Dr. Hooman Latifi

Anstellung am Lehrstuhl:
06/2012 - 01/2018
Forschungsprojekte am Lehrstuhl:
Leitung Themenbereich "Angewandte Umweltmodellierung und Waldinventur"
Publikationen am Lehrstuhl
(wird an dieser Stelle nicht weiter gepflegt)
- Latifi, H. (2016) Remote sensing-assisted monitoring of bark beetle-induced tree mortality, Comprehensive monitoring of stand dynamics in Bialowieza forest supported with remote sensing, Bialowieza, Poland.
Hill, S., Latifi, H., Heurich, M., and Müller, J. (2016) LiDAR-gestützte Erfassung von einzelbaum- und bestandsbasierter Waldentwicklung nach natürlichen Störungsprozessen. In FowiTa - Forstwirtschaftliche Tagung, p 123, Freiburg in Breisgau.
Latifi, H., Fassnacht, F., Hartig, F., Berger, C., Hernandez, J., Corvalan, P., and Koch, B. (2015) Does a post-stratification of ground units improve the forest biomass estimation by remote sensing data? In The 36th International Symposium on Remote Sensing of Environment.
Latifi, H., Heurich, M., Hartig, F., Müller, J., Krzystek, P., H, J., and Dech, S. (2015) Crown density of over- and understory in mixed forest stands as explained by airborne LiDAR metrics, The 36th International Symposium on Remote Sensing of Environment.
Latifi, H., Schumann, B., Fassnacht, F. E., and Dech, S. (2014) Dead stands from the space: multi-date imagery to map bark beetle binfestations. In Proceedings of ForestSAT, pp 4-7, Riva del Garda, Italy.
Latifi, H., Gaub, V., Heurich, M., Krzystek, P., Müller, J., and Dech, S. (2014) A naive Bayes model to describe natural forest ground vegetation by waveform LiDAR metrics. In Proceedings of GfÖ – Annual Meeting, Hildesheim.
Latifi, H. (2014) From 3D point cloud to the stand: Experiences on small-scale inventory of forest structure by airborne remote sensing. In Proceedings of the International Workshop 3D Vegetation Mapping using Advanced Remote Sensing, St. Oswald.
Fassnacht, F. E., Hartig, F., Latifi, H., Berger, C., Hernandez, J., Corvalon, P., and Koch, B. (2013) Combination of EO1-Hyperion and LiDAR data to estimate biomass in a highly complex second growth native forest in central Chile. In Latin American Remote Sensing week (LARS2013). 23-25 October 2013, Santiago de Chile, Chile.
Fassnacht, F. E., Hartig, F., Latifi, H., Berger, C., Hernández, J., Corvalán, P., and Koch, B. (2013) Combination of EO1-Hyperion and LiDAR data to estimate biomass in a highly complex second growth native forest in central Chile. In Latin American Remote Sensing week (LARS2013). 23-25 October 2013, Santiago de Chile, Chile.
Latifi, H., and Koch, B. (2011) Generalized spatial models of forest structure using airborne multispectral and laser scanner data. In Proceedings of ISPRS Workshop: High resolution earth imaging for geospatial information,, Hannover, Germany.
Latifi, H., Nothdurft, A., Straub, C., and Koch, B. (2010) Optical/LiDAR feature search for nonparametric prediction of stratified forest attributes using an improved genetic procedure. In International Conference on LiDAR Applications for Assessing Forest Ecosystems (Silvilaser) 2010, 4.-17. September 2010, Freiburg.
Latifi, H., Nothdurft, A., and Koch, B. (2010) Using optical data and small footprint LiDAR for plot-level estimation of forest biomass in a central European landscape. In nternational Union of Forest Research Organisations (IUFRO) world congress, 23-27 August 2010, Seoul- Südkorea (Oral presentation). Abstracts in: International Forestry Reviews 12(5): 333.
Latifi, H., Nothdurft, A., Straub, C., and Koch, B. (2010) Die Anwendung der optischen und LiDAR Merkmale für nicht-parametrische Modellierung der Waldstrukturattribute: Die Bedeutung eines geeigneten Variablenauswahlverfahrens. In Forstwissenschaftliche Tagung 2010: "Forstwissenschaften: Grundlage nachhaltiger Waldbewirtschaftung". 22.-24. September 2010. Georg-August Universität Göttingen.
Latifi, H., Fahimi, M., and Mozaffari, D. (2008) On the necessity and application of building a GIS-based data bank for Environmental Impact Assessments (case study: Lorestan and Ilam provinces). In Proceedings of the 2nd Regional Congress on Advances in Agriculture and Natural Resources Research. University of Kurdistan, Sanandaj-Iran.
