Themenvorschläge für Masterarbeiten
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Falls Interesse an einer MSc-Thesis im Kontext Biodiversität, Naturschutz und Fernerkundung besteht, bitte Dr. Martin Wegmann ansprechen.
Laufende Arbeiten
Masterstudiengang "EAGLE", Universität Würzburg
Masterstudiengang "Global Change Ecology", Universität Bayreuth
Abgeschlossene Arbeiten
2021[ to top ]
Characterization of individual urban trees using combinations of VHR remote sensing and auxiliary data. (2021):
Deep multi-task learning for building characterization with street-level imagery. (2021):
Analysing the relationship between urban morphology and economic subcenters. (2021):
Earth Observation for Exposome Mapping - Proof of Concept and Case Study in Augsburg, Germany. (2021):
Deforestation and forest fragmentation in Mato Grosso, Brazil. (2021):
Erfassung von Verkehrsaktivitätenmustern zur Ableitung von Verkehrsdichte und Emsissionsfaktoren. (2021):
2020[ to top ]
Development of a semi-analytical model for seagrass mapping using cloud-based computing and open sourced optical satellite-data. (2020):
Application of Remote Sensing Techniques to detect historical landslides for improving risk assessment in Antioquia, Colombia. (2020):
Comparison of Surface Urban Heat Islands Using the World Settlement Footprint Imperviousness Layer. (2020):
Mapping High-Resolution Spatio-Temporal Patterns of Snowmelt using Orthorectified Photo Cameras & Sentinel-1 Time Series Data. (2020):
The Water Use Efficiency Monitor in Central Asia (WUEMoCA) as a tool for supporting water management in the Aral Sea Basin. (2020):
Deep Learning Approach to Ship Detection and Classification Using Synthetic Aperture Radar Data. (2020):
Spatio-temporal Analysis of Urbanization caused by the New Silk Road. (2020):
Potential of the Firebird Mission for the Detection of Gas-flaring Activity. (2020):
Identification of anthropogenic debris assisted by unmanned aerial vehicles and deep learning. (2020):
Deriving Leaf Area Index and mowing dates for grasslands based on the radiative transfer model SLC and Sentinel 2 data. (2020):
Ableitung hyperspektraler Indices zur Bewertung von Trockenstress unter Verwendung von HySpeX Daten. (2020):
Assessing the Potential of a Land Cover Dependent Snow Cover Detection Algorithm for the Global SnowPack. (2020):
Agricultural landscape Configuration and Pattern Analysis with VHR Imagery in BavariaSeite, 88.. (unpublished Master thesis 2020):
Multi-Annual Flood Mapping using Multi-Sensor Satellite Data in the Iishana Sub-Basin (Namibia/Angola). (2020):
The potential of time-series data to improve fine scale mapping of land use in heterogeneous landscapes. (2020):
Detection of Cocoa Plantages in complex forest landscapes Cocoa mapping in West Africa. (2020):
2019[ to top ]
Comparing the performance of crop growth models using synthethic remote sensing data at DEMMIN, Germany. (unpublished Master thesis 2019):
Global Characterization of Vegetation Canopy Properties and Their Dynamics Using Microwave Radiometry.Seite, 40.. (unpublished Master thesis 2019):
Erfassung und Analyse der oberflächennahen Bodenfeuchte und deren Dynamik im agrarisch geprägten Süden Italiens mit fernerkundlichen Daten und Methodiken. (Master thesis), Julius-Maximilians-University Würzburg, GermanySeite, 120.. (2019):
Spatial patterns of wildfire severity and vegetation in the Yokon-Kuskokwim-Delta, AlaskaSeite, 65.. (unpublished Master thesis 2019):
Deep learning for Instance Segmentation of bomb craters on historical aerial images of the Second World WarSeite, 96.. (unpublished Master thesis 2019):
Flooding patterns and vegetation development in the Orinoco flooded savannas of ColombiaSeite, 55.. (unpublished Master thesis 2019):
Comparing Urban Green Spaces in German Cities Using Remote Sensing Data. (unpublished Master thesis 2019):
Development of a semi-automated method to measure solar potential. (unpublished Master thesis 2019):
Development of a semi-automated method to measure solar potentialSeite, 70.. (unpublished Master thesis 2019):
Integration of SAR and Optical Satellite Imagery: Time-Series Analysis of Sentinel-1 and Sentinel-2 Imagery for Detection of Active Morphodynamics: A Case Study in the Atacama Desert, Chile.Seite, 96.. (unpublished Master thesis 2018):
