2017[ to top ]
  • Biber, M. F. (unpublished Master thesis 2017): Can animal movement and remote sensing data help to improve conservation efforts? - A case study on plains and Grevy’s zebras
  • Karg, S. (unpublished Master thesis 2017): Burn scar detection using polarimetric ALOS-2 time-series data
  • Weiser, F. (unpublished Master thesis 2017): Assessing the forest response along treelines to an Epirrita autumnata outbreak in Abisko, using a combination of fieldwork and remote sensing
  • Staab, J. (unpublished Master thesis 2017): Applying Computer Vision of Monitoring Visitor NumbersSeite, 65.
  • Schulte to Bühne, H. (unpublished Master thesis 2017): Quantifying land cover change using remote sensing data in a transboundary protected areaSeite, 63.
  • von Uslar, J. (unpublished Master thesis 2017): Der Einfluss stratifizierter Sampling Mehtoden auf multi-temporale, objektbasierte Random-Forest KlassifikationSeite, 86.
  • Maier, P. J. M. (unpublished Master thesis 2017): Modellierung von Erntemengen für Hopfensorten in der Hallertau mittels Deep Learning Algorithmen auf Basis von Klima- und SatellitendatenSeite, 114.
  • Reinermann, S. (unpublished Master thesis 2017): Extreme Events in Europe between 2000 and 2017: Analysis of Vegetation Dynamics based on Earth Observation Times SeriesSeite, 49.
  • Binnig, J. (unpublished Master thesis 2017): Entwicklung eines räumlich-dynamischen Ansatzes zur fernerkundungsbasierten Modellierung der tatsächlichen Evatranspiration von Bewässerungsregionen im AralseebeckenSeite, 87.
2016[ to top ]
  • Premier, J. B. (unpublished Master thesis 2016): The Lynx Effect: Behaviour of Roe Deer in the Presence of Lynx in a European Forest Ecosystem
  • Ulloa Torrealba, Y. Z. (unpublished Master thesis 2016): Land change in the Main catchment with an Object Based approach using eCognition
  • Stephani, A. (unpublished Master thesis 2016): Impact of remote sensing characteristics for biodiversity monitoring - A case study of Southern Myanmar mangroves
  • Kuhn, J. (unpublished Master thesis 2016): Using very high resolution remote sensing imagery to assess crop diversity in the Fergana Valley, Uzbekistan
  • Bolkart, M. (unpublished Master thesis 2016): Mapping and Monitoring Locust Habitats in the Aral Sea Region based on Satellite Earth Observation Data
  • Schumann, B. (unpublished Master thesis 2016): Ermittlung der Baumkronendichte des Ober- und Unterstandes in heterogenen Wäldern Hilfe von multitemporalen LiDAR- Daten
2015[ to top ]
  • Beroya-Eitner, M. A. (unpublished Master thesis 2015): Flood Vulnerability Index for Delta Socio-Economical Systems: Application to the Mekong River Delta, Vietnam
  • Graf, W. (unpublished Master thesis 2015): Suitability of LiDAR and texture measures of aerial distribution of Glaucidium passerinum (pygmy owl) in Vercors, French Alps
  • Hill, S. (unpublished Master thesis 2015): Predicting the Forest Development after Natural Disturbance in the Bavarian Forest National Park using Airborne LiDAR
  • Duguru, M. (unpublished Master thesis 2015): Trends in Indices for Extreme Precipitation in Western Africa
  • Gnoyke, P. (unpublished Master thesis 2015): Large Land Acquisitions in East Africa. An examination of spatial dynamics through remote sensing
  • Lemoine-Rodríguez, R. (2015): Conurbaciones de la ciudad de Morelia, Michoacán, en el periodo 1970–2010 y su influencia en el sentido de pertenencia al lugar de sus habitantes
  • Asja, B. (unpublished Master thesis 2015): Mind the Gap: A Global Analysis of Grassland Fragmentation using MODIS Land Cover Data
  • Sieg, T. (unpublished Master thesis 2015): The potential of interferometric and polarimetric SAR data to characterize urban areas at the example of Mumbai and Manila
  • Broszeit, A. (unpublished Master thesis 2015): Assessing long-term inland water quality using satellite imagery: A feasibility and validation study of different lake types
  • Hess, A. (unpublished Master thesis 2015): Deforestation in Myanmar – what can we say about causes?
