Repräsentative Publikationen des Lehrstuhls
Hardaker, S. (2025): Platformizing structural policy instruments? Fostering (infrastructural) power in the context of Digital Free Trade Zones. Geoforum Vol. 160. DOI: Open access.
Landon, A., Rosol, M. (2025): Overcoming the local trap through inclusive and multi-scalar food systems. Local Environment, 1-21. DOI:
Repenning, A., Hardaker, S. (2024): The Platform Fix: Analyzing Mechanisms and Contradictions of How Digital Platforms Tackle Pending Urban-Economic Challenges. Journal of Economic Geography 25(5), 615-636. DOI:
Sambo, M. G., Bußler, P. (2024): Investment as Community Development? Business–Society Relations around Brazilian and Chinese Projects. In: Honke, J., Cezne, E., Yang, Y. (eds): Africa's Global Infrastructures: South - South Transformations in Practice. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 183-214. DOI:
Ecker, Y., López, T., Schlitz, N. (2023): Wichtiger denn je! - Ein Plädoyer für eine intensivere Auseinandersetzung mit Arbeit in der kritischen Stadtforschung. sub\urban. Zeitschrift für kritische Stadtforschung 11(1/2), 265-281. DOI: Open Acess.
López, T. (2023): Labour Control and Union Agency in Global Production Networks: A Case Study of the Bangalore Export-garment Cluster. Springer Economic Geography Series. Cham: Springer Nature. DOI: Open Acess.
Neise, T., López, T., Angga Reksa, F. A. (2023): Rethinking labour risk in global production networks: Resilience strategies of cruise ship workers in the wake of the COVID-19 pandemic. Geoforum 145: 103842. DOI:
Hardaker, S. (2022): More than infrastructure providers - digital platforms' role and power in retail digitalization initiatives in Germany. Tijdschrift voor economische en sociale geografie 113(3), 310-328. DOI: Open Access.
Hardaker, S., Appel, A., Rauch, S. (2022): Reconsidering retailers’ resilience and the city: A mixed method case study. Cities 128: 103796. DOI: Open Access.
Rosol, M., Blue, G. (2022): From the smart city to urban justice in a digital age. City. Analysis of Urban Change, Theory, Action 26(4), 684-705. DOI: Open access.
López, T., Riedler, T., Köhnen, H., Fütterer, M. (2021): Digital value chain restructuring and labour process transformations in the fast‐fashion sector: Evidence from the value chains of Zara & H&M. Global Networks 22(4), 684-700. DOI: Open Access.
Rosol, M., Barbosa, JR., R. (2021): Moving beyond direct marketing with new mediated models: evolution of or departure from alternative food networks? Agriculture and Human Values 38(4), 1021-1039 (full-text view-only version here). DOI:
Hardaker, S. (2020): Embedded enclaves? Initial implications of the development of special economic zones in Myanmar. The European Journal of Development Research 32, 404-430. DOI:
Rosol, M. (2020): On the Significance of Alternative Economic Practices – Reconceptualizing Alterity in Alternative Food Networks. Economic Geography 96(1), 52–76. DOI:
Rosol, M., Béal, V., Moessner, S. (2017): Greenest cities? The (post-)politics of new environmental regimes. Environment and Planning A 49(8), 1710–1718. DOI:
Rosol, M. (2012): Community volunteering as a neo-liberal strategy? The case of green space production in Berlin. Antipode 44(1), 239-257. DOI: