Prof. Dr. Hannes Taubenböck

Lehrstuhlinhaber des
Lehrstuhl für Globale Urbanisierung und Fernerkundung
in Kooperation mit dem Deutschen Zentrum für Luft- und Raumfahrt e.V.
+49 (0)931 31 86778
+49 (0)8153 28-2480
- Erforschung globaler Urbanisierung:
- Flächen- und Bevölkerungswachstum
- Expansion von Siedlungsräumen in Naturlandschaften
- Urbane Strukturanalysen
- Kategorisierung von Stadttypen
- Erforschung informeller Siedlungsformen
- Slumexpansion und Strukturen urbaner Armut
- Flüchtlingslager
- Forschung zur Exposition und Vulnerabilität gegenüber Naturgefahren
- Klassifikation und Bewertung exponierter Assets wie Gebäude
- Forschung zur Exposition gegenüber Umweltveränderungen
- Urbane Hitzeinseln
- Luftqualität
- Lärm
- Forschung zu Migration
- Kombination fernerkundlicher Daten mit (sozialen) Medien
- Studien zu Tier-Umwelt Beziehungen
- Klassifikationsmethoden (regelbasiert/ML/KI) für fernerkundliche Daten
- Multi-modale Datenanalyse (Fernerkundung, (soziale) Medien, etc.)
- Geographische Analysen zu räumlichen Mustern
nach Vereinbarung
Seit Oktober 2022
Lehrstuhlinhaber des Lehrstuhl für Globale Urbanisierung und Fernerkundung an der Julius-Maximilians Universität Würzburg.
Seit 2009
Lehrveranstaltungen an der Julius-Maximilians Universität Würzburg.
2015 - 2019
Habilitation an der Julius-Maximilians Universität Würzburg ; Titel: Remote Sensing for the Analysis of Global Urbanization.
2005 - 2008
Promotion (Dr. rer. nat.) an der Julius-Maximilians Universität Würzburg; Titel:Vulnerabilitätsabschätzung der Megacity Istanbul mit Methoden der Fernerkundung.
1999 - 2004
Studium der Geographie mit den Nebenfächern Fernerkundung, Raumplanung und Geoinformatik (zusätzliches Nebenfach bis Vordiplom: Physik) an der Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München.
How do rural industrial sites impact migrant motives and the socio-economic conditions of local and migrant populations?. . In Scientific African, 27(e02546), p. 18. 2025.
Harmonized NDVI time-series from Landsat and Sentinel-2 reveal phenological patterns of diverse, small-scale cropping systems in East Africa. . In Remote Sensing Applications: Society and Environment, 35, p. 101230. 2024.
The voices of the displaced: Mobility and Twitter conversations of migrants of Ukraine in 2022. . In Information Processing & Management, 61(3), p. 103670. 2024.
Planned, unplanned, or in-between? A concept of the intensity of plannedness and its empirical relation to the built urban landscape across the globe. . In Landscape and Urban Planning, 233, p. 104711. 2023.
EU Cohesion Policy on the Ground: Analyzing Small-Scale Effects Using Satellite Data. . In Regional Science and Urban Economics. 2023.
In the tension between large-scale analysis and accuracy - Identifying and analysing intra-urban (sub-)centre structures comparing official 3D-building models and TanDEM-X nDSMs. . In Computers, Environment and Urban Systems, 102, p. 101953. 2023.
Spatial delineation of urban corridors in North America: An approach incorporating fuzziness based on multi-source geospatial data. . In Cities, 133, p. 104129. 2023.
Border regions across the globe: Analyzing border typologies, economic and political disparities, and development dynamics. . In Applied Geography, 151, p. 102866. 2023.
YOLO object detection models can locate and classify broad groups of flower-visiting arthropods in images. . In Nature Sci Rep, 13(16364). 2023.
Does urban growth mean the loss of greenness? A multi-temporal analysis for Chinese cities. . In Science of The Total Environment, 898, p. 166373. 2023.
Quantifying urban heat exposure at fine scale - modeling outdoor and indoor temperatures using citizen science and VHR remote sensing. . In Urban Climate, 49, p. 101522. 2023.
The Individual Walkable Neighborhood - Evaluating people-centered spatial units focusing on urban density. . In Computers, Environment and Urban Systems, 99, p. 101893. 2023.
Learning income levels and inequality from spatial and sociodemographic data in Germany. . In Applied Geography, 159, p. 103058. 2023.
A structural catalog of the settlement morphology in refugee and IDP camps. . In International Journal of Geographical Sciences., 37(6), pp. 1338–1364. 2023.
Greener cities cost more green: Examining the impacts of different urban expansion patterns on NPP. . In Building and Environment, 228, p. 109876. 2023.
Deep multitask learning with label interdependency distillation for multicriteria street-level image classification. . In ISPRS Journal of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing. 2023.
Litter on the streets - solid waste detection using VHR images. . In European Journal of Remote Sensing, 56(1). 2023.
The Unseen—An Investigative Analysis of Thematic and Spatial Coverage of News on the Ongoing Refugee Crisis in West Africa. . In ISPRS Int. J. Geo-Inf., 12. 2023.
Deep Neural Network Regression for Digital Surface Model Generation with Sentinel-2 Imagery. . In IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Applied Earth Observations and Remote Sensing. 2023.
Quantitative assessment and comparison of urban patterns in Germany and the United States. . In Computers, Environment and Urban Systems, 100, p. 101920. 2023.
Spatially-optimized urban greening for reduction of population exposure to land surface temperature extremes. . In Nature communications, 14(2903). 2023.
The UnseentextemdashAn Investigative Analysis of Thematic and Spatial Coverage of News on the Ongoing Refugee Crisis in West Africa. . In ISPRS International Journal of Geo-Information, 12(4), p. 175. MDPI AG, 2023.
Deep Neural Network Regression for Normalized Digital Surface Model Generation With Sentinel-2 Imagery. . In IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Applied Earth Observations and Remote Sensing, 16, pp. 8508–8519. 2023.
Selection of unlabeled source domains for domain adaptation in remote sensing. . In Array, 15, p. 100233. 2022.
Mapping of small water bodies with integrated spatial information for time series images of optical remote sensing. . In Journal of Hydrology, 614, p. 128580. 2022.
Intra-metropolitan Employment Concentration in the 21st Century: A comparative study of U.S. and German Metropolitan Areas. . In Journal of Urban Affairs. 2022.
2So2Sat POP – A Curated Benchmark Data Set for Population Estimation from Space on a Continental Scale. . In Nature Scientific Data., 9(715). 2022.
Time series enable the characterization of small-scale vegetation dynamics that influence fine-scale animal behavior – an example from white storks’ foraging behavior. . In Remote Sensing in Ecology and Conservation. 2022.
New paper published on Data-driven prediction of COVID-19 cases in Germany in the journal BMC Medical Research Methodology. . In BMC Medical Research Methodology., 22(116). 2022.
Benefits of Global Earth Observation Missions for Exposure Estimation and Earthquake Loss Modelling textendash Evidence from Santiago de Chile, Chile. . Research Square Platform LLC, 2022.
Housing forms of poverty in Europe - A categorization based on literature research and satellite imagery. . In Applied Geography, 149, p. 102820. 2022.
Dynamics of intra-urban employment geographies: A comparative study of U.S. and German metropolitan areas. . In Journal of Urban Affairs. 2022.
To be, or not to be ‘urban’? A multi-modal method for the differentiated measurement of the degree of urbanization. . In Computers, Environment and Urban Systems, 95, p. 101830. 2022.
Geo-Information Harvesting from Social Media Data. . 2022.
Estimating housing vacancy rates at block level: The example of Guiyang, China. . In Landscape and Urban Planning, 224, p. 104431. 2022.
Earth Observation and Artificial Intelligence: Understanding emerging ethical issues and opportunities. . IEEE - Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, 2022.
Empiric recommendations for population disaggregation under different data scenarios. . In PLOS ONE, 17(9), pp. 1–29. Public Library of Science, 2022.
Automated building characterization for seismic risk assessment using street-level imagery and deep learning. . In ISPRS Journal of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing, 180, pp. 370–386. 2021.
Which city is the greenest? A multi-dimensional deconstruction of city rankings. . In Computers, Environment and Urban Systems, 89, p. 101687. 2021.
Defining pathways to healthy sustainable urban development. . In Environment International, 146, p. 106236. 2021.
Inferring floor area ratio thresholds for the delineation of city centers based on cognitive perception. . In Environment and Planning B: Urban Analytics and City Science. Sage Publications, 2020.
Spatial and semantic effects of LUCAS samples on fully automated land use/land cover classification in high-resolution Sentinel-2 data. . In International Journal of Applied Earth Observation and Geoinformation, 88, p. 102065. 2020.