  • Rossi, M. (unpublished Master thesis 2015): Statistische Analyse von Standortfaktoren zur Erklärung phänologischer Zeitpunkte am Beispiel von Grünlandflächen im Alpenvorland
  • Vollmuth, M. (unpublished Master thesis 2015): Zusammenhänge der Schneedynamik und des Abflussverhaltens im Einzugsgebiet des Naryn - Statistische Betrachtungen und physiogeographische Erklärungen
  • Malec, S. S. (unpublished Master thesis 2015): Assessment of Soil erosion parameters in Costa Rica using reflectance hyperspectral and simulated EnMAP imagery
2014[ to top ]
  • Ziewers, K. (unpublished Master thesis 2014): Declining migratory avian species in the UK: a consequence of habitat quality alteration in western Africa?A case study using Remote Sensing Data
  • Baron, D. (unpublished Master thesis 2014): Analysis of MODIS time series data for characterization of hydrometeorological factors in relation to landslide activity in Southern Kyrgyzstan
  • Ortmann, A. (unpublished Master thesis 2014): Estimating land cover changes and current carbon stock in Tanzania in the context of REDD+
  • Sokol, V. (unpublished Master thesis 2014): Interaction between white stork migration patterns and urban environment in Germany
2013[ to top ]
  • Braun, D. (unpublished Master thesis 2013): Estimating the current and future human impact in Tanzania for wildlife corridor managementSeite, 77.
  • Panah, S. S. A. (unpublished Master thesis 2013): Relationship Between Land Surface Temperature and the Ratio of Urban area und Urban Parks - An Appplication for the City of Munich (Germany)
  • Wohlfart, C. (unpublished Master thesis 2013): Mapping tropical dry forest in South East Asia using a continuous cover approachSeite, 59.
  • Bell, A. (unpublished Master thesis 2013): Moving Forward Application of behaviour change pont analysis and species distribution models in conservation
  • Reichmuth, A. (unpublished Master thesis 2013): Detection of forest parameters using imaging spectroscopy
  • Kachelrieß, D. (unpublished Master thesis 2013): Analysis of the effectivity of Marine Protected Areas – a case study using Remote Sensing for the Chagos ArchipelagoSeite, 63.
  • Dambroz, C. S. (unpublished Master thesis 2013): Analysing forest fragmentation characteristics among continuous vegetation gradients in South AmericaSeite, 40.
  • Plum, C. (unpublished Master thesis 2012): The underuse of remote sensing in ecology and conservation: Quantifying technical and cultural constraints hindering a deeper rootage of remote sensing as a standard tool in biodiversity and conservation sciencesSeite, 132.
2012[ to top ]
  • Reise, J. (unpublished Master thesis 2012): Impact of model algorithm selection and remote sensing data selection on the analysis of species-habitat associations and the prediction of species distribution: A case study using camera trap data of dhole and leopard in CambodiaSeite, 55.
  • Früh, A. (unpublished Master thesis 2012): Historic changes in regional ecosystem service demand: The impact of settlement change on flood mitigation in the upper Main basin
2011[ to top ]
  • Simang, A. (unpublished Master thesis 2011): Influence of habitat and governance for landscape level conservation on Asian elephantsSeite, 73.
  • Edlinger, J. (unpublished Master thesis 2011): The Soviet heritage in the Aral Sea Basin: Monitoring the expansion and intensification of crop production in the Karshi irrigation district, Uzbekistan, between 1972 and 2009 using Landsat time seriesSeite, 55.
  • Knauer, K. (unpublished Master thesis 2011): Monitoring ecosystem health of Fynbos remnant vegetation in the City of Cape Town using remote sensing
2009[ to top ]
  • Zeidler, J. (unpublished Master thesis 2009): Field-based agricultural land-use classi cation and analysis in Khorezm, Uzbekistan for the years 2004 to 2007Seite, 30.

2020[ to top ]
  • Stumpf, L. (unpublished Master thesis 2020): Risikoanalyse des Radwegenetzes der Stadt Würzburg: Eine Fallstudie für den Stadtteil FrauenlandSeite, 45.
  • Wagner, L. (2020): Analysis of NDVI time series in irrigated areas in Burkina Faso
  • Rieser, J. (unpublished Master thesis 2020): Multi-temporal analysis of biological soil crusts and their activity in response to rainfall using optical remote sensing. A case study on the Lieberoser Heath, Brandenburg, Germany. (Bachelor thesis)Seite, 79.
2019[ to top ]
  • Wachter, J. (unpublished Master thesis 2019): Fernerkundungsbasierte Untersuchung der Auswirkungen eines Dammbruchs auf die Vegetation - eine Schadensanalyse am Beispiel Brumadinho, Brasilien mit Sentinel-2-Zeitreihen
  • Witt, M. (unpublished Master thesis 2019): Analyse der Sensitivität verschiedener fernerkundlicher Datensätze und Metoden zur Kartierung unterschiedlicher WaldveränderungSeite, 48.
