Enzio Garayp
Doktorand Lehrstuhl für Geodynamik und Geomaterialforschung
E-Mail: enziogarayp@gmail.com
Institut für Geographie und Geologie
Am Hubland
97074 Würzburg
nach Vereinbarung
- Konglomerat-gebundene Goldvererzungen
- Orogene Goldvererzungen

The significance of post depositional alteration for the genesis of Witwatersrand-type gold based on the examples of the Jacobina and Moeda gold deposits in Brazil
The Witwatersrand goldfields in South Africa contain some of the largest gold deposits known on Earth and represent one of the main sources of the metal produced by modern gold mining industry. It is estimated that one third of the total gold ever mined was extracted from that part of the world. As a result, the economic geology of the Witwatersrand gold deposits has been the subject of extensive research in many institutions around the globe and became a well-established class of gold deposit known in the literature as the Witwatersrand-type gold deposits. Since the discovery in 1886 many other occurrences of the same category were recognized in different continents, e.g., the Fortescue Basin in Western Australia, Bababudan Group in India, Huronian Supergroup in Canada and the Jacobina and Moeda basins in Brazil (Frimmel 2014). The objective of the proposed study is to address, in a comparative way, the two Brazilian examples: the Jacobina and the Moeda gold deposits.
The Jacobina deposits are located near Jacobina Town in the Bahia State, northeast Brazil, whereas the Moeda deposits are located 2,000 km to the south, in the Minas Gerais State, southeast Brazil (Figure 1). The Jacobina deposits, with total estimated resources of 300 metric tons (t) of gold, are larger than the Moeda deposits and so far have been far more productive. Jacobina, currently operated by Yamana Gold Inc., produces approximately 4 t of gold per year. The total resources for Moeda have not been established, as it has not been fully explored. Jaguar Mining Inc., who mined the Moeda deposits continuously between 2008 and 2012, estimated around 70 t of gold around old colonial workings. The operation was halted in 2012 and placed in care and maintenance.
1997 - 1999: Zweijährige Ausbildung im Postgraduierendenprogramm "Krustenentwicklung und Mineralische Rohstoffe" an der Ouro Pedro Universität, Minas Gerais, Brasilien.
1977 - 1984: Studium der Geologie an der Federal University of Minas Gerais, Belo Horizonte, Basilien.
seit 03/2013: Brazil Resources Inc. - Berater des Vorstandes für technische Angelegenheiten
2011 - 2013: Vicenza Mineracao e Participacoes S.A. - Direktor der Explorationsabteilung
2010 - 2013: Brazil Resources Inc. - Generaldirektor und Vorstandsvorsitzender
2007 - 2010: Teck Resources Ltd. - Leiter der Landesvertretung, Brasilien
2004 - 2007: Kinross Gold Corporation - Explorationsmanager, Brasilien
2003 - 2004: Falconbridge Ltd. - Leitender Geologe für die Projektausarbeitung
2001 - 2003: Minmet PLC - Projektmanager
1999 - 2001: Solitario Resources Corporation - Leitender Geologe für Projektakquise
1998 - 1999: Gold Fields Ltd. - Leitender Geologe zur Projektausarbeitung
1995 - 1997: Docegeo (Explorationsabteilung Vale S.A.) - Projektmanager
1991 - 1995: Gencor Ltd. - Chefgeologe der Sao Bento Mine
1985 - 1991: Minas Novas P. L. Ltda. Anschutz Corporation - Projektgeologe
Gomes, C. J. S., Garayp, E. 1998. Kreisförmige Strukturen in physikalischen Sandmodellen. In: Geowissenschaftliches Lateinamerika-Kolloquium 16, 1998. Zusammenfassungen der Tagungsbeiträge. Bayreuth. Publisher: Selbstverlag Alfred-Wegener-Stiftung, Köln, series Terra nostra, Bonn, Germany.
DeWitt, E.; Landis, G.P.; Zartman, R.E.; Garayp, E.; Martins Pereira, S.L.; Prado, M.G.B.; Vieira, F.W.R.; Thorman, C.H. 1994. Isotopic and fluid inclusion data on the age and origin of the São Bento and Morro Velho Gold Deposits, Minas Gerais, Brazil. In: C.H. Thorman; D.E. Lane (eds.). United States Geol. Sur. Research on Mineral Deposits. Part A: Programs and Abstracts, 9th V.E. McKelvey Forum on Energy and Mineral Resources, 27-29 (Circular 1103-A).
Garayp, E. 1992. Paragenese do Vall Reef, Witwatersrand, Africa do Sul, e algumas indicações da fonte dos sedimentos. XXXI Semana de Estudos da Sociedade de Intercâmbio Cultural e Estudos Geológicos. Pub 22: 13-22, Ouro Preto University.
Garayp, E.; Minter, W.E.L.; Renger F.E.; Siegers A.; 1991 Moeda Placer gold deposits in the Ouro Fino Syncline, Quadrilatero Ferrifero, Brazil. In: Ladeira E. A. (Ed.) Proceedings of Brazil Gold ’91: the Economics, Geology, Geochemistry and Genesis of Gold Deposits pp 601-608, Balkema Amsterdam.