Spectral-Spatial Classification Integrating Band Selection for Hyperspectral Imagery With Severe Noise Bands. . In IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Applied Earth Observations and Remote Sensing, 13, pp. 1597–1609. 2020.
Satellite-Based Mapping of Urban Poverty With Transfer-Learned Slum Morphologies. . In IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Applied Earth Observations and Remote Sensing, 13, pp. 5251–5263. 2020.
Multistrategy ensemble regression for mapping of built-up density and height with Sentinel-2 data. . In ISPRS Journal of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing, 170, pp. 57–71. 2020.
Urbanization that hides in the dark – Spotting China’s “ghost neighborhoods” from space. . In Landscape and Urban Planning, 200, p. 103822. 2020.
Seven city types representing morphologic configurations of cities across the globe. . In Cities, 105, p. 102814. 2020.
Mapping Plastic Greenhouses Using Spectral Metrics Derived From GaoFen-2 Satellite Data. . In IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Applied Earth Observations and Remote Sensing, 13, pp. 49–59. 2020.
Continental-scale mapping and analysis of 3D building structure. . In Remote Sensing of Environment, 245, p. 111859. 2020.
The dynamics of poor urban areas - analyzing morphologic transformations across the globe using Earth observation data. . In Cities, 107, p. 102905. 2020.
Air Quality Monitoring and Data Management in Germany - Status Quo and Suggestions for Improvement. . 2020.
Mapping Plastic Greenhouses Using Spectral Metrics Derived From GaoFen-2 Satellite Data. . In IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Applied Earth Observations and Remote Sensing, (49-59). 2020.
Measuring the spatial hierarchical urban system in China in reference to the Central Place Theory. . In Habitat International, 105, p. 102264. 2020.
Analyzing Links between Spatio-Temporal Metrics of Built-Up Areas and Socio-Economic Indicators on a Semi-Global Scale. . Multidisciplinary Digital Publishing Institute, 2020.
Uncertainties of Human Perception in Visual Image Interpretation in Complex Urban Environments. . In IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Applied Earth Observations and Remote Sensing, 13, pp. 4229–4241. 2020.
Satellitendaten zur Erfassung gesundheitsrelevanter Umweltbedingungen: Beispiele und interdisziplinäre Potenziale. . Springer, 2020.
Misperceptions of Predominant Slum Locations? Spatial Analysis of Slum Locations in Terms of Topography Based on Earth Observation Data. . In Remote Sensing, 12(15), p. 2474. MDPI AG, 2020.
Satellitendaten zur Erfassung gesundheitsrelevanter Umweltbedingungen: Beispiele und interdisziplinäre Potenziale. . In Bundesgesundheitsblatt - Gesundheitsforschung - Gesundheitsschutz, 63(8), pp. 936–944. 2020.
Deriving urban mass concentrations using TanDEM-X and Sentinel-2 data for the assessment of morphological polycentricity. . In IEEE International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Sysposium 2020, pp. 4219–4222. 2020.
Modelling the impact of the urban spatial structure on the choice of residential location using ‘big earth data’ and machine learning. . In 2019 Joint Urban Remote Sensing Event (JURSE), pp. 1–4. 2019.
Has Dongying developed to a ghost city? - Evidence from multi-temporal population estimation based on VHR remote sensing and census counts. . In Computers, Environment and Urban Systems, 78, p. 101372. 2019.
A new ranking of the world’s largest cities—Do administrative units obscure morphological realities?. . In Remote Sensing of Environment, 232, p. 111353. 2019.
Patterns of Eastern European Urbanisation in the Mirror of Western Trends – Convergent, Unique or Hybrid?. . In Environment and Planning B: Urban Analytics and City Science., 46(7), pp. 1206–1225. 2019.
Urbanization between compactness and dispersion – Designing a spatial model for measuring 2D binary settlement landscape configurations. . In International Journal of Digital Earth, 12(6), pp. 679–698. 2019.
Understanding an urbanizing planet: Strategic directions for remote sensing. . In Remote Sensing of Environment, 228, pp. 164–182. 2019.
Sensitivity of slum size distributions as a function of spatial parameters for slum classification. . In 2019 Joint Urban Remote Sensing Event (JURSE), pp. 1–4. 2019.
How dynamic are slums? EO-based assessment of Kibera’s morphologic transformation. . In 2019 Joint Urban Remote Sensing Event (JURSE), pp. 1–4. 2019.
Slum Mapping in Imbalanced Remote Sensing Datasets Using Transfer Learned Deep Features. . In 2019 Joint Urban Remote Sensing Event (JURSE), pp. 1–4. 2019.
Size Distributions for Morphological Slums in Asia and South America. . In 2019 Joint Urban Remote Sensing Event (JURSE), pp. 1–4. 2019.
Patterns of Eastern European urbanisation in the mirror of Western trends textendash Convergent, unique or hybrid?. . In Environment and Planning B: Urban Analytics and City Science, 46(7), pp. 1206–1225. SAGE Publications, 2019.
Inferring floor area ratio thresholds for the delineation of city centers based on cognitive perception. . In Environment and Planning B: Urban Analytics and City Science, p. 239980831986934. SAGE Publications, 2019.
A transferable remote sensing approach to classify building structural types for seismic risk analyses: the case of Val d’Agri area (Italy). . In Bulletin of Earthquake Engineering, 17(9), pp. 4825–4853. 2019.
Are the Poor Digitally Left Behind? Indications of Urban Divides Based on Remote Sensing and Twitter Data. . In ISPRS International Journal of Geo-Information, 7(8), p. 304. MDPI AG, 2018.
Are We in Boswash Yet? A Multi-Source Geodata Approach to Spatially Delimit Urban Corridors. . In ISPRS International Journal of Geo-Information, 7(1), p. 15. MDPI AG, 2018.
The morphology of the Arrival City - A global categorization based on literature surveys and remotely sensed data. . In Applied Geography, 92, pp. 150–167. 2018.
Measuring morphological polycentricity - A comparative analysis of urban mass concentrations using remote sensing data. . In Computers, Environment and Urban Systems, 64, pp. 42–56. 2017.
New spatial dimensions of global cityscapes: From reviewing existing concepts to a conceptual spatial approach. . In Journal of Geographical Sciences, 26(3), pp. 355–380. 2016.
The Physical Density of the CitytextemdashDeconstruction of the Delusive Density Measure with Evidence from Two European Megacities. . In ISPRS International Journal of Geo-Information, 5(11), p. 206. MDPI AG, 2016.
A Global Inventory of Urban Corridors Based on Perceptions and Night-Time Light Imagery. . In ISPRS International Journal of Geo-Information, 5(12), p. 233. MDPI AG, 2016.
The spatial network of megaregions - Types of connectivity between cities based on settlement patterns derived from EO-data. . In Computers, Environment and Urban Systems, 54, pp. 165–180. 2015.
Wo beginnt die Stadt? Urbane Fernerkundung für stadtgeographische Forschung. . Netzwerk Stadt und Landschaft, 2015.
The physical face of slums: a structural comparison of slums in Mumbai, India, based on remotely sensed data. . In Journal of Housing and the Built Environment, 29(1), pp. 15–38. 2014.
New dimensions of urban landscapes: The spatio-temporal evolution from a polynuclei area to a mega-region based on remote sensing data. . In Applied Geography, 47, pp. 137–153. 2014.
Satellites: make data freely accessible. . In Nature, 498(37), p. 37. 2013.
Delineation of Central Business Districts in mega city regions using remotely sensed data. . In Remote Sensing of Environment, 136, pp. 386–401. 2013.
Monitoring urbanization in mega cities from space. . In Remote Sensing of Environment, 117, pp. 162–176. 2012.
Object-based feature extraction using high spatial resolution satellite data of urban areas. . In Journal of Spatial Science, 55(1), pp. 111–126. 2010.
Urbanization in India – Spatiotemporal analysis using remote sensing data. . In Computers, Environment and Urban Systems, 33(3), pp. 179–188. 2009.
Last-Mile preparation for a potential disaster – Interdisciplinary approach towards tsunami early warning and an evacuation information system for the coastal city of Padang, Indonesia. . In Natural Hazards and Earth System Sciences, 9(4), pp. 1509–1528. 2009.
A conceptual vulnerability and risk framework as outline to identify capabilities of remote sensing. . In Natural Hazards and Earth System Sciences, 8(3), pp. 409–420. 2008.
The capabilities of remote sensing to support disaster management: A case study of the district Üsküdar in Istanbul, Turkey. . In Turkish Journal of Disaster, 2(1). 2007.