2018[ to top ]
  • Weber, M. (unpublished Master thesis 2018): R{ä}umliche Vorhersage verschiedener Vogelarten mit Hilfe der Fernerkundung
  • Zehner, M. (unpublished Master thesis 2018): Detection of impervious soil area in multispectral remote sensing - a comparison
2017[ to top ]
  • Steiner, S. B. (unpublished Master thesis 2017): Sentinel-2 based Land Cover Inventory in Punjab, PakistanSeite, 64.
  • Philipp, M. (unpublished Master thesis 2017): Spectral and spatial resolution of remote sensing data and ist impat on classification processes. A case study of the Bavarian SteigerwaldSeite, 79.
  • Hammer, L. (unpublished Master thesis 2017): Erklärung räumlichen Verhaltens von Störchen mittles Fernekundung
  • Brandl, V. (unpublished Master thesis 2017): Evaluierung von Sentinel-3-Daten für die Zwecke der LandbedeckungsklassifikationSeite, 40.
  • Glaser, P. (unpublished Master thesis 2017): Random-Forest-Klassifikation agrarischer Landnutzungsflächen mithilfe von Sentinel-1-Daten am Beispiel östliches HarvorlandSeite, 45.
2016[ to top ]
  • Katz, E.-C. (unpublished Master thesis 2016): Untersuchung der Volumenschwankungen des Sarykamyschsee mit Hilfe fernerkundlicher Methoden
  • Baumann, M. (unpublished Master thesis 2016): Entwicklung der landwirtschaftlichen Nitratbelastung des bayerischen Mains vor dem Hintergrund der Europäischen Wasserrahmenrichtlinie
  • Groll, M. (unpublished Master thesis 2016): Verwendung eines PROSPECT Inversionsmodels zur Ableitung von Trockenmasse und Chlorophyllgehalt durch Spektrometermessungen auf Weizenfeldern
  • Lambrecht, L. (unpublished Master thesis 2016): Untersuchung und Besprechung der fernerkundlich erfassten Veränderung der Landnutzung in Nord-Ghana unter Berücksichtigung des NiederschlagsSeite, 43.
  • Griep, T. (unpublished Master thesis 2016): Charakterisierung von Einschlägen blindgegangener Fliegerbomben aus dem Zweiten Weltkrieg auf Grundlage historischer Luftbilder und verifizierter Bombenfunde des Bay. Innenministerium zur Anwendung in der KampfmittelvorerkundungSeite, 50.
  • Stelzner, T. (unpublished Master thesis 2016): Einfluss der Wasserverfügbarkeit auf Dynamik der Nutzungsintensität landwirtschaftlicher Flächen in zentralasiatischen BewässerungsgebietenSeite, 45.
  • Sostmann, H. (unpublished Master thesis 2016): Vergleich unterschiedlicher statistischer Verfahren zur Ableitung biophysikalischer Parameter aus RapidEye DatenSeite, 53.
  • Roersch, S. (unpublished Master thesis 2016): Urbane Entwicklung und Struktur im ländlichen Raum Usbekistans am Beispiel des Ferghanatals
  • Löw, J. (unpublished Master thesis 2015): Analyse der Bodenfeuchteentwicklung in zentralasiatischen Bewässerungssystemen anhand von CCI Soil Moisture- Zeitserien
2015[ to top ]
  • Staab, J. (unpublished Master thesis 2015): Remote Sensing based evaluation of settlement development of Abuja CitySeite, 54.
  • Wiesböck, S. (unpublished Master thesis 2015): Explaining variation in home range size of red deer (cervus elaphus) in the Bavarian Forest National Park using LiDAR derived metrics on forest structure and fractional cover
  • Holzapfel, J. (unpublished Master thesis 2015): Statistische Ableitung der Chlorophyllkonzentration auf Weizenfeldern des Kalibrations- und Validations-testfeldes DEMMIN mittels Fernerkundungsdaten und Feldmessungen
  • Freytag-Loringhoven, L. von. (unpublished Master thesis 2015): Untersuchung der Abhängigkeit der Vegetationsvitalität von der Topographie auf landwirtschaftlich genutzten Flächen in Nordwest Benin unter Erstellung einer semiautomatisierten Prozesskette
2014[ to top ]
  • Rudolph, A. (unpublished Master thesis 2014): Modeling species distribution in Kenya influenced by enviromental parameters using Random Forest algorithmSeite, 44.
  • Rudolph, A. (unpublished Master thesis 2014): Modeling species distribution in Kenya influenced by environmental parameters using Random Forest algorithmSeite, 50.
  • Weigand, M. (unpublished Master thesis 2014): Discrimination of formal and informal settlements based on multipolarized TSX imagery in the Megacity Mumbai, India
  • Reger, A. (unpublished Master thesis 2014): Weizenmärkte in Zentralasien und im Kaukasus – Warenkette, Handel und PerspektivenSeite, 65.