Interferometric and polarimetric signatures of agricultural crops using multi-temporal dual-polarimetric Sentinel-1 imagery: a case study in north-eastern GermanySeite, 81.. (2019):
Remote sensing assessment of projected sea level rise on land use and the urban coastal city of Cape Town, South AfricaSeite, 21.. (unpublished Master thesis 2019):
Comparing Urban Green Spaces in German Cities Using Remote Sensing DataSeite, 116.. (unpublished Master thesis 2019):
Development of a semi-automatic remote sensing approach for change detection of forest structures in Bialowieza ForestSeite, 51.. (unpublished Master thesis 2019):
Detecting and Assessing Ground Subsidence of Dhaka City, Bangladesh, Using Synthetic Aperture Radar Data of Sentinel-1Seite, 70.. (unpublished Master thesis 2019):
Effects of rain-on-snow and basal ice on seasonal NDVI in High Arctic Svalbard: a multi-scale approachSeite, 50.. (unpublished Master thesis 2018):
The Potential of Earth Observation for Monitoring Agricultural Lands in Egypt (1984-2017)Seite, 53.. (unpublished Master thesis 2019):
Risk Assessment for Flood Events based on Geo- and Socioeconomic Data - A Case Study for North-Rhine Westphalia, GermanySeite, 89.. (unpublished Master thesis 2019):
Potential of harmonic analysis using remote sensing data for studying the effects of climate change induced weather extreme events on forest ecosystemsSeite, 164.. (unpublished Master thesis 2018):
2018[ to top ]
A deep learning movement prediction framework for identifying anomalies in animal-environment interactions. (unpublished Master thesis 2018):
Analysing Spatio-temporal Patterns of Coastal Aquaculture Based on Three Decades of Satellite Data. (unpublished Master thesis 2018):
2017[ to top ]
Can animal movement and remote sensing data help to improve conservation efforts? - A case study on plains and Grevy’s zebras. (unpublished Master thesis 2017):
Burn scar detection using polarimetric ALOS-2 time-series data. (unpublished Master thesis 2017):
Assessing the forest response along treelines to an Epirrita autumnata outbreak in Abisko, using a combination of fieldwork and remote sensing. (unpublished Master thesis 2017):
Applying Computer Vision of Monitoring Visitor NumbersSeite, 65.. (unpublished Master thesis 2017):
Quantifying land cover change using remote sensing data in a transboundary protected areaSeite, 63.. (unpublished Master thesis 2017):
Der Einfluss stratifizierter Sampling Mehtoden auf multi-temporale, objektbasierte Random-Forest KlassifikationSeite, 86.. (unpublished Master thesis 2017):
Modellierung von Erntemengen für Hopfensorten in der Hallertau mittels Deep Learning Algorithmen auf Basis von Klima- und SatellitendatenSeite, 114.. (unpublished Master thesis 2017):
Extreme Events in Europe between 2000 and 2017: Analysis of Vegetation Dynamics based on Earth Observation Times SeriesSeite, 49.. (unpublished Master thesis 2017):
Entwicklung eines räumlich-dynamischen Ansatzes zur fernerkundungsbasierten Modellierung der tatsächlichen Evatranspiration von Bewässerungsregionen im AralseebeckenSeite, 87.. (unpublished Master thesis 2017):
2016[ to top ]
The Lynx Effect: Behaviour of Roe Deer in the Presence of Lynx in a European Forest Ecosystem. (unpublished Master thesis 2016):
Land change in the Main catchment with an Object Based approach using eCognition. (unpublished Master thesis 2016):
Impact of remote sensing characteristics for biodiversity monitoring - A case study of Southern Myanmar mangroves. (unpublished Master thesis 2016):
Using very high resolution remote sensing imagery to assess crop diversity in the Fergana Valley, Uzbekistan. (unpublished Master thesis 2016):
Mapping and Monitoring Locust Habitats in the Aral Sea Region based on Satellite Earth Observation Data. (unpublished Master thesis 2016):
Ermittlung der Baumkronendichte des Ober- und Unterstandes in heterogenen Wäldern Hilfe von multitemporalen LiDAR- Daten. (unpublished Master thesis 2016):
2015[ to top ]
Trends in Indices for Extreme Precipitation in Western Africa. (unpublished Master thesis 2015):
Predicting the Forest Development after Natural Disturbance in the Bavarian Forest National Park using Airborne LiDAR. (unpublished Master thesis 2015):
Suitability of LiDAR and texture measures of aerial distribution of Glaucidium passerinum (pygmy owl) in Vercors, French Alps. (unpublished Master thesis 2015):
Flood Vulnerability Index for Delta Socio-Economical Systems: Application to the Mekong River Delta, Vietnam. (unpublished Master thesis 2015):
Mind the Gap: A Global Analysis of Grassland Fragmentation using MODIS Land Cover Data. (unpublished Master thesis 2015):
Conurbaciones de la ciudad de Morelia, Michoacán, en el periodo 1970–2010 y su influencia en el sentido de pertenencia al lugar de sus habitantes. (2015):
Large Land Acquisitions in East Africa. An examination of spatial dynamics through remote sensing. (unpublished Master thesis 2015):
The potential of interferometric and polarimetric SAR data to characterize urban areas at the example of Mumbai and Manila. (unpublished Master thesis 2015):
Deforestation in Myanmar – what can we say about causes?. (unpublished Master thesis 2015):
Assessing long-term inland water quality using satellite imagery: A feasibility and validation study of different lake types. (unpublished Master thesis 2015):
Statistische Analyse von Standortfaktoren zur Erklärung phänologischer Zeitpunkte am Beispiel von Grünlandflächen im Alpenvorland. (unpublished Master thesis 2015):
Zusammenhänge der Schneedynamik und des Abflussverhaltens im Einzugsgebiet des Naryn - Statistische Betrachtungen und physiogeographische Erklärungen. (unpublished Master thesis 2015):
Assessment of Soil erosion parameters in Costa Rica using reflectance hyperspectral and simulated EnMAP imagery. (unpublished Master thesis 2015):
2014[ to top ]
Analysis of MODIS time series data for characterization of hydrometeorological factors in relation to landslide activity in Southern Kyrgyzstan. (unpublished Master thesis 2014):
Declining migratory avian species in the UK: a consequence of habitat quality alteration in western Africa?A case study using Remote Sensing Data. (unpublished Master thesis 2014):
Estimating land cover changes and current carbon stock in Tanzania in the context of REDD+. (unpublished Master thesis 2014):
Interaction between white stork migration patterns and urban environment in Germany. (unpublished Master thesis 2014):
2013[ to top ]
Estimating the current and future human impact in Tanzania for wildlife corridor managementSeite, 77.. (unpublished Master thesis 2013):
Relationship Between Land Surface Temperature and the Ratio of Urban area und Urban Parks - An Appplication for the City of Munich (Germany). (unpublished Master thesis 2013):
Mapping tropical dry forest in South East Asia using a continuous cover approachSeite, 59.. (unpublished Master thesis 2013):
Moving Forward Application of behaviour change pont analysis and species distribution models in conservation. (unpublished Master thesis 2013):
Detection of forest parameters using imaging spectroscopy. (unpublished Master thesis 2013):
Analysis of the effectivity of Marine Protected Areas – a case study using Remote Sensing for the Chagos ArchipelagoSeite, 63.. (unpublished Master thesis 2013):
Analysing forest fragmentation characteristics among continuous vegetation gradients in South AmericaSeite, 40.. (unpublished Master thesis 2013):
The underuse of remote sensing in ecology and conservation: Quantifying technical and cultural constraints hindering a deeper rootage of remote sensing as a standard tool in biodiversity and conservation sciencesSeite, 132.. (unpublished Master thesis 2012):
2012[ to top ]
Impact of model algorithm selection and remote sensing data selection on the analysis of species-habitat associations and the prediction of species distribution: A case study using camera trap data of dhole and leopard in CambodiaSeite, 55.. (unpublished Master thesis 2012):
Historic changes in regional ecosystem service demand: The impact of settlement change on flood mitigation in the upper Main basin. (unpublished Master thesis 2012):
2011[ to top ]
Influence of habitat and governance for landscape level conservation on Asian elephantsSeite, 73.. (unpublished Master thesis 2011):
The Soviet heritage in the Aral Sea Basin: Monitoring the expansion and intensification of crop production in the Karshi irrigation district, Uzbekistan, between 1972 and 2009 using Landsat time seriesSeite, 55.. (unpublished Master thesis 2011):
Monitoring ecosystem health of Fynbos remnant vegetation in the City of Cape Town using remote sensing. (unpublished Master thesis 2011):
2009[ to top ]
Field-based agricultural land-use classi cation and analysis in Khorezm, Uzbekistan for the years 2004 to 2007Seite, 30.. (unpublished Master thesis 2009):