Adeli, K., Latifi, H., and Oladi, D. (2006) Investigating Landsat ETM+ Data Potential for Forest Type Mapping in Southern Zagros- Iran. In Proceedings of National Geomatics Conference, Teheran, Iran.
Latifi, H., Oladi, D. S., and Jalilvand, H. (2005) Evaluating ETM+ Data to Produce Forest-Shrub land-Range maps in Neka- Zalemroud region, Northern Iran. In 2005 International Symposium on Remote Sensing (ISRS), Korean Society of Remote Sensing (KSRS), 12-14. Oktober 2005 Jeju-Südkorea.
- Latifi, H., Dahms, T., Beudert, B., Heurich, M., Kübert, C., and Dech, S. (2018) Synthetic RapidEye data used for the detection of area-based spruce tree mortality induced by bark beetles, GIScience & Remote Sensing 55, 839-859.
Latifi, H., Hill, S., Schumann, B., Heurich, M., and Dech, S. (2017) Multi-model estimation of understorey shrub, herb and moss cover in temperate forest stands by laser scanner data, Forestry.
Hill, S., Latifi, H., Heurich, M., and Müller, J. (2017) Individual-tree- and stand-based development following natural disturbance in a heterogeneously structured forest: A LiDAR-based approach, Ecological Informatics 38, 12 - 25.
Khare, S., Latifi, H., and Ghosh, S. K. (2017) Multi-scale assessment of invasive plant species diversity using Pléiades 1A, RapidEye and Landsat-8 data, Geocarto International 1-18.
Wang, Z., Skidmore, A. K., Wang, T., Darvishzadeh, R., Heiden, U., Heurich, M., Latifi, H., and Hearne, J. (2017) Canopy foliar nitrogen retrieved from airborne hyperspectral imagery by correcting for canopy structure effects, International Journal of Applied Earth Observation and Geoinformation 54, 84 - 94.
Fassnacht, F. E., Mangold, D., Schäfer, J., Immitzer, M., Kattenborn, T., Koch, B., and Latifi, H. (2017) Estimating stand density, biomass and tree species from very high resolution stereo-imagery textendash towards an all-in-one sensor for forestry applications?, Forestry: An International Journal of Forest Research, Oxford University Press (OUP) 1-19.
Khare, S., Ghosh, S. K., Latifi, H., Vijay, S., and Dahms, T. (2017) Seasonal-based analysis of vegetation response to environmental variables in the mountainous forests of Western Himalaya using Landsat 8 data, International Journal of Remote Sensing 38, 4418-4442.
Karami, O., Fallah, A., Shataee, S., and Latifi, H. (2017) Investigation on the feasibility of mapping of oak forest dieback severity using Worldview-2 satellite data (Case study: Ilam forests), Iranian Journal of Forest and Poplar Research 25, 452-462.
Aryal, R. R., Latifi, H., Heurich, M., and Hahn, M. (2017) Impact of Slope, Aspect, and Habitat-Type on LiDAR-Derived Digital Terrain Models in a Near Natural, Heterogeneous Temperate Forest, PFG - Journal of Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Geoinformation Science.
Latifi, H., and Koch, B. (2017) Editorial for the Special Issue "Remote Sensing-assisted forest inventory", Journal of Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Geoinformation Science 85, 211-212.
Fassnacht, F. E., Latifi, H., Stereńczak, K., Modzelewska, A., Lefsky, M., Waser, L. T., Straub, C., and Ghosh, A. (2016) Review of studies on tree species classification from remotely sensed data, Remote Sensing of Environment 186, 64 - 87.
Khare, S., Latifi, H., and Ghosh, K. (2016) Phenology Analysis of Forest Vegetation to Environmental Variables during pre-and Post-Monsoon Seasons in Western Himalayan Region of India, Int. Arch. Photogramm. Remote Sens. Spatial Inf. Sci., Copernicus GmbH XLI-B2, 15-19.
Latifi, H., Heurich, M., Hartig, F., Müller, J., Krzystek, P., Jehl, H., and Dech, S. (2016) Estimating over- and understorey canopy density of temperate mixed stands by airborne LiDAR data, Forestry 89, 69-81.
Heurich, M., Krzystek, P., Polakowski, F., Latifi, H., Krauss, A., and Müller, J. (2015) Erste Waldinventur auf Basis von Lidardaten und digitalen Luftbildern im Nationalpark Bayerischer Wald, Forstliche Forschungsberichte München 2015, 101-103.
Latifi, H., Fassnacht, F. E., Müller, J., Tharani, A., Dech, S., and Heurich, M. (2015) Forest inventories by LiDAR data: A comparison of single tree segmentation and metric-based methods for inventories of a heterogeneous temperate forest, International Journal of Applied Earth Observation and Geoinformation 162-174.
Latifi, H., Fassnacht, F. E., Hartig, F., Berger, C., Hernández, J., Corvalán, P., and Koch, B. (2015) Stratified aboveground forest biomass estimation by remote sensing data, International Journal of Applied Earth Observation and Geoinformation 38, 229 - 241.
Wegmann, M., Santini, L., Leutner, B., Safi, K., Rocchini, D., Bevanda, M., Latifi, H., Dech, S., and Rondinini, C. (2014) Role of African protected areas in maintaining connectivity for large mammals, Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences 369.
Latifi, H., Schumann, B., Kautz, M., and Dech, S. (2014) Spatial characterization of bark beetle infestations by a multi-date synergy of SPOT and Landsat imagery, Environmental Monitoring and Assessment 186, 441-456.
Latifi, H., Fassnacht, F. E., Schumann, B., and Dech, S. (2014) Object-based extraction of bark beetle (Ips typographus L.) infestations using multi-date Landsat and SPOT satellite imagery, Progress in Physical Geography 1–31.
Fassnacht, F. E., Hartig, F., Latifi, H., Berger, C., Hernández, J., Corvalán, P., and Koch, B. (2014) Importance of sample size, data type and prediction method for remote sensing-based estimations of aboveground forest biomass, Remote Sensing of Environment 154, 102-114.
Naghavi, H., Fallah, A., Shataee, S., Latifi, H., Soosani, J., Ramezani, H., and Conrad, C. (2014) Canopy cover estimation across semi-Mediterranean woodlands: application of high-resolution earth observation data, Journal of Applied Remote Sensing 8, 083524.
Fassnacht, F. E., Latifi, H., Ghosh, A., Joshi, P. K., and Koch, B. (2014) Assessing the potential of hyperspectral imagery to map bark beetle-induced tree mortality, Remote Sensing of the Environment 140, 533-548.
Fassnacht, F. E., Latifi, H., and Koch, B. (2012) An angular vegetation index for imaging spectroscopy data. Preliminary results on forest damage detection in the Bavarian National Park, Germany, International Journal of Applied Earth Observation and Geoinformation 19, 308 - 321.
Latifi, H., Nothdurft, A., Straub, C., and Koch, B. (2012) Modelling stratified forest attributes using Optical/LiDAR features in a central European landscape, International Journal of Digital Earth 5(2), 106-132.
Latifi, H., and Koch, B. (2012) Evaluation of most similar neighbour and random forest methods for imputing forest inventory variables using data from target and auxiliary stands, International Journal of Remote Sensing 33 (21), 6668-6694.
Latifi, H., Fassnacht, F., and Koch, B. (2012) Forest structure modeling with combined airborne hyperspectral and LiDAR data, Remote Sensing of Environment 121, 10--25.
Latifi, H., and Galos, B. (2010) Remote sensing-supported vegetation parameters for regional climate models: a brief review, iForest - Biogeosciences and Forestry 98-101.
Latifi, H., Nothdurft, A., and Koch, B. (2010) Non-parametric prediction and mapping of standing timber volume and biomass in a temperate forest: application of multiple optical/LiDAR-derived predictors, Forestry 83, 395--407.
Sohrabi Saraj, B., Yachkaschi, A., Oladi, D., Fard Teimouri, S., and H, L. (2009) The recreational valuation of a natural forest park using travel cost method in Iran, iForest - Biogeosciences and Forestry 85-92.
Fadaei, F., Fallah, A., Latifi, H., and Mohammadi, K. (2008) Determining the best form factor formula for Loblolly Pine (Pinus taeda L.) plantations at the age of 18, in Guilan-northern Iran, Caspian Journal of Environmental Sciences 6, 19--24.
Latifi, H., Oladi, D., Saroei, S., and Jalilvand, H. (2007) An Evaluation of ETM+ Data Capability to Provide "Forest- Shrubland- Range" Map. A Case Study of Neka-Zalemroud, Mazandaran- Iran), Journal of Science and Technology of Agriculture and Natural Resources 11(2), 439-447.
Latifi, H., and Adeli, K. (2006) Forest type mapping using Landsat ETM+ data in southern Zagros, Naghsheh Bardari (Surveying) 83, 31-35.
Latifi, H., and Oladi, D. (2006) Evaluating Landsat ETM+ Data Capability to Produce Forest Cover type Maps in the Timberline of Northern Forests of Iran, Taiwan Journal of Forest Science 21(3), 363-375.
Latifi, H., and Oladi, D. S. (2005) An Introduction to Multi Sensor Data Fusion Techniques and the Application in Satellite Image Analysis., Jangal & Martaa (Forests and Rangelands) 68& 69, 26-31.
- Latifi, H. (2016) Remote sensing-assisted monitoring of bark beetle-induced tree mortality, Comprehensive monitoring of stand dynamics in Bialowieza forest supported with remote sensing, Bialowieza, Poland.
Hill, S., Latifi, H., Heurich, M., and Müller, J. (2016) LiDAR-gestützte Erfassung von einzelbaum- und bestandsbasierter Waldentwicklung nach natürlichen Störungsprozessen. In FowiTa - Forstwirtschaftliche Tagung, p 123, Freiburg in Breisgau.
Latifi, H., Fassnacht, F., Hartig, F., Berger, C., Hernandez, J., Corvalan, P., and Koch, B. (2015) Does a post-stratification of ground units improve the forest biomass estimation by remote sensing data? In The 36th International Symposium on Remote Sensing of Environment.
Latifi, H., Heurich, M., Hartig, F., Müller, J., Krzystek, P., H, J., and Dech, S. (2015) Crown density of over- and understory in mixed forest stands as explained by airborne LiDAR metrics, The 36th International Symposium on Remote Sensing of Environment.
Latifi, H., Schumann, B., Fassnacht, F. E., and Dech, S. (2014) Dead stands from the space: multi-date imagery to map bark beetle binfestations. In Proceedings of ForestSAT, pp 4-7, Riva del Garda, Italy.
Latifi, H., Gaub, V., Heurich, M., Krzystek, P., Müller, J., and Dech, S. (2014) A naive Bayes model to describe natural forest ground vegetation by waveform LiDAR metrics. In Proceedings of GfÖ – Annual Meeting, Hildesheim.
Latifi, H. (2014) From 3D point cloud to the stand: Experiences on small-scale inventory of forest structure by airborne remote sensing. In Proceedings of the International Workshop 3D Vegetation Mapping using advanced Remote Sensing, St. Oswald.
Fassnacht, F. E., Hartig, F., Latifi, H., Berger, C., Hernandez, J., Corvalon, P., and Koch, B. (2013) Combination of EO1-Hyperion and LiDAR data to estimate biomass in a highly complex second growth native forest in central Chile. In Latin American Remote Sensing week (LARS2013). 23-25 October 2013, Santiago de Chile, Chile.
Fassnacht, F. E., Hartig, F., Latifi, H., Berger, C., Hernández, J., Corvalán, P., and Koch, B. (2013) Combination of EO1-Hyperion and LiDAR data to estimate biomass in a highly complex second growth native forest in central Chile. In Latin American Remote Sensing week (LARS2013). 23-25 October 2013, Santiago de Chile, Chile.
Latifi, H., and Koch, B. (2011) Generalized spatial models of forest structure using airborne multispectral and laser scanner data. In Proceedings of ISPRS Workshop: High resolution earth imaging for geospatial information,, Hannover, Germany.
Latifi, H., Nothdurft, A., Straub, C., and Koch, B. (2010) Optical/LiDAR feature search for nonparametric prediction of stratified forest attributes using an improved genetic procedure. In International Conference on LiDAR Applications for Assessing Forest Ecosystems (Silvilaser) 2010, 4.-17. September 2010, Freiburg.
Latifi, H., Nothdurft, A., and Koch, B. (2010) Using optical data and small footprint LiDAR for plot-level estimation of forest biomass in a central European landscape. In nternational Union of Forest Research Organisations (IUFRO) world congress, 23-27 August 2010, Seoul- Südkorea (Oral presentation). Abstracts in: International Forestry Reviews 12(5): 333.
Latifi, H., Nothdurft, A., Straub, C., and Koch, B. (2010) Die Anwendung der optischen und LiDAR Merkmale für nicht-parametrische Modellierung der Waldstrukturattribute: Die Bedeutung eines geeigneten Variablenauswahlverfahrens. In Forstwissenschaftliche Tagung 2010: "Forstwissenschaften: Grundlage nachhaltiger Waldbewirtschaftung". 22.-24. September 2010. Georg-August Universität Göttingen.
Latifi, H., Fahimi, M., and Mozaffari, D. (2008) On the necessity and application of building a GIS-based data bank for Environmental Impact Assessments (case study: Lorestan and Ilam provinces). In Proceedings of the 2nd Regional Congress on Advances in Agriculture and Natural Resources Research. University of Kurdistan, Sanandaj-Iran.
Adeli, K., Latifi, H., and Oladi, D. (2006) Investigating Landsat ETM+ Data Potential for Forest Type Mapping in Southern Zagros- Iran. In Proceedings of National Geomatics Conference, Teheran, Iran.
Latifi, H., Oladi, D. S., and Jalilvand, H. (2005) Evaluating ETM+ Data to Produce Forest-Shrub land-Range maps in Neka- Zalemroud region, Northern Iran. In 2005 International Symposium on Remote Sensing (ISRS), Korean Society of Remote Sensing (KSRS), 12-14. Oktober 2005 Jeju-Südkorea.