English Intern
Professur für Klimatologie

Gernot VOGT

Anstellung in der Arbeitsgruppe:
10/2009 - 11/2011

VOGT, Gernot (2014):
Future changes and signal analyses of climate means and extremes in the Mediterranean Area deduced from a CMIP3 multi-model ensemble 
(URN: urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-117369)
Gutachter: Univ.-Prof. Dr. Heiko Paeth, Univ.-Prof. Dr. Jucundus Jacobeit 
Prüfer: Univ.-Prof. Dr. Heiko Paeth, Univ.-Prof. Dr. Hartwig Frimmel

Wissenschaftliche Artikel

Paeth, H., Vogt, G., Paxian, A., Hertig, E., Seubert, S. and Jacobeit, J. (2017):
Quantifying the evidence of climate change in the light of uncertainty exemplified by the Mediterranean hot spot region.
[DOI] Global and Planetary Change, 151, 144–151.

Paxian, A., Hertig, E., Seubert, S., Vogt, G., Jacobeit, J. and Paeth, H. (2015):
Present-day and future mediterranean precipitation extremes assessed by different statistical approaches.
[DOI] Climate Dynamics, 44(3-4), 845–860.

Hertig, E., Seubert, S., Paxian, A., Vogt, G., Paeth, H. and Jacobeit, J. (2014):
Statistical modelling of extreme precipitation indices for the Mediterranean area under future climate change.
[DOI] International Journal of Climatology, 34(4), 1132–1156.

Paxian, A., Hertig, E., Vogt, G., Seubert, S., Jacobeit, J. and Paeth, H. (2014):
Greenhouse gas‐related predictability of regional climate model trends in the Mediterranean area.
[DOI] International Journal of Climatology, 34(7), 2293–2307.

Seubert, S., Fernández-Montes, S., Philipp, A., Hertig, E., Jacobeit, J., Vogt, G., Paxian, A. and Paeth, H. (2014):
Mediterranean climate extremes in synoptic downscaling assessments.
[DOI] Theoretical and Applied Climatology, 117(1-2), 257–275.

Hertig, E., Seubert, S., Paxian, A., Vogt, G., Paeth, H. and Jacobeit, J. (2013):
Changes of total versus extreme precipitation and dry periods until the end of the twenty-first century: statistical assessments for the Mediterranean area.
[DOI] Theoretical and Applied Climatology, 111(1-2), 1–20.

Hertig, E., Paxian, A., Vogt, G., Seubert, S., Paeth, H. and Jacobeit, J. (2012):
Statistical and dynamical downscaling assessments of precipitation extremes in the Mediterranean area.
[DOI] Meteorologische Zeitschrift, 21(1), 